《The Vampire's Kismet》The Purple Pearl Theatre, Part 1


I stare at the lineup of cars on either side of the bus, as a great number of them honk their horns almost in unison, frustrated with the abrupt halt of traffic.

John runs his hands along the sides of the steering wheel, sighing.

John: "Aah, this traffic is insane…. I wonder what the hold up is…. At least I'll have a real excuse for Syd, as for why we'll be late for our next job again….. I told him already, schedules are useless in this profession!"

I sit in one of the back rows of the bus, squished in besides Justice and Dot, who is wedged between me and Zora. I know that despite how uncomfortable it is, I can’t exactly complain about the seating arrangement when all of us trainees must travel in the same lousy vehicle…

Dot: "Wait…. So, explain it to me again. You and Justice saw some strange people….and then, out of nowhere, this weird punk was waving a gun in your face?"

Luke: "Ugh…. I already told you…. Me and Justice were walking around the chapel grounds, keeping an eye on things like John told us to, and all of a sudden these sketchy people showed up. There was a vampire with them…. I'm confused too, okay…. I tried to say something, but Justice was…"

I look at the side of Justice’s face as his blank stare stays on the seat in front of him, unmoving. He’s been quiet the entire drive, so far.

Luke: "And then…. Then there was a gun…. I panicked. I tried to find you or John, but the wedding, and the flowers, and all that confetti…. It was so disorienting…."

Zora: "Awe, that's too bad…. You could've made a real hero out of yourself. I would've just knocked the gun right outta the guy's hand. Whapow! And then, nobody would see me as a coward. No way!"

Luke: "Hah…. Thanks Zora, I think…. I'll keep your advice handy for next time…."

Dot: "But Luke, I don't understand. I was there too, and John surveyed the area after the wedding…. There was no one there. No one with a gun, for sure…."

Luke: "Aah, I don't know! I was an idiot for running away like that…."

Justice jabs his elbow deep into my side and the seatbelt buckle digs into my belly.

Justice: "Humph! Coward!"

Luke: "Ouch! Justice! What's wrong with you? You've changed since yesterday…."

Justice: "Hmmmgh…."

Justice crosses his arms over his chest and looks away.

Luke: "I'm the one who should be elbowing you!... May I remind you that you were equally as much of a coward back there?!..."

John’s crimson eyes make contact with us from the front of the bus as he raises them in the rearview mirror.

John: “Stop! Stop it! No more bickering for now, okay?... Now, everyone…. Listen up, alright?”

Link: “Just keep your eyes on the road, man….”

Link kicks at the back of John’s seat with one clunking combat boot. Link melts down where he sits, slumping back in his seat and shifting left and right, as if he is frustrated with the seatbelt.

John: “Huh…. Okay, okay…. Now, as I was saying…. You all need to listen up. I’ve got something important to tell you.”

Dot: “We’ll listen now, John. We will!”

John: “Ah yes, wonderful! Well then, I should start by telling you all that VLAD has entrusted us with our next big job! They’ve given us the coordinates to the location of suspected criminal activity…. Yes, it is very suspicious….”


John wrinkles his forehead with the dramatic raising of his elongated eyebrows in the rearview mirror. He emphasizes this action especially on the word ‘suspicious’. I wonder why John chooses to behave this way when explaining a new mission to us. Does he think he’s achieving some sort of actor’s theatrical style?…. Or is he so socially inept that he thinks this bizarre vague-speak is actually entertaining to us?

John: "... Anyway, we're headed to The Purple Pearl Theatre."

Link: "Hah?! You mean we're going to that swank place in the downtown eastside? Dammit, I hate that joint! I was looking for places to jam a while ago, and those self entitled fools thought they were too good for me!... That's right, they pretty much told me to my face that my guitar skills are trash, those rich scumbags!"

Link's chest levitates and then drops at quick intervals, and his enraged breath makes growling noises as he huffs away in his seat.

John: "...Ahh well, you can't please everyone…. But yes, The Purple Pearl Theatre has been housing some concerning occurrences for a number of weeks now….."

John eyes us once again in the rearview mirror, shadows flashing across his face.

John: "You see, the audience of many of the theatre's musical performances have left the venue strangely….missing their valuables. After the show, the audience would leave, satisfied by the performance, but missing their wallets and any valuable items they carried with them on their person…. We're talking shiny gold watches and glittering, jewel encrusted adornments…. All of it, stolen without traceable evidence…. It really is a grave problem…."

John seems to be searching for a reaction from us, but no one gives in. Perhaps everyone feels better saving the questions for whenever we finally get to the theatre.

The slow traffic turns what would've been a twenty minute trip into an hour long one. John suggests we start singing songs to pass the time, but the idea is rejected outright… Yet still, without joyful songs to entertain us, the rest of the drive to the eastern sector of the downtown is endured without any further issues.

John weaves the bus through the rows of honking cars, until he manages to pull over to the curbside. Link and Roman shove each other as they both attempt exiting the bus at the same time. This scuffle of theirs stalls us an extra five minutes before the whole group is lined up on the sidewalk.

Dot: "Uh…. John, is it really a good idea to park the bus on the side of the road like that?... I mean, won't you stop more traffic this way?..."

John: "Huh?... Ah, don't worry about it, Dot…. We have urgent business here, I'm sure people will be understanding enough to drive around a little bus….."

John hooks his fingers in his pockets and looks at the bus parked behind him. It blocks almost half of the lane, as it really isn't a "little bus" at all…. John's questionable driving skills resulted with him parking on a slight angle, so one wheel is swerved up on the curb.

Justice: "Hmmmgh… Never expected this birdbrain to be a very good driver, anyway…"

John half steps to stand in front of the group.

John: "Alright… Let's go… Everyone, follow me!"

John nudges Justice on the shoulder as he shoves through the group of us. After walking a few meters, he stops in the middle of the sidewalk and turns to face everyone. John thrusts his arm out to his left side in a dramatic pointing gesture.


John: "And…. Here we are! This is The Purple Pearl Theatre…."

All of the agent trainees turn their heads to look. Nestled close to the narrow street we stand on is a tall brick building, decorated with bright panels of glittery light bulbs and filigree siding. A canopy style roof hangs over the theatre's wide entrance, golden metallic and glass double doors offer a beckoning appearance of luxury.

The theatre's outer architecture makes it look well enough like a high class establishment, but the most impressive detail on the building is what sits atop the theatre's four storeys.

I crane my neck to view the giant neon purple sphere that is perched on the edge of the theatre's roof. The Purple Pearl Theatre is not cheap…. I think that much is clear….

Zora: “Whoa…. Do you think it's real?”

Key: “The pearl?…. Surely not…”

Vanda: “My aunt used to own a pearl that big. She sold it to buy another mansion closer to the ocean though…”

John: “Alright. When we enter the theatre, try not to look so…conspicuous. This is a very prestigious establishment.”

John makes brief eye contact with everyone and smiles before moving to open one of the golden rimmed glass doors. We form a semi-organized line and follow him inside…

The Purple Pearl Theatre has a large foyer with a deep violet carpet spread across the entire floor, and pale marble walls match with the gold embellished marble pillars lining the entrance. Next to each pillar stood parallel to the foyer is a neat display where the names of various upcoming performances are written.

I hear Justice make an astonished grumble from behind me. The other trainees slow their walking to look around and take in the luxurious atmosphere.

We stop walking when we come to a ticket counter at the centre of the foyer. John turns to us and motions with his hand to gather in close.

We all move to make a very….inconspicuous….circle in the middle of the theatre’s wide entry hall.

John: “Okay… Now that we’re here I’ll tell you how things are gonna go….”

Justice: “Could you stop whispering like that? I can’t hear you!”

Dot: “Shhht!”

John: “Ehem!… As I was saying, we are here to investigate some mysterious activity…. Now, we can’t know exactly what to expect, so I’m asking you all to be cautious. We need to find out what’s been going on here, and we need to stop any vampires who are possibly behind it…”

The entire group nods, almost in unison like a bunch of eager puppies performing tricks for their master.

John: “I have devised a method for investigation that should be highly effective…. Ina, Roman…these are for you.”

John places a neat stack of little pieces of paper into Ina’s hand.

Ina: “Are these concert tickets?”

John: “Affirmative… You will use them to observe the next upcoming performance, it starts in just thirty minutes. It's during these fancy concerts that people are having their money and valuables stolen. You’ll watch it and see if you can catch the thieves….”

John looks up for a moment and checks over his shoulder.

John: “…Luke, Justice….”

Luke: “Huh? Uh….yes?”

John: “The two of you will see the concert with Ina and Roman….”

Justice: “What?! Why us?!”

John: “Because I’m asking you to! Listen, while the four of you are in the concert hall, the rest of us need to secure the remainder of the building. We don’t know what kind of criminals we’re working with here…. There could be all kinds of unsavoury individuals lurking around the place….”

Justice: “Ugh! Why is it that you always make us do the hard work?! Aren’t we only trainees?! I mean, isn’t this kind of investigative business more suited for someone with higher authority and more experience?! Someone like you?!”

Luke: “Calm down, Justice…. This’ll be fun!”

John: “Now now, Justice… The whole process of training to become a VLAD special agent is meant to offer real opportunities to prepare you all for this kind of work…. I’m just here to give you credible advice and guidance. Only after years and years of training, will you be able to call yourself a real agent of VLAD. Then, you can go off and arrest vampires on your own if that's what you want, but for now….that's my job! Got it?…”

John makes a thumbs up with one hand and puts the other on his hip. Justice stares at him with eyes wide, but his thin mouth does not open to respond…

As if on queue, Justice stamps his feet and throws his balled fists at his sides… At least he isn't shy to be honest about his emotions with others.

Justice: “Oh, come on! That crap won’t work on me! All you’re saying is that your authority gives you the privilege of simply arresting the bad guys, while we’re the ones who actually have to catch them!”

John bends his knees and lowers his gaze onto Justice.

John: “Ahhh…. Training is training, Justice…. I don’t make the rules… Well now, I don’t follow the rules either. Haha!… Anyway, let’s move on now, shall we?”

John explains the investigation procedures to the rest of the group. Once everyone knows where to go, they head off in various directions, disappearing into the dazzling hallways of the theatre.

John: “You four, wait just a moment.”

Luke: “What is it, John?”

John: “Make sure you put these on before the concert starts….”

John holds his open palms out to us. In his cupped hands he holds what looks like little, orange pieces of rubber.

Roman: “Ooh! I love gummies!”

Roman garbs the tiny objects away from John’s hands and stuffs them into his mouth. He makes a gasping vacuum sound as he chomps down on them.

John: “Roman…those are not gummies, you can’t eat them…. They’re earplugs…”

Roman: “Oh…”

Roman puts his hands around his mouth and spits the orange earplugs out in a slobbery, little puddle.

John: “I want you to wear the earplugs during the concert because….well, I think the robberies might have something to do with the music…”

Ina: “We’ll wear the earplugs, John. We’ll be careful….”

John: “…Alrighty then…. I’m counting on you guys…”

John steps back a bit and then raises his eyebrows, as if he has just realized something.

John: “Oh wait! I almost forgot. Luke, these are for you….”

John pulls a long, black cloth out of his pocket.

John: “They’re gloves. Extra strength rubber…. During our training, I noticed that you have a tendency to self sabotage with your ability….”

Luke: “Oh! That’s right! My hair always catches on fire when I can’t control the flame properly….”

John: “These should help with that… See ya!”

John gestures with finger guns as he turns to leave us. The foyer has now started filling up with concert goers, as the show is about to start. Ina, Roman, Justice and I all share a brief look amongst ourselves, preparing for our next move… Vampires are unpredictable….and can be dangerous….even in a place like the Purple Pearl Theatre…

Ina: “Well then… The concert is about to start…. Shall we go find our seats?”

Ina stands with perfect posture with the handful of tickets clasped behind her back.

Luke: “Alright! Let’s go…”

The four of us wind through the crowd in the foyer and manage to shove our way between the clusters of decadent ladies and gentlemen. The theatre’s entry hall has become full with big, poofy tulle dresses and towering hats, along with the high class people who wear them. Justice nearly trips over a woman’s skirt train as we line up with our tickets.

The inside of the concert hall is like an enormous, golden clamshell. The biggest crystal chandelier I’ve ever seen hangs from the centre of the ceiling, causing a gilded glow to fall over each row of seats. The purple velvet seats create long half-moon shapes, forming into a rippling sea of exquisite violet. The rows of seats go up high into balconies spanning the full four storeys of the building.

We find our seats as each of us makes last checks over our shoulders (to make sure no one’s watching). I give Ina a gentle tap on the arm. She turns to me as she sits down.

Luke: “Quick. The earplugs. Let’s put them on before the show starts.”

Ina: “Right…. Here they are.”

Ina holds her delicate, little hands out with the orange earplugs clasped in them.

I shove a pair into my ears. Justice grabs a pair, but holds one in each of his hands, just staring at them. A scowl appears over his lips.

Justice: “Eekh, gross!…”

Oh, that's right. Roman stuffed these in his vacuum-like, saliva filled mouth only moments ago…

Justice puts the earplugs on and adjusts his tie, opting to disregard where the earplugs had just been.

The crowd of music loving aristocrats stops their quiet chatter as the lights above the audience dim down, and the glow from the crystal chandelier finally goes black. After only a few silent moments, the stage lights flicker on before us and the thick, purple curtains fold open.

The performers are the apparent genius musicians Viola and Thaddeus…. Viola stands in an elegant black dress in the centre of the stage with her violin ready to play….and Thaddeus, a tall, bearded man, sits somewhere behind her at a piano…

Once the concert begins, time itself seems to not make sense anymore…. Viola and Thaddeus play numerous songs with a plethora of different instruments… I begin to lose count of how many instruments are brought out on stage. The pair plays them with such skill. Even through the muffled sounds I can hear through the earplugs, I can tell the musicians are on the level of masters…

Hours must have passed already!…. Just what kind of strange performance is this?! I look around at the audience, but all I see is bright, fancy smiles on mesmerized faces… The audience is loving it!

Just then, Ina places her hand on my arm. I look at her and she points over my right shoulder…

Down a few rows of seats I see a man in an elaborate grey suit stand up. He starts rummaging with his hands in his pockets until he grasps and finds what looks to be his wallet. He tosses it on the empty seat behind him…

At the same time, the climax of the current song echoes throughout the theatre. The earplugs block out most of the sound, but the music’s hypnotizing qualities still light my nerves on fire. What’s going on here?… Swanky classical music performances aren't always like this, right?!

I look again and now the woman accompanying the man with the grey suit stands from her seat as well…. She fumbles in her big, red dress for a moment, but then begins removing all of her jewelry. She places her earrings and necklace in a little pile on the purple velvet of the seat. Even within the dimmed lighting in the concert hall, I can still see the unnerving, euphoric expressions on the pair’s faces as I stare down at them.

I kick the side of Justice’s leg to get his attention. Soon, all around us people in the audience are rising from their seats and placing their valuables in neat stacks at their places. They all maintain a mesmerized stare on the stage and their eyes hold the hazy glow of the unwavering stage lights within them… They smile but look as if…they have to idea what is going on around them!…

It's a good thing we have these earplugs, even with Roman’s slobber all over them…..because something tells me that if we could hear the music clearly right now, we’d be doing the same things as these hypnotized rich people… Viola and Thaddeus…their music is mind controlling to the people who listen to it…

In time with the end of the last song, every single audience member has left their seat full with a convenient little pile of money and valuables. Soon, only the four of us are left in our seats.

The main room lights turn on once again, and the crystal chandelier sparkles over the empty concert hall. I remove my earplugs and turn to the others who do the same…

Luke: “I guess….John was right then…. The music does have something to do with the theft.”

Ina: “Yes… More importantly, we know that Viola is a vampire….and Thaddeus is her accomplice.”

Justice: “That Viola lady is a vampire? How could you tell?”

Ina: “With time, it just becomes obvious… Also, she was the one leading most of the songs,….so I figured… Viola is a vampire whose ability must be hypnosis through music.”

Roman: “What did you just say?! Ina, you’re so quiet sometimes… You have to speak louder.”

Roman’s shouts echo within the empty space. The loudness of his voice is somewhat unsettling in this environment…

Ina: “Huh? Oh…. Roman, you can take the earplugs out now…”

Roman: “Ehh?! Oh…. Right!”

Ina: “As I was saying…. Viola and Thaddeus are responsible for the stolen valuables…. Now, we just need to figure out how to stop them….”

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