《The Vampire's Kismet》Trainees’ Question and Answer


The drive back to the Bibliotheca Vampiric was quiet, and no one so much as looked away from the roll and rumble of clouds in the distant sky, as the mixed group of vampire and human trainees stared out the bus’s foggy windows. Me and Justice stand waiting in the library’s lounge room, still in our wet clothing from the brief rain shower earlier. At this moment, I couldn’t care less about my personal opinions about the day’s strange events. All I really want is some dry clothes and something to eat, and I’m sure Justice feels the same way, since it appears he doesn’t even have enough energy to look up and scowl at me.

John: “Luke, Justice, you remember Edwin here, he was nice enough to find the two of you some dry clothes to wear. That rain was quite unexpected, but everyone is fortunate that it happened in the end, am I right? Oh, and Edwin tells me he’s almost finished preparing a dorm room for the two of you.”

Edwin, the Bibliotheca Vampiric’s gentle maintenance worker, steps forward, still with a pleasant, courteous half-smile on his face. I wonder, how can he look so peaceful and happy while it sounds like John orders him around a lot? He hands Justice and I each a neat stack of dry clothes and shows us where to go to get changed.

Minutes later, Justice and I both return to the lounge room, now in a different set of clothes. We have rid ourselves of that sickening, wet and frigid feeling. In the lounge room some of the other trainees have spread themselves out along the seats and couches, they occupy themselves with whatever means to relax on an evening such as this one.

There’s Dot who sits with her legs tucked underneath her, and beside her Zora has fixed her attention on the blinking lights that flicker from the screen of her cellphone. On the opposite couch Link lays sprawled across two cushions, wearing big turtle shell headphones tight over his ears. He looks as if he is asleep with his eyes shut and one lazy arm hanging over the edge of the couch; however, I can hear the crunchy sounds of muffled music blaring from his headphones. He must have that music playing at full volume, if I can hear it clear enough standing away from him.

Dot: “Oh, hey you two! We will be having dinner soon, just so you know!”

Dot beckons for me and Justice to come closer with a small wave of her hand.

Luke: “Thank goodness! I’m starving.”

I raise my arms above my head and stretch. I can already feel all that running we did earlier in my legs and upper body. I think I did more physical activity today than I have done all together in my entire life…

The sound of a door handle clicking open comes from towards the entrance. We look in that direction as a small group of people stand, idle, in the doorway. I count six of them all together, and they all wear variations of the same agent’s uniforms that the trainees had worn during our mission.

Dot: “Ah…. Welcome back you guys!”

Zora: “You’re back, finally! What took you so long?”

Link, still laying in a daze with his music, is the only one who does not appear to notice the new arrivals. He makes the slightest grumble and turns his body around so he no longer faces towards the rest of us. For a moment, no one else moves.


Then John appears from behind Justice and I, striding forward with his hands in his pockets, coming to greet the group at the door. One of the six agent trainees at the entrance, a tall boy with slate, dark hair, walks in front of the rest and hands John a large, black tote bag that sags from the weight of whatever is held inside.

Tall Boy: “We got what you asked for, John…. The rest is already in the storage room in the basement.”

John: “Wonderful! Thank you very much for this!…. You all are a great help.”

Next, a petite girl with big eyes and long lashes speaks up. This girl has short hair with green strands in it that look like lustrous plant vines.

Girl with Green Hair: “If you don’t mind me asking, for what do you need all of this stuff, John? It wasn’t all that difficult to get it. I don’t understand why you couldn’t have just gone and got it yourself… It isn’t right to make us do all your shopping for you.”

John: “Yes, I see how it looks, but I promise….this stuff is…..very important to me, and I trusted that all of you would keep my personal matters discrete so….I hope you understand. We all have secrets, no?….. So, anyway, Edwin says that dinner is almost ready to be served. I hope everyone is excited about having….pasta!”

John looks back and smiles at those of us who occupy the lounge space behind him. The corners of his eyes twist upwards with the smile…. I get the sense that John uses this particular smile when he’s the most keen on changing the subject of discussion; however, it is likely that I don't know the man well enough to tell for sure…

In good timing the newly configured group of us agent trainees gather at a table in the library’s dining room to feast on the pasta dish that Edwin had indeed made for us. To my surprise, the pasta, which a non-gastronomically educated individual such as myself would consider bland on ordinary occasions, is quite good eating. I’ll have to remember to give Edwin my compliments…

Along with the normal flow of conversation that vampires and humans seem to share alike during instances of food consumption, me and Justice are introduced to the other trainees who we have not yet been acquainted with. The tall boy and the girl who had spoken with John before dinner are vampires. Key and Fern are their names.

Also, their respective kismets, Green and Vanda. The last pair within the Bibliotheca Vampiric, Dot informs us, is a girl named Ina. She is a vampire, and her kismet is Roman who, at the moment, is already enjoying his second serving of dinner.

Once all of us finish, we sit in silence at the dining table which is in a room connected to a small kitchen that leads back into the lounge room. Some of the others have already left. John being one, seeming as he has more pressing concerns. The straight face he wears while walking away tells the group so.

But still, Key, Green, Fern and Vanda stay seated at the table. Dot sits in between Justice and I. She has that eager grin on her face again. She looks at me, blinking once or twice… She must have something on her mind….

Dot: “Everyone, I just had an idea! How about we play a game!... It will be great, so all of you can get to know each other better!”


Dot almost throws herself out of her chair with the pure enthusiasm in her attitude. She tosses her hands in a wide arc above her head.

Luke: “A game? Sure… I like those.”

Justice: “Oh, come on….really? Do we have to? If this is going to be stupid…”

Dot: “Justice! Don’t be a downer. It will be fun!”

Luke: “Justice doesn’t like having fun, in case you haven't noticed already...”

Justice: “No!…. I do. Just, not in the typical sense….”

Luke: “Oh, why don’t you just cooperate for once?!.... Okay Dot, what’s your game?”

Dot readjusts her glasses and tucks some of her hair behind her ears.

Dot: “In this game I will be like…the host, like on one of those game TV shows! I will ask all of you various questions about yourselves and each of you will answer them! How does that sound?!”

Justice: “Hmmrgh…. Doesn't sound like much of a game to me, but…whatever…”

With no other objection apart from Justice’s clear unenthusiasm, we all agree to play Dot’s question and answer game. We move ourselves to the lounge room to do so.

Everyone takes a seat as Dot stands in front of us with her hands laying on her hips. She shows everyone her most charming smirk before speaking.

Dot: “Okay, the first person I am choosing to answer a question is…. Luke! The very first half vampire for us to have here, at the Bibliotheca Vampiric!”

Luke: “Me? Uh…. Alright.”

Dot: “So Luke, what is your favourite hobby?”

Luke: “My favourite hobby is….well, I like to play video games a lot. I like all kinds of video games, really. But, I think I like strategy RPGs the most…”

Justice: “Hah, what a waste of time…. No wonder you lack so many brain cells!... Playing video games too much makes you ignorant to the wonders of the real world...”

Luke: “Ehh…. Well, that's just your opinion… No need to get all philosophical here…”

Dot: “Justice! No one asked for your comments….!”

Justice sinks into his seat, and doesn’t dare say anything else as a rebuttal to Dot’s shouting.

The boy sitting next to Justice, the kismet named Green, like the colour, straightens up to speak. Green has a kind appearance, with the cheer and youthfulness in his soft expression. He has fair, chin-length hair that is parted down the middle. Green wears glasses that are rectangular framed, as opposed to Dot’s large, circular framed ones. He pulls on one of the drawstrings on his hoodie, as his gaze hops across each of us.

Green: “Oh!…. You like video games! Me too!... I haven't gotten to play very much in a while, but gaming is also one of my favoutrite hobbies.”

Luke: “Ahh… Thank goodness there’s another person here who understands the joys of video games!”

Dot: “Okay, moving onto the next question! Justice!”

At hearing his own name called by Dot, Justice shivers in his seat with an annoyed frown spoiling on his face.

Dot: “Justice, what is your favourite colour?”

Justice: “Ugh, are you seriously asking me what my favourite colour is? What is this, kindergarten? How is that information even useful?….”

Dot: “Just answer the question!”

Justice: “Okay, fine… My favourite colour…is blue.”

Luke: “Blue? Wow, you picked the most basic and boring colour as your favourite…. Why not something more interesting to look at like red, or yellow?”

Justice: “Hey, what happened to not making unnecessary comments?! Gosh, you’re so abusive…”

Dot: “…. Alright, since you thought the last question wasn’t good enough, how about I ask a really spicy one next? Fern, Vanda, who do you think is more attractive, Luke, or Justice?”

Luke: “I’m sorry, but is this question really crucial?...”

Justice: “Don’t compare me with him!…. How dare you!”

Dot: “I’m the host of the game, so I get to ask whatever questions I want! Now, Fern, Vanda, what do you think?!”

The vampire, Fern, and her kismet, Vanda, sit beside each other on the couch across from us. Fern’s short hair, for the most part, is dark brown however, there are two large streaks of hair that are a rich green, and they look almost like thorns, or leaves on a bush. Vanda, who appears to be a bit taller than Fern, has deep, sapphire blue eyes that look like relic gemstones. She has an attractive appearance and would likely be considered quite beautiful by most people, even with the small bandage she wears on her cheek…. I wonder how she injured herself.

The two girls stare at Justice and I with unreadable expressions that I find painful to have to watch in this particular situation.

Fern: “Well, since you’re asking… I’d say both are….quite average.”

Vanda: “…..Average, but in a good way, nonetheless!….”

Vanda tries to produce a smile while meeting eyes with both Justice and I. Fern looks at me, a dark shadow covering her cheeks as she turns her head to the side.

Fern: “But you…. You’ve got pretty bad dark circles under your eyes…. You need to get more sleep. It's not good for your skin, if you don’t sleep enough.”

Vanda: “Oh yes, that's true…”

Luke: “Uugh, the only reason why I don’t sleep enough some nights is because I end up gaming for too many hours…. Huhh, I don't do this to myself on purpose.”

Fern: “Ahh, Justice on the other hand…. Your skin looks….fantastic! It looks so smooth, just like porcelain! What moisturizer do you use?”

I look at Justice, rolling my eyes. These two girls can't be serious…

Justice: “Umm, no moisturizer… Uh, what exactly is going on here?...”

I notice a slight redness appears to brighten Justice’s cheeks. He scratches his nose before looking to the floor.

Dot: “Fern is a skincare expert! She knows a lot about all kinds of beauty products and such! Isn’t that right, Fern?!”

Fern: “Yeah, I know a thing, or two…”

Vanda: “Fern follows a lot of beauty influencers on social media…”

Dot: “Ahh!... We’re all getting to know so much more about each other! I’m so happy! Okay, the next question is for Key!”

Key, the tall vampire, sits straight with his hands in his lap. He has a serious look on his face however, I don’t find him intimidating. Perhaps he's just the quiet and gentle type…

Dot: “Key, what is your favourite thing to do in your free time?”

Key is silent for a moment before answering. His eyes shifting in thought.

Key: “….I don’t mind reading sometimes….”

Dot: “Alright! What kinds of books do you like to read?”

Key: “….I read books of various subjects….”

Key must be a private person in general… I don't get the impression he dislikes any of his fellow trainees in the slightest, he might just be a bit out of his element in these kinds of scenarios.

Dot: “…..Awesome! Well, isn’t it convenient living in a super old library?! That’s one of the reasons why I love it here!…”

Just now, Zora walks into the lounge room, her arms swaying at her sides. Following her is another trainee, the boy who ate lots of Edwin’s pasta. It's Roman.

Zora: “Yo! You guys, I heard that you’re playing a game! If you would’ve told me sooner, I would’ve joined in. So, what’s up?”

Dot: “We’re playing a question and answer game! You can still join! Both of you can!”

Zora: “Cool! Ask me a question.”

Dot: “Okay, since I just asked Key, Zora, what’s your favourite thing to do in your free time?”

Zora: “My favourite thing to do? Well, there’s many things, but of course I love to watch wrestling on TV!”

Zora strikes a pose with her flexing arm muscles extended, as if she were a fearsome action figure.

Zora: “Alright! Who’s gonna wrestle me?! Someone’s gotta be up for the challenge!”

Roman: “Oh, me! I am! Hit me! Do your worst!”

Roman jumps from one foot to the other at a quick pace, his spiky hair jiggling with the movement.

Zora cracks her knuckles. Is she seriously going to hit him?!

Zora: “Okay Roman! You asked for it! You’re gonna get it!”

With a swift toss, Zora punches Roman in the stomach with her right fist. The bot grunts from the impact, the wind gusting from his lungs like the popping of a balloon. His body folds like a piece of paper from the force of Zora’s punch. Roman is launched backwards and is sent flying across the lounge room. He collides with a book cabinet at the other side of the room and a storm of tumbling books fall out of it at the same time.

Roman lies on the floor, covered in books, and I wonder how he could have survived that punch…

Roman: “Ouch!….. That hurt!”

Roman is fast to recover, and he sits up, the books spreading all around him. I guess he is okay, after all…

Zora puts her hand on her hip and grins.

Zora: “Don’t worry! I didn’t use my ability on him.”

Fern: “Zora, just because he’s the only one whose dumb enough to agree to letting you do something like that doesn’t mean you actually have to do it.”

Zora: “Well he’s the one who asked for it…. And besides, he’s okay! Right Roman?”

Roman stands up, smiling.

Roman: “Right!”

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