《The Vampire's Kismet》Some Dogs Have Short Tails and Some Have Long Ones


Two things happened as a result of the flaming dodgeball I threw in PE class. The first is the unpreferable situation my PE teacher has found himself in, being that the flaming dodgeball did in fact come into contact with his body. Thinking about it like this makes it sound pretty bad, but it's not like he died or anything….

When the fireball flew towards the PE teacher, he was in the midst of standing up after tying his shoelace. In the next moment, the fireball hit him square in the back of his head. The gymnasium erupted into chaos and the unfit PE teacher’s hair was on fire. It all happened in a blur….

I’m lucky my PE teacher only suffered from a few singed hairs and not a more serious injury. Well, I guess he’s not my teacher anymore…. because the second thing to happen after that occurrence was my most serious punishment. I have been expelled from Blackember Academy.

The usual things that I would get in trouble for are sleeping in class and violating the dress code. I only sleep in class because I stay up most nights gaming, and the dress code violation is not my fault. I can’t help the fact that my hair isn’t always neatly combed. No matter how much I brush it down, the hair on the top of my head always sticks up. Now, I can say that setting a teacher’s hair on fire is definitely the worst thing I’ve done!

I walk out of the front entrance of the school with my bag of belongings slung in both of my hands. It pulls my arms and the rest of my upper body towards the ground as its weight is quite substantial, being full with pretty much everything I own.

Now outside, I begin descending the stone steps that lead up to the entrance of the school. I notice there is a familiar person in my way. Lying sprawled across multiple steps is my father.

Lucien: “Over there, on that lamppost, that crow is looking at me like he knows me…. I wonder what he is thinking about. Crows are said to be quite clever, you know….”

Luke: “Dad!…. Uh, hello? I mean, how’ve you been? I guess….”

Lucien: “How have I been? Well, I’ve been out and about, here and there…. I haven’t given much thought to consider what I feel. Oh, but the fiery passion of humanity, now that’s something I desire to experience every day…..”


Luke: “Oh, well that’s fine, I guess. At least, it's good that you’re doing alright, or so it seems. Since you haven’t come to see me in such a long time, I should be glad, right? Oh and, it's funny that you mention fire, heh heh. I assume that’s why you’re here then.”

My father stands up to face me and puts his hands in the pockets of his strange but very comfortable looking tunic shirt. I’ve always thought that my father’s attire often has a strong resemblance to pyjamas. He seems to always look relaxed no matter what he is wearing.

Lucien: “Huh, well then, Luke, my son. It seems that now is the time that I must reveal something to you. Something that will help make your life more understandable.”

Luke: “Great. Could you start by explaining the whole fireball thing? Please tell me why that happened, I’m seriously concerned.”

My father does not answer. Instead he steps closer to me, raises up his hand and takes off his hat. My dad always wore that hat. I have never seen that grey beanie off his odd, oblong head.

Pulling off the beanie, my father reveals two shiny, black horns poking out through his overgrown hair. They look like the horns of a demon, or maybe more like a goat’s.

Lucien: “Luke, I am a vampire.”

Luke: “Huh? A vampire? What does that have to do with me? Don’t tell me vampires were real all this time and I just didn’t know. More importantly, how did I never realize that you were hiding horns under there?”

Lucien: “Well you see Luke, if I am a vampire, that makes you half vampire! And about the horns, I just got tired of people staring all the time.”

Luke: “So vampires actually exist and they aren’t just made up? And, I’m half one! How come you never told me anything about this?”

Lucien: “Oh, I forgot about it, honestly. I haven’t kept in touch with the vampire world in quite some time. Especially in recent years, the vampires are in an odd era….”

Luke: “If I’m a vampire, does that mean I will want to drink blood? Or, can I turn into a bat? I know that I can go without sunlight pretty fine, I do stay inside gaming a lot, you know. Although, I’m not quite sure about the garlic thing, and I definitely don’t want to try out a stake in the heart….”


Once I finish my tangent, my father bursts out in a roaring laughter.

Lucien: “Hahahaha….. That stuff’s all made up. Real vampires are a little different.”

Luke: “Hmmm, really? Because, to me it looks like you’ve got quite the pair of fangs there in your mouth.”

Lucien: “Oh! That’s right. Vampires have fangs, but we don’t drink blood with them or anything. It's just a physical attribute, I suppose. It's like how some dogs have short tails and some have long ones.”

Luke: “Huh. I thought I just had a nasty snaggletooth…. So, what are real vampires like then? Does being a vampire explain why fire came out of my hand today?”

Lucien: “Well son, the most important thing to know about vampires is that each and every one is unique and has their own charming qualities. The most noticeable thing being that every vampire possesses a supernatural ability that they can learn to harness with great power. The flames that came from your hand today in your PE class was the first appearance of your ability…. Pyrokinesis…. I’m proud of you, Luke….”

My father’s proclamation of his pride in me is startling at first, but I decide to ignore the comment. Instead, I continue asking more pointless questions….

Luke: “Wait, does that mean I can do that again? That’s….. so….. cool! I am like a character from a video game or something!”

Lucien: “Hmmm, yes, I suppose it is “cool”. However, as cool as abilities may be, my personal favourite thing about vampires is their social versatility……. You see, vampires are born with the power to utilize their abilities, but not without a certain condition. The vampires call it their “kismet”. It's a fateful connection between two beings that offers countless possibilities for intensity, for conflict, for situations of pure pleasantness and pain….. A vampire’s kismet is most certainly their livelihood, it grants them the power they need to wield their ability with true strength….”

Luke: “Uh huh……. I’m not really following you with that.”

Lucien: “You will come to understand, Luke. There used to be a time when what I wanted most was not only to know what it is like to change who I am, but to make an impact on someone else’s life. Well, I think I have said enough already, the rest will come to your knowledge soon. The truth will come from you, Luke. And, maybe from him too?….”

My father steps away from me, and looking at the ground where he stood I see a crow. The same scruffy, black raven that had been watching from the lamppost in the distance.

Wedged in the crow’s beak is a small, rectangular piece of paper. The crow hops forward and I bend to take the paper in my hand.

Luke: “There’s an address on here. This is getting pretty weird, dad, what’s with this crow, anyway?”

The crow lurches up and begins to fly.

Crow: “Caw, see you in the library, my friend. Caw.”

The crow appears to wink at me as it speaks.

Luke: “Wha-?”

The dark, feathery crow swoops down, almost touching my face with its feet as it flies away.

Lucien: “I know that I haven’t been a very good father to you, Luke. Ever since your mother’s death, you’ve been alone. However, you’ll soon realize that vampires can’t be loners, despite how things may seem. And, maybe you can do what I could not. Maybe you can be a vampire who gives life purpose!”

My dad turns, about to leave me on the stone steps of Blackember Academy.

Luke: “Wait, dad! What do I do with this address?”

Lucien: “Oh, it will be your new school of course! I’d like you to go there and try to see things from a new perspective. I promise things are different there….”

Luke: “How am I even supposed to get there? I’ve never heard of this place in my life!”

I look up from the piece of paper, but my father is nowhere to be seen.

Luke: “I guess I’ll just walk then.”

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