《The Dark Crystal: Sifan Charms》As We Set Sail: The Spirit of a New Journey!
"Are you sure? Absolutely sure?" Onica called out to Tavra.
It was the following day. A bright, hot sunny and clear mid morning. Not a cloud in the air, with brilliant blue hues painting the sky with beautiful tones. They were walking down the salty wooden planks of the docks, surrounded by the bustle of the crowds; selling, buying and unloading items from the collection of nearby ships. The smell of Sifan spice hung strong in the wind, as various vendors from all corners of Cera-Na gathered to sell their grilled food and special items to wandering fishers, pirates and merchants.
"Yes," Tavra replied. She walked in front of Onica, with a perk in her step. "I am quite sure," she seemed confident and ready. A good nights rest and a long discussion with Onica had led her to a decision about Athyra's offer. But unfortunately, this was a sentiment Onica did not share.
"I do wish you would reconsider," Onica protested, intentionally falling behind, attempting to slow Tavra's pursuit.
Tavra stopped and turned toward her. "Onica, I thought I explained this all to you last night," she sighed and crossed her arms. "Were my ideas really so bad?"
"I'm sure the way you see it, no, but they can be!" Onica exclaimed. "Think about the possibilities. The circumstances. If there is a power shift, there could be a rebellion,"
"I'm not so sure," Tavra said, placing a hand on her hip. "And beside all of that, that wasn't the point I made about this adventure,"
"I know that, but..."
"Listen, Onica," she reached out and touched her arms. "Athyra is going on this journey with, or without us. Imagine if we chose not to go with her. To not keep an eye on her actions. If we stay behind, the circumstances you speak of could be far worse," Onica tried to look away, but found she could not. "I am an ambassador to the Vapran Citadel--to the All Maudra. The least I can do is watch over her. It is practically my duty,"
Onica gazed down to her feet and took in a deep breath, centering her thoughts. "Yes, I understand what you mean. I hope, anyway," she said. Tavra softly touched her cheek and directed her lover's face to her eyes.
"I know you do," Tavra smiled.
"And yet," Onica continued. "I do sense something more in you," her expression became a shade more serious.
"What do you mean?"
"Alternative motives. You can't hide those from me," she tilted her head coyly.
Tavra turned her head to look out over the ocean. "Perhaps..."
"Tell me," Onica demanded.
"It's nothing really, just that..." Tavra looked to her again, her voice became quiet, yet still powerful among the noise of the crowds around them. "Perhaps it is time for a change. Who knows, if Athyra and her warriors are cunning enough-"
"But you speak against your own people, my love, don't you see that?" Onica interrupted.
"You mean those I run away from every season?" Tavra retorted. Onica shook her head in disagreement, but then realized she had nothing to say. "It may be my heritage, but I do not remain blinded by the Vapran culture. Athyra is right in many ways,"
"She is right?" Onica questioned with surprise.
Tavra huffed sharply. "Fine. Not right--but aware for certain. And regardless, this could be a possible path for us to take. One which will uncover new leadership. A new world."
"Or a new war," Onica added.
"Not if it is done with pride and purpose," she squeezed Onica's arm.
Onica pondered Tavra's statement. It was simple, yet truthful. Profound even. It was a dangerous adventure. A sudden, unbridled mission. And yet, if the quest was noble, if the crew was humble and brave, if the cause was just--what should hold them back? "Agreed," she admitted with an optimistic smirk.
Tavra smiled again, then stepped closer to her. "Onica," she placed a hand over her chest. "All you need to do is tell me one thing: What does your heart tell you. Is Athyra's soul true?"
Onica sparkled under Tavra's energy. She placed her own hand over Tavra's and closed her eyes for a long moment. Then, with a growing smile, she reopened her eyes with an expression of quiet elation. "It is." She replied surely.
Tavra returned her smile and locked both of Onica's hands with hers. "Then it is decided. The two of us will see this through together,"
"As always," Onica agreed. She could feel a sense of ethereal optimism flowing through her. Something in the way Tavra spoke soothed her. Even Athyra's words had stuck in her mind like a puzzle which must be solved. Despite her protests, she knew well this mission was something she needed to be part of. Thra itself seemed to be leading her, guiding her forward in Tavra's footsteps. And never before had she denied the will of Thra.
"Alright then," Tavra released Onica's hands and threw an arm around her shoulder. "Let's go, we're already late!"
As they began to walk forward together, the atmosphere around them became more vibrant. Where a cloud of doubt had once dwelled, a new sense of duty and adventure stood in it's place. Both could hardly wait to board the ship sand set out on a new adventure. An true adventure of chance, will and fortitude.
"Did you speak with Tae?" Tavra wondered, remembering the rough night she had endured.
Onica shook her head. "No, unfortunately I couldn't get the chance. I tried, but I don't think she wants to see anyone at the moment,"
"That's understandable. She needs time,"
"I'm sure she'll be fine. We'll write to her," Onica smiled to herself. Then her stomach abruptly growled. "Do you think we have time to eat?" she asked.
"I just said we're late," Tavra laughed.
"I'm starving though," she grabbed her stomach.
"I am sure we'll eat on Athyra's ship,"
Onica shifted her gaze from one end of the docks to the other. "And where is her ship?"
"I'm not sure." Tavra admitted.
"Right here!" a voiced called out to them.
They stopped and turned toward the sound. Covering their eyes from the sun, they glanced upward at the broad, bulky side of a weathered ship. It was made in the traditional Sifan style, with two curved ends pointing straight to the sky, like a crescent moon. And on each side, holding the dark wooden planks together, were rows of cylindrical lumber sharpened to points, resembling giant thorns gripping the ship from all sides.
In the middle sat a great mast, with several black flags and deep purple and crimson banners draped in the subtle wind. The top stretched high into the air, lost in a haze of blue above. And all around the borders, planks were split, burnt or fractured; victims of the elements. This ship had seen battle. It had seen storms. It had endured pain and sadness. All of this Onica could feel so strongly as she stood before the blackened hulk.
"Welcome to the Silver Rose, princess." Athyra welcomed.
Brisk and swift as the morning air, they were ushered up the ramp by Athyra's lively crew, and onto the flat upper deck of the ship. Both Onica and Tavra could not help themselves from staring in every direction at once, studying each crew member with as much detail as they could allow. As they made their way slowly toward the middle mast area of the ship, Athyra's pirates slowly began to surround them from the side, front and back, while others remained hanging from rope and mast sections above their heads. With each moment the situation grew more uncomfortable. It felt as though they were being enclosed by a pack of curious wild animals; calm, but cautious and unaccustomed to company.
Aythra's men were just as sea hardy as she. Wild of hair and eye, with rags and cloths of various colors all held snug to their frames by large leather belts, hanging swords, chains, and misshapen triangular hats or bandanas with wind-eaten feathers. A few displayed deep scars across their faces or arms, proving their fierce character true. Thick beards were common with the men, lip and nose piercings were popular with the women. Some wore special thick glasses tinted purple or dark blue, others puffed on long pipes similar to Athyra's, painting a vivid image of a crew who appeared closer to hysteria then either Tavra or Onica had ever witnessed.
Just as the two adventurers were ready to make a run for it, a voice called out to them from within the ranks. "Welcome, welcome!" Tavra and Onica swung around to answer their greeting, but the figure before them was one they were never expecting.
The rounded, burly shape of a large man stood before them, with a distinct smell of fresh fruit and fish oozing from his hairy physique. With surprise and distaste filling them equally at once, they suddenly realized it was the rude, egotistical swoothu trainer from the port. "Wha...you?" Onica blurted out.
"Now there's a face I never wanted to see again," Tavra stated with a roll of her eyes.
"How, me?!" the trainer snapped back.
"It's 'who me,'" a man from the crowd corrected him.
The trainer waved his hand dismissively through the air at the group behind him. "Shut up!"
"You shut up, learn to speak, then!" the man called back. The rest of the crew began to chuckle.
"Both of you be quiet," Athyra's powerful tone hushed everyone. Her shadow silently crept over the deck, snaking through the crew, growing larger with each step she took forward, until at last her figure appeared among the crowd. They parted to let her though, and soon she was standing before her two friends again. "I can't tell you how pleased I am to see you here. I'm glad you made it," she spoke in a rhythm which Onica found to be more joyful then she had expected. It was easing in way.
"Well, we're here," Onica replied. "Whether we make it or not, is still to be decided,"
Athyra smiled and placed her thumbs into her belt buckle. "Indeed. But worry not, I have faith in you,"
"And me!" the trainer added, pumping his fist in their direction.
"I'm sorry, I have to ask," Tavra interjected. "What is he doing here?" she motioned to the trainer.
"Why should I not here?" he protested. "You no like me?"
"Not particularly..." Onica remarked under her breath.
"Well, know what? I no like you either," he pointed a meaty finger at them. "But Athyra says you are crew now,"
"And? What does that mean?" Tavra wondered.
A huge, beaming grin grew across his face. "Means...no difference," he stated. His cheeks puffed, pulling his salty whiskers into a gleeful expression. A child like innocence emanated from him.
How unexpected, Tavra thought, to now be receiving wisdom from such an unruly person. Or, what appeared to be one anyway. The intrigued glance she shared with Onica solidified this notion, and in that moment, both were reminded to keep their minds open no matter the circumstance. "Well, coming from a background of service at the castle, I can't argue with that," she said proudly.
The man let out a hardy laugh, then moved his thick arm forward, extending a friendly hand. "Hm! That's right! Name is Dohg,"
As Tavra timidly placed her hand into the air, he grabbed on and shook hard. Her entire body rumbled under the weight of his strength. "Well met, Dohg," a giggle escaped her. Then Dohg looked to Onica next.
"And I already know you!" he proclaimed. "Oriiina, the great far dreamer,"
"That's 'Onica,' Dohg," Athyra corrected, crossing her arms with an agitated shake of her head.
"That is the word said!" Dohg barked.
Tavra laughed. "Actually, I quite like Orina,"
"Oh please," Onica shoved Tavra shoulder.
Tavra lightly pushed back. "You have special names for me! You can have this one,"
"How about Onica, lady who always receives the fresh fruit?" Onica continued, shrugging at Dohg. He waved her away with a grunt.
To their surprise, they realized some of the crew around them were laughing. Having fun observing the unexpected antics sparking before them. Tavra and Onica began to feel more comfortable in this moment, which was a feeling they had not anticipated.
Athyra stepped forward with an incorrigible look on her face, leaning toward Onica. "Remember what I told you about him in the pub, right?" she winked.
Of course Onica had remembered everything from last night vividly. It was why she was so surprised to see Dohg here now. She recalled his crude, overbearing behavior most, but also what Athyra had mentioned about his presence: He was a tool, and nothing more.
Onica smirked and nodded to her. "I get it,"
"And now," Athyra began, grasping Onica's shoulder and spinning her around. "Before we set sail, let's take care of the branding," Athyra's crew scrambled out of the way as she directed Onica into a small tent, housing a Blacksmith and his apprentice. Two hot iron bars were cast in the fire, glowing and white hot, each with a unique symbol shaped into the head.
Onica caught sight of them and pulled away. "W-what? Wait!" her feet pressed against the deck.
"You both must be branded as one of us!" Athyra held onto Onica tight. "Or else," she brought her face next to Onica's, pressing her nose into her cheek. Tavra could only watch in a growing panic. "The other pirates of this vast sea will kill you without mercy..."
Pure fright poured into Onica's mind. Her hands trembled, her feet slipped, she was unable to even pretend to form her words. But then, she noticed a distinct twinkle in Athyra's eyes. A pursed mouth, attempting to hide a smile. It was a joke.
A hardy chuckle burst from Athyra's belly, and after a few good breaths the rest of her crew joined in, slapping each other and dabbing their eyes. Athyra stepped next to her again and placed a hand on the back of her neck, absorbing the humor of Onica's relieved face. "You must learn to appreciate humor if you are to sail with us. We're a wild bunch," a toothy grin parted her lips.
"I was convinced of that long before your antics," Onica sighed, releasing her tension. Tavra came to her side, but before she could say anything, Onica turned to her and slapped her on the arm. "And where were you when I'm being grabbed and forcefully branded!?"
Athyra laughed again. "Keep an eye on her, princess. We're about to set sail," an expression of pride and strength shone from her, like a second sun breaking through the clouds. She moved away from them and faced the rest of her crew. "My friends, my family, my crew..." her arms outstretched to the sky in a welcoming gesture. "Let us SAIL!" she proclaimed to the winds.
Her hardy crew hollered and exclaimed in joyous unison. Cries of happiness, and cheers of satisfaction. They longed to be at home on the sea once more, lost in a world of adventure with their fearless leader. In a commotion of movement, they sprung to life like a sporadic machine; jumping, leaping and running to their specific stations around the ship. Some pulled down ropes and unfurled the sails, some climbed high atop the masts into the look outs, while most of the crew gathered around the borders of the deck to pull up the lines, now released from the docks. Tavra and Onica marveled at the precise activity.
With enamored gusto, they took up song, ringing their gruff and seasoned voices into the crisp morning air while they prepared the ship for the endless ocean:
"So comes the sun, so comes the day
And soon shall all the anchors say
Too long in the sea have I remained
Too far from the chains and weathervanes
It's time to sail, it's time to shine
For the Silver Sea sees all of time
Wind in the sails forever more
Drink to the foam and eat the shore
If today be the last day we can sing
Then lay my soul in the deep blue wings!"
Tavra was enthralled. "Should we help as well?" she asked, ready for any action she could take.
Onica waved a hand at her. "Speak for yourself!" she scolded.
Athyra remained still, watching her crew work. "No, of course not. This is their job,"
"Well, what should we do?" Tavra wondered.
Athyra walked forward and directed them to follow. "This way. To the kitchen!"
"Don't tell me you brought us here to cook for you!" Onica pointed at her.
Athyra smiled at them. "It's time to eat!" she entered an archway near the aft of the ship, which served as an open gateway to the wide doors which led inside. As she opened the doors to usher them in, Tavra and Onica were immediately stopped by two male Gelfling dressed in dark purple, blue and black robes. They wore thick, round glasses, framed by thin beaded hoods, and bone jewelry strung tight around their necks. Their faces were remarkably similar; each with painted shades of gold, green and blue paint, with distinct silver markings around their eyes and lips. No doubt, Dousan Sifa.
"Ah! Yuul, Yuun, I was hoping I'd see you before dinner," Athyra remarked happily. "This is Princess Katavra of Ha'rar, and Onica the Far Dreamer," she gestured to them gracefully. "They have graciously decided to accept our offer to join this quest,"
Yuul and Yuun were identical Dousan twins; incredibly rare among the Gelfling, and even more so inside the Dousan realm. They appeared to be shy and reserved, but with an air of hidden strength purposely kept secret. Lost from the world of speech, their voices were taken from them by a sandstorm when they were children. The irreparable damage done to their vocal chords by the coarse crystal dust had rendered them forever mute, but they had overcome it. Utilizing special Dousan and Sifan gems attached to their fingernails, they had learned to click them in specific patters to create their own form of communication. It was unique, just as they were, and just like true family, Athyra had adapted to become a part of them.
As the twins tapped their fingers rapidly, Athyra studied the motions and the sounds. When she was sure she had deciphered the message, she glanced out over the horizon and began to survey their surroundings. The ship was now moving further from the docks and into the bay, tilted at an angle, ready to ease into the open waters. Yuul and Yuun tapped once more briefly, as Athyra looked to them with an affirmative nod. Although Tavra and Onica could not understand this communication, it was somehow calming to witness Athyra's humble nature.
"Is there anything wrong?" Onica inquired.
"No," Athyra answered quickly, shifting her gaze to the sky once more. "Nothing for you to be concerned about. Come, follow me."
Upon passing the twins as Athyra directed them through the doors, Tavra noticed that both were holding decorative compasses, strung to their wrists with gold and emerald chains. Almost certainly navigators. Although Dousan navigators on the Silver Sea was a strange sight indeed.
Moments later, Athyra led them into an expansive kitchen area, ripe with the familiar smells of grilled fish and aromatic vegetables. The red wooden walls inclosing the cast iron stoves and fire pits were charred black from the ash, and even some of the small eating tables and benches had fallen victim to an occasional escaped flame. Their mess hall was as rough as the cooks themselves, who seemed not to notice Athyra when she entered, remaining dutiful dedicated to their crafts, dancing around the flames and thick smoke.
Athyra stopped in front of a wall filled to the ceiling with barrels of rum. She propped her foot on the edge of the rack and pointed toward the cook's area. "As far as I'm concerned, this is the most important room on the ship," she smiled at Onica and Tavra, who were still cautiously observing their new surroundings.
"I can hardly hear you!" Onica projected her voice.
Athyra chuckled. "You won't need to! Once the songs begin, we do not require conversation,"
"But what are we doing here?" Tavra asked. "Shouldn't we be on deck while the ship is setting sail?"
Athyra placed a hand on her shoulder. "When the sun downs, we shall be! But first," she turned away and grabbed a few shell-made bowls from a nearby counter. "We set the table for our crew! And eat."
Onica and Tavra followed her into the eating area, sharing many confused glances as they filled their hands with as many bowls as they could carry. At this point, Tavra--who had remained as silent and observant as she could--was becoming riddled with questions again. "If I may, Athyra," she began, "what is it that drives your humble nature?"
Athyra paused between placing bowls. "I'm not sure I understand,"
"I only mean that it is strange, or maybe I should say unlikely, to see a captain take priority in setting a table for their crew,"
Athyra smiled warmly. "That may be true elsewhere, but here we are family," she returned to arranging the table. "A true master is not one who dictates. A true master is the one pouring your tea,"
"An interesting idea," Onica admitted. "But I still see no merit,"
Tavra interjected. "In order to become a great leader, you must first learn how to serve," she said in an articulate tone, as if reading from a book.
Athyra nodded optimistically and pointed to her. "Very good. I like her,"
Onica sighed and placed a hand on her hip. "Now you're suddenly resisting the Vapran warrior codes? I thought we were pirates now,"
Tavra giggled quietly. "I could never forget those, no matter how hard I try. And it applies, does it not?"
"That it does," Athyra agreed. "Perfectly said,"
Tavra pondered the moment, slowly realizing how much they had in common. Although stripped and adrift from her old life as a Vapra, she still carried old beliefs and emotions from that time with her. She was simply reusing them in new ways, and Tavra could feel a sense of respect blossoming between them. Then, she remembered her next question. "May I also inquire you about your navigators?"
Athyra perked. "Yuul and Yuun? How did you know they were my navigators?"
"They held two very ornamental compasses. Those you cannot buy in a shop. They must have been custom made specifically for navigating the waters,"
Athyra was once again impressed by her vigilance. "You have quite the eye, princess. Maybe I should use you for a lookout?"
"Doubtful," Onica answered for her dryly.
"But yes, you are correct," Athyra continued. "They were made by Dousan shamans who journeyed and settled on the Sifan coast many trine ago,"
"I see, so there is more to the story," Tavra was mystified. "I wondered why you would employ Dousan to navigate the sea,"
"Why is it so strange?" Athyra wondered. "Is the desert not a sea?" Onica and Tavra stole a moment to consider the notion. "You could argue I have the best on the Silver Sea. A diverse background on both the waves and the dunes," a dignified grin shaped her face.
"You are full of surprises, Athyra," Onica crossed her arms and studied her new captain.
Mystery grew in her eyes. "This is just the beginning."
By the evening, the Silver Rose was traveling swift, far out into the deep blue ocean. Sails full in the powerful wind, white sparks of waves breaking over the crescent hull, and reflective lanterns hung from various hooks across the deck. In the falling light, the sky became magnificent, with shades of purples and golds against a soft pastel blue pallet. The lanterns mirrored the emerging stars in the growing dusk, and ahead of them was a never ending expanse; infinite waves as far as the eye could see.
The lively songs and vibrant pandemonium that had taken the ship earlier as they set sail, was now brewing loudly below. The kitchen area was packed wall to wall, with almost the entire crew shoving themselves into corners and any open spaces, attempting to find room at the tables, or reaching over heads to pour themselves another drink. Athyra was right, the sounds of the noisy cooks with their flames and smoke could not stand against the eruption of songs and stomping feet. In unison, the sailors continued to sing their sea hardy anthems, raising their voices, stringed instruments and flutes loud and proud over the mountains of meaty plates and spilt mugs of ale.
Tavra and Onica had never witnessed such an event up close. Even their first night with Athyra at the pirate's pub was nothing compared to this. The sounds were deafening. Their hearts were strong. Their souls were filled with resolve and drunk with rum. Many times they invited Tavra and Onica to sing with them, or jump atop one of the tables to dance, but each time they refused. The wild nature of this event was best reserved for the wild of nature, they thought.
While the party raged around them, they sat still and patient, remaining in their respective seats next to Athyra at the head of the table. "You can't refuse them forever, Onica!" Athyra yelled to her over the sound, gesturing for her to join in on the fun.
"Watch me!" Onica returned with her stinging wit.
"By the end of this adventure, I will watch you dance!" she shoved her arm. Tavra let herself laugh harder then she had yet. It felt good to finally feel it escape, even though it was completely covered by the wall of noise before them. "Look, see?" she raised a finger to Tavra, who was guzzling down her third mug of ale. "Tavra understands. She's enjoying herself quite a bit,"
"Tavra's just getting into the ale again," Onica dismissed.
"That's how it starts,"
"Not with me," Tavra stated, wiping a bit of foam from the corner of her mouth. She decided to change the subject. "So, you named this ship the Silver Rose?"
Athyra nodded. "That's correct," she took a swig from her own mug. "After the Sea and our sun,"
"I thought so. I like it. And the black flag?"
"The symbol of a true pirate," she smiled.
"But I saw no mark on it,"
"Why should it? I have one and eleven crew mates. They don't follow a symbol, they follow their hearts,"
"How very poetic," Onica replied with sharp sarcasm.
"But it's true!" she slammed her mug down on the table, not in anger, but excitement. "And now I am proud to say you are part of that," she leaned back in her chair and grabbed her long pipe from her bag. "Imagine this...Princess Katavra of Ha'rar...a pirate on my ship,"
"That remains to be seen," Tavra corrected.
"Optimistic and humble as you may be," Onica added, "you're ego is the size of the moons,"
Athyra decided not to reply, keeping the next statement she had preparred behind her lips, allowing another coy smile to speak for her instead. Just then, Dohg approached them from behind with a giant iron pot between his arms. He grunted heavily as he placed it down on the table in between them. Tavra reached forward and quickly saved her mug from being knocked over.
"Time for eats!" Dohg called out to the room. His booming voice cut through the music, commanding the crew to receive their fill. All at once the songs died down, and the roar of hungry voices replaced them. One by one, they took turns dipping their bowls into the thick stew, pulling out dripping gelatinous liquid from the piping hot pot. And with every serving, Tavra and Onica found themselves splashed with careless droplets, which they continuously dabbed away from their faces.
"Help yourself," Athyra urged them closer to the iron pot. Tavra and Onica edged themselves just close enough to steal a glance inside the container. To their surprise, something stared back at them. A huge eye floating in the middle of the stew.
"...What is that?" Onica asked with a spoiled face.
"Koda-eye soup," Athyra answered as if the question was strange. But in fact, the Koda was an animal almost unknown to those who did not frequently sail the seas. It was a large, squid-like creature which was found on the coasts of small rocky islands, famous among samaudrens for it's rich, yet salty flavor.
Tavra shook her head and sat back in her seat, coddling her mug of ale. "How can you eat such a thing?"
Athyra leaned forward again and placed an elbow on the table. Her black eyes sparkled. "Come now, princess, you can't be scared of your dinner. There are far more terrifying things in the open waters then silly Koda,"
"I do not run in the face of my enemies," she looked down into the bubbling eye again. "Only my dinner, I suppose," Athyra and Onica laughed together. "And when will you stop calling me princess?" she looked at Athyra with a more serious expression.
Athyra returned a distant, unforgiving gaze, as the flame from her pipe reflected in her eyes. "When you earn it from me."
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The Games we used to Play
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8 82 - In Serial43 Chapters
My Ace (Rukawa x Reader)
Y/n Sendoh, little sister of the ace of Ryonan High School, Akira Sendoh. She is a shy, smart and plays basketball with the help of his older brother. In middle school she became friends with Kaede Rukawa. What will happen if the two friends from middle school goes to the same high school? Will they be strangers again or they will continue their friendship or it will be more than friends?Note: I do not own slam dunk, this is my first time writing a fan friction. Hope you guys like it. I also don't own the pictures and gifDon't forget to leave some comments, it will help me motivate to write the story. Started: 13/04/2021Ended:
8 95 - In Serial17 Chapters
Invisible Thrusts | Kookv
Where taehyung got pregnant by a 'Ghost'_Warning:S£x with ghostsmutmpreg angstfluffRape????? _topkook ⬆️bottomtae ⬇️_You may leave if you feel uncomfortable with any of this story. Don't spread hate comments and don't forget that's this is only imaginary story so no need to be serious.There's nothing to do with real characters this is only fiction._btw.... happy reading my 'precious angels' 🖤
8 106