《Lost and Loved》Chapter One


Chapter one

Lisa Crow sat on her bed, hidden away in her room, away from the darkness that threatened to consume her. It was raining outside, and in some spots, inside too. The nights were becoming harder to deal with; the temperatures dipping down to freezing. And that bear - it got braver every day.

She walked throughout the house that first night on her own. It was eerie, yet comforting. Neither of her parents could hurt her now. Every single blanket and scrap of clothing her parents left behind went straight into her room and onto her bed. She couldn't risk a fire; that would give her away. But why did it matter? It would matter soon. She had a few cans of food left to eat before everything was gone.

Her stomach hurt. It growled, demanding nutrition. Another glass of water helped with the emptiness she felt inside. It grew deeper and less meaningful with each passing day. The emotional pain, the trauma affected her less when she made it just one more day. If she deprived herself, nothing could hurt her; she was now in control.


Mother left when she found an easy out. One of her many boyfriends in Las Vegas called, telling her he won big. “It’s the big one, sweet ass! Get down here and help me celebrate!”

He begged her to move in with him. She didn’t hesitate one little second, not inside, anyway. But she made a big deal of pretending she couldn’t go, tricking her boyfriend to sweeten the deal. She did all of this while she packed; the master manipulator.

I got a one-armed hug goodbye, though. Not that I really cared, but Daddy would be upset - if he ever noticed she left. He had little time to notice anything, not with his secretive projects outside in the workshop.

I told no one what he did to me, but Mother knew. She drove me to the local clinic before she ran away to Las Vegas. Things hurt down there after Daddy had his fun with me. It hurt to walk, even worse when I closed my legs too fast. The bruises looked angry, but my emotions hurt me more than he ever did.

Maybe the doctor and the sheriff knew, I don’t know. They had to suspect something, but Mother wouldn’t let me talk in the doctor's office. I wasn’t nervous about the visit, but wanted someone to know what happened to me at home. I was happy to put the gown on and lay back with my feet in the stirrups, showing my shame to all that dared to look. They should see the evidence.

My hopes almost disappeared when she spoke for me, telling the doctor I was a slut.

“She’s been playin’ with them boys, you know. I told her to keep her thighs tight, but she didn't listen.”

I wanted my mother to stay in the waiting room, but she knew I would snitch on Daddy. I didn’t have to when Dr. Melissa looked up at me from beneath my gown. Sadness and anger were there in her eyes, then a forced professional mask took over.

“Mrs. Crow. If what you say is true, then you should contact these boys' families immediately. They need urgent treatment to stop the infection from spreading.”

Was there venom in the doctor's voice? I really hoped so, but I knew nothing else would happen. This was a small town, and things like this never broke the surface of the water around here.

“Lisa, I’m going to have a closer look. It may hurt a little.” Dr. Melissa said.


It did a lot! I knew it was necessary, but that didn’t make it hurt any less. My tongue bled by the time she was done. Momma smirked, smacking her gum while she looked down at my tortured privates. I wished I could have hit her, torn her fucking face off with my teeth.

Several more visits later, and I was told that the infection was gone. The scar tissue would prevent me from ever having any children of my own, but I didn’t care. Nobody would want to be with me once they found out what happened. ‘Damaged goods.’ That’s what Momma called me when she drove us home after the first exam.

I loved my daddy once upon a time. He used to be a hardworking man, traveling to different cities across the United States, working construction. I always missed him when he was gone; I was his little princess, and he told me so. We traveled when he came home after a long time away.

He took us to the grand canyon once, and we got to ride the donkeys down to the river below. Another time, we went to Monterey Bay and visited the enormous aquarium. I had seen nothing like it! Then, we went to Bubba Gump's restaurant. It’s based on one of my favorite movies.

He changed after one of his jobs. I knew right away that he wasn’t my daddy anymore. He was thinner and his face had marks all over it. His eyes were wild and he wouldn't just sit still. Not like he used to be; he used to move with purpose and surety. Mother said it was a drug called meth. I heard her talking to one of her friends on the phone about it while I stood around the corner, listening. She never talked to me unless she had to.

That was when I was about 12 yrs old. I was 14 when he first touched me in that bad way. He came into the living room where I was watching a movie. We still had a TV at that time. It was odd at first. He usually ignored me like my mother did. He came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I froze there on the couch - his fingers were low, moving under the neck of my shirt. I didn’t fight him when his hands cupped my breasts - it was the first time he paid me any attention in a long time.

I should have screamed and pushed him away. The touch was wrong, but the attention was nice. My mind screamed at me to say something, to stand up and leave. He held me down - used me like an animal. His sour breath blew in my face with every pant of his exertion. The couch groaned and squeaked, my bare dirty feet in the air.

The TV played my once favorite cartoon. I still can’t watch it, not anymore. The dimming sunlight filtered into our living room through the red lace curtains. My eyes stung, squeezing tears onto my cheeks. I wanted to scream, the urge was there but I couldn’t. My soul was being torn apart with memories of my once caring, loving father. They clashed with the foul smelling man that now thrust between my legs.

He was no longer my daddy after that, not the one I used to know. Mother smacked him across the back with a bat the second time he assaulted me. He never paid me any attention again after that. Mother told me to let her know if anything happened later to my parts. That was the doctor’s visit, and the last nice thing she ever said to me.



Canned chicken, corn, and tomato sauce. A bit of seasoning and an extension cord. The last of her food cooked slowly in the old crock pot on the dresser top. The rain outside blew around, tapping lightly on her bedroom window. Her stomach cramped and growled, begging for the food cooking at the other end of the room. The wonderful aromas emanating from the slow cooker teased her, making her mouth water. The microwave stopped working last week.

One small lamp sat on the floor. She didn't want to risk too much light showing through the blinds. Who knows what was out there looking for an easy victim. Obviously the bear, but he seemed to be easily spooked; for now. The blanket and clothes nest on her bed were warm. If her hands got too cold, she hurried across the room to wrap them around the crock pot.

It wasn’t too bad, hiding out in the old house. She was familiar with it after all; she grew up here. It didn't use to be so trashed, though. After her mother left, her father sold off much of the appliances, and stripped a lot of the copper wires and plumbing from their property. Drug money.

He only left what little services they needed to get by. The fridge, microwave, and crock pot. No more hot water or electric heat. Daddy had stripped everything and sold it for food and drugs; and the food was canned, mostly from food banks.

Lisa thought about her future. She wanted to hide out until she turned 18. That was only a month away. She didn’t want to be put into the state's care. It would not work, though. She’d starve to death by then. Lisa needed to walk into town and go to the sheriff. The only problem was, walking was almost impossible. Her energy levels were low, only reaching levels high enough to walk to the bathroom.

The food in the slow cooker would be her energy boost to make it to the sheriff’s department; she had to get there. It took her a while to figure it out, but she knew now that she didn’t want to die.


Jacob Marshall rolled up to his father’s gate and wiggled the stick into neutral. The rain dropped off to a gentle drizzle, causing the wipers to skip across the semi dry windshield. They had wrapped a lock and chain around the gate and railroad tie used as a fence post. His father loved those damn things.

“Already pre oiled and ready to sink!” He’d say, slapping the sticky surface.

Old man Marshall evicted the tenants for non-payment of rent and suspicion of cooking meth. A suspicion well founded, because the sheriff constantly visited the property, reporting damage and improper disposal of hazardous materials. The sheriff served them the notice and saw to the eviction. Shortly after this, the old man passed, leaving Jake the ranch in his will. While sad, it was not unexpected - he had battled with lung cancer for a while. The medication and treatments helped a little, but unfortunately it was time. The cancer won in the end.

He was a truck driver for over 40 years, driving across the country hauling produce. He purchased the ranch for the business back in the day, a place to park and work on the trucks he purchased. It had a large shop big enough to hold two trucks, with a 3 bedroom single-story house. After he retired, he sold the rigs and rented the property out. He moved into his condo in Mexico rather than stay in Oregon. He never really stayed here anyway after his wife left and took Jake with her. But little Jake grew up, graduated high school, and bought own rig with his father’s help.

Jake smiled at the memory’s he shared with his father, turning Willie Nelson down low on the old radio. He flipped his hood up over his head and stepped out. Tall pines and cedars surrounded him out here. This part of the county was known for its old growth forest; and it was thick. The smell of fresh rain and pine filled his nose, and he breathed in happily, cherishing the sweet air.

His master key sat in the bed of his pickup; bolt cutters with 4ft handles always did the trick. The lock gave way in the yellow light from the headlights. He arrived before the sun, but soon a blueish gold tinge was peeking out from behind the trees.

The old 68’ Chevy rumbled down the gravel drive into the valley where the ranch sat. The single story farmhouse soon came into view after the second turn in the road. Its old tin roof and wrap-around porch would be forever burned into his memory. He helped his father build it back in the day for his ungrateful mother; Now it sat there, slowly rotting away.

The shop was new, or it used to be some years ago. After pulling up onto the concrete pad in front of it, he noticed the missing roll-up door. ‘Probably that fucking tweaker the sheriff told me about’. he thought. His dad made a mistake allowing that family to rent the place, but he understood why he had to. He couldn’t live there anymore after his mom left.

The news reached him quickly. His father’s lawyer was more than efficient. The condo in Mexico and property in Oregon held no debt of any kind, aside from annual taxes and utilities. Once they were signed into Jake’s name, he paid the lawyer to hire someone to rent out the condo. That kind of thing was beyond him, and the extra money could be handy.

That thought still rang true when he saw the extent of the property damage in Oregon. Stepping from the truck, he slipped his pistol into his waistband.

“Hello, anyone here?” he called out. “Hey, if anyone’s here, come on out!”

Nobody answered, no sound. Adjusting his hat, Jake walked to the side door that he knew led into the kitchen. His boots climbed the semi-rotten stairs to the groaning wood porch. The door opened, protesting loudly, popping and squeaking. The sound echoed off the empty walls, amplifying the loud depressive interior of the building.

“Holy fuck,” he said under his breath.

A once-cute little kitchen was stripped of everything but the counters and cabinets. The hardwood floors - scuffed and stained. The walls were in no better shape. Power outlets and wall switches were missing, no wires protruded from the outlet boxes.

The kitchen sink was missing. They smashed holes around the area into the walls.

“Copper scavengers, fucking scumbags,” he said to nobody.

Jake crunched across the floor, his boots smashing bits of drywall and wood splinters. The hallway looked the same, stripped of anything valuable for cash. Holes in the ceiling and walls, wires missing, carpet stained. Water stains marked the walls and ceiling here and there.

“New roof, and gut the house - check.”

He walked down the hall where the three bedrooms sat, but a loud crash erupted from outside. Thinking something had happened to his truck, he pulled the gun from his pants and ran back into the kitchen and out through the door.

“Who’s there!” he yelled, sighting down the barrel of his gun.

He looked around, swinging back and forth, checking behind him. His pickup looked fine. There was nothing obvious that caused the noise. Panting, he lowered the gun to his side, chuckling to himself.

“Gettin’ worked up over nuthin’.” He tucked the pistol away, but quickly removed it again when another bang erupted from the shop. “Get your ass out here, now!”

A heavy shuffling - from the large opening where the missing door should have been. The sound of something being dragged across the concrete floor, like a tarp or plastic bag.

“I’m warning you, come out with your hands in the air!” Jake inched closer to the door, squinting into the darkness.

A grunt, followed by a clicking of tap shoes on the ground. A shadow of something large shifted in the darkness. The small hairs on the back of Jake's neck stood up, but he pushed the warning away.

“For the last time, come -” He didn’t have time to finish his sentence before something large charged him.

Jake squeezed off a shot before it slammed him hard against the grille of the truck, his head bouncing off the headlight. A bellowing roar blew hot, stinking air on his face. Something wet splashed across his legs, but he didn’t feel the pain. How long he lay on the ground before the bear left, he didn’t know.

Water splashing his face pulled him into consciousness. Jake spluttered and coughed, trying to shake the cold liquid from his face. His head throbbed, his vision swayed and spun before locking onto the source of the water.

A thin, dark-haired girl stood at his feet holding a hose. She wore a large torn and stained hoodie; the cuffs frayed. Her pale skin and thin face gave her a sickly appearance. This girl showed no signs of concern for his condition.

“Who are you?” she asked, holding the hose like a weapon.

Jake tried to sit up, but his spinning head prevented that. “I - oh shit.” He lay down again, staring at the cloudy sky.

The girl stood above him, looking down into his eyes. “You’re bleeding,” she said.

Her tone came out flat and unfeeling, her eyes showed the signs of sleep deprivation. Jake reached a hand up, touching the sore spot at the back of his head. He winced, pulling back his fingers coated in blood.

“Ah, fuck. Is it bad?” he asked. “Head feels like I been smacked with a hammer.”

“Bear,” she said, kneeling down, hose still tight in her hand. “Turn to the left. I need to see.” She parted his hair, eliciting a hiss of pain. “Yeah, it’s still oozing pretty good.”

“Well, hit it with the hose. Might as well clean it since I'm laying here.” he said.

Without warning, she blasted the side of his head, the water ice cold. She wagged the stream back and forth, covering every square inch of his scalp. “There, all clean. Now, who are you and why are you here?”

Jake sat up, tilting his head to the right, trying to drain the water from his ear. His vision still spun, but lying around all day would not help him any.

“I’m Jacob Marshall. I own this property.” he said, still working at his ear. “Who are you?”

When no answer came from the girl, he turned his head to look at her. She was paler than just five minutes ago, and her eyes darted to the far tree line.

“Well? I’m not gonna you in trouble or anything, but I wanna know your name.”

He didn’t want to spook her, and she obviously needed some kind of help. The girl, or possibly woman, looked frail. The least he could do was offer her some food and a ride into town. After all, she woke him up with a hose.

“I - I’m Lisa. I live here, in the house,” she said, pointing to the building. “My family left me here when the sheriff evicted us.”

Lisa’s eyes looked at anything but him. Jake couldn’t believe it. I had evicted them weeks ago!

“You mean to tell me you’ve been here all by yourself?” he asked. He really just couldn’t believe it.

Lisa nodded and sat at his feet, dropping the handle of the hose next to her. “I’m out of food, and I have nothing or anyone.” She sniffed, wiping her nose with the sleeve of her dirty hoodie. “Kick me out, but I was leaving anyway.”

Jake sighed, laying back on the cold concrete again. “Lisa, will you please get me the Aspirin from the glove box please?”

She turned, looking at his face to see if this was some kind of trick. When it became clear the man was hurting, she stood and did what he asked. The small white bottle was there, right where he said it was. She slid it into her hoodie pocket and felt the heavy, cold steel there.

Removing the scuffed pistol from her pocket, she set the gun in the glove box and closed it. It was clear she didn’t need it; not right now, anyway.

“How many do you want?” she asked, opening the bottle.

Jake reached up for it, but she gave him a questioning look. He didn’t know how clean her hands were, but let it slide. “Two, please.”

Lisa shook two tablets out onto the bottle cap and leaned down. “Open wide.”

“Thanks,” Jake said, swallowing the pills dry. “Can you please help me up? I’ll give you a lift into town.”


Jake sat behind the wheel of his truck, radio cranking out Hank Jr. Lisa refused to leave the house when Jake mentioned going to the local Walmart. He promised to take her out for pizza, or whatever else she wanted. She still put her foot down - no.

“You need some food, and Sheriff Taylor would want to see you, Lisa.”

“Take me to see him, then. But I can’t go anywhere else dressed like this.” She held her arms out at her sides and teared up. “I don’t have any other things to wear, and I’m just a homeless piece of trash.”

She dropped to the ground, sitting on her heels. Jake crouched down next to her, unsure if he should pat her back or just offer nice words. Consoling women in an intimate situation like this was not something he ever felt comfortable with.

“You ain’t homeless trash, Lisa. I don’t know your story, but you said something about being left behind, right?”

Lisa nodded, hiding her face in her arm.

“Then it ain’t your fault. What were you supposed to do? Just come with me. I’ll get you some clothes and food.”

He swung the old pickup into the Walmart, the 40 minute drive feeling twice as long as it actually was. Jake did not know why Lisa refused to come, but that girl was as stubborn as a pissed off mule. Not only did she refuse to go, but she had the nerve to tell him he should see the doctor about his head.

“Tell me what to do, when you won’t even help yourself,” he mumbled.

The doors slid open, the warm air blew out and onto his face when he walked in. Grabbing a cart with a bumpy wheel, he clattered down the isles grabbing everything he needed. Toothbrush, hairbrush, suture kits with everything else he’d need for a first aid kit. The real reason he wanted her to go was so she could deal with the women’s clothing. She told him to get small things, but that didn’t mean shit to him. Did she need undergarments? What about socks and shoes?

He pushed the basket through the clothing racks and shelves, feeling a million eyes on his back. ‘All these women must think I'm some kind of pervert,’ he thought. ‘Should just grab a bunch of shit and leave.’

“Can I help you, sir?” a voice asked from his left.

Jake jumped and turned, finding a middle-aged lady smiling at him. She wore a Walmart vest and held one of those hand scanners.

“Er, yes. I need a few changes of clothes for my niece,” he chuckled. “But I ain’t got no idea what her size is.”

“I see, alright.” The woman looked up at him, scanning his face with her sharp gaze. “How old is she?”

“Seventeen, well, she will be tomorrow,” Jake answered. “Her momma said she’s growing fast and won't stay in one size too long.” He felt his brow getting hot, hoping this woman would buy his story and offer some help.

“Oh, how sweet! Alright, well, how tall is she?”

Jake held his hand to his chest. “About this tall and skinny as a whip.”

“Well, without her actual size, it’s best to stay away from things like jeans and such.” She walked away towards the wall with a bunch of stretchy pants. “Some things like leggings and shorts will do,” the woman commented. She held up a pair of black leggings, holding them against her hips. “These should be long enough for her.”

Jake grabbed two pairs of the black ones and two long sleeve shirts that seemed to match the size of the bottoms. Checking the sizes he grabbed, he found some underwear and socks before tearing out of the area. On the way to the grocery side of the store, he stopped by the feminine hygiene aisle. Checking that nobody was watching, he snatched a pack of pads and ditched that area as well.

A case of water bottles and some snacks from the grocery section and he was out of there, tossing the bags in the passenger seat of his pickup. He slammed the door behind him and leaned back against the window, letting out a long sigh. “That’s finally done,” he said.

He fired up the truck and felt his pocket vibrating. Pulling his phone out, he recognized the Cow Creek sheriff’s number. “What the hell?”

“Hello, this is Jake.”

“Howdy, Jake. This is Sheriff John Taylor speaking. I just wanted to know how the visit to your pappy’s ranch went.”

‘He knows about Lisa, most likely.’

“Ah, well, it was interesting. Got smacked by a fucking bear. Tore my scalp up pretty good.”

“No shit? Come on into town if you ain’t already. I’ll let the Doc know you’re comin’ in,” he said. “I've been hearing reports about a bear digging into folks’ trash.”

“Yeah, well, this one was doin just that, sheriff. It’s alright though, I’m here at the Walmart down the highway. Grabbed some things for the bump. I’ll be fine.”

“If you say so. Watch out for that bear. I heard he’s a big one. I’ll let you go, just wanted to welcome you back and check in.”

“Well, hold on a second. I met someone at the house. Her name’s Lisa.”

Sheriff John said nothing at first, which made Jake think he had some questions to answer at the station. Not that he had anything to worry about, but the silence left a lot to his imagination.

“Sheriff, you there?” he asked.

“Did - you say, Lisa?” he asked, his breath sounding heavy.

“Yeah, is something wrong?”

“GODDAMIT!” he screamed. “That worthless woman!”

“John, what’s wrong?” Jake asked, leaning forward against the steering wheel.

“Is she with you, at the store?” the sheriff asked, breathing heavier still. “That girl’s been all by herself for weeks, Jake!”

“Yeah, I heard. That’s why I’m pickin’ stuff up for her,” Jake screamed back. “She’s skin and bone, John. Dirty rags for clothes, no food or anything. I’m heading back to get her and bring her to the motel.”

“Don’t bother. - bring that shit to the station. I’m already on my way to get her.” Jake heard a car door slam on the other end of the line. “She’s going right to the doctor’s office after I get her. Meet me at my office in an hour with her things.”

The call ended with a beep. He looked at his phone, seeing that the old sheriff had ended it. “Holy shit, what a fucked up town.” Jake tossed his phone on the dash and grabbed the can of dip from his back pocket, packing his lip.


Lisa stood in the kitchen, looking out through the windows facing the driveway. There was no reason to hide now. Her cover had been blown. She felt a trickle of relief. In another, fear gripped her heart. She still had 3 more days until her 18th birthday; what would happen to her?

Her eyes just about popped from their sockets when the sheriff’s SUV came barreling down the gravel road toward the house. She knew who it was, and those mixed feelings came back to her, making her vision dip and spin.

Sheriff John skidded to a stop and flew out of the cruiser, knocking his cowboy hat sideways over his head. He reached up and fixed it before stopping, catching Lisa’s eye in the window. She lifted a hand and waved, an uncomfortable smile on her lips.

John slowly lowered his hand from his hat and continued to the door, knocking once before letting himself in. “Jeezus, this place shocks me every time I see it.” He looked around the remains of the kitchen before fixing his gaze on Lisa.

“Lisa,” he said, his voice cracking. “Oh, sweetheart.” He walked up to her, gently taking her shoulders in his hands. He held her, looking her up and down. “You're so thin. Are you hungry? I’ve got a bag of chips in the cruiser.”


The sheriff had cared for Lisa when her parents failed to. Since 9th grade, Sheriff John would drive Lisa to school since her dad was too strung out, and her mom couldn’t be bothered when she had to work. Lisa missed the first week of her highschool year, simply because she had no way to get there. She didn’t want to go anyway, not having many friends, and was always teased because of the way she looked and dressed.

Lisa’s mother hated spending money on her daughter, so they shopped at the thrift markets. That wasn’t bad, but nothing fit right; everything just hung off of the young girl’s body. After they bought her clothes, her mother drove Lisa home so she could go shopping for herself.

The school called the house when Lisa never showed up for class. Her mother just blamed Lisa for the absence, saying she drove her there and she probably just ditched when she drove away. The school had security cameras, so they called the sheriff next.

Sheriff Taylor eventually showed up at the ranch to figure out why the girl wasn't attending class. He couldn't find Lisa’s father, and he knew that the girl’s mother was at work. He took Lisa to the station and called her mother in for a meeting with the school counselor.

“Mrs. Crow, your daughter here has to attend school. If she continues to be absent, I will have no choice but to slap truancy on this.”

Momma looked at him, the counselor, and finally to her daughter, giving her a disgusted look as if this situation was completely her fault.

“Sheriff Taylor, I can't bring her to school every morning. With Tom out of work, I've got to pick up the slack before we fall behind on our bills.” She shot her daughter another scowl. “Besides, she’s only been out for what, a week? I don’t think she’s skipped before, has she?”

The sheriff looked at her incredulously. He could see right through her act. He knew she was feeding him bullshit on a platter. Shouldn’t this woman know when her girl missed school? After all, that was her job as a parent!

“Mrs. Crow, you have a responsibility as a mother to provide for your daughter. Clothes, food, shelter, AND an education.” He adjusted his position in his chair and rested his elbows on his desk. “If this continues, you and Tom will be the ones on the shit list. We cannot expect Lisa to walk 10 miles to and from school every day.”

“Sheriff Taylor, I just can't leave my job t -” Mrs. Crow started.

The counselor, who had been silent until now, interrupted her, looking at the woman as if she was an ugly bug.

“Sheriff, we have a program that will allow Miss Lisa to study from home. We can provide her with the work to be completed during the week, and once a week she can come into the school to turn it in.”

That’s what she did. For almost 4 years, Lisa took part in the home study programme. During that period, her home life got steadily worse. The house fell into disrepair. Tom Crow, Lisa’s father, sold most of the appliances, and her mom was gone almost all the time. She still longed for her father's attention. Although he didn't pay her any attention, Lisa still tried to show him she still loved him.

Whenever the sheriff came by the ranch to pick Lisa up for her weekly school visit, he would walk the perimeter of the house and shop. Now and then he would stop during his stroll, take a picture and write something in a small spiral notebook. The ride to and from school was awkward for Lisa at first. He would ask her questions about her father and his activities, and the whereabouts of her mother. That was after her Las Vegas move in with Mr. Rich guy.

During one of the last visits to school, he pulled off the road, put the car in park, and turned in his seat to face her. “Lisa dear, I think your dad is cooking meth. Would you know anything about that?”

Shocked, she shook her head. Lisa didn't really know anything about the drug besides what it had done to her daddy.

“No sir, I mainly stay in the house. He just stays outside all the time. I don't go out there much.” He stared at Lisa awhile and exhaled sharply.

“Honey, I've noticed some things in the garbage cans and around the shop. The signs are all there.” He went silent for a minute before speaking again. “I’ve asked your mamma to stay with you at the ranch for now. This afternoon, they will issue a warrant for his arrest based on the evidence I've found.”

He looked at her, sadness in his eyes. “I’m sorry, sweetheart.”

That didn't surprise her. Somehow, she knew it would eventually come to this. She wasn't happy about her mother moving back in, but at least maybe, just maybe, her life would get better.

“The property owner has ordered an eviction as well. We have notified your mamma.”

“What? Where the hell will we live?” Lisa cried. ‘My life wouldn't be better after all. I'll be homeless. Mamma wouldn’t keep me around,’ she thought.

When they returned to the ranch after school, her daddy had left. Her mamma said he ran after hearing about the eviction. That upset sheriff Taylor, but he also suspected he might run.

Lisa graduated early, finishing her credits and all the required work before everyone else. She didn’t attend the high school graduation ceremony, although they invited her. ‘What was the point?’ she thought. ‘Those assholes only tormented me for years.’

It didn’t do her any good, graduating early. She didn’t have a car, any form of ID, or money to start her own life. She was stuck, left to fend for herself on the outskirts of town.


They pulled into the doctor’s office 20 minutes later. Lisa recognized this place and shivered with the terrible memories. Sheriff John noticed and patted her knee, giving her a reassuring smile.

“They just need to look you over and make sure you ain’t starving too bad. Nothing like the last time you were here, okay?”

She returned his small smile and nodded once, opening the cruiser’s door. Inside, the nurses all met her in the lobby. Some smiled, recognizing her from her last awful visit. Others teared up and demanded that the sheriff have her parents arrested for abuse.

“One step at a time, ladies,” he said. “Step one, let’s get Lisa here cleaned up and checked out.”

And they did. They guided Lisa to a small shower room at the end of the hall. The hot water felt like heaven on her skin. She felt her muscles loosen. The tension washed down the drain with the grease and dirt that had accumulated on her skin.

After the shower, they gave her a gown with the open back and guided her to an exam room. Eyes, nose, ears and throat; all fine. Doctor Melissa then asked Lisa to remove the gown and lay down on the exam table, and frowned when she saw the state of her body.

She checked Lisa’s BMI and wrinkled her brow. “Lisa, we need to get you fed. Any lower and I will request to have you admitted.” She pressed around Lisa’s abdomen, sides, and chest. “Are you feeling any pain in these areas?”

Lisa shook her head no, staring up at the ceiling. “Just hungry. I had some chips on the ride here, but they filled me up fast.”

“Well, that’s good, just keep at it. Take it easy, though. Too much too fast and you’ll make yourself sick. If you have any problems, we’ll admit you like I said before. Let’s take a peek down below, then I'll sign you off.”


Jake pulled up to the medical center, parking next to the cruiser. John had called him earlier, sounding much calmer than he did 30 minutes before.

“Hey, Jake. We’re here at the clinic. The ladies are taking care of Miss Lisa now.”

“Good deal. She needs care. Hopefully everything checks out alright for her. You need me to meet you there?”

“Yeah, if you would, I'd appreciate it. They’ve prob’ly got her in a gown back there. She could use them things you bought her.”

He met Jake at the door, holding it open for him, and shook his hand. “Nice to see you again, Jake. Uh, I can pay you for them things. You didn't have to go out of your way.”

Jake waved for John to put his wallet away. “Nah, shove it back in your pocket. This girl’s needs are more important than money. I'm happy to help.” He sat in a chair, propping a foot up on his knee. “Any word yet?”

John flopped into the chair next to him with a long sigh. He pulled his hat off and set it on his knee before running a hand through his shaggy gray hair. “Just that she’s showered and cooperating with everyone. Other than that, no.”

A nurse in pink scrubs came through the hallway door, finding the two men sitting in the chairs by the front window. “Sheriff? Lisa is just about ready to leave.”

“Good, that’s good news, I assume?”

“Yes, but we need some clothing for her.” Her eyes fell on the plastic bag in Jake’s lap. “Did you bring something for her?” she asked Jake.

Jake stood, opening the bag as he did. The nurse stepped back and looked up at him, watching while he pulled something from the shopping bag.

“I bought two pairs of each of these,” he said. He held a shirt and a pair of leggings out to the nurse. “I guessed on the size, but grabbed a pack of these, too.” He passed the underwear pack to her as well.

She smiled, eyes laughing at Jake's obvious discomfort. “I think these are a perfect fit for her, thank you, uh -”

“Oh, my apologies. Name’s Jake Marshall,” he said, offering his hand.

“Well, Mr. Marshall. I’ll bring these to Lisa and let her know how well you did,” she said with an endearing smile.

“Uh, thank you ma’am.” He sat, watching the nurse disappear behind the hallway door.

“I think she likes you,” the sheriff said in a low voice.

“What, who?” asked Jake.

“That pretty nurse you just spoke with, idiot.”

Jake turned, giving Sheriff John a ‘fuck you’ look. “I ain’t in a position for a relationship right now.”

“Yeah, none of the women around here know that,” commented John.

“So what are you gonna do about Lisa?” asked Jake, changing the subject. “I don’t know how old she is, but I doubt she’s young enough for the state's foster system.”

“Yeah, I know. She might be 18 by now, or at least close to it.” He clasped his hands over his big belly and sighed. “Honestly, I’m just going to let her decide what to do. She can stay homeless, or she can apply for state housing and benefits until she can get on her own two feet.”

Jake nodded, agreeing with what the old man had to say. “You can’t let her parents get away with abandoning her, though.”

“Oh, hell no I ain’t! As soon as I get the doctor’s report, I’m flattening them with the legal hammer.” He said, fire in his eyes. “I seen too much over the years. I hope Lisa sues her mother for everything she can.”

Just then, the hallway door opened, revealing the thin dark-haired figure called Lisa. Her freshly washed and brushed hair hung low on her back. The grimy, dirty clothes were gone, replaced by the fresh outfit. They showed her figure well, or what figure she had.

Jake stood, not knowing why. Lisa smiled at him but averted her eyes, her cheeks reddening slightly. Sheriff John stood next to Jake, holding his hat in front of him.

“How are you, Lisa? Is everything alright?” John asked.

Lisa’s eyes flicked to Jake, but she turned to answer the sheriff. “I’m okay, I guess.”

Doctor Melissa stood next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “I took some blood and urine samples, just as a precautionary measure. Everything I can see checks out just fine. She needs to put some weight on, and she can do that at her own pace.” She handed a slip of paper out to the sheriff. “A follow up appointment this time next week to see how she’s getting on. I’ll have her test results by then.”

Lisa signed herself out, and the three of them walked out to the parking lot. Jake handed the shopping bag to Lisa, along with the receipt for the clothing.

“If you don't like them, or they don’t fit right, you can exchange them for better ones. I ain’t good with guessing sizes and such.”

Lisa accepted it and peeked in, finding the other pair of clothes and some toiletries. “I like them just fine, Jake. Everything is fine, and you’re so sweet for doing this.”

Sheriff John leaned back against his cruiser, facing Jake, who stood by his pickup. He looked over Lisa’s shoulder at the sheriff, his arms crossed, smiling at him. Lisa stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Jake's stomach, resting her head on his chest.

“Thank you for this stuff, and telling John about me.”

Jake held his arms up, giving a surprised look to the sheriff. He closed his eyes and nodded once. Jake lowered an arm and patted her back. “You’re welcome. I’m happy to help.”

Lisa didn’t move or respond, she just laid against Jake. He didn’t know what to do, so he shrugged at John, who only smirked.

He cleared his throat and leaned forward to rest a hand on Lisa’s shoulder. “I think we need to talk about what to do with you.” He looked up at Jake. “Let’s go to Jose's for some Mexican food and have a chat.”

Lisa let go of Jake, but turned to talk to the sheriff. “He needs to get his head stitched, sheriff. That bear knocked him out cold this morning.”

The sheriff looked up at Jake, who shrugged. “It doesn’t look like he cares much, Lisa.”

Lisa turned back to Jake, giving him a stern look. “You helped me, now I’ll help you.”

Jake raised his brows, amused. “Oh, yeah? You gonna drag me in there for stitches?” He jerked his head at the office and smiled.

“Nope, but I saw what else was in that bag,” she said, tone flat. “You know you need something.”

“I put antibacterial gel on it earlier. It’ll be fine,” he assured. “Now, let’s go get some food and a beer.”

“Atta boy, let’s get to it!” Sheriff John said, rubbing his hands together.


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