《New World Paradise》Chapter 3. The Right One Part 1


“After months since the Global Alliance Corporation initiated the expedition, into what can only be described as a portal, they still haven’t given a report about what they’ve found so far beyond what is already public knowledge,” a newscaster reported on a television inside a convenience store in a city.

Inside, there was a tall beautiful woman, with long red hair, pale skin, delicate and attractive facial features, and a pair of deep blue eyes that almost seemed to glow. She had an uncaring attitude towards whatever the news was showing as she was carrying a few things she wanted to buy; however, she couldn’t help but look at the screen for a while.

“We have been trying to get in contact with them, but so far, the only information that they’re giving is that the portal is safe, it is stable and people should go back to business, while keeping away from the zone already closed out for investigation,” another newscaster reported.

“Excuse, ma’am?” the cashier called out to the woman that seemed to be distracted by the news, but she continued to stare at the news.

“The chief investigator said that they’ll—”

A scream interrupted the news segment and made the people inside the store, the woman included, to look outside as a woman was being dragged by a man riding a motorcycle who was trying to steal the purse she had away from her.

“Oh man, another street robber near this area…” the cashier said while looking outside before turning to look at the woman he was calling out to before. He was surprised to see that the woman was already gone, so he looked around to see her leaving the store. “Ma’am! What about your…” she was already gone, leaving the things she wanted to buy on the counter.

“Let it go!” screamed the man, while pulling on the purse as he was trying to drive away.


The woman was trying to let go of it, but she found it hard to remove since the bag strap was around her arm and she was forcefully being dragged away by it. The bag strap eventually broke from the force, letting the woman tumble a couple of meters on the streets, while the man managed to stabilize himself.

Just as he was about to accelerate and run away, a hand suddenly grabbed him by the neck and pulled him from the bike, making it crash to the side. The man was struggling with his hands by grabbing the strong and yet slender arm of whoever had pulled him up.

When the man was about to pass out, a couple of men came running from a street corner, “Hey! Let go of our man!” shouted one of them while moving one of arms behind his back. “I have iron on me!”.

The woman grabbing the criminal from the neck only half turned her face, her deep blue eyes showing no change in emotion as she held an unmoving grip on the criminal’s neck.

“I’m not going to repeat myself!” said the one with his hand behind his back.

The woman decided to toss the criminal she was carrying to the ground in the direction of the other two. Just as they were about to lower their guard to pick up their coughing friend, the woman suddenly ran towards them at an impossible speed for a person, stopping in front of the one that had one arm behind his back, and punching him with a very fast fist in the stomach, sending the man flying a few meters.

The second man that was standing next to him was stunned for a second, not expecting his buddy to be attacked so fast, and that was enough time for the woman to quickly turn and kick the second man in one knee. The strength was such that his leg bent in a completely different direction, almost sending the limb flying away.


The first man was knocked out from the force, but the second one was feeling the injury completely, which made him scream in pain as he fell to the ground holding his leg. Seeing that his buddies had been injured to such a point, the man that had been choked before went pale and decided that it was time to run, however just as he was about to stand up, the woman placed her foot on his neck, and started putting pressure on him. The man was choking again while holding on to the leg that was on his neck.

“Alright that’s enough Natalia,” said a police officer from the window of his cruiser as the vehicle was stopping.

Natalia simply turned to look at the police officer while she kept her foot on the neck of the criminal.

“I mean, if you really want to kill him, we wouldn’t mind it, but since we got here we gotta do our job and the paperwork for just watching would be a pain in the ass, so we’ll take it from here,” answered the officer after Natalia just gave him a look.

She kept her foot for a couple of seconds while the officer was calmly getting out of the cruiser before finally giving up and letting the criminal take air again. The criminal coughed on the floor while holding his neck for a few moments before a swift kick to the side of the head knocked him out.

“Phew, for a second there I thought you were going to force us to do paperwork,” said the officer while lazily walking over to the scene.

The officer looked at the people on the ground. First the one passed out with drool coming out of his mouth a few meters away, then the one holding his leg on the ground and finally the one knocked out on the ground, before saying, “Good job, Natalia.”

The commotion from the fight had attracted people to watch what had happened, which made Natalia start to walk away, not bothering to walk back into the store she was before; however, a few steps later, the officer from the cruiser called out to her. “Wait! Lady Laroy, I got a call from HQ, they say that they want you to come with us.”

Natalia stopped and turned to look at the officer before saying, “They already have the contacts from before and all the other times I’ve done this. I’m not going to bother.”

She was about to keep walking, but the officer continued, “They say a ‘Colton’ is looking for you.”

Natalia frowned for a moment before turning to walk over to the police car and get in it.

“So are we supposed to leave these dudes here on the floor?” said the first officer while scratching his head.

“It’s no problem, another unit is on the way here. Besides, I don’t think these ones are going anywhere for a while,” answered the other officer from the car.

“Well alrighty then,” said the first officer before following Natalia to the police car.

After he was in the car, the first officer looked back at her. “Must be some big shot to get you to go anywhere just like that, huh.”

Natalia didn’t respond to him.

The officer looked at the second officer that started driving. “A really big shot.”

As the cruiser was driving away, on the scene only the moaning voices of the criminals were left as people watched while murmuring around them and the woman that had been robbed carefully picked up the purse that had flown away during the fight. In the distance the siren from another police car could be heard getting closer.

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