《When We Were Wallflower》chapter 4: Morning Routine


( RING!!! WAKE UP ITS MORNING!! WAKE UP ITS MORNING!!) She jolts her hand up from the sound and hits her alarm clock. It was a complete replica of the pet that the main character from The rising star hero had. A chicken from one of her favorite animated shows that she used to watch when she was a child.

She sat up, feeling half awake, rubbing her eyes while she yawns. Her brain finally started to realize that it was morning, and she steps out of bed to tidy up. The sun was just beginning to shine across the horizon as the sky begins to lose its dark hue.

"It's morning again. Augh, I hate having to wake up this early." She muttered to herself

She walks to the kitchen, and she saw a note on the fridge with her name on it.

[ Have to go to work early today. I made you a sandwich It's on the table

Love mom]

[ I guess mom had an early shift today. I'll have to thank her when she gets back.] she thought to herself

She grabbed the milk out of the fridge and poured herself a drink and went to the dining room. She ate the sandwich as she browses through Instabook to check out what is the trending fashion and the current events before getting ready for school.

She walked backed to her room and packed her bag according to the schedule she was going to have. [Ring!! Ring!!Ring!!] her ringtone sounded signifying she received a message as her phone begins to vibrate non-stop on her desk while she was getting dressed.

[ OMG!! Where are you right now? Are you awake yet? There's something amazing happening right now. I will be waiting outside the train station hurry up!!

-H ]

" What's with her enthusiasm." She sighs while she finishes getting dressed.

She walked out of her house. The sky was fully awake bright orange hue shines brightly across the ground, building as well as the pedestrian.

She locked the door and headed out while walking to the station she checked her schedule, and it turns out that she had history lesson every day, which means she has to see Harold every day.

Her mind wanders to what had happened yesterday about what he said to her before she left. This made her anxious about facing him even though she didn't say anything back. It took her by surprise from what he said to her.

She didn't understand why he said that to her. Thinking about all this made her head spin and made it more uncomfortable facing him.

When she reached the train station, she waited for her friend to come. Half an hour later, she started to get irritated, waiting for her all this while. She decided to message her, asking where she was.

[ where are you?! Are you here yet? It's so boring here come on reach faster.

-E ]

A few minutes went by. She got a message.

[ Went on ahead sorry I just remember that I had some duties to take care of sorry XP.


" That bitch! She rushed me to get ready, and when I got here, she's a no-show. A heads up would be nice." She murmured under her breath as she walked along the pavement.

While walking, she was using her phone and lost track of time as other students were rushing to the gate, she started to fumble and held herself together so that she won't fall. The time passes and more students came rushing in and suddenly, she lost control of her balance.


She fell on her ass as students walked right past her, not caring about what was happening as everyone was chasing after the bell. As the crowd dissipated, she grabbed her books and notes off the floor and stood up. She brushes off the dust that fell on her uniform.

At the same time, Harold was riding his bicycle to school. He got off half a kilometer from the entrance of the school. Before entering the school, he noticed that there was a girl who fell. Papers were flying around, and a paper fell in front of his bike he bent down to grab it. He rushes down to give it to her.

He thought that it would be an excellent opportunity for him to introduce himself to her and maybe start some romantic relationship just like the one he sees In all those movies.

When he got closer, he began to remember that ponytail hairstyle and that hairpin. He was skeptical that it might be her as he got closer. His mind wandered.

[Maybe I could tease her to get her back for all the things she has been saying to me.] He tapped her on her shoulder.

" Hey! Did someone lose something?"

" Huh? Oh did I? Really?" a firm yet soft-voiced replied

As she turned around, she was wearing purple glasses with wrinkles on her nose. She has shallow cheekbones typically found in slender girls, and her fringe was a little messy with the same hairstyle and hairpin.

" Oh!! did I drop something? Let me check." She browses through her brown sling backpack with a magnetic lock, which looked to be in pretty bad shape. The front compartment had a busted zipper as the grab tab had been broken off.

The main compartment seems like it had been pulled using force as it wasn't fully closed. At the bottom there were a few small holes, it looks like it had been used for a long time. She was checking if any missing papers had flown out while she was walking.

" I don't think that's mine. Does it have a name on it?"

"Ah, I'm not sure let me check."

" There it is!! It belongs to Elizabeth Baker. Do you know where she is?"

" No, sorry, I don't know anybody by that name I don't think I know where she is either. Do you need help looking for her?"

" No, it's ok. Thanks anyway. I thought you were her sorry, that was my mistake."

" Ok, let me know when you do. My name is Kiera. I'm from class 2-A. Nice to meet you. What's your name?"

" I'm Harold. I'm from class 1-H."

" Harold, huh. I have never seen you around here before. Are you new?"

" Yes, I am. I just moved here from Ethion. I guess I'm the new transfer student."

" Ah!! So you're the new transfer student. Well nice to meet you transfer student. I guess I'm your senior. Well, I'm looking forward to seeing you around. I better hurry or my adviser will give me another nagging if I'm late again. catch you around." Replied Kiera

" Yeah, you too nice to meet you too."

" I better start looking for that clumsy girl or I'm gonna get a nagging from her." He sighs

Looking around, more students were coming in and it became a lot harder for him to look for her. The last bell was about to ring and he didn't want to be late on his second day of school, so he decided to put the paper in his bag and went inside.


When he arrived, he looked around for the place where she was seating and she was nowhere to be found. When the adviser came to class, everyone started to race to their sit and began to shush everyone as they got ready for homeroom.

Five minutes into the lesson, Harold started to fall asleep from the endless nagging of his adviser about the news and announcement that they needed to discuss.

Ten minutes into the lesson Elizabeth came in.

" Where have you been? The lesson started 10 minutes ago?"

" Oh. I'm sorry, Miss Daisy. Mr. Oscar asked me to help him carry some books to his office."

" Oh, ok. I understand. Next time can you notify someone so that I don't have to keep looking for you.

" Yes, Ma'am, I will."

" Ok, go on, go take your seat. Let me get back to what we were discussing."

" So everyone knows that we have so many-"

She walks down the aisle where Harold was seating and turns right to where she was seated.

" He's already asleep, that dufus. Not my problem." She murmured under her breath, glaring at him while he slept through the lesson.

" Alright, everyone, please pass up the consent form that I asked you to let your parents sign." Miss Daisy ordered the class

Everyone took out the consent form from their bag while Harold slept like a log. When everyone passed up their form, she counted and noticed that there was 1 form missing.

" Has everyone passed up?"

" Yes, Miss Daisy, everyone did." The class representative replied.

" I must be blind because there's still 1 form missing from the 40 students that are currently being held in this class."

" Ok, everyone! Who has yet to pass up their form?" demanded Miss Daisy

Right after, she saw at the back of the class, one person sleeping soundly. It was hard to notice due to the guy who was sitting in front of him.

" Who's that person? Sleeping at the back of the class?" questioned Miss Daisy

" It's Harold Miss Daisy." Mark replied

" Could you please wake him up? He is not supposed to be sleeping. Especially during class."

" HEY!! WAKE UP." Mark nudges him but to avail.

" DUDE!! WAKE UP, MAN. Miss Daisy is getting annoyed. Don't get me into trouble."

" Huh?! What's happening?" Harold woke up slowly rubbing his eyes

Mark sighs with relief that he finally woke up. Miss Daisy stood there, waiting for Harold to wake up.

" OH LOOKS WHO'S UP. MR SLEEPING BEAUTY." Being sarcastic in her reply

Everyone was laughing at his misfortune before being interrupted.

" Have you passed up the paper that I asked you to let your parents sign?"

" Wait, what paper?" Harold looked with confusion

" This paper!! Mark showed Harold the top part of the paper"

" Oh, that paper. Ah, I don't think I have submitted it yet." replied Harold

" Well, what are you waiting for? Do you want some invitation?" her sarcastic comment continued

He ransacked his bag, looking for the letter and walked through the aisle, and passed it to Miss Daisy.

" Thank you and you shouldn't be sleeping! It's just the beginning of the class. Try to sleep earlier if you feel tired in the morning." Miss Daisy advised him

" Yes ma'am, sorry for sleeping in class. I won't do it again." He walked back with tired eyes on his face with a slight bedhead

The bell for the end of class rang and the students started to pack up their things to get ready for the next lesson. Chatter was heard in the hallway as students made their way to their class, teachers asking students for help carrying notes and assignment to their office. The sky was filled with clouds as the sun shone brightly across the horizon.

The swimming pool glistens as students played around enjoying their heart's content. Students were shouting across the field, trying to communicate with each other as their teacher orders them to clean up and get ready for their next class.

" Ok everyone, that's the bell for the end of class everyone please behave and don't cause trouble for your teachers or I will force to deal with you." She stared like she was about to do something horrible.

She walked out of class, feeling accomplished from what she had said as she walks off. She could hear the idle chatter that was happening in class.

Her motto has always been to inspire the students to give their best so that at the end of the day, they would have no regrets looking back and if that happens, that means she has done everything she can despite the measure she is willing to go.

This led to a lot of disagreements with the member of the board committee. The school director didn't approve some of the methods she was willing to go to.

" Miss Daisy sure is one scary teacher." Exclaimed Reina

" Yeah, didn't you know she was once the headmistress of the school, and the number of disobedient cases she had while she was in charge plummeted." Added Wendy

" Rumor has it, she retired a few years back as headmistress because the school didn't allow some of her bizarre punishment and became a homeroom teacher instead." Responded Becky

Harold quickly packs his stuff and grabbed the paper he was supposed to give to Elizabeth before he got interrupted by Mark.

" Dude. Are you ok?" worried Mark

" Yeah. I am. I guess I didn't get enough sleep last night." replied Harold

"You sure? Is something keeping you awake?"

Nah, it's nothing. It'll be fine. I'm sorry about just now.

" It's ok. Don't worry about it."

" You should sleep earlier and if you have some issues like girls or anything, come talk to me."

Mark tapped him on his shoulder as he walked off after giving him that piece of advice.

Harold was stunned for a moment and realized he has to catch up to Elizabeth quickly.

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