《Once Upon a Time in a Foreign Land》Chapter 033 : Beihai Xinxiu


In the living room, Yingyue was waiting with a dazzling and exciting face. In a flash, Xinxiu and Yingyue stepped into their backyard to water the plants. Then Xinxiu explained to Yingyue about the plants in the backyard. Yingyue looked thrilled. Then she watered the plants by singing. Xinxiu watched the girl's movements for a while before returning to the house.

Xinxiu right away sat down on the sofa in the living room. But just as he threw his butt onto the comfortable surface of the sofa, Shanquan informed him that when Xinxiu was in the backyard, they had already discussed something. Tomorrow they would go to Dafeisi Tower. However, Shanquan asked Xinxiu and Zhengyi to go to the subway station to move some of their belongings as soon as possible. Since it was a mutual decision, Xinxiu could only nod. Zhengyi invites Xinxiu to prepare for the things they will bring.

Zhengyi and Xinxiu put these items into their backpacks, which were quite large. Yesterday, they also packed things. Yesterday morning, they could only move some things. They were not able to bring all that they had previously prepared to the station. Therefore, their activities this time did not take up so much time. In a relatively short time, they were ready to leave the house.

When they arrived at the bus stop closest to their house, Zhengyi stopped instead. He acted as if they were going to take a bus to go somewhere. Zhengyi's attitude made Xinxiu not know how to react to it. Like the others, Zhengyi loved to joke. But this really wasn't the time to be joking.

"What are you doing?"

Instead of answering, Zhengyi pulled Xinxiu to sit beside him. "Just do as I did. Now we sit here waiting for the bus."

What is this? Did Yige improvise without consulting the rest of our friends? This is definitely not a healthy thing!

Without much thought, Xinxiu decided to just follow Zhengyi's game. He wanted to know what Zhengyi was planning.

"And don't act like a confused person!" Zhengyi said further.

How can I not be confused? You're acting unreasonably like this!

Soon a bus arrived. Zhengyi immediately got up and prepared to get on the bus. Xinxiu followed behind him.

Uh? Turns out Yige wasn't kidding! He actually got on the bus!

The bus wasn't full at all. Although Xinxiu could clearly see the existing seats were only about a quarter filled, he paid little attention to the passengers on the bus. His mind was still focused on the reasons behind Zhengyi's strange actions. Zhengyi immediately moved to the back of the bus. He sat in the back seat. Xinxiu immediately sat down to his right.


After the bus left, Zhengyi was still silent. The bus then arrived at the next stop, only about three hundred meters from the stop where they had boarded. There was no sign that Zhengyi would get off at the bus stop. Several passengers got off, but none got on. As long as the bus stopped there, Zhengyi also remained silent. The bus then ran again.

Xinxiu turned to him. This time, he really couldn't wait for a reasonable explanation.

Zhengyi put on a serious face. He said. "Keep looking ahead. Don't look like we're talking."

Because his best friend was being very mysterious. Xinxiu grew curious.

"You see, the two people sitting on the right. Three rows in front of us," Zhengyi said.

Just as Xinxiu was about to look over at it, Zhengyi said again, "Don't be too flashy. Don't let people around us notice that we're watching them."

Zhengyi's words made Xinxiu give up on paying attention to the two suspicious people, at least for the time being. Not knowing what to do, he looked down instead, looking at his own lap.

Zhengyi continued his words. "They've been following us since we left the house."

Xinxiu was surprised to hear Zhengyi's statement.

We're being followed? Who are the people following us? What do they really want? In over a year of living here, nothing like this has ever happened!

"Keep looking ahead. Don't look at me."

Xinxiu, who was about to turn his head towards Zhengyi, stopped his intention. He sat quietly in his seat. Not daring to move his limbs an inch.

"And people are sitting right in the chairs that are behind them," Zhengyi continued. "He is the one who followed the two of them!"

Xinxiu was even more surprised to hear that.

There were two people following us. But the two people were also being followed by other people. What really happened?

"How did you know?" This time, Xinxiu dared to open his mouth. But he kept looking ahead.

"I have my own way." Zhengyi did not explain further.

They both said nothing else. After about three minutes, the curious Xinxiu opened his mouth again. "So Yige guessed all these things from a long time ago?"

"What I don't know is whether that person is in the same group as the two people he followed."


"If they are members of the same group, why does that person have to follow his two friends?"

"Maybe they are from the same group, but the two people don't know that they are being watched. This is a natural thing. In the past, when we were still working at the company in our hometown, wasn't there also a team in charge of supervising us? Sometimes we don't even know who was assigned to watch over us," said Zhengyi.

Xinxiu remembered where they came from. Sometimes things like that happen. Before getting a promotion, it was not uncommon for workers to be confronted with strange things that suddenly happened around them. It was to test their integrity. So he felt Zhengyi's words were quite reasonable.

Xinxiu nodded. "But not necessarily they are from the same group."

"You're right. They don't necessarily belong to the same group. They could even be enemies."

"Then what should we do now?" asked Xinxiu.

"First, we have to confirm that they are indeed following us."

"How to be sure?" Xinxiu had never been in such a situation before. So he really didn't know.

"Soon we will change buses. If they are still following, then we are indeed their target."

The bus then stops at a stop. Xinxiu calculated that the number of passengers had increased. Several people got on the bus, but no one got off the bus.

"We'll get off at the next stop." Zhengyi's voice was barely audible.

Unlike the previous stops, which were close to each other, this time the bus stop was a bit far away. Six minutes later, the bus stopped at the stop. The two of them stood up and prepared to descend. Several passengers also got off with them. Among the passengers who got off, it turned out that there were people following them. The two of them then sat on the bench at the stop to wait for another bus line that passed the stop. Only one of the two people following them got off at the stop. The other one remained on the bus. Then the person who followed the two people also got off at the stop.

Just waiting less than three minutes, the bus came. This bus serves a different route from the previous bus. The route is a bit far. The size of the bus is also slightly bigger. Xinxiu noticed that now Zhengyi looked more relaxed, not as tense as before. Just like before, Zhengyi chose to sit in the back seat.

"We know that someone is following us. I think they have some experience with this. So, don't they realize that someone is following them?" Xinxiu asked in a whisper.

Zhengyi sighed at Xinxiu's question. "The person following them is more experienced than the two of them." He was silent for a moment, then continued his speech. "Earlier, when he was sitting on the bus, he changed his appearance. Because he was sitting behind the two people he followed, they could not monitor his actions. He is now wearing glasses, changing his hat, turning over the jacket he is wearing. The jacket he is wearing is a reversible jacket. He even changed his bag. He was carrying two bags. The bag he was carrying now was inside the bag he was carrying before. About the bag he was carrying before. He folded it up and put it in the bag he is carrying now."

Xinxiu was amazed to hear Zhengyi's explanation. He did not expect that Zhengyi notices such things.

Yige seemed to have some experience with these kinds of things. But so far, he has never told us. I hope sometime Yige will share his knowledge with all of us.

"Where are we going to get off?"

"We need to lure them as far away from our friends as possible. So I'm planning to get off at the last stop on this route. I hope this isn't a problem for you," Zhengyi replied.

"Okay then. I'll follow all your plans."

Then the two of them sat in silence during the journey. Every second was eerie. Xinxiu's heart was pounding.

Does this matter have anything to do with Songfei?

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