《Journey of Vessels》Day 19 Part 4: An update on things



Quick Update initiated!


Skill List:

Kanji (lv1): Aspect of Energy: Electricity, Thermal, Sound, Elastic.

{Skill points: !ERROR!}

[Full destructive power limit: Several Villages]

Skills: [1. Infuse/Absorb] [2. Energy travel] [3. Energy trail] [4. Energy bolt] [5. Energy wave] [6. Energy blade] [7. Energy shield] [8. Energy dual conduit] [9. Energy healing] [10. Umbral Cape]

[Vortex battery (Storage)]

Inventory: Geographic sphere, Mechanical soap, Spyware device, Tungsten-infused nanotech silver chain, Tech tablet (Portal) (Hide, Input, Output, Convert, Compress), Night-vision goggles.

Claire (lv1): Aspect of Creation

Skills: [1. Create (Slots: 10)] [2. Absorb (Only created and non-broken items)]

[Vortex battery: The Ninth Prince’s Order]

Inventory: Black cloak, Crossbow, Crossbow bolt (modified with rotatenium), Ammo pouch, Fanfics, Mechanical soap, A spyglass, Night-vision goggles, Medicine belt (sling bag and pockets for syringes), UV flashlight, 4 Flesh syringes, 4 Healing Bandages.

David (lv1): Aspect of Form

{Skill points: !ERROR!}

[Range limit: Room]

[Vortex battery (Control)]

Skills: [1. Expand (x2)] [2. Spikefacation] [3. Delay (1-10s)] [4. Shieldfacation] [5. Trigger] [6. Transform pattern Wave] [7. Net Transform] [8. Whip transform] [9. Blend around] [10. Uno]

Inventory: Tungsten bat, AK -47, Mechanical soap, Night-vision goggles.

Amelia (lv1): Aspect of Reality

{Skill points: !ERROR!}

[Attack type: Strong illusion] [Attack range: x3 field of view]

Skills: [1. Third-person vision] [2. Blurring Mirage] [3. Double] [4. Connect] [5. Vision Swap] [6. Disguise] [7. Flash Mirage] [8. False movement] [9. False Touch] [Mentaltomisis]

[Vortex Battery (Charge)]

Inventory: Frying Pan, Knife, Mechanical soap.

Sarah (lv0): Aspect of Fiction

[Skill access: 1 skill for each item] [Conjured item 1]

Inventory: Mechanical soap, Nezha’s leopard bag (Nezha’s ring).

Noah (lv0): Aspect of Emotion

Skills: [Emotion infusion] (Emotional requirement: High)

Inventory: Mechanical soap, Sharpening stone, 4 Flesh syringes, 4 Healing Bandages, Torn t-shirt, Anger stone, Hoodie.

Diana (lv0): Aspect of Law

{Laws unlocked: Law of Friction} {Limit: Only manipulate small values}

Inventory: Mechanical soap, A pickaxe, Night-vision goggles.

Adrian (lv0): Aspect of Knowledge.

{Connected Minds} {Info Extraction} [Limit: half of basic info}]

Inventory: Mechanical soap, Rope, Handbook (recorded events).

Azan (lv1): Aspect of Change.

[Vortex Battery: Greater Flight]

{Limitation: 1. Follow under the concept “change” only. 2. Changes under other aspects require hand holding.}

Change slot: 2

Inventory: Metal suitcase, Mechanical soap, Miniature fan, Blue boxing gloves.

Mina (lv0): Aspect of Time

{Limitations: 4 skills (Currently).}

Skills (!ERROR!) (Auto Input Activated): |1. Aging| |2. Time Exchange|

Inventory: A machete, Mechanical soap, Yellow boxing gloves.

Gwen (lv0): Aspect of Destruction

{Limitation: Gas only}

Inventory: Mechanical soap, Izzybot, P.T.A.


The sound of howling wind beckons his call as he ascends closer to the tower's peak. The light he once saw is now a vast blue canvas. It's been a long while since he saw a typical sky. A gust of bone-chilling wind brushes his bare chest. He wraps his hands around himself.

Noah "Holy shit! I can still be cold! Gwen didn't tell me that!"

The Wielder of Emotion conjures up his inventory and grabs out his hoodie. Now somewhat warm and comfortable, he begins to notice some strange things. Looking up, he sees a remnant of his reflection. But it isn't just up, he also sees a similar phenomenon in front of him. How mysterious it is... Noah can't help but move forward with his soul is now unbothered by any outcome.

Noah "After all the things I did. I'm afraid anymore. Let's see what is causing this."

His hand pierces it and he sees a thin sheet made the strange material wrapping around and moving up his arm as he pushes his hand deeper. This sensation is like going through a massive air bubble.


Noah "Wait a minute. The reflection and the reason I can breathe up here. This is an air bubble! Isn't it?! It is a massive air bubble!"

Noah pulls back his hand and walks around, paying close attention to the ground. At one point, he lifts his hand a bit too high, and... he begins lifting off the ground.

Noah "What's going on?! Fuck! Come on, Noah! Think! Quick!"

Noah takes out an anger stone, and with his body burning with a red aura, he tries to swim back down by paddling his hands in the air but flips himself instead. Dizzy and getting closer to the top of the air bubble. He grabs his mechanical soap and looks at it with doubt. He then slams it onto his chest, forming his own soap bubble. Reaching the top, the two bubbles collide and Noah is tossed back to the floor.

Noah "Oh thank god-

On the ground in front of his eyes, through sheer luck, he has stumbled upon a hidden message. The words are: "Overcoming the grueling trials and countless challenges, The Angel of Emotion ascended to the peak of the tower. One last test of bravery... Descend the tower! Let your wings sprout!"

Noah "What? They seriously want me to go back down. How?!... No. No, you can't possibly mean that I have to jump down! Are you nuts?"

His words reach no one and he walks to the nearest ledge. Looking down, he sees nothing but a carpet of clouds. Noah takes a deep breath and returns his gaze to the clouds once more. He imagines them as massive pillows, bringing the slightest bit of comfort and so he jumps... Watching the world get bigger as he descends... is an indescribable feeling. One would never forget. Noah passes the cloud and is too busy admiring the beautiful world beneath him that he fails to see a green battery on his back. It embeds itself into his spine and spouts four pairs of light green wings. Noah notices them.

Noah "Woah! When did this- Wow! Are these falcon wings?! Awesome!"

Speaking of green, Noah sees a grassy field beneath him. Noah chuckles when he sees the RV from this height. Noah then spots three of his friends down there doing stretches?... No more like yoga. Noah smiles at the sight of his comrades and his mind wanders off... He hits the ground... but there was no effect.

Noah "Huh. HUH?! What happened?! I took no fall damage. Hold the phone-

Noah opens up his skill window. Under his skills, there is [Vortex Battery (Fall Resistant)]. Noah lets out a laugh catching his comrades' attention. Kanji runs over to greet him.

Kanji "Noah! I'm glad you're safe. I guess that trial didn't take as long as we thought!"

Noah "Wait. What time is it?"

Gwen "It is around 4:35 pm. May I ask why you are shirtless?... Did it perhaps get demolished during your travel through the tower?"

Noah "Yep. It was one mimicking bastard that did it. Claire, can you get me a new one?"

Claire "Wow, this is the first time you actually said my name! The tower changed you lol. But sadly, I don't think I can get you a new one-

Noah hands her all of the bandages and syringes from his pockets. They fall silent and look at him. They take out their weapons and circle him.

Noah "Ummm... guys? What are you doing?"

Kanji "It's suspicious. We assumed that you would have used up all of them by now. Unless... you're someone else completely! Also, the way you talk is different as well."


Noah "Wha-What?! Come on! This is ridiculous! The tower changed me alright! I spent like a couple of years in there! But I'm still the Noah you all know! I can prove it."

Gwen "Really, now? Would you mind answering a few questions that only our dear friend would know?"

Noah "Alright, bring it! I know all of it."

Claire "Okay. What is Sarah's birthday?"

Noah "It's on the same day as mine. It's the 12th of June!"

Gwen "Okay. That's correct. One more question. What is the one game all of us enjoy playing?"

Noah "Super Fight Bros! Now, do you believe me?!"

Kanji "Sorry, we are just a bit on edge lately. Not hearing a response from AN is a bit uncomfortable. Claire, make him a new shirt."

Claire approaches Noah with two objects in her hands. An ax and a white t-shirt. Noah takes the shirt and puts it on. He holds the ax to the sun and the light shines on its blade while he turns the ax side to side

Noah "This is... this is a tungsten ax. Awesome. Thanks, Claire. So now that we are done... Where are the others?"

Kanji "Yeah, apparently they left to go prepare for something on Dave's floor. This happened right after we all finished practicing with our weapons. But before I tell you more about that. I want to hear your end of the story. What was it like?"

Noah "Okay, where do I begin..."

Noah tells them all of that has happened to him. All the battles and hardship, the emotional trauma, and the tasks of overcoming the impossible.

Kanji "A-Amazing. It's like a tale of legend or a myth. The fact that you managed to clear all of that on your own. That's remarkable! I think... the student has become the master."

Noah "Kanji. You give me too much credit. Without your nano thingy, I would have been dead like several times. So... thanks."

Gwen "Your modesty is appreciated. But! I can't help but compliment you on your utilization of the resources you had at your disposal. You made sure that none of you had, were useless to the bitter end and that deserves respect! Especially when you were up against the cyclopes, dragons, and knights."

Claire "Omg! That part is so awesome! Maybe I can make a comic. No, an anime! I call it "Noah's inferno journey"! Sarah is going to be so proud of you!!"

Noah "Do you actually have time for that? Sarah... how is she? And can you tell me what happened on this side while I was away? Just give me a summary."

Kanji "Basically, I ordered everyone to practice wielding their weapons. I told them to come up with a technique that they can use effectively in case their powers run out or if they are low. In the end, each one of us created one signature technique. The biggest surprise is that these moves went really well with our respective aspects."

Noah "Woah. Information, much. But you did your best in summarising it. Thank you, Kanji. Now, should we go up there and see what's going on?"

Gwen "You know talkative Noah is unsettling, to say the least. Just something I need to get used to. And no, we should only go when they are ready. Anyhow, I'm curious about the function of your green apparatus."

Noah "What? Oh! You mean my Vortex Battery. It's fall resistant."

Claire "Cool! No fall damage! Hey! Since you have like eight wings, do you fly faster?"

Noah "I don't know. We can test it if you want. Maybe race between you, me, and Kanji."

Kanji "Sounds good. It will help you get used to it. Let's start at the fence attached to the cottage and we'll wrap around the entire pen."

Noah and Claire nod. They make their way there and Gwen follows them. She takes out Izzybot and whispers a command. The wielders see the computer's roots surging into the soil and they spout back up forming a starting line arch. With the snap of her finger, Izzybot pops out a piece of her branch. It deforms into a simple whistle.

Gwen "On your mark! Get set!.... Go!"

Kanji and Claire fly forward, passing Gwen and scaring away the group of nearby sheep. They make their way to the halfway point of the pen. The realization kicks in.

Kanji "Wait, where is Noah?!"

They return to the start line, disappointed to see that Noah fell face first into the dirt. He gets back up and puts his head down. His body glows green.

Kanji "Woah! Green! If I recall... you are feeling shame right now. Don't worry. That was just your first attempt. So get back up and try again!"

The green aura disperses and blue petals spring up around him. Noah gives his friends a thumbs up and focuses... he can feel the rhythm of each of his wings... and imagines they flapping in unity. The next thing, he knew... he is in the air. Kanji and Claire join him. They fly around the pen all while having matching speeds.

Claire "Wow! I guess having more wings doesn't make you fly better. Whoever made these batteries sure has a lack of creativity."

Kanji "I wouldn't say that. The trials and the rewards we gain are unique and random in nature. It makes us curious to see what awaits us next. Making it an adventure."

Gwen "Kanji! Claire! Noah! I just got a message! Dave and the others are ready! You guys can come down now!"

They descend and walk to the RV. The wielders ascend the spiral staircase, ignoring the passing floors until...

Noah "Yo, what?! What happened to my room?!"

Above his bed, there is a small shrine hammered into the wall. Noah goes closer and sees that there is a framed picture of himself. There is a small pot to its left and one more on its right. Each is filled with ash and has a single incense stick. It appears to still be burning.

Claire "Ah... so that's what she wanted your picture for. I have no idea what this is. Must be some Chinese tradition."

Kanji "It is to respect the dead. It is common for Chinese families to light two incense sticks for a dead relative. She must've seen you as a great big brother, Noah."

Noah "That's... that's very thoughtful." "Well, fuck! First, I was a friend zoned and now I'm brother zoned. I fucking knew my romance is going to go nowhere! Maybe I should have mated with that Siren! This is the fucking worst!"

Noah runs up the stairs and they follow him. They reach Dave's floor and Noah turns the knob. It appears that the door is locked from the inside. Even, its window is covered shut. Gwen knocks on the door.

Gwen "Gwen to Dave. Can you hear me? Let us through."

Dave "Bros, is Nobro there?"

Gwen "Yes. Yes, he is. Now, will you let us in?"

The door creaks open. Everything is dark... then the light switches on! Confetti is sprayed onto the guest and indoor fireworks go off.

Kanji "Wh-What?! When you guys... I'm speechless."


Claire "Omg! You guys remembered! Thank you so much!"

Claire jumps and tackles her friends, giving them a hug. Noah looks past them and sees Sarah sitting alone on the floor next to a karaoke machine with her hoodie covering her face. Noah walks and sits next to her. But she doesn't talk and they remain there in silence. Kanji and Gwen smile and they then walk to Dave's round table. There's a massive twelve-layered cake sitting in its center. They move around the table, examining the delicious dessert. Gwen sticks her finger into it and tastes a sample.

Gwen "A milk chocolate frosting and a milk chocolate base. Our names are plastered onto each layer in what I assume to be dark chocolate. How simple. But... I like it. I like it a lot."

Kanji "Same opinion here. How did they know that we like chocolate? Well, it's obvious that Claire likes it. Hey, Gwen. Do you like chocolate?"

Gwen "I don't necessarily... hate the flavor. It's just that I prefer a tastier palette like mint chocolate. You... You don't find that weird. Right?"

Kanji "No, not at all. That is an interesting take. Maybe you and I can enjoy a mint chocolate sundae together sometimes."

Gwen blushes and tries to hide it, but Kanji can see right through her. In his mind, he smiles. This is the only way to keep the balance of his team, The leadership theory of equal treatment. Claire and the others join them, they all sit around the round table. Kanji, Claire, and Gwen see that each of their friends hold a present.

Claire "Presents! Give me give me give me!"

Dave "Wo! Calm down there, Cla'bro. You see we ran into some mad problems. Like talking and shit and deciding your present was difficult as fuck, man."

Azan "Dave you barely even decided anything and just went with it! But yeah, it nearly wasted our time. So... our presents will go to a specific friend. That means that one of you will receive three instead of two. I'm so sorry!"

Kanji "Put your head back up. It's alright. To be frank with you all, we would be just fine without a birthday party. So, it's okay that things went wrong."

They smile and begin handing the three, their presents. Kanji receives two presents, one is an object covered with scuffed red wrapping, and the other is a square present covered with clean black wrapping. Gwen receives a rectangular present covered in brown wrapping and the other is a spherical present covered with grey wrapping. Claire receives three large square presents, one covered in white, one covered in black and white, and one covered in yellow.

Kanji/Claire/Gwen "Thank you for the presents!"

They begin opening their presents. Off near the karaoke machine, Noah notches himself closer, touching Sarah's shoulder with his own. She lifts her head.

Sarah "Noah. You big dummy!"

She hugs him tight like a massive teddy bear. He hugs her back and the two stay like that for a couple of minutes.

Sarah "W-When did you become such a badass?! Are you trying to one-up me or something?! You jerk!"

Noah "Huh? Wait, did you hear the entire conversation earlier?!"

Sarah "Yeah, we all did! Thanks to Amelia and Adrian. I just... I just... I just feel embarrassed putting up that shrine you know! I really thought you were going to die! Not only am I wrong, but you also changed! No-

Noah "Ssshh. The Noah you know is still here. I still like edgy shit you know. Well, spending all those years inside the last room made me a bit biased toward 1950s stuff."

Sarah "Yeah, that final level was so sad. Noah... are you must be mad that I... I-I didn't believe in you enough. I don't deserve to be your friend!"

Noah "Sarah. People can change. It can be good or it can be bad. That is the truth anyone anywhere must accept. No one is gonna judge you on whether a person will or won't change."

Sarah "Wow, since when were you a philosopher? Wait, let me guess. The last room taught you that, too. Didn't it?!"

Noah "Yep, and there's another change in me too. Besides talking more, I have found a greater value in my life. It is you guys and I promise to protect everyone till the very end. Even I have to fight a god."

Sarah "Okay, we got a badass over here. Hey, Noah. Want to listen to some death metal?"

Noah "Sure, why not? The night is long after all."

The wielders proceed to party all night long until the dawn of a new day.

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