《Journey of Vessels》Day 19 Part 3: Noah's inferno, The Four Negative Wheels


... Noah wakes up. He notices that the room remains the same. He scratches his head and steps out of bed. As soon as his feet touch the floor, he notices a funny smell coming from under his bed. He lay his body on the floor and takes a look. There's another hatch...

Noah "Fuck. Here we go. I'm... I'm ready."

He crawls under and lifts open the hatch. Peeking inside, he sees wide land filled with small green hills. He can't tell if the hill has grass on them or the dirt is naturally green. The walls are painted a light shade of Lime. Noah swallows what's left of his skepticism and jumps into the room. Suddenly-his clothes are gone. Even the cloth around his jaw has disappeared.

Noah "W-W-WHAT THE?! Where are my clothes?!"

Noah looks around and sees no sign of them. He pulls two bandages out of his inventory and was about to cover his private part. But then he sees a group of familiar people... they are his classmates from last semester. The group of students laughs at him for his indecency. Noah then realizes...

Noah "Aw, that's the theme of this room. It's shame! No... it's more specific. Right? Like embarrassment. Nice try! Because I don't feel shame! I have been lying to my friends for like eight years!"

Noah puts away the bandages and walks over a couple of hills, unable to shake off the crowd of students. He ignores them and runs to one of the room's walls. He finds nothing but a small brown piece of leather sticking out of the wall. Noah takes hold of the object and pulls it out. It's his boots.... no more like a boot. There's still another one to be found.

Noah "If one boot is here, maybe the other one is on the opposite wall."

Noah puts on the boot and tries to run over to the other wall. He immediately messes up the tempo of his feet and falls to the floor. The sound of laughter grows louder. He doesn't care and stands up. He looks at his boot and takes it off for now. Continuing on bare feet, he comes across two individuals. One is a girl who he used to have a crush on and the other is his bully. They step in front of him. His crush laughs hysterically at him, but he is unfazed. The bully grabs out a camera and takes a picture. Noah, mildly annoyed, rushes and kicks at the bully. The bully's face turns into a glob of green slimy substance and his right foot becomes locked in place. The slime surrounds his entire foot, shines yellow, and explodes!

Noah "Fuck! I thought these guys are harmless!"

He looks in horror to find not just his feet that disappeared but also a portion of his lower leg. He can see right down to his bone and feel his mind waver out of control from the blood loss. Noah grabs out a syringe from his inventory and injects some flesh onto the massive wound but it wasn't enough. He sits there as his old crush and classmates parade him with insults. Deep down, he feels a slight tang of shame. His leg is then covered with green sparks and his flesh grows to cover the bone.

Noah "Embarrassment, the desire to fix oneself to look better in another's eyes. Wow, maybe a little bit of shame from time to time can make a difference."

His words evoked some confidence and light blue flower petals constantly fall around his body. He feels in control of every single muscle in his body. He dashes past the crowd and to the other wall. His hunch was right. There he sees another piece of brown leather. Noah yanks the boot out of the wall. He takes the pairs out and wears them. Looking over, he sees the crowd, and his old crush becomes annoyed. They put their hands out like zombies and chase him.


Noah "Oh fuck! Shit! Where are the rest of my clothes?! Dammit!"

Passing by dozens of hills, his remaining clothes are nowhere to be found. Noah takes out his ax and throws it at a high spot on the wall ahead of him. He jumps with all his might and lands on the handle. The remainder of the blue petals vanishes. Noah looks down and sees the crowd climbing over each other to get to him. Luckily, their numbers are a bit short. He takes his time looking over the landscape and finds nothing.

Noah "Shit! No dice! I can't stay up here forever! Those fuckers will find a way to get here! So Think! What place I haven't checked yet? Wait... the ceiling! Of course!"

He looks up and sees that his tiger-print underwear, white t-shirt, old Adidas track pants, and hoodie are glued up there in a square formation. Noah smiles, but at the same time, he wonders how he can get them. He thinks and thinks over his options. Eventually, he reaches a very interesting solution. His body is shrouded in a black aura just thinking about it. Noah takes a deep breath and looks down.

Noah "Noah. You crazy son of a gun! This is madness! But... I see any other way to get them. Alright... Here I go!"

Noah jumps down, he folds his body to make his chest in front of the rest of his body. Noah collides with one of his classmates and feels the slime covering his upper torso. A rush of heat is felt before Noah is sent sky-high into the ceiling. But he is unharmed?

Noah "Yahoo! Thank you, Kanji! For this Nano defense thingy! Now I get my shit!"

His hand reaches out and releases his underwear from the ceiling. He puts them on as he falls. He positions his chest out again and lands on another classmate. He launches again to the ceiling. This time, he manages to get his torn t-shirt and his pants. He puts on his pants and puts away his shirt into his inventory. He looks down and sees that the crowd is fusing with his crush. He panics and shakes his leg, diverting his landing to the ax handle instead.

Noah "Shit! Now what?! I don't think I can't survive touching that thing. I could try to feel fear and it can protect me a little... wait what if I worry about myself? Would that work?"

Noah gathers the thoughts of him dying from attempting to land on the giant monster. He grows worried about himself and jumps down. Coming close to it, he is hoping that a bunch of turtle shells appear to save him. But nothing happens... contact is made. And massive explosive occurs, it scorches his lower torso, arms, and legs. Noah is then pushed right through the ceiling along with his hoodie. His body lays adrift in a mysterious black void. A giant eyeball approaches him. It grows two pairs of tendrils made of cartilage. One of the tendrils wraps around his body and heals him. While the other pulls out a phone from the darkness. It speaks in a strange eldritch tone that for many, sounds incomprehensible. Noah... however, in his semi-unconscious, hears the words, "The challenger has broken out of bounds. Don't worry, my lord! I will send him to the next room right away!".

Noah later wakes up once more. He jolts up and scans his surroundings. A field of volcanic ash, molten rocks, charred trees, and flowing lava lay before him. He puts his hoodie into his inventory and hides behind a large smoldering boulder. Laying his hand on it, it doesn't feel hot at all but for some odd reason causes anger to build inside of him.


Noah "Woah! What the hell?! That is very trippy! Hmm... maybe I can use this if I want to have anger on the go."

Noah sees a small stone made of the same material next to his feet and picks it up. It is the size of his palm and looks like a regular stone with red cracks. A greater rush of anger enters his body. Noah quickly puts it away in his inventory. Peering from the side of the boulder, he sees a couple of movements in the distance. There are ten entities in total. Four of them look like cyclopes, they have reddish skin, one eye and they hold a massive club made of charcoal. Four creatures that look like dragons with red scales and some parts of their body are covered with magma. The last two creatures are large... extremely large. Their height reaches the ceiling. They wield swords that are the size of skyscrapers and they look powerful enough to slay the other creatures in one shot. They wear armor that seems to be in a constant heated state and wraps around every inch of the two titans. The helmets are in the shape of devils with two curved horns. Seeing this, Noah lays down on the floor and sucks on his thumb.

Noah "How? How?! HOW CAN I BEAT THAT?! Now I just want to go home dammit!... Maybe they have a weakness. This tower might be brutal but difficulty doesn't just spike like that. Yes, I need to find the weakness!"

Falling blue petals surround his body. The petals gather around his eyes and he concentrates on scanning the enemy. A door lies between one of the knights' legs. Noah lays his body low to the ground and begins crawling from boulders to charred trees and from charred trees to boulders. He finds himself just a few steps away from the group of cyclopes. Being this close, he can tell that they are arguing with the dragons in an unknown language.

Noah "Ok, these guys are distracted I just need to get through them and past those giant knight-looking monsters. Maybe if I dig there."

Noah takes out his ax and swings at the ground. It ricochets and produces a loud sound wave. Noah gasps and slowly looks over to the cyclopes. Luckily, they are still occupied with their conversations. Noah looks at his ax and shakes it with frustration. It glows red and he has an idea. He grabs out the stone from earlier and sees the aura around the ax grow. Noah gently pushes the blade against the ground... it feels like cutting into jelly. He digs and passes under the cyclops' feet, ending up right in front of one knight. So far they display no movement.

Noah "Okay, this is good! Thank you, weird stone! You know what! I'll give you a name. Maybe... I'll call you, Anger stone. Now, I just need to open this door."

Noah reaches for the handle... his right hand is chopped. A massive sword drove down upon him. Noah looks up and sees the knight holding his sword into the air. It swings and the broad side of the knight's blade hits his chest and launches him onto the other side of the room. Noah drives his ax into the ground, pushing his body up and reducing knockback. He grabs a syringe from his inventory and recovers his missing hand.

Noah "Shit. I have only four left. Fuck, how do I get past that?! Come on, if only I have some invisibility or something! Shit!... I have no choice but to fight them. Don't I?..."

Noah pulls his ax out of the ground... puts his hands around his mouth and roars. The sound echoes throughout the room. The cyclopes notice the sound and talk to each other. Soon, they send one of their members toward the source of the sound.

Noah "Awesome! It's one v one! This makes things a lot easier! Bring it on! Big guy!"

Noah holds up his ax into the air and lets out a battle cry. The cyclops sees this and copies him. Noah takes out his anger stone and the two opponents charge against each other. The cyclops swings at his head but he dodges and runs up the arm to the monster's neck. Noah swings... but it barely pierces its red leathery skin.

Noah "What?! Impossible! My ax was infused with anger-

Woah... the skin beneath his shakes... No, the cyclop's entire body is shaking. Noah watches as the creature grows to twice its size. It grabs Noah and throws him to the ground with immense force, causing a massive crater and a shockwave travels across the entire room. If it weren't for his nano defense, Noah's entire back would be pulverized. Noah is stunned by the collision and can barely move. He looks up to see the cyclops holding up its club. Noah puts up his ax to block... but its attack goes through, knocking his ax away and hitting his chest. No damage was dealt and Noah can see the creature frown. It stomps the floor before delivering another attack but this time to his head. Noah's bandana blocks it causing the charred club to burst into pieces. The cyclops holds its broken weapon up to its face and cries. It then jumps up and down, glowing a redder with each jump.

Noah "Oh fuck! Shit! I can't move! My ax I just need to get my damn ax-

The creature's massive fists punch his chest five times and are deflected. Noah grabs his ax- The cyclops lean its head closer to Noah's face, staring him down. It begins pummeling his head with eight total punches. Before it could do another punch, Noah swings his ax and cuts its glassy eyeball. The cyclops stumbles over and covers its face. Noah grips the angry stone as harder as he could. His body blows up with a spiky red aura and he begins knocking the ground beneath him with his elbow. The floor gives out and Noah has created a small hole, comfortable enough for him to curl into. The cyclops gets back up and uses its meaty hands to feel the ground around it. It then finds the hole's entrance and plunges its entire hand into it. Noah's eyes are just out of reach of the creature's sharp nails.

Noah "Fuck. Shit. This is the worst day of my life. I have only one defense left on both my parts. I'm screwed... this is it for me. I'm so sorry... Sarah... No, I mustn't give up! I just need time to think! If anger doesn't work on them then something else can. But what? I have only one shot left and I better make it count. I'm not leaving until I have a plan!"

Noah spent a couple of days inside of the hole. His mind is still in disarray and he throws the anger stone at the wall. That is when he catches that his mind is much clearer than before. Noah picks up the stone.

Noah "So you were the trouble maker! But I'm not mad at you. Thanks to you! I know what I must do! I have to get rid of the anger inside myself."

Noah spends a couple more days in the hole, he meditates during the night and brainstorms his plans during the day. By the end of it all, his body is flourishing with blue petals. So much so that he looks like a giant walking bush.

Noah "Ok. Not the appearance I want to have in this battle but beggars can't be choosers."

Noah takes out a sharpening stone and improves his ax. He grabs the chain that he stored. He wraps it around the lower half of his right arm... it pricks his skin but he doesn't care. Noah jumps out of the hole and lands, touching his hand on the floor.

Noah "Nice! Superhero landing done! Now I need one of those dragons."

Noah sees that one of the dragons wandered off to drink from a pool of lava. Noah sneaks up on the creature and jumps on its back. It panics and tries to shake him off, but he drives his ax into the dragon's neck, creating himself a makeshift seat belt. He removes the chain from his arm and puts it over the dragon's mouth, creating reins. Noah pulls back on the chain and the dragon roars in pain. The other dragons notice its plead and are soaring toward Noah. He smirks and pulls the chain high causing the dragon to fly. Noah leads three other dragons closer to the knights. Two massive swords are swung... Noah uses his chest and deflects one of them... the three dragons are killed by the other sword.

Noah "Yes! It fucking worked! Now, for those cyclops bastards!"

Noah lets out a familiar roar and the group of cyclops notices him. The one with the broken eye shouts in anger and the others follow him toward Noah. Noah weaves the dragon around the knights' feet, causing the massive swords to thrust down to the ground in repeat, cutting the cyclopes into pieces. One of the knights aims at him, but he blocks it with his head. Noah radiates brilliant yellow energy and this energy enters the dragon. They fly at rapid speed in between the two knights. The knights face each other and prepare to swing their massive swords at the dragon. Noah looks to his ax and kisses it on the tip of the handle.

Noah "I'm sorry... Dad. I couldn't protect our family heirloom. So this is it... old friend. Goodbye."

He sheds a tear and jumps off the scaley beast. He watches the dragon being cut in half along with all of his equipment. Then there's a crossfire, both of the knights' chests are cut open, leaving massive cracks. Noah sees orange clouds pour out of them before the two knights tumble to the floor. Noah then realizes something...

Noah "Oh shit! That guy's body is blocking the door and I have no weapon! How can I get to the other room now?!"

Noah sees the orange clouds falling toward him. He runs but they catch him and fly him up to a door in one of the room's upper corners.

Noah "You can't be serious, right?! Serious that door was just a decoy! Whoever designed this place is pure evil!"

Noah unlocks the door and expects a place to rest but instead, he is in a room filled with spider webs. Noah sees the door buried under layers of the web on the other end. But then he hears something and looks over. There's a massive spider to his left. Noah is unfazed after defeating dragons, cyclops, and knights. He puts his hands up and steps forward. Suddenly the entire room changes. Noah is now on a small raft surrounded by unknowingly deep waters. Noah laughs...

Noah "Ah! So it is fear now! I just need to step forward to clear this test. That's easy!"

Noah puts his feet and steps onto the water. The room changes again and he hears... circus music? Noah freezes as ten creepy ass clowns surround him. They start spraying him with water and making balloon animals. Noah is shaking... for the longest time, he was always afraid of clowns for some reason. He then thinks about that one time, involving Dave. He pukes from the trauma and his fears turn into disgust which fires a green transparent burst from his body, knocking away the clowns. Noah steps forward once more. The room changes into a field of snow.

Noah "Oh no. No no no no! Not this again! C-Calm down! I-It's alright! It's j-just an illusion!"

Noah looks at his hand... They are small again. Noah kneels and was about to cry from PTSD. Though, Noah then vaguely remembers a mysterious stranger who saved him during that time. He can recall his words, "Today, I'll give to you... child... my strength. In the future, you should use your own strength instead." Hearing these in his head filled his soul with confidence and he steps forward. Just one more step to the door. The room changes into... Sarah's room?

Noah "What?! No, Sarah. Not this shit again! You're a fake! Get out of the wa-

Sarah "Noah... I don't love you."

Noah "W-What? What are you saying?! Move out of the way!"

Sarah "I'm in love with someone else. I'm sorry."

Noah looks pale and stands still. These words despite being illusions may turn out to be possible truth in the unknown future. Something that he can't accept no matter how hard he tries. Noah waits for her to say something else. But no other words appear. He realizes a flaw in this illusion.

Noah "Serious. Silence after telling me that she doesn't love me. Are you implying that she won't be my friend despite not loving me? What a joke! Sure, she might not love me back but there is no way that we won't still be friends afterward. So move out of the way!"

Noah takes a step and the room turns blank. He opens the door... entering an outdoor. He seems to be in a large city but everything including himself is in black and white like an old American film. There is also the sound of slow jazz playing from an unknown source. He then sees people walking on the streets, their fashion is that of the early 1950s. Noah shouts and waves at them but they no attention to him. Noah goes to them and puts his hand out... It phases through their bodies.

Noah "Woah! They are holograms! So, what do I exactly even do here?!"

Noah walks around the city for hours. He enjoys looking at old fashion buildings and even visits a theater. During one movie, he notices a particular individual in front of him but doesn't check his face. When the movie is done, the guy stands and Noah is shocked to see that this person... is himself.

Noah "What is going on?! Who are you?!"

Looking at his clothes, he is wearing a grey sport coat, blue pants, and old-style leather boots. His clone takes out a pocket watch and then exits the theater. Noah follows him into a building. The sign in front says "The New York Printing Company". Noah heads inside and watches himself, working away in an office for 12 hours. The clone gets out of the building and goes to a crosswalk. Noah sees someone familiar on the other side of the road. It's Sarah, but she is in a red circle dress and wears red slippers. Noah watches as his clone walks past her.

Noah "Wait! Where are you going?! She's right there! Hold on! Don't tell you don't know who she is!"

Noah looks into more about his clone. He is a nobody and has no parents, no friends, and no lover. He works every day nonstop and can barely afford anything luxurious. Noah feels a certain sadness in his heart as he watches this version of himself live out his life. Noah tries to mess with surrounding objects every day, trying to make his clone and Sarah's clone notice each other. But nothing works. Noah eventually gives up and decides to just watch his life unfold. Noah spent a couple of years observing his clone, hoping for a happy ending. But what he got instead was the eventual death of his clone due to stress.

Noah "So this is... this is what it would be like without Sarah. No, without my friends and my parents."

Part of Noah finds it sad but a bigger part of him tells him just how lucky he is. He smiles and finds a new appreciation for being who he is right now. Noah picks a single purple flower and visits his clone's grave. It is raining... hard.

Noah "I hope you find happiness in your next life, my friend."

The rain stops and the clouds above him open up in a circle. Stairs made of light spiral down toward him. Noah begins ascending. He looks down and sees the people of the city finally noticing him. Then he sees someone visiting his clone's grave... It's... It's Sarah! She is crying and holding something in her hands.

Noah "Oh. My. God. I was too busy watching over my own life that I didn't look into Sarah's. Did she... Does she know him?"

Noah sees that she is carrying four roses on her. She looks up and sees him, dropping the roses and putting her hands over her mouth in shock.

Noah "Four roses... My mother once said to me that it represents that nothing can come between two people. The irony is painful and I hope that you find closure, Sarah..."

Noah steps up and reaches the light.

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