《Journey of Vessels》Day 19: Transformation



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Skill List:

Kanji (lv1): Aspect of Energy: Electricity, Thermal, Sound, Elastic.

{Skill points: !ERROR!}

[Full destructive power limit: Several Villages]

Skills: [1. Infuse/Absorb] [2. Energy travel] [3. Energy trail] [4. Energy bolt] [5. Energy wave] [6. Energy blade] [7. Energy shield] [8. Energy dual conduit] [9. Energy healing] [10. Umbral Cape]

[Vortex battery (Storage)]

Inventory: Geographic sphere, mechanical soap, spyware device, tungsten-infused nanotech silver chain, tech tablet (Portal) (Hide, Input, Output, Convert, Compress), night-vision goggles.

Claire (lv1): Aspect of Creation

Skills: [1. Create (Slots: 10)] [2. Absorb (Only created and non-broken items)]

[Vortex battery: The Ninth Prince’s Order]

Inventory: Black cloak, crossbow, crossbow bolt (modified with rotatenium), ammo pouch, Fanfics, mechanical soap, a spyglass, night-vision goggles, Medicine belt (sling bag and pockets for syringes), 4 Flesh syringes, 3 Healing Bandages, UV flashlight.

David (lv1): Aspect of Form

{Skill points: !ERROR!}

[Range limit: Room]

[Vortex battery (Control)]

Skills: [1. Expand (x2)] [2. Spikefacation] [3. Delay (1-10s)] [4. Shieldfacation] [5. Trigger] [6. Transform pattern Wave] [7. Net Transform] [8. Whip transform] [9. Blend around] [10. Uno]

Inventory: Iron bat, AK -47, mechanical soap, night-vision goggles.

Amelia (lv1): Aspect of Reality

{Skill points: !ERROR!}

[Attack type: Strong illusion] [Attack range: x3 field of view]

Skills: [1. Third-person vision] [2. Blurring Mirage] [3. Double] [4. Connect] [5. Vision Swap] [6. Disguise] [7. Flash Mirage] [8. False movement] [9. False Touch] [Mentaltomisis]

[Vortex Battery (Charge)]

Inventory: Frying Pan, knife, mechanical soap.

Sarah (lv0): Aspect of Fiction

[Skill access: 1 skill for each item] [Conjured item 1]

Inventory: Mechanical soap, Nezha’s leopard bag (Nezha’s ring).

Noah (lv0): Aspect of Emotion

Skills: [Emotion infusion] (Emotional requirement: High)

Inventory: Gilded ax :), mechanical soap, a sharpening stone.

Diana (lv0): Aspect of Law

{Laws unlocked: Law of Friction} {Limit: Only manipulate small values}

Inventory: Mechanical soap, a pickaxe, night-vision goggles.

Adrian (lv0): Aspect of Knowledge.

{Connected Minds} {Info Extraction} [Limit: half of basic info}]

Inventory: Mechanical soap, rope, Handbook (recorded events).

Azan (lv0): Aspect of Change.

{Limitation: 1. Follow under the concept “change” only. 2. Changes under other aspects require hand holding.}

Change slot: 1

Inventory: Metal suitcase, mechanical soap, miniature fan, blue boxing gloves.

Mina (lv0): Aspect of Time

{Limitations: 4 skills (Currently).}

Skills (!ERROR!) (Auto Input Activated): |1. Aging| |2. Time Exchange|

Inventory: A machete, mechanical soap, yellow boxing gloves.

Gwen (lv0): Aspect of Destruction

{Limitation: Gas only}

Inventory: Mechanical soap, Izzybot, P.T.A.


... The hand of a watch passes midnight and a young man rises. He confronts a crowd of sleeping sheep in front of him and with determination in his eyes, he sought nothing but the completion of his trial. So he lays his hands forward and grips the air, the only word that comes to his mind is Green. Then a scene occurs like that of a cartoon as the white of the creatures' wool is wiped clean from the fabric of perspective leaving a green fluff as natural as the grass beneath them. In the distance, the young man sees a dark spark in the sky. It comes closer like a fallen meteorite, but he stands there with open arms. This object... no... this battery has finally accepted him. It flies onto his back and twelve black crescents appear from the darkness of night. They fold around the battery before it jabs itself into his back. He felt pain but it was brief.

Dave "Yo, Azanbro! You don't have to make it dramatic you know! Like four of us already got awakened!"

Azan "Sorry, but do you know how stressful it is to wait for four hours for something you thought was supposed to happen?!"


Dave "Dude, you have ADHD or some shit?! Also, Cla'bro. You can refill the pre-heal shit. It's a new day."

Claire "Huh?.... Oh, you want me to make more bandages and syringes? Got it!"

Diana "Have you forgotten something, my friend? You know between you and me."

Claire "But you said we train at 5 am or something?! Do we really have to do it now?!"

Diana "Yes, so stop whining and give me 1000!"

Kanji sees them run off to the nearby fence. He and the others move across the field, an eerie silence makes some of them a bit anxious.

Dave "Yo, why are you scared, Minabro?!"

Mina "This just reminds me of that one time when I was five years old. Me and my parents were camping alone in the woods. One night, if you can believe it, they left me unattended and I was attacked by a coyote. Luckily, I managed to kill it using a pocket knife I got from auntie before the trip. And do you want to know what the worst part was?"

Sarah "Your parents didn't come back and you were attacked by another coyote. Oh! Maybe you were attacked by a bear but big foot came and saved you!"

Mina "I... I didn't know you were a fan of cryptics as well. But that didn't happen! You see my parents returned and they patched up my wounds. That's good! But then they said they were proud of me for killing a coyote instead of taking resp... you know what this makes me upset! I can't finish it!"

Azan "... Maybe a little encouragement is all you need, Mina. Hello, everyone. I have reached level one. I got nothing but a second charge of change."

Kanji "That's great! Now you can use one for escape and one for attacking."

Dave "Okay about the escaping part, bro. Remember that time when we were like trapped in those fucking rooms. Why didn't you take us out of there, man?"

Azan "I assumed that my powers wouldn't work on the rooms created by that senile cultist. I'm sorry for that. So Kanji, where do we go now?"

Kanji "Yeah, the next trial isn't really located anywhere. It says that it can be taken anywhere but what worries me the most is the word "Solo"."

Sarah "Solo, you mean like by yourself? Whose trial is it for?"

Kanji "Sorry to tell you this but... this is Noah's trial."

Noah "What?" "Oh, you got to be fucking kidding me?! God! Do you fucking hate me or something?! Calm down. Maybe it is just a peaceful trial like Azan's."

Kanji "It is going to be a stage tower-style trial where each floor becomes more and more difficult. There is no other information on it."

Sarah "NO! You can't let him go in like this! I know he is brave and all. But I don't think he can manage on his own for that long."

Noah "Ouch. You don't have to say that." "Well, this is it. Here lies Noah... he was a kind-hearted man who just wanted love from his crush. Get married and live happily ever after on a maple farm."

Kanji "Not to worry, Noah. I... no... we will help you prepare. By the end of it, you will be a changed man! The first step is to train your body. I suggest you join Claire over there."

Gwen "Hold it! Before you go, I have something that can help increase your tolerance. Here..."


She grabs his arm and takes out a syringe filled with murky green sludge. The others hold him down and Gwen injects the fluid with no resistance.

Noah "ARGH! What the hell?! What did you fucking do?!" "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Why does it hurt so bad?!"

Gwen "It's a serum that triggers your pain receptors, making you feel a type of pain that is slightly above bearable. Don't worry, the effects will subside in about... five hours."

Noah "Five hours! Fuck you!" "Dammit! Shit! Maybe exercising will make the pain go away. FUCK FUCK FUCK."

Gwen "Wow, being yelled at by a friend is quite an unpleasant feeling. Did I perhaps go too far? Maybe I should've made it only three hours."

Dave "Yep, bro. That shit was messed up! That sucks, Nobro. You guys lowkey must remind me not to mess with Gwabro in the future."

Kanji "Settle down, Dave. She was just trying to help. Besides, I believe this is for his own good. Now let us watch them train."

Noah runs to Diana. She looks over confused but then she looks at Kanji. He nods and she understands. She slaps Noah's back and he nearly faints.

Diana "So, you want to join the Muscle Gang? Huh, punk!! Well, get down and give me 1000! Since you are late, you'll do another 1000 if you don't finish this in ten minutes!"

Claire "Oh, hi Noah! You decided to get buff too! Isn't this exciting?!"


... Noah and Claire trained a grueling 5 hours worth of sweat and pain. Well, Noah felt the pain as he fell unconscious during every session. First was the 1000 pushups then the 1000 sit-ups then the squats and finally the run. During the run, his mind and his body were different. At first, there was pain, dizziness, a lack of control, and a lack of motivation. However, along the road, he felt non of those. Instead, they were replaced with sheer bursts of energy. He ran past Claire and finished ten times as many loops around the grassy field. Diana was dumbfounded and his friends witnessed a different person. The birth of a monster.

Dave "Holy shit, dude! You're buff as fuck! Is that a six-pack or an eight-pack, my man?! Guys, this is like that glow-up meme from 20 years ago!

Noah "Yeah, that's right. I'm new Noah. Edgy and buff." "Wow! Amazing, I feel so light! I feel awesome! I feel invincible!"

Sarah eyes his body. His jacked arms, his abs, and large biceps make her drool. But then she snaps out of it and grabs Gwen by the collar of her shirt.

Sarah "What have you done to him?!"

Gwen "I have made him into my perfect creation. Not only are his pain receptors gone, but his body is also constantly pumping him with adrenaline."

Kanji "Ah, so that was your goal. Since our bodies are different than regular humans, you went and took the risk... Can this work for everyone else?"

Gwen "No, unfortunately. I tested on Noah because I knew he was the only one capable of withstanding the pain that my serum would inflict. If I were to test it on someone else, the probability of getting a coma will be absolute."

Noah "Woah! I can't feel pain! This is some!" "Great! Things won't be scary anymore! Bring on world!"

Kanji "... That being said. I say he still isn't ready. He may have conquered the physical issues but what about the mental ones? Noah, let me ask you one thing. What kind of mental stress can a human experience?"

Noah "Ummm... fear. But, I don't feel fear." "Fuck. Now, they gonna show something scary, aren't they?"

Kanji "Sarah, you hand out with Noah a lot. There has to be something that he is scared of."

Sarah "Yes, actually! A large paper cutout of a My Little Horsey character. To be honest, I find that horrifying as well."

Noah "Yes... very horrifying." "Oh, thank god! Now I'll pretend to be scared and everything should be fine."

Kanji "Okay, that settles it. Amelia if you please, create the most colorful one. What was her name again? Was it like rainbow flash or...

Amelia "I think you mean rainbow slash. It's been a long time since I watched the show. I was a wee little lass. Soooo this may take a bit of work."

Amelia puts both of her hands forward and concentrates. She pictures a thin canvas supported by a triangular wooden board from its back. Her mind weaves in blue paint into a pony shape silhouette. She then sprinkles every color of the rainbow across its head, along its back, and forming its tail. Before she even finishes it, everyone sees Noah running and screaming for a nearby hill.

Sarah "Wow, he really is afraid of this shit. He's edgier than me! Don't worry guys! I'll get him! Noah! It's alright! It's fucking fake!"

Noah "Aha! That was perfect! Now I just need to play into her persuasion." "What do you want, Sarah? I'm not going near that fucking thing."

Sarah "Dude, it is just a paper cutout. Lowkey you acting like a wuss. I expected much more from you. So get your ass back down there. NOW!"

Noah " Ok! Fine! Watch me!" "Great! Now I can show her how brave I can be!"

Kanji and others see him charging toward them with his ax in hand, it is glowing red. They back away as he leaps into the air, spinning the weapon and cleaving down the middle of the paper cutout. He hacks at it over and over until Amelia pulls him away.

Amelia "Calm down, lad! The bloody thing was just an illusion! Though I do congrats you on overcoming your biggest fear."

Kanji "Your ax was glowing red. Anger, am I correct? If that's the case, you should overcome your own fears through anger from now on."

Noah "Sure. What's next?" "Oh boy! Here we go! Please let the next one be normal! Please, Kanji. Please."

Kanji "Some say that mental torment is worse than fear. We can induce this through the exploitation of a person's loved ones. It may sound cruel but this is for the sake of making you into a great warrior. To begin, let me ask you. Out of all of us, who do you cherish the most? Don't worry, we won't be offended."

Noah "Sarah. No other answer." "Sorry, guys! I love all of you as my precious comrades. But to keep up my persona, I had no choice... then again I do love-love Sarah though."

Sarah "Noah, that was really... swe.. swee... Fuck! I can't say it!"

Mi/Claire "Say it. Say it! SAY IT!!!"

Sarah "Okay, fine! That was really sweet! Okay! You happy!"

Kanji "Looks like Noah isn't the only one making some progress today. Noah, I want you to stay over there for a bit. The others and I need to finalize the procedure."

Noah turns around and sits on a fallen tree trunk. He spends time counting ants passing near his feet as the sky clears itself of clouds. Hearing no signal for the longest while, Noah begins to have doubts and so he turns around and sees that everyone disappeared. Noah runs over and looks around-He is then knocked out.

Noah "... Wha-what? What happened?! Where is this place?!" "Shit! Why is it so dark?! Why are my hands tied to this chair?! Calm down! This is just an illusion made by Amelia! I'm sure of it! Why did they tie this rope so tight?"

He hears a familiar voice, it sends a chill down his spine. The room lights up showing a place painted with blood, in the shape of scorpions. On the right wall, there are hundreds of instruments relating to torture. His eyes widen seeing another chair in front of him covered in a bloody cloth. He hears footsteps echoing into the room and then... he sees him.

Noah "What?! I killed you! Why are you still alive?!" "No. NO! NO! NO!!! This can't be real! This has to be fake!"

?? "Such a rude remark for our reunion. Do the scars you made of my flesh frighten you? Well, that's Karma for ya."

Noah "What?! Shit!" "No, this can't be an illusion! The others can't mimic voices! Fuck! I have to get out of here. Wait, if this is real. Who is under that-

?? "Oh forgot to tell you that I have captured your little friend here. Oh, she screamed and squealed just like a little bloody piggy. Well, we should wake her up."

Noah "No. NO! WHAT HAVE DONE?!" "No, please. PLEASE, NO! NOT HER! DON'T!-

His face grows pale as he sees the lifeless girl in front of him. Her clothes are torn. Her left eye is gouged out, her lips are sewed together, all her nails are ripped out, and there are whip marks and centipedes all over her body.

Noah "Sa... rah." "..."

At this moment, his mind breaks. Coils of emotion scatter and shake within him. A feeling of dread, a waterfall of despair, a tsunami of fear. But most of all there's one emotion that rises above all. That is pure hatred! His body burns with a sharp red aura before being engulfed with crimson flames. The chair beneath him burns and his aura grows, destroying the ceiling and reaching the clouds.

?? "Woah! Hold on, lad! Noah! This is all an illusion! Here look!"

Amelia releases the entire facade but it's no use. Noah walks toward her with each step he takes the ground beneath him is scorned to a crisp. Dave steps forward, turning his bat into a shield.

Dave "Stay behind me! I think he went nuts, dudes! I told you this plan was fucking insane! Now we have to deal with this shi-

Noah's ax hit his shield, and the flames incinerate Dave's entire bat and scald his hand. He falls to the ground in pain.


Sarah "Noah! It's okay! I'm here! See I'm alright!"

Diana "Sarah, I don't think he can hear you!"

Mi/Claire "Got it! You have to reach him! Show him the power of your friendship!"

Sarah "What?!... Oh, fine. Noah..."

She clenches her fist and runs in front of Dave. She puts her hands outward and walks closer to Noah. In the depths of his mind, his body hesitates but still prepares to attack. She hugs him tight, scorching the entire front of her body in the process.

Noah "Sa-Sarah! Are you okay?! I'm so sorry!-

Noah sees the front of her clothes is gone. Sarah notices it and turns red like a tomato.

Noah "Umm... yeah. this is awkward." "Oh my god! Her boobs just touched my chest! I can die in peace now."

Sarah "Y-You, idiot!"

She slaps him and runs away covering herself. Claire meets up with her and conjures an identical pair of clothes but is much stronger due to her powers. This used up three bandages. Claire walks to Dave and used one of the syringes to fix his hands, adding a thin layer of new flesh. Dave stands up and orders another baseball bat from Amazon in shame. This new one is made of tungsten.

Sarah "... Wait, does this count as armor?!" Wouldn't I be naked after getting hit once?!"

Claire "Don't worry! That rule doesn't apply to clothes for some odd reason."

Meanwhile, Kanji approaches Noah. Noah winds up and punches him in the face. Kanji falls flat on the floor. He then picks himself back.

Kanji "Yeah... I deserved that. Perhaps I may have gone too far."

Noah "It was more than too far. I'm done doing your shit." "Yeah, fuck you Kanji. That was messed up!"

Kanji "Relax. The next step is just gear preparation. We need to know what you need before diving into the tower. Like weapons, supplies, and tools."

Noah "... Fine. Let's regroup." "Actually, that sounds good. Let's do that!"

Noah and his peers meet near the fence. He lays down his ax along with his sharpening stone and they look at it.

Kanji "So, you want to upgrade it? Or you're just showing your current possession"

Noah "Second. I also want another weapon. Maybe a chainsaw. It will be awesome." "A chainsaw would be awesome!"

Azan "Sure, I'll order you a really good one. But I'm skeptical. Are you sure you are good at using it as a weapon?"

Noah "Yes. My dad trained me. You know." "He taught image training like imagining my enemies as trees and I must find their trunks to cut them down."

Kanji "Excellent. Now for armor. Are you okay having no armor or do you want some?"

Noah "Something that can protect my heart and brain is good." "Also, I would be less heavy in this case."

Kanji "Then I got the perfect thing for you. Here..."

He hands him two pieces of translucent blue cloth. Noah wraps one over his mask and around the back of his head, forming a bandana. He ties the other one over his chest in an x-pattern.

Noah "Okay, what is this? Some kind of science shit." "This stuff looks cool but I don't know if this can protect me or not."

Kanji "It is reflective nano defense mesh. I won't bore you with the science of it. But know this! This material can only block ten-strong impacts and nothing more. So be very careful!"

Noah "Alright. Anything else I need?" "Yeah, I don't feel ready at all."

Claire "Yes, Noah. Here have all of these. I think you'll need them more than us."

Claire hands him all of her syringes and bandages. Azan walks up to him and gives a small but very sharp chainsaw, he sees the blades of the chain are diamond-tipped. He turns to Kanji and gives a thumbs up. Kanji looks over his crystal map and presses summon. His face then goes blank. There is now a loading bar with a red to green outline. At one end, there's a sad emoji face and on the opposite end, there's a happy emoji face.

Kanji "Fuck. Sorry guys! There is a loading screen. We need to wait for a while."

Everyone sighs. They take a seat on the grass. Sarah positions herself near Noah, and their hands accidentally touch one another.

Noah "... oh. Err, hi. Sarah. Sorry, about earlier." "Fuck. Man. This is so awkward!"

Sarah "Hey... it's alright. The centipede part was my idea by the way... So you cared about me so much that you went crazy. Huh... Noah... do you maybe... like me?"

Noah "... I... I like you as my best friend. The greatest friend that I could ever have. I don't know what to do if you were never in my life." "Jesus, Noah! That was so cringe! Shit, hopefully, she doesn't take it as a romantic thing!"

Sarah "Aw, that's sweet. I understand. Us. We are birds of a feather. Rejects of society. Degenerates of the same void. Gremlins of the same cave."

Noah "Ha... Sarah. I want to ask you something. Do you like that I don't speak that much?"

Sarah "I don't mind it... but speaking a little more about what's on your mind can make it easier for us to bond. Hell, I don't even know what edgy shit you're into. And I... I didn't have a chance to share my hobbies."

Noah "Oh, I'm sorry then. I'll try to talk more to you. Let's see. I like rock, heavy metal, and death metal music!" "I actually do find them to be very cool."

Sarah "Yo, no way! Me too! But I also like a bit of jazz sometimes. So what is the one you like the most?"

Noah "The song is called "Sounds of Quiet"-

The Earth shakes under them and a massive structure rises in front of their very eyes. Its peaks reach far above the clouds. Noah comes for a closer inspection, its walls are made of some kind of old stone bricks. Kanji examines it and concludes that it is a material of unknown origin. The tower spins to face Noah and a wooden medieval-like door appears before him.

Noah "Looks like this is. Sarah, if I don't come out of this alive, I want to let you know that I... I... I cherish you as the greatest friend anyone could ever have. So for now, I will just say... Goodbye. Sarah" "Noah! You fucking idiot! That was the perfect time to confess! Dammit! Why am I so stupid?!"

Sarah "You, too. But don't expect yourself to die! You go in there, beat the living shit out of everything, and come back out alive! You hear me!"

She hugs him and he hugs her, they feel as though time has stopped. They let go of the feeling and Noah opens the door, entering the unknown.

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