《Journey of Vessels》Day 18 Part 2: Nuisance


... Thus, the wielders begin settling into their mobile home... sort of. Kanji feels like there's no need to change his floor. He lays on his bed satisfied with the way it is. On the floor above, Claire exchanges her night-vision goggles for a printer and starts printing her artwork onto the empty frames. And beyond this floor, Gwen changes the mattress into a deep purple color using some of Izzybot's spare morpharabots. She takes out her P.D.A and orders a purple blanket and pillow from Amazon. Both of them have a design of cartoonish cat faces. She then puts Izzybot on the floor, and her roots integrate into the walls, floor, and ceiling. Claire can see the roots on her ceiling.

Cl; "Yeah, that's not creepy at all. Bestie! Some Izzy's roots are showing on my ceiling!"

Gwen "Oh! My bad! I'll tell Izzy to go easier on the floor!"

Claire sees the roots retreat, patching up the holes they made with brown plant matter. She continues putting up her work. Above Gwen's room, Sarah too can see the roots but she doesn't mind it. In fact, she finds it rather cool. Sarah moves all the posters and books closer to her bed, leaving a lot of space. She thinks for a moment about what to do and then an idea pops into her head. Through Amazon, she turns the entrance to her room into a miniature cinema with twelve seats. Each row has four seats and rising in a condescending order to the back.

Sarah "Awesome! With this, we can have movie nights back! Hey guys! I made a small cinema! If we want to have a movie night! It will be on my floor!"

Dave "What?! Sas, that was my idea!"

Sarah "Well too bad, Dave! I already set it up!"

Despite the commotion, Noah looks around his room, the amount corpses don't bother him. However, what keeps him on edge are the spray cans inside the cabinets. He grabs them and stuffs them into the pile of corpses under his bed.

Noah "Good." "This is great! I'll just tell them that I lost the cans. But wait! They will just buy me more! Okay, maybe I'll tell them that I used up all the cans. No! They will just do the same thing! Wait what if I-

Sarah "Noah? What are you doing?"

Noah "Sarah..." "S-Shit, did she see it? What do I do? What should I say?!"

Sarah "Huh? Where are all your cans?"

Noah "... I hide them. So no one takes them. "Nice! I'm pretty sure she'll buy that!"

Sarah "Ah, good choice. I understand. I don't want my books to be taken either. Come with me, I want to show you my room."

With that, she drags his hand to the lower floor. Adrian catches a glimpse of them as he gathers his books from the stairs. He smiles and puts the books into his inventory. He goes back into his living space, There are shelves arranged in two neat rows on his right and left, leading up to his bed. They are neatly sorted into different categories of stories like Romance, Adventure, Folklore, Myths, and whatnot. His bed is king-sized and has a fancy spruce frame. There appears to be no kitchen.

Noah "Excellent. Everything is what it should be. Since I have some time... might as well see Sarah's room."

As he is walking through the entrance of his floor, He hears two loud thumps. He ignores the sound and heads downstairs. Those thumps were caused by non-other than Diana. She just dropped two 1000 kg dumbbells after doing 10,000 bicep curls. Diana is barely sweating. She looks at her bed...


Diana "One barbell isn't enough. I need more!"

Diana takes out her phone and goes to Amazon. She imports eight attachments, four more barbells, and a lot more weight plates. She then begins installing them. Meanwhile, on the floor above, Azan brews a cup of Africano and sits at his desk. He boots up the news and sees that his father is putting up missing notices of him. He gulps and contemplates what to do. Azan looks at his phone and begins tabbing down some numbers.

Ada "Er... hello. Son, is that you?"

Azan "Yes, father."

Ada "Where have you been?! Did I say something wrong?! Did you... run away from home?"

Azan "No, father. I just... I just did what you told me in the best way I could. By being far away from... you... until your enemies give up."

Ada "Oh, I see... Well, just be safe. And tell me next time. Alright, champ?"

Azan "I will, father."

The call ends and he slams the desk. The unmeasurable amount of guilt is strong, and he begins to sob. Mina overheard the conversation... her goal was focusing on building a ship inside a bottle, but now she runs to Azan's floor.

Mina "Azzy, are you okay?! I heard everything. I say you shouldn't feel bad about it! What you did was very brave! There was nothing else you could do in that situation!"

Azan "But... I... I lied. I have never lied to him before."

Mina "Lying is part of life. Being honest all the time can do more harm than good. Trust me, I know from... experience. Now, come with me. Let's check out the awesome cinema Sarah made. It'll cheer you up."

Azan willingly follows her to the lower floor. They ignore the tantalizing aroma coming from the second-highest floor. Inside said floor, Amelia is cooking up twelve plates of delicious bacon and pancakes. She then hears a familiar song from the ceiling.

Amelia "Cheer up, Dave. That song... it's "Hello, Darkness". Isn't it? I know you only listen to that when you're bloody upset."

Dave "Yeah, I can't believe I was too slow to install my cinema, man. Now she has all power during movie night."

Amelia "Oh, don't be a sour plum. Say maybe a plate of bacon and pancakes will filter down that moody heart."

Dave "Fuck man, that sounds good! Fine... I can let this shit go. I'm coming down, Amber."

She can hear him stepping into her floor. She puts out a chair and a table made of polished oak. He sits in it and she places a plate in front of him. He munches down the floor in a silly manner and she lets out a laugh. After he finishes the dish, Dave helps Amelia carry the other plates down to the fourth floor. Inside the room, they see the others watching "Tim and Jarry".

Dave "Aw sweet! This is the shit, my dudes! Also, where's the gorilla lady?"

Diana "Right behind you, clown."

Dave "AH! What the fuck?!"

She ignores him and grabs the plates off his hands, handing them to the other wielders. They take a seat and eat the food over the nostalgic cartoon.

Kanji "... Now, that we are all set. Let's us depart. Mina, you will take the wheel."

Mina "Wait, if we are going by RV. How are we going to get to Ireland?!"

Kanji "I got it covered. You just need to drive to an isolated place... somewhere to the closest countryside."


Mina "Okie dookie, I'll try my best!"

Mina steps down the stairs to the driver's seat. She looks over the controls and finds that they aren't as different as that of a normal car. She adjusts the seat and puts her hands on the wheel. The RV automatically starts and she begins driving down the road. During this trip, a couple of intriguing conversations have taken place.

Eight wielders leave the cinema leaving Gwen, Claire, and Kanji behind. They sit there awkward until...

Claire "So, Kaney. What do you think we should do while we wait?"

Kanji "We'll just relax or you girls want to discuss something."

Gwen "Yes... I was wondering. We never really... talk much about our personal life. What are your hobbies?"

Kanji "Hobbies... you can call them that. I just like trying lots of new things because I was bored. If you are asking what I did the most during my free time. Then that would either be playing games, watching movies, or spending time with everyone in the program."

Claire "Lmao. We can tell about the last part. You spent like 100,000 hours."

Kanji "Haha... yeah... I wouldn't know what I would do without friends like you guys."

Gwen "Maybe... some people are just meant to be together."

Gwen scooches her shoulder mover, touching his. Claire notices it and does the same. Kanji tries his best not to blush.

Kanji "How about you two? What are your hobbies?"

Gwen "I for one find experimenting enjoyable. I also like playing video games and doing yoga."

Claire "I like drawing stuff, it is fun and keeps me inspired. I also like video games, tabletop games, watching movies, and internet videos... and hanging out with you two."

Gwen "That is very sweet of you to say." "Wow, nice move. Claire."

Kanji "So all three of us like playing video games. Might as well do that while we wait." "Come on. Take the bait. This fighting is killing me."

Gw/Claire "Sure. What game should we play?"

Kanji "We'll go to Claire's floor. The game starts with an S-

Gw/Claire " Super Fight Bros! Ah, jinx!"

He sees them excitedly run downstairs. He smiles and walks after them. Meanwhile, up on the highest floor, Dave assembles the other wielders around his unfinished cinema setup. His twelve cinema seats are arranged around a round table made of red-tinted glass.

Sarah "The hell is this?! King Arthur and the lost cinema!"

Dave " Shut up, Sas. Also, where's the hell is Azanbro?!"

Diana "What is this about, Icarus? Azan is watching over Mina right now as we speak."

Dave "This is fucking serious, ok! We have fucking forgotten something very important. Come on, think! What is today's date?!"

Adrian "It's the ninth of April. Hold on... yeah, I do feel like we forgot something."

Sarah "Wait a minute... Uh oh! Fuck! Why didn't I see it sooner?! Shit! We are such horrible friends!"

Noah "Huh? What do you mean?" "I don't get it. Is today an important day?"

Diana "Is this one of your pranks, Ica-

Dave "Shut up! We missed their BIRTHDAYS!"

Diana "What are you.... oh. Oh god! Fuck, wasn't the boss's birthday five days ago?!"

Sarah "Yeah, Claire and Gwen's birthdays were three days ago. What do we do?!"

Dave "Don't worry, dudes! I got a plan! We'll throw them the best surprise birthday party ever. I'll sacrifice my room for it!"

AN "Oh my! A surprise party! I am curious about the concept but never really experience it myself."

Dave "You know a birthday party, right? You can help us by keeping it a secret until the time is right, bro."

AN "Soooo... I should keep my mouth shut until you guys are ready. Sounds easy enough."

Dave "Awesome, and bro... Can you like distract them from coming into my room?"

AN "I'll try my best. But right now, they seem very occupied. Playing some kind of video game... "Super Fight Bros" ?"

Dave "Nice. Just keep watching them and tell us if they make a move, dude."

On the front seat of this massive vehicle, a young lady drives with her eyes focused around the center of the road. On the seat beside her, is her best friend who is making sure she doesn't mess up.

Azan "You don't have to try so hard you know. I think you're doing great, Mina. We should be there quicker than I thought."

Mina "Hey, Azzy. What do think they are doing up there?"

Azan "Which group? Kanji's or Dave's?"

Mina "I can hear Kanji, Claire, and Gwen from here. But what are the others doing? They looked very serious."

Azan "They are probably resolving some kind of conflict. You know that Dave and Diana don't get along very well."

Mina "I beg to dipper! I think they are slowly coming along just fine! Maybe they are all just having a peaceful talk up there!"

Azan "You really think so? Hmmm... Maybe you're probably right. Hey, you want to play would you rather?"

Mina "Yeah, sure. But no morbid ones! Those make my stomach curl."

Azan "Alright... would rather make a paper plane or a paper boat?"

Mina "Paper boat! Because you can put a letter in it and it can survive through the waves of the ocean. Did you remember that one news?"

Azan "Right! The guy's name was Oliver. He got lost in the ocean on a raft but he made a paper boat with a message and someone found it. I still can't believe that stuff was real. Then again, miracles do happen from time to time. Ok, Mina. It's your turn."

Mina "Okay, chocolate or vanilla?"

Azan "Why can't it be both? To be honest, tasting them alone is boring but together... they make the perfect couple."

Mina "Aww, that's so sweet! Okay, then a new one. Would rather be poor and have billions of friends or be rich but can never make any friends?"

Azan "That's easy. I'll go with the first. I just ask each of them to give me one dollar and boom! Back in a business suit!"

Mina "Hahaha! That's a really good idea! Okay, you do the next one."

Azan "Would you rather hit a- Stop!"

Mina "A stop?-

She hears a loud thump and stops the vehicle. The other wielders notice the lack of motion and they meet up with Azan and Mina.

Kanji "What happened?! Why did you stop?!"

Mina "I think I hit someone. I-I'm sorry."

Kanji "Let's check and see. It might just be an animal."

They step outside and walk back down the road. There is a humanoid corpse but the road isn't splattered with blood. Going closer, they realize a familiar robe.

Kanji "Azan activate your shield. Now!"

Azan lifts his suitcase, turning it into a watch, and projects a large forcefield around his comrades. Kanji puts his hand out and summons a layer of electricity on the shield.

Diana "Boss Look! The corpse! It's melting!"

From underneath the robe, swarms of yellow cockroaches emerge and attempt to escape out of the force field. They get past it but some are fried by the layer of electricity on the outside. Gwen orders Izzybot and she catches one of the little buggers.

Gwen "I got one of them! Let's see what they are about."

Kanji "Please, do. We don't know if this corpse was just a distraction. I don't see any other cultists around here."

?? "That's because there are no other. Except for me! M114!... Oh, dangit! That didn't rhythm. I wished I was 103."

They see a blonde cultist appear from behind a large boulder. He is carrying some kind of notepad and rips out one of its pages. The page decays into a glitchy void.

Gwen "Kanji. This is very strange... this cockroach. It only consists of a single cell!"

Kanji "A single cell... I see. It's his ability. This guy can probably divide his entire being into those cockroaches. But if a single cockroach is just one of his cells. Then... how many does he have? How much can he control them?"

Gwen "There are approximately 37.2 trillion cells in a human body. But since he has been modified, I say that he has way more than that."

M114 "Wow, good observation! You just got that after a brief encounter! You guys make me look like a gosh darn amateur. No problem... because by the of the day... I'll know EVERYTHING about you!"

He rushes forward with katana, it has a recognizable shade of gray that the wielders know at first glance that this weapon is made with the same material those imperial soldiers used for their armor. They weave around it and Sarah cuts his flimsy body into pieces. But the pieces disperse and turn into more cockroaches.

Sarah "What the hell?! Is this guy fucking immortal or something?!"

Kanji " I would say semi-immortal. That fucking general chose the perfect candidate for gathering information."

Dave "Then should we like not attack him, bro? So he doesn't get more shit."

Kanji "The key is patience. I'm guessing that his tactic is to annoy us so we will use more drastic measures to get rid of him. We need a simple plan to get rid of all the roaches at once."

From behind another boulder, the cultist overhears the conversation.

M114 "What the hell?! They are just humans! How did they catch on so fast?! Should I retreat and come up with a plan with the others? No... M124 will think that I'm a loser if I do that. May a more reckless approach."

He rushes out of hiding and charges toward Diana.

Diana "You can't serious, right? This guy is much more of an idiot than me."

He grins and switches to Claire. Diana catches on to his plan and punches him in the head. It bursts to open into millions of cockroaches that latch out to her face, blinding her sight. His headless body springs forward, Dave smacks both of his legs and he falls to the ground. His back is then shot with three crossbow bolts. His body disperses again but the cockroaches gather around the katana. They throw it at Claire but Kanji blocks it with ease. A shroud of glitchy space surrounds the weapon and it vanishes. On another further away boulder, M114 regrow from a single yellow cock roach.

M114 "Fuck! I barely got any info. Come on! There must be something that can stir them up. Wait... of course!"

The wielders watch as Kanji shocks the retreating cock roaches. They then hear the sound of an engine starting.

Dave "What the?! Bro! That son of a bitch! He's taking our RV!"

Mina "We need to stop him!"

Kanji "Hold it. He is trying to provoke us to use more abilities. I'll sacrifice myself for the sake of this team."

He conjures an electrical blade on the tip of his chain and runs after the vehicle. With his other hand, he tabs his legs and makes them move as fast as sound. He reaches the right distance and so he throws the weapon. His body then turns into electricity and travels through the chain and onto his bed. He stares eye to eye with M114. His fist clenches as he stomps toward him.

M114 "HAHAHAAHA! You're too late! I broke off the breaks and soon your precious RV will go off the cliff along with you!"

Kanji "It seems you have forgotten one very important thing."

M114 "What is it? Can you see that I've won?!"

Kanji "That this RV runs on electricity!"

He plunges his hand into the floor of the vehicle, absorbing every ounce of energy it has left. He then runs closer to the cultists and grabs his neck. Kanji makes the guy's entire body rubbery and blast a wave of sound. M114 can feel that every cell in his entire body is shaking and bouncing out of the control. His body separates on its own and the cockroaches begin fighting and eating other.

Dave "Dude.... we have... made it. Oh, you finished him off."

Kanji "Yeah... but we must still keep an eye out..."

Kanji falls asleep on the floor. His body glows blue with energy and sparks spray onto the floor. The others wait until it dies down and they then place him on his bed. Gwen and Claire go back to the second floor to play more games. Azan orders a massive battery on Amazon and charges the RV. He joins Mina in the front seats and starts the engine, they drive as far away as they could. Dave and the other wielders go upstairs and continue planning the party.

Dave "Ok guys. Now that bastard is gone. Any ideas for the party?"

Sarah "I know that all three of them like chocolate."

Noah "Doesn't everyone like chocolate? "Yeah, who wouldn't like chocolate."

Adrian "I only prefer dark chocolate."

Diana "But it is still chocolate! Also, how did you know that the Boss likes chocolate."

Sarah "Well, not to sound creepy. But I like going through our chat logs and... writing down stuff. Just for some inspiration."

Dave "Weirdo Alert! Weirdo Alert! Just kidding. Now we know what fucking cake to get, bros."

Amelia "I can offer to make the cake from scratch, Dave."

Dave "Sounds good, Amber. Home-baked stuff is way better than processed shit. It's like comparing diamonds to dirt, bros."

Adrian "Let's not forget presents. I already prepared mine."

Dave "Cool. What is it, bro? I'm going to give Kanbro a pair of fucking sick headphones. And-

Adrian "Dave, may I suggest keeping our presents a secret. It would be like a surprise for everyone if we do so."

Dave "Ok, true. I almost fucked up there, man. Now, what time do we start the party?"

Diana "The boss once told me that dusk is his most relaxing time of the day."

Dave "Okay then, dusk. Dude, we should make it tomorrow!"

They high-five and begin preparation, putting up balloons and ordering confetti and indoor fireworks. From behind a tree far away from the wielders, a cultist struggles to grow out of his cockroach cocoon. Only his entire torso is sticking out... He pulls on the tree and eventually, his legs are out. His mind is still dizzy and he walks over to the nearest pond. His teeth grind, seeing that one of his left eyes is bloodied orange and his entire left vision is gone.

M114 "Those bastards! They are going to pay dearly for this!"

He picks a leaf and makes an eyepatch by stringing it with strands of fiber from the nearby bushes. He then tries to walk away but for some reason, he falls over. He sees that his right leg broke off and transforms into yellow cockroaches. He watches as his cells fight and eat each other.

M114 "... stop. Stop. STOP. STOP YOU LITTLE SHITS!!!"

The cockroaches look over and their antennae fall limp. They scuttle back and reform his leg. He is surprised by their action, never once had they reformed his lost body parts on command. He smiles and bites a chunk out of his thumb. He spits it into the ground and waits as trillions of cockroaches approach from every direction. They enter his body by the millions and he can feel his energy returning to him. After the process, he looks back to the pond and opens his eye patch. Finding out that his new eye is permanent, he stomps the leaves beneath his into dust

M114 "Shit! I don't know what she will think about this. Fuck! I have had enough for today."

A glitchy aura surrounds him and he teleports back to the general's ship.

KARNAT "Well... What can you tell us?"

M114 "Well, they are very smart. They read me like a book."

M115 "We already know that, boy. Tell us what we don't know."

M114 "You know the guy with the business suit... I think his suitcase can turn into different things that can do different stuff. So far we know one which is a shield watch. I suspect that he has more. That blue-haired guy has a shield too but he can make it out of electricity. He used Sound on his feet and meself. And he can people rubbery. I say that in total he has control over electricity, sound, and elasticity. He can also create an energy blade at will. This is all the new info that I found today."

KARNAT "Excellent! Knowing that bastard having control over sound and elasticity is big. I can have time to find the perfect match for him. From now on, you don't have to go in alone. You must stay in the background and collect more info. If the troops are in your trouble, you must step in to help them. Got it Major!"

M114 "Yes! Your words are wise, me Lord."

KARNAT "Good. Now leave me to my planning!"

M114 exits the room and is greeted by M124.

M124 "What's with the new look?"

M114 "Oh this. I-I just. There was an Er-

M124 "I like it. Also, you did a great job today. Stealing their RV was quite smart. But in the end, they took something from you... didn't they? This means we are in the same boat. You and I, we seek vengeance!"

M114 "Y-Yeah... that's right! We will make them pay!"

(To be continued)

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