《Lonesome Hill (One of my feature film scripts) Rated R -- Western》Section 10 -- Love and Veangence
Daniel was shaking Sara by the arms.
Did you say Blackstone?! It can't be, he's dead! I served him death up close! It can't be. Are you sure that be what ya hearin'?
Sara looks him in concern and some fear.
Yes, it is what he said. He had an eye patch and was stone cold obsessed with a small knife, twirlin' it and playin' with it constantly, like the ones in your chest holder. Daniel, your hurtin' me.
Daniel looks at his arms and immediately lets go, sees the red marks he left and looks ashamed.
I'm sorry Sara, here you are riskin' everything, abused by every man that walks upon your road, and all I can do is spit and holler. I am as lousy as a cockroach in the pantry.
Sara looks at him, her eyes soft.
It's ok Daniel, (He shakes his head, she puts her hand to his No face) No, it's ok, didn't you say I was strong as mountains? I can handle a few licks on my arms.
They share a moment, his hand covering the hand on his face.
I'm sorry.
No Daniel, no sorrys between us, ever, I've had a life of sorrys, sorry for myself, my pa, my ma, life. You been in your own storm of misery, the tree, the Shepard, all of it, and whatever dogged your trail from the war, whatever blood and brimstone that drove you out here. Who is this man? You all pissin' and growlin' around each other and he seems to hold a deep hate in his flesh for you , and you just as headstrong swimmin' the same water.
Daniel leans back then turns and stands wobbly as all get out. Sara moves to help him but he puts his hand up his own strength needing to test itself. He stands but looks shaky and about to keel over. Then everything spins and he collapses to the ground. Sara rushes to his side and he attempts to get up again but then they get tangled and he collapses dragging her down as well, they collapse together and laugh. A genuine moment of smiles and eyes locked. She leans in and kisses him, a soft light kiss. She leans back and smiles.
You ain't ready yet. You need to regain what you lost on that tree.
He sighs.
Ain't that the hammer poundin' the nail.
Who is this man Daniel?
He looks at her warring with the demons dancing his bones.
He, he was my commanding officer. I was part of a special missions unit for the Union, funnily enough called Blackstone's misfits, and misfits fit us. We were all misfits one way or another but we was all good at killen' which I guess in the end, all that mattered.
The tiredness of his spirit rolled through his frame.
War ain't pretty by no means, and killen' is what it comes down to. There ain't no right or wrong to it, or it's all right and wrong, I figure it all comes to the same. Daniel you got to let go.
He looks at her with a smile.
Too much to let go of. They made us into mad beasts, rabid beasts, but I had a friend, a father in some ways, a brother in others, Sgt Johns, Iron Johns they called him. And he taught me to chain the beast, to stay just this side of the cliff. To hold to my heart and when to pull it back in, without him, I would of been nothin' but a beast. And Blackstone, Blackstone and his mad dog killed him, and I thought, up to this point I had returned the favor. I shoulda known better then to think the road that easy. The man is the Devil incarnate, makes The Shepard look like a school boy, and then God's cosmic joke that the two know each other, that I find'em both as cozy as two coons in a trash heap.
Sara laughs.
I wouldna bein' sayin' that. Maybe once, but their own no coziness in that bramble. I would be sayin' the Shepard right now is not be haven' any brotherly love with this Blackstone.
Daniel grunts and stands up waving off Sara's help walking over to his weapons, pulling a forearm blade, twirling it, his dexterity off, dropping it but catching it with his other hand before it hits ground.
How you got these and yourself and the boy out of that snake pit and what Blackstone plannin' I need to know. I have to know. I have to finish what was started long ago, in the river of dancing bones.
Sara walks near him, sighing, taking a deep swallow.
It ain't pretty Daniel, ain't pretty at all. I had never seen the weak gaze of a trapped rat as well as I be doin' in the Shepard's eyes that storm spit day.
Int. MaIN CABIN. 3 days prior -- LATE AFTERNOON
Blackstone stands above the quivering small blade in the table. The Shepard looks defeated, Tuck his head bowed praying.
I am no longer that person Nathanial. I am the voice of God on Earth.
Blackstone laughs a hardy laugh.
Lawrence, Lawrence, Lawrence. We have known each other since we were young gallivanting on the streets of New York, the two black sheep of our well to do families, both of us running every con we could think of until so many people were after us you ran out here and I joined the military. This is just another of your cons my friend, but one it seems, you've bought into yourself.
Tuck attempts to rise in defense only to have his legs kicked out from under him by the Lt.
Tell him it isn't true Shepard! God strike you for your blasphemes against the Voice of the Heavenly Choir!
Jenks and Taylor laugh hard. Blackstone smiles at Tuck's outburst. He walks over and grabs Tuck's face, looking back to the downtrodden Shepard.
Ahh, he doesn't know Lawrence? You found a real keeper here, the only one of worth you had here, killed 3 of my men with a club if you would believe it. Too bad he is a zealot and a gullible one at that. You didn't know Lawrence here was a charlatan hmm? That his plans for everyone was to use the gold and the rifles he wanted from me to take over the area. Sad sad man you are.
Tuck looks to the Shepard and sees the truth in his eyes.
I could use a man like you though, Tuck, was it, a good fighter, willing and able to shed blood, what say you? Would you like to be a part of the new and improved Misfits, though you would have to let go of that naivety?
Tucks spits on the Captain's feet.
Never! He might be false to the Lord but I am not. I will see you all split asunder under God's might.
Captain stands up after wiping his boot with a handkerchief from his pocket leaving it on the floor.
Unfortunate, unfortunate indeed.
The Shepard looks at Blackstone. More gunshots echo out in the yard with screams then more shots and silence.
Why did you kill so many Nathanial? Why so much death?
Blackstone laughs again.
Ahh you are precious Lawrence, how I have missed you. Many? You who crucifies people and hangs them from trees. If my men followed orders, I killed them all. Well that is except you, your man here and the woman and her child, though all of them shall meet your precious God tomorrow while you Lawrence, you I will keep around for a while for old times sake. The woman and her child's death will be my gift for Williamson. (He motions to his eye) I owe him a hard measure. Providence wouldn't you say LWrence that all our threads meet here at a place called Lonesome Hill, fitting as fitting gets. Some who believe in such mught call it destiny, but as all know fate is a fickle beast. Unfortunate Diggs is another week out, he would of enjoyed taking young Daniel's life himself. Now back to your query my old friend. Why kill, well to be honest. I needed to vent, to blood my men and well, cause I could and to prove a point to you Lawrence. To make you understand the futility of your paltry dreams. You always thought too small, one of your regrettable traits I would say. With the chaos of the war and with my men and arms and gold. I will take over the whole territory. Governor Blackstone, has a certain ring don't you think?
Sara spits on the ground.
You all as crazy as a mare in heat.
Jenks grabs her by the back of her head while Jebediah kicks his chin and he hops around then moves to strike the lad.
Enough you mangy mutts. Take the woman where you will and do your heart's desire and with her child but out of my sight, just make sure they both stay alive and are at the tree in the morning to surprise our young soldier. The Shepard here and I need some privacy to talk about gold and the future of my Governorship. Sark take the misguided servant of the almighty and stake him out on one of those crosses out front.
Everyone moves to his orders, Jenks and Taylor roughly grabbing her and Jebediah out the front door.
Daniel, still twirling his knife, grips it hard then throws it, dead center into the fish Sara had been filleting.
A house of cards indeed Johns. I hear ya and understand.
He looks at Sara who stands with some shame walking her eyes.
Daniel (CONT'D)
Did they?
Sara looks at him.
Men Daniel, men, of course they did, but they got drunk out of their minds to work themselves up to it and the whole camp was drunk by the time I rode out of there with Jebediah and your weapons. I had a hard hankering to gut those rats, but getting to you and knowing the hell they'd catch when Blackstone found out stayed my hand.
She turns around to not see the anger and tears.
Sara (CONT'D)
How I wanted to gut them.(Whisper)
Int. House in settlement -- night
Jenks has Sara bent over on all fours doing her from behind while Taylor is in front of her with his hand on the back of her head forcing his cock in her mouth, both of them with whiskey bottles in their hands. They are both drunk.
Remember whore! If you don't be actin' like you enjoyin' us double diddlin' ya we will take it out on ya boy, you hear! (He slaps her ass) Ya hear me whore?!
She nods as the camera pulls out of that room into the other room Jebediah chained to the wall.
What ya doin' to my momma?! Momma, are you alright, Momma?! I gonna kill you, kill you both if you hurt my momma!!!!!!! See if I don't (Tears) see if I don't.
Daniels arms come around her in a hard embrace, her tears sheddin' as she keeps whispering "Gut them" over and over again.
It'll be alright, right as rain. They ain't gonna be living much longer I promise ya that!
He turns her around, his fingers collecting a tear, he grabs her and kisses her, she struggles at first then melts into it. He kisses her face, her cheeks, her hair.
Strong as mountains.
They collapse to the floor clothes being peeled in a ferocious need.
Ext. Stream outside cave -- day
Daniel exits cave doing up his breeches, then stretches in the sun and sees Jebediah 50 feet downslope with his string at the feet of a pretty good size stream. Daniel strolls towards him and sees already to fish, one still flopping on the ground near Jebediah. Jebediah sees him as he gets close. He waves excitedly at Daniel then at the fish.
Do ya see Daniel? Do ya see? I got me 2 already and I been keeping look out. I told ya I be a good scout and good at fishin'.
Daniel's smile becomes bigger.
I see that Jebediah, a damn natural scout in the makin' ya are. And your momma almost ready to start cooking up the food so you better get those ones you caught up to her. Y'all need to get some food in ya. Ya both headin' out in the mornin'.
Jebediah hurries up and pulls his string out of the water and starts gathering the fish, one still squirming he almost drops then gets a hold of.
Yous comin' with us Daniel? Say you are. I mean I'm tough as leather but, well momma might need both of us to protect her an all.
Daniel smiles.
You'll have to protect her for me for now Jebediah. I got some business I need seein' to then I'll be hitten' the road hard and strong as the north wind on your trail. You ain't gettin' rid of me that easy. I got to stick around and teach ya how to be a bona fide scout.
Daniel leans down and rustles Jebediah's hair.
Now let's get up there before your momma start worryin'.
Jebediah walks with him up to the cave as he continues to almost drop the fish.
I can carry those slick baddies for ya if ya be wantin'.
Jebediah fervently shakes his head as the fish almost slip through his grasp again but he doggedly wrestles them back into submission.
No I got'em Daniel. A real man takes care of his business, that's what momma said once. Though I do think you should be goin' with us if we be goin'. But I reckon ya should take care of your business like my momma said a man should. My momma the smartest momma in the world, and that's where I get the tough as leather part, my momma told me that.
Daniel laughs as they enter the cave.
I'm sure she did and right as rain she is.
Ext. Tree OUTSIDE FORT, 2 days prior -- LATE AFTERNOON
Jenks and Taylor hang upside down from the tree. Crows dance around hopping and flying.
Damn Taylor we been up here all day. You think they gonna let us die up here?
Taylor looks pissed at Jenks.
You got us strung up like two sides of beef Jenks. You wantin' to stick that woman and get piss drunk.
Jenks looks at him with anger in his eyes.
You son of a whore. I don't remember ya pulling back your wanker when it came time to be usin it. And noone force fed ya moonshine you giant fat piece of lard shit.
Applause echoes. Lt. Sark stands there with two soldiers.
Lt. Sark
Okay laddies. No more hanging around for you two gents. (Laughter) You are ordered to remedy this debacle by the Captain himself. Three other groups have already been sent out to find our escaped little birdies but I assured our esteemed leader you were the two gents to do the job. At the very least I will find it highly amusing to see you fail again and the Captain has acquiesced to my request. So up and at em and foot to the trail and all that. Bring me the soldier boy, do what your dogged hearts deem prudent with the whore and her brat. But I truly want to see what all the hooplah is about with this Blades Williamson, the man that took the great Blackstone's eye and put a new smile on our beloved Digg's countenance. So get to it already.
Taylor and Jenks look at each other then Sark.
Uh Sir, we sure appreciate all of that, such a nice speech and all, but I think, uhh, it might help if, uhh, ya all let us down.
Yea, what Jenks says.
Sark smiles then quicker then quick his pistols fly out of the holsters firing, both ropes are torched and the two fall to the ground.
There you go gents. Now no excuses, no dilly dallying, get to the chasing of the birds. And remember you fail to capture the quarry and I will kill you myself.
Ext. stream OUTSIDE CAVE -- DAY
Daniel is cinching the saddle of his horse as Jebediah sits atop the mule. Daniel is fully armed his Henry on his back. Sara looks at him as he turns to her.
Daniel, come with us. Forget these gutter rats. We could, together, mosey somewhere else and start over. (Her hand goes to his face.) Please. I don't wanna see ya under a layer of dirt and lose, uh, lose what we found.
She turns away and laughs.
Sara (CONT'D)
Foolish Sara, here I am thinkin' it, it meant somethin', that I meant somethin', forget what I said, just runnin' my....
Daniel shuts her up with a hard kiss, Jebediah laughs excitingly.
It meant everythin' woman and you damn well should reckon it.
His smile takes the sting away.
Daniel (CONT'D)
I told ya once not all men are the same. (He kisses her) Some got bigger dreams, better dreams.
Tears form in her eyes.
I got ta do this if we be wantin' the life you be talkin' up. I got to put an end to my past, put an end to those rabid hounds. Otherwise they gonna bring the same misery they brought on you and all the corpses whose better days are over litterin' these hill to everyone, too all over this territory. Someone gotta put an end to that for all the days of the Great Green.
Sara looks at him, leaning her head into his shoulder.
But Daniel there's 30 or 40 of em', and more on the way. How is one man gonna stop that?
He smiles.
They never met Blades Williamson. One more time for the beast to hunt. And if'n I can cut the herd before that black mad dog Comanche orphan gets here, I have a good chance of seein' daylight and your beautiful face another day, and time to grow old and see this boy become the scout of all scouts.(Winks) but whatever story we tell ourselves, whatever slip of words I can coax out of this backwoods mouth to make your heart flutter when I'm around, none of it matters if I don't do this. My ma and Pa taught me when a bully starts bullyin' then it's time for a good man to stand up.
He hugs her hard.
Out of all the men I had to land myself with I go and choose a hero. My pa always said I had the sense of a demented squirrel, forgetting all the nuts on the ground for the one of a different color at the top of the tree. Ok Daniel Williamson, do what you need to do but ya better be keepin' yourself breathin' or by all that's holy I will reach until the grave and kill ya again myself.
Momma you did say to me a real man takes care of his business.
Sara and Daniel both laugh.
Out of the mouth of babes.
Sara rustles her son's head.
You are by far too smart for your own good.
Jebediah looks confused.
I don't understand momma, you the one that taught me, tough as leather and smart as a fox in a hen house. That's what you always say to me and that we two peas in a pod.
And I say she says true Jebediah.
Well it seems I'm outgunned and too clever for my own good.
Jebediah laughs. Daniel walks over to him pulling out a forearm blade.
I want you to take this Jebediah, just in case.
Jebediah looks like he just received the best thing he ever done seen.
Don't ya worry Daniel, I will. Noone gonna hurt my momma. I protect her real good, just like I took care of the horse and mule, and fishin' and scoutin'. I am good at whatever set my mind to and ain't noone gonna touch a hair on my momma's head.
Daniel smiles up at him.
I believe ya on all counts son.
He turns to Sara starting to pull out another blade but she stops him and out of a saddlebag pulls out a pistol.
You gonna need all those I think and your stuff wasn't the only thing I done took from those wastes of breath. I can take care of myself Daniel Williamson, best you get that right.
He raises his hands in surrender.
Yes mam!
He grabs her and hugs her tight with a deep kiss.
Daniel (CONT'D)
Now remember what I said. Lowell, talk to Mr. Stokes and keep to the trails till ya.
SHe shuts him up with another kiss.
I know Daniel, we done gone over it a hundred times. I grew up in these hills if you be forgettin and didn't we just have a talk about me taken' care of myself. Damn all to kingdom come, ya a slow learner.
A big laugh by Daniel.
Strong as mountains. You a fine fine woman if I do say so myself. Now git' while ya got daylight and don't stop for noone till you get to Lowell. I'll meet up with ya there.
He kneels down to lift her up and she snorts. She leaps up onto the horse like she was born there.
C'mon Jebediah let's leave the man to his business. (Whisper) Slow learner that one.
Jebediah waves excitedly and almost falls cause he's not looking where he's going but then fervently starts waving to Daniel again as they slip behind trees, and a branch twats Jebediah in the head but he just laughs.
Damn fine woman and a hell of a scout.
Daniel turns towards the direction of Lonesome Hill.
Daniel (CONT'D)
I'm gonna giv'em Hell Johns, I'm gonna giv'em hell.
Ext. Courtyard of lonesome hill --dusk
Sarks fuming is pacing back and forth, growling, cussing as Jenks and Taylor stand in front of him looking extremely nervous. Other soldiers in the background are stacking bags of gold in a wagon, coming and returning through the main cabin. A few nameless soldiers stand behind Jenks and Taylor also looking nervous.
Lt. Sark
Are you meaning to tell me you still can't locate one man, a woman and a child? It's been 5 bloody days. Blackstone left it to me to retake this Williamson and you two are making me look bad. Diggs will be here in a few days and I want that man captured before then, Blackstone will know who he can rely on, a proper English warrior not some savage raised mute. Do I make myself clear you buffoons.
Jenks and Taylor look at each other confused.
Did he just call us some kinda ape Taylor?
I think he did Jenks, though I think it's a real savage kind ape that runs in packs so I don't rightly know if it's an insult or a compliment.
Sarks rolls his eyes then does a swirling spin his sword flying out and stopping an inch from Taylor's fat face.
That is baboon you useless gutter tripe, buffoons, village idiots and yes I did insult you both. This Blades could be halfway to Texas by now. You have cost me too much and your toddler level intellect is infuriating. Why should I not just leave your headless corpses along with all the others we threw down the hill?
Taylor touches his finger to the point of the sword to attempt to gently move it away from his face but ends up cutting himself and grimaces. Jenks steps forward but then sees the look in the Lt.'s eyes.
Uhh sir, I don't reckon soldier boy done gone nowhere.
Sark sighs and rolls his eyes but in a flourish sheathes his sword.
Besides a complete butchering of the Queen's English I feel the tremendous vibrational quake of your brain attempting to disgorge some insight. So continue and make it a delectable bit of conversation otherwise your heads will be decorating one of those crosses out there in what passes for decor to you ignorant Americans.
Jenks and Taylor both look at each other and swallow.
Uhh, not sure what all that gibber jabber meant, but, well, uhh, you tell him Taylor.
Sarks taps his foot fingering one of his pistols.
One of you better loosen his tongue as my patience is wearing thin and the urge to shed blood is an ever present delight.
Taylor clears his throat.
Well, what Jenks, is tryin' to say is, well, we found Davis and his men dead as a door nail up in the hills when we was comin' back, uhh, from our search.
Yep right on the river Taylor. And they was done in by blades, Davis looked like a blade gone right up under his chin, half his jaw was hanging on by a thread.
Lt. Sark stops, thinking his fingers tapping some unseen rhythm on the handle of his pistol. Both Jenks and Taylor keep eyeing it.
Lt. SaRK
Any other people missing?
Taylor and Jenks both look at each other.
Well now ya mention it, Drubbs and his group ain't checked in yet, they about an hour past due.
Sark smirks then whips back towards the two which makes them jump.
Ah no need to be so jumpy my little doves, you actually just gave me a brilliant idea.
They look confused.
We did?
Well that's what were here for me and Jenks. IN fact I remember one time, don't you Jenks when the Captain himself.
Sark interrupts him.
Enough of your prattle. 8 men this Blades took, and all knife work. He might be just as good as the illustrious Captain said he was. Absolutely riveting this is going to be. Alright my cheeky buffoons, this is what we will do.
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'some angels are destined to fall.'| not fantasy genre | [11 nov/2017 - #15 ss] *~* review *~*"It brings out the emotions and feelings of all the characters.. Not many authors can do that.. I know a handful on here. To a dedicated reader like myself that's just awesome! And this stands right next to them in my book! Also writing about the sad autophobia, was very well brought to life. I can't say enough, the overwhelming joy, sadness and love I felt from these characters!! so here's you 12 roses at your feet 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 Bravo 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏"- @IcallitlikeIseeit "This is honestly the best book I've ever read in my 14 years of life"- @AverageTeenager118_
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