《Lonesome Hill (One of my feature film scripts) Rated R -- Western》Section 8 -- Lines will be Drawn


Ext. southern Army fort 1864 -- evening


Let the beast out! Let it out or we fucked!!!!!! C'mon Blades, what the high hell is up with you, do your thing or we are fucking dead!

Daniel, Luigi and Fesenko and three other Misfits are pinned down behind wooden crates in a large southern fort, getting shot at from above and by a large group of at least 30 southern boys from across the other side of the fort behind sandbags. While Luigi is yelling at Daniel one of the nameless Misfits jumps back the back of his head blowing out. Fesenko returns a couple shots from his spencer hitting one of the southern boys up on the high wall sending him over. On the other side of the fort Johns and Chuggers and Blackstone and Diggs along with 14 other Misfits are backing out of the gate being haggard by another 20 southern boys as they retreat, pulling wounded Misfits along with them. Another 15 southerners are up on the walkways. The dead and dying of both sides are strewn everywhere. Daniel just hugs his Henry shaking back and forth.


Blood, a river, all a god damn river of corpses. Death, I see you, remember, corpses, more corpses, blood to spill, a river of death.

Fesenko and Luigi both look at each other and Blackstone and the others retreating as another one of theirs next to him gets shot in the chest, and bullets are raining upon them.


What a time for Blades to go plumb loco.


This was damn bushwhack from the get go. No big war plans here just a bunch of fucking southerners waitin' for us. Who the hell did Blackstone piss off to get us in this shit stick. Our ride is leavin' and if we don't get on that train we better start turnin' earth and layin' down.

Luigi leans over Daniel, shakes him and then smacks him across the face.


Wake up Blades and get to killen'!!!!!

Daniel finally starts seeing, all the bodies, all the bullets ripping up the ground, the two Misfits dead next to him. He screams, grabbing his Henry leaping from behind the crates like a banshee from hell. The Henry roars as he lays into the southerners moving towards the gate, Fesenko and Luigi and the nameless Misfit behind him firing their spencers. Daniel kills 4 in as many breaths, firing and killing two more up on the parapets, the nameless misfit gets bayoneted from behind, while Luigi his Dragoon now out kills the southerner, the southerners now back pedaling from this beast from the pits fire wildly missing. Several start charging with their bayonets. Daniel shoulders his Henry at same time as throwing one of his forearm blades catching an approaching bayonet wielder in the throat. He unholsters his dragoon and with his left hand hauls out one of the gladius from his thigh. He charges firing his dragoon taking two down, spinning out of a bayonet lunge almost decapitating the fellow with a spinning strike with his gladius then spins using his hip to take another bayonet out of line his hand coming up with his dragoon right under the man's chin, firing, the head exploding, covering Daniel's face with blood, a rictus grin covering his features. Johns and Blackstone smell the rout and stop retreating, Diggs throwing one of his tomahawks in a southerner's back. Blackstone raises his calvary saber, his dragoon in his other hand.


Misfits!!!!! Charge!!!!!

Daniel smiles, drops his dragoon and pulls his other gladius a crazed maniacial grin of a beast. Daniel screams and charges a group of southerners, death incarnate. A close up of Johns killing a southerner with his dragoon then a throwing blade into the eye of another. He stares at Daniel with a worried look. Daniel leaps upon a southerner with both blades tearing out the fellow's chest but not stopping ripping with his blades till it's unrecognizable meat. Southerners are jumping off the parapet outside the fort to escape.



Daniel's P.O.V. Upside down but with his eyes closed with aftershots of Daniel's last image of him covered in blood and guts. After the first line no flashbacks going to black.


Wakey wakey soldier boy? You like that Taylor? Though the tired baby doesn't seem to be gettin' it.


Very good Jenks and I see what ya sayin' I think you done missed something.

The sound of a loud thunk of a fist hitting flesh. Daniel's eyes slowly open, he sees a circling of crows up in the sky and a sliver of blue sky and way above an eagle flying, then his head rolls down and he sees an upside down Taylor rubbing his fists. Pull out of the P.O.V. Daniels spits blood on the ground. Both Taylor and Jenks are still dressed as before, still with his weapons. Jenks leans down next to Daniel and looks at Taylor. The rain has stopped though the grey skies are still present.


Well well soldier boy is wide awake. Seems your love tap did the job.

Daniel spits again, his eyes somewhat raving, close to lunacy's cliff edge.


Ahh if it isn't the fat boy and his weasel love. I see you been takin' care of my gear for me, might nice of ya,(Hacking cough) might be makin' me kill yas quicker, make it less on the cryin' like a baby without his rattle way.(Hacking cough)

Jenks walks towards Daniel as if to hit him but Taylor steps up and grabs his arm.


You knowin' what the Capt'n been sayin' Jenks, one love tap be good but he said not to damage him up too good and by the sound of that cough he already closin' in on the end of the Green.

Daniel's eyes flicker the first breath of madness.


Is that what you be callin' the Shepard now?(Hacking cough)

Taylor and Jenks hold a bemused look with each other.


He hasn't heard Taylor?

Taylor steps back and leans on the Henry.


I don't reckon he has Jenks. Though to be honest I think been hung up so to speak.

Jenks laughs tremendously.


A good one Taylor, real good one.

Daniel who looks as haggard as a man can look and not be a corpse in the ground.


Ok you two rejects from a cave man suare. I know you be dying to tell me whatever it is that's makin' your britches itch.(Cough) So get on with already, I been hanging upside down by my knackers in sun and rain for days, I ain't in the mood for you two jackals (Cough)and your feeble clawings at wit.

Taylor and Jenks lose the humour, their faces turning stone.


Well there went all the air out of the balloon Taylor. Soldier boy just ain't no fun.

Jenks walks over and grabs Daniel by the head.


Couldn't agree more Jenks, couldn't agree more. You see, The Shepard's days are over. There's a new Capt'n in town and oh what a hello he got for you soldier boy, an ole' friend he says he is, and more anger I never done seen steamin' from his eyes. Don't know what you done soldier boy, but I wouldna wanna be you. Wouldna you reckon Taylor?

Taylor nods walking over with the Henry in his hand.


I don't reckon that quite covers the story Jenks, not according to the Cap'n.

Daniel looks confused, the madness rreceding behind consciousness rising up.



Well it's dusk fellas so why don't you start gettin' me down and be taken' me to this lost ole' chum of mine (cough)so I can give him a proper hello and all, though I gots no idea what you two inbred monkeys are talkin' about.(cough) It's like listening to two cows moo at each other though now that I reckon it I think I might of just insulted the good ole' bovine race.

Both Taylor and Jenks now stand over him with impatience riding them.


I don't think he been hearing Jenks.


I don't believe he has Taylor, must be hanging on that tree gettin's to him.

Jenks slaps Daniel hard and leans right into his face.


You ain't comin' down soldier boy. The cap'n wants to celebrate tonight and deal with you in the mornin'. So you gets to, hang around.(Laughter)

Switches to Daniel's P.O.V. Jenks pushes his face then gets up and walks away both him and Taylor laughing.


Have fun soldier boy. Enjoy your last eve on the Green.


Do you think we ought to wish him some fun with his friends, the crows, they do seem to be taken' a liken' to each other.

Both laugh harder.


Good one Taylor, you hit the nail with the hammer alright. Yes soldier boy, have yourself some merry merry with the crows, we'll be doin' the same with your little lady Sara.

Daniel let's the beast slip the leash and the two back up a step before realizing that Daniel is tied to a tree, both lookin' up at his legs tied to a limb. They laugh but then Taylor turns back and starts walking back. Jenks looks back with a questioning look.


I know what's I said to Jenks about the Cap'n an all not wanting you all black'n and bruised up but ah hell.

The Henry's butt comes down ending in blackness and the caw of crows.

Ext. Outside a southern small town 1865 -- dusk

The Misfits are all arranged around a small cliff over looking the town, about 30 of them. Daniel is by himself on a ledge reaching out over the town with a hand telescope he is using. Johns joins him. Daniel looks up and sees him.


What are we doin' here Johns? We been holed up in the mountains for eight months freezin' our balls to the ice berg levels, no mission, no nothin', ever since that beaver fuck in the fort, and then all of sudden we be told we are hitting this town, some mummer's tale about a supply base. That don't look like no supply base, no fortifications, only twenty or so southerners with muskets who look like they been seein' better days. It figures to me to be just a normal small town of hicks, lots of old and little tykes and women rollin' around.

Johns looks at him, shakes his head.


I don't figure it either son. It's as confused as a bear between a honey cone and a nice winter cave. But I will let you in on somethin' that's shaken' this ole' soldier down to the quick. While we were up in those rocks, I slipped off and hear tell that the war is over, two months now. Now before you get your britches in a bunch, could be just hearsay, but I do agree with yas on this run, somethin' ain't hittin' the bull's-eye on this one.

They are interrupted by Lt. Chuggers with Luigi and Fesenko along.


Ok boys up and at'em. The Captain says were rolling soon, a full frontal charge, horseback. So get your weapons up and ready and to your mounts.

Daniel and Johns share a look.


Yes sir, up we go.


P.O.V. Of Daniel starting off black then opening to close up of Sara's beat up face, hazy.


We have to get you out of here Daniel, there gonna kill you.

It goes dark again. Then his eyes open seeing from being slung over his horse, Jebediah walking next to the horse leading his mule. Jebediah has a fat lip. The image is hazy.


Hey Mr. Williamson. I took real good care of your horse and mule like I said I would.

It goes dark again. Then his eyes open hazy as all get out, a small fire him covered in blankets. Sara walking in the background then seeing his eyes open, walking up her face leaning in close.


Get some rest Daniel, your safe.

Daniel attempts to reach out to her. Black.

Ext. Streets of southern town 1865 -- evening

Daniel leads his horse through a town strewn with corpses, only a few his fellow Misfits, the rest southernors but even a few women which Daniel stares at with sadness in his eyes. Off in the distance Captain Blackstone sits on his horse conferring with Diggs who is on the ground with three nameless Misfits surrounding him. Diggs nods his head then takes off with the soldiers in tow. The town is being ransacked as if they are looking for something. Daniel wonders off tying his horse to a post, flecks of blood cover his face. He leans down and looks at a dead child shot in the chest.


What have we become.

Suddenly several screams blare out from the other side of town, his Henry on his horse sheathed, he pulls his dragoon and a forearm blade and runs in the direction of the sound skirting the backs of buildings. Some more screams suddenly cut off. Daniel sees they are coming from a house at edge of town. The door is cracked a sliver. He opens it with the tip of his dragoon, entering softly his blade held ready to throw.

Int. Small house 1865-- evening

Daniel walks into a nightmare, a one room house, a couple of beds against the far wall, a large oak table in the middle, lit by two hanging lamps. Luigi is screwing a young teenage girl on one of the beds her face into the pillow and Lt. Chuggers is screwing an older lady over the table while Fesenko has his pistol drawn watching two cowering sobbing younger children against the far wall. Both the older woman and teenage girl have bruised up faces. At first Daniel is shocked by everything. He stands slack jawed, then Johns comes in behind him, sees the same thing but immediately covers the distance between him and the Lt. In the blink of an eye, the taking of a breath, grabs him by the neck and tosses him against the wall at the same time as pulling his dragoon and aiming at Luigi who is in mid stroke staring at the pistol. Fesenko starts to pull his pistol but Daniel finally wakes up and aims his pistol right at Fesenko's head. The Lt. Gets back up off the ground pulling his breeches up and starts walking at Johns. Johns shifts aim and pulls one of his bandolier throwing knives.


That will be far enough I reckon.

The Lt. is fuming.


You are pointing your firearm at a superior officer Sgt. You will stand down now!

The gun never dips.


I do apologize, SIR! I don't reckon I can do that. Since when is raping women and children and for that matter killin' them ever been our mission?

Luigi laughs as he pulls his suspenders up and over.


Iron Johns huh, more like pansy Johns. We was just letting off some steam and haven' some fun with these southern whores before you two showen' up and ruining it for us.

The Lt. moves a step closer before Daniel points his dragoon at him. He eyes me.


That will be enough Sgt. And you too Williamson. I am your commanding officer and I tell you both to stand down. If you don't want to partake, feel free to mosey somewhere else, but you will stand down or I will have you hung from the highest tree they can find in this shit piss town.

While the Lt. Is talking Luigi goes for his gun, the women and children sobbing huddled in the corner with each other.


Luigi, no!

Luigi's hand barely leaves his holster with his pistol when he falls back with a hole in his forehead and the back of his head blown out as Sgt. Johns fires, then moves his weapon to the Lt. who started going for his own pistol. Daniel takes a step forward covering Fesenko who is looking at shock at his best friend. Daniel moves abruptly to the right as Captain Blackstone and Diggs fly in the door, Blackstone with his pistol out and Diggs with one of his tomahawks in hand and his pistol. Blackstone takes in the scene then places his pistol back in holster.


What is the meaning of this?

The Lt. stares at the Sgt. then salutes to the Captain.


Sir. The Sgt. here gunned Luigi down to an early grave. He doesn't seem to approve of our handling of the southern whores, Williamson here is covering his play.


Sir, respectively, Luigi drew on the Sgt. with death in his eyes. And all we did is put a stop to three men raping two women, southerner or no southerner. I ain't watching women get raped by noone.

The Sgt. nods his head.


Well said son, well said.

Diggs moves to the side fingering his tomahawk. The Captain takes a breath.


Sgt. Johns you will stand down. I gave the boys permission to have some fun with the southern trash. We will just chalk up Luigi as bad business and forget it.

Both Daniel and the Sgt. look at the Captain like they didn't hear him right.


I must of been hearin' you wrong Captain. Did you say you told them to be about rapen' women and beating and killen' children.


You heard me correctly Sgt. This is southern gutter rats not good for nothing but that and dying. The war is over Sgt. Has been for a few months but I heard tell that Jefferson had a gold stash here in this little quaint town and I will have it for the attempt on my life in the last mission they sent us on. Now stand down, it will be the last time I say it.

Sgt. Starts to lower his pistol but then sees Daniel's face, the look of the beast and his resolve irons. His gun raises again.


Afraid I can't do that Capt'n. Iron Johns is a lot of things, killer mostly, but I still got a shred of morals and a line that I'll not cross nor see anyone else cross, and this is it.

The Captain looks disappointed then nods to Diggs.


That is unfortunate Sgt.

Just as his words finished Johns crumbled to the ground a tomahawk planted in his back. Daniel yells and rushes to him. Diggs walks around him and pulls the tomahawk to a gush of blood. Daniel looks down at Johns, blood bubbling from his lips but still alive.


Diggs, finish what you started and take Johns out back. The rest of you take Luigi and bury him then start lookin' for that gold and Williamson you will get to your horse and head back to camp and wait for further orders.

Diggs takes a step towards Johns.


(Whispers)You will not touch him.

The Captain who had started turning away turns back.


What did you say?

Daniel palms Johns throwing blade he had had in his hand. The beast dances in his eyes. His other hand slides towards his left thigh gladius.


You will not touch him!!!!!

The beast moves the dagger thrown into Blackstone's eye, a sweep of the gladius across Digg's throat then him spinning planting the gladius through the side of the Lt.'s head, then his hand pulling his dragoon before Fesenko can do anything but look wide eyed as Daniel puts two right into his chest. He holsters both of his weapons then runs to gather Johns. He sees the women and children still huddled sobbing.



They look at him in shock.


I said run God dammit!!!

The older woman finally registers and gathers them all running out the door into the night


(Whisper) Run like the Devil is on your heels.

He stands up with Johns over his shoulder, Blackstone screaming, Diggs gurglin holding his throat.

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