《Lonesome Hill (One of my feature film scripts) Rated R -- Western》Section 7 -- Freedom and the Beast


Int. Cell -- early evening

Daniel sat in his cell feeling like two miles of bad road. He was more exhausted then he could ever imagine. His legs ached and he attempted to massage his ankles, chafed and rope burned, and swollen. He heard the keys to the cell door. This time the guard let Sara in then closed the door again and he could hear the footsteps walking away. He looked at her questioningly. She looked embarrassed and immediately went to her knees laying the bucket of water and ladle, a bag in her other hand rested next o it. She helped him to sit while she ladled water. Before he took a sip he stopped her hand and looked her in the eyes.


How did you get the guard to saunter off and leave us alone?

She pulled her hand away and looked towards the wall.


It don't matter.

She reached into her bag and pulled out a couple biscuits, an apple, and an actual small piece of pheasant. As her hand had pulled out the meat his hand closed on hers again.


It does matter. What did you do? What did that guard ask for?

Sara looks up right into his eyes with a steely reserve.


What every man asks for.

Daniel looks away guilt rolling across his fame.


You shouldna done that. You shouldna. What did you do?!

At first Sara 's face flecks shame then quickly turning to anger. She slaps Daniel across the face.


How dare you!!! Damn your eyes and heart!!!

Sara starts to get up and pull away. Daniel rifts through shock then gathers whatever strength he has left and grabs her leg.


No! No, don't go! Please Sara, don't go!? Please!

Daniel's strength gives out. Sara turns and looks upon the battered form that he has come to in two quick days. She leans down and moves him back against the wall. He groans and attempts to help her but she brushes his feeble action. She reaches in her bag and removes some dried pieces of meat and some biscuits and water dipping the food into the water softening it as he tries to feed himself.


At least for one moon rolling the river can you not be a man. Let me feed you. We not be havin' the time for the silliness a man can get to.

He sighed then let her feed him.


Why are you helping me? I know the words you threw out when I was hanging around(smile), hope and all, savior, but I ain't no savior, and hope? I can barely move after two days as crow bait on that wood out there. So again, I ask ya? Why you helping me? Why don't ya all help yourselves? There is more of you all then the rats The Shepard got scurrying in his boat.

Sara looks at him then stops, hand raised with food to his lips.


We have walked that road twice in the ten years The Shepard has strutted within these walls, the last time going on 3 years, and both ended up with too many of us as bones on crosses on the hill.

His surprise was obvious.


Wait? The settlement been here 10 years?

Sara shakes her head.


No. My Pa and a bunch of piss drunk miners dug this settlement out of the hill going on I'd say, 20 years. I remember I was 7, my Ma had just passed the year before and the place scared me something awful when my Pa first showed it to me. Though I'm the only one still walking the green, the only one that saw the earth first turned in the buildin' of this place. The Shepard killed all the others when he first took it, my Pa's blood painting the ground, screaming God's name off his tongue, but not the last, the moon ran red back then and still does if you was askin' me.


Daniel's face starts calculating, scheming.


Death, it seems be to the ticket of the day for years beyond countin'. So there's a mine around here? That's what The Shepard really wants? Gold?

She smiles.


Only two things most men I done met want, Gold and women. Spend one and fuck the other, and sometimes want one to fuck the other.

Daniel gets angry.


Not all men dog down that road. Some do got bigger dreams, better dreams.

She looked at him. Her hand started to come up, tears in her eyes and a smirk on her face.


Like you?

Daniel starts to say yes but then the demons of his past rile up.


No. Maybe a long time ago, but too many roads and too much blood, too many Ma's I sent weeping for the loss of their boys, sometimes my eyes are as wide as a fireside spook tale when I don't see stains scarred on my palms.

He holds her hand to his face.


That war done taken everything I ever cared about and left it a rotten carcass in a ditch.

He turns away and let's go of the past, her hand.


Now where is this mine? And how does The Shepard get the people to mine it?

Sara gazes at him like something precious just slipped through her worn fingers.


There been no minin' for a couple years, about the time that mercenary bastard shown up with his ragtag band and done holed up for hours with The Shepard. But the mine, well my Pa was as hard as iron, but he was clever, right clever.

Daniel looks at her turning his head.


The mine is right underneath your feet. He built the settlement on top of it. The entrance is in the main cabin underneath a rug. Though we been told on pain of breath still leavin' our lungs we ain't to mention it to noone, especially not those two bushwhackers that the brigand left.

Daniel sighs.


This is a right mess I landed in the middle of. Don't know enough of what's goin' on to figure it. And this mercenary. I take it the fat boy Taylor and the weasel Jenks are his?

She nods.


Hmmm. To be honest this is a hornets nest all roiled up and me the single bumble bee you think to squash that army. Now I done had the odds against me a time or two or three, but not that heavy. Meaning I don't quite know how that's gonna happen. I might if I got luck ridin' my hips get you and the boy out of here, but I don't reckon on doin' much else if I can even pull that out of the sky.

Her look has the loss of hope in it's countenance.


As I said I think it's just a woman and a child's fancy. Though the whole town I'm guessin' grabbin at straws. If push comes to shove for my boy's sake I might take you up on the offer to see us out, though I can't figure how you gonna even accomplish that much if after two days of the tree you can barely move. I will have to think upon it. I'd be hard pressed to leave all these people to such as The Shepard.

Daniel touches her arm.


You are a strong woman Sara, strong as the mountain, and if I be seein' away to do more, to help these people I'd do it, but the odds are just too long. But you must be thinkin' hard if'n you be up to this, it's as dangerous as a black widow waiting to sink her fangs.


Sara looks hard at him.


My Momma always said, let yesterday build it's own cairn and the morrow worry itself when it puts on today's face. Every day of my life Daniel Williamson for more years then I reckon is as dangerous, as how you put it? A black widow waiting to sink her fangs. At least with this I see hope, something I thought long dead and gone.

Daniel smiles then winces from the bruised jaw.


You are a dream as bright as stars woman. (Pause)I can get you and the boy out of this snake pit but for it to work, you'll have to gather my weapons, and to do that from those swamp toads that got them I don't figure. I'll also have to hold up someplace near where they won't be finding us till I can regain my strength, and we'll need provisions to do so.

Sara ponders this for a moment.


You might have to lay upon that wood another day maybe two if'n we are gonna make this happen. It will take me that long to figure how to do what we is sayin is impossible to do. The place I think I gots dead to rights. There's an ole' cave near a creek further up in the hills my Pa used to take me to when I was a wee lass. It was our secret place after my Ma passed. The only people that know of it are all dead exceptin' for me and I took Jebediah up there a few times. It's under an overhang around a bend, hard to see if your not knowin' what to look for. My Pa said he found it by accident hunting, more like drunk as a skunk in mating season(smile).

Daniel stood up with all his strength, tottering but finding his balance. He took her by her shoulders.


Thank you.

Sara softens to his touch.


For what?

He moves within inches of her face.


For being a small bit of light in this soldier's road. Seemed like it was dark as deep forest for as long as I can remember.

Sara raised her hand to his face.


Sometimes even a man can get somethin' right.(Smile)

He presses her hand to his face. The share a look then Daniel loses his balance and strength and falling as they hear the thump thump of many feet. The door bursts open as Tuck and two guards enter, Tuck taking in the rosey color of Sara's cheeks, the guard who had let her in is in the background with a bruise and cut on his face.


Leave a woman to her own graces and always and forever the whore shows itself.

Sara's face takes on a crimson anger. Tuck motions for the guards to take her.


Take the harlot to The Shepard so she may commune with the heavenly Father and purge herself of her lusts.

The guards grab her roughly by her arms yet she looks defiant and spits upon Tuck.


A whore?! If I be a whore it's the Shepard that done make me one and you be his pimp. Communion hah? Is that what they call lifting my dress and sticking his cock in me is called.

He wipes the spittle from his face then backhands her causing the guards almost to stumble, blood trickles from her mouth. Daniel unsteadily clambers his way to his feet drunkenly stumbling at Tuck who places a hard kick into his chest sending him flying back against the wall. He motions the guards to carry on with their duty while the beat up guard stays. Tuck leans down into Daniel's face who is still lost of breath.


Be careful soldier boy. The Shepard wants you on that tree to see the devil dance in your veins but I do not share his faith in this. I would rather cave your skull in where you sit and be done with it.

Tuck slams Daniel's head back against the wall.


Get what rest you can for the dawn comes hard upon the night.

With that Tuck leaves. The guard gathers the food and water, then for good measure kicks Daniel. The door slams. A close up of simmering anger and forlorn look covered in bruises.


Daniel was hanging upside down from the tree, a few crows had already gathered, the sun barely reaching over the horizon. Tuck was tying the last bit of his restraints. Two of the Shepard's men stood with The Shepard a few feet from Daniel. Tuck finishes and walks over to join the Shepard. The Shepard gazes upon Daniel his hands fingering the ornate cross hanging from his neck.


You vex me Daniel Williamson. Part of me, in fact a veritable monumentous part of me wishes to acqiuese my acolyte Tuck here and let him end your thread. You ask why I don't? No do not make a response. It was rhetorical. I have had dreams Daniel Williamson, dreams that tell me you are a key to see my plans, my weave in God's eyes set itself upon the road. So I tell Tuck, no my friend. He still has a part to enact upon the hedge wreath of this existence. SO I tell you Daniel Williamson, I sorely hope for the continued breath within your lungs that today is the day The Tree of Judgement alleviates you of your stubbornness and shows you the righteous path to perdition. But what is life without hope and the mercy of God. So let us see what the burgeoning day brings to our table.

Daniel starts to say something but Tuck's fourth glare in as many minutes as it took for The Shepard to converse stops him.


It has been enlightening speaking with you Daniel Williamson. May God show you the mirror reflective within all of us. It will be good to have you as a son within the Lord's eyes. And just so you don't fret, the lovely Sara will no longer be able to cordial your hurts this evening. Our communion last night seemed to take something out of her ardency. Such is the power of revelation.

The Shepard grins and walks back towards the fort as Tuck gives one last baleful look and he and the guards move with him, leaving Daniel with the crows and the tree.


At least this be the first time I didn't need a love tap to get strung up, though I don't reckon wether that's good or bad.

Daniel looks upon the crows who start to gather in numbers. He also sees a storm coming in the distance.


A dog's rain thrown for good measure. (Eyes the crows) At least that pig of a storm might get rid you carcass eaters.

The crows eye him hard.


Rain was thundering down like God's own hammer and a few crows still sat staring hard at Daniel who was semi conscious.


Damn, you shit eaters are a stubborn piece of trash.

Daniel passes out to black.

Ext. Union war camp, 1863 -- late afternoon

A large union army base, soldiers bustling everywhere, a train in the background soldiers are filling up with horses and supplies. The Misfits have their own area and Sgt. Johns and Daniel are having a knife throwing contest with a target set on a wooden board. Daniel now has two long knives almost short swords strapped to his thighs like Johns though Johns still has his bandolier of small throwing knives across his chest. A large crowd surrounds them making bets. Some soldiers who are not misfits comes up to Luigi and Fesenko on the backside of the crowd. Both the Misfits lick their chops when they see they are raw recruits come in on the train.


Hey lookie here Fesenko. We got two green toadstools poppin' up out of the ground.

Fesenko smiles. Both soldiers look nervous as hell but then they see the Misfit's Symbol of two crossbones on the uniforms.

Soldier #1

Yes sir. We done just joined out of New York. Lookin' to get in on the action sir.

Soldier # 2 shoves his musket with bayonet at an invisible foe.

Soldier #2

Yes sir. Gonna stick me some rebels.

Soldier # 1 looks embarrassed by his fellow.


Are you all a part of the Misfits?

Fesenko and Luigi look at each other with a grin as Johns and Daniel talkin' in the background with Diggs and Lt. Chuggers off to the side.


Why yes we are. You heard of us have you?

Both soldiers clamor over themselves to be heard with yes. Luigi puts his hand up to stall them.


One at a time boys. (Points at #1) so what did ya hear?

Soldier #1 looks at him in awe.


What haven' we heard?! Some say the Misfits winnin' this war all by themselves, Mad Dog Diggs, Iron Johns and Blades Williamson, Captain Blackstone himself, all legends in bootcamp.

Luigi gets a sour look upon his face looking at Fesenko who just shrugs.


Wait, no mention of Silvestri Luigi or Jovann Fesenko, the Killers of Creekwater?

The soldiers both look at each other in confusion.

SoldieR #2

Uhh, no sir, never heard of them.

The soldiers see Daniel and Johns start to get ready for another contest.

SolDIER #1

Is that Iron Johns and Blades right there, throwing knives? Damn me to all get out, it is!!!! Come on!!!

Both soldiers push through Luigi as if he isn't there to get close. Both grumble. Camera moves to Daniel and Johns. Johns leans into Daniel.


You ready to take another go son?

Daniel' smile is bright as the day.


I've already taken ya twice old man. Question is you ready for another go? (Smile)

Johns shoves him then takes out his longer throwing knives off his back waist sheaths.


Hey I haven't been using my sweet beauties. Didn't want to take unfair advantage of such a young tyke. (Taps his small throwing knives) and old did you say? Well maybe so, maybe so, but I still got it in me to toss you on your cheeky ass.

Daniel smiles and laughs.


That be true, those are beauts. Didn't you say your Pa had to wait near a year for those to be sent, from Roday or some such place?

Johns throws his first toss a centimeter from the bull's-eye.


Romania, you know, Vlad the bloody King or some such, where the gypsies roll around I do reckon. Hmm, not bad for an old man huh?

Daniel looks at the throw.


Not bad at all.

He casually tosses his forearm blade dead center bull's-eye. Johns curses. He walks and pulls the blades handing Daniel his. He turns and looks at Daniel. Bets are flying, money changing hands.


Let's make it interesting shall we, one throw to call it.

Daniel smiles.


Sounds like a hell of a time. What ya got?

Johns smiles. He turns his back and shoos people to make a path. He takes ten steps and on the tenth step a good 40 feet from target whips around and throws, the blade quivers in the bull's-eye.


Hah!!!! Take that you young whipper snapper!

Daniel laughs hardy and long. He takes the same position and starts walking the same ten steps as he talks, his hands sliding out his forearm blades.


You are a wonder old man, a legend of the green indeed.

He spins and flings both blades at once and they stand quivering each to either side of Johns throw. Johns cusses up a storm, many people grumbling, money changing hands. Luigi is taking money from both young soldiers.


And that's how it's done in the Misfits lads.

Johns pulls the blades.


Ok folks shows over, Blades here wins. (Leans into Daniel) I gots a crink in my neck, I'll give you this one. (Wink)

Johns grabs him and leads him off by themselves. They walk to a small creek running through the encampment. They both look out at the wilderness, silence coming from both of them.


What's up my Sgt.? It's not like you to hand me anything.

Johns looks over and smiles.


Untrue lad. I gave you those forearm blades you gots, and I had those pig stickers on your legs made special for yas not 5 months back. Cost me two months pay they did, modeled after the ole' roman gladius.

Daniel pulls one, it's edged on both sides, slightly longer and thicker then Johns two thigh sheathed bowie knives.


They are an amazin' piece of work Johns and I thank you for all you ever done for me. I think I would've long ago tasted the dirt of a grave if not for ya and your teachins'

Johns nods his head.


Remember me once tellin' ya if you start down the road of lovin' to kill, do somethin' different?

Daniel looks uncomfortable.


I reckon' so.

Johns turns to him seriously.


And where you reckon you at on that front?

The silence becomes deafening.


To be honest. Hope this war ends soon for the only thing left in me is the beast, the beast and a whole river of blood.

Johns nods his head.


Remember son, never lie to yourself or to others all it'll get ya is a house of cards.

Daniel looks at him in confusion.


What is that a meanin', a house of cards?

Johns smirks.


When you understand that son, my teachin' ya anythin' useful will be done.

They both stare out over the wilderness, the camera P.O.V. Of their view.


Daniel flickers in and out of consciousnous. The rain is pouring, the crows gathered in flocks spreading their wings against the night, the loud crack of shots echoing and screams howling to the sky from the settlement. He weaves in and out of thought, his body swinging in the rising wind against the tree, madness but a drop step away.


Let the beast out! Let the beast out! Let the blood run!

The flocks of crows swoop in figure eights then swing in front of the camera in a group edging all to a swirl of black feathers and sorrowful caws.

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