《Character Origins; Shaynen》The One Where They Skip


Shaynen swallowed hard. Looking back at the walls of the temple as he followed his friends farther into the forest.

“Relax Shaynen, it’s really not a big deal.” Barrett said, hanging back and wrapping an arm around Shaynen’s shoulders. Shaynen stiffened further in Barrett’s grip. The anxiety vanished for a second as it was replaced by the fluttering stomach feeling.

“Yeah, no one will even notice we’re gone.” Evgeni said, shuffling her papers to hold on her hip.

“Everyone skips at least once.” Jay said. Coming up beside Shaynen and bumping his shoulder.

“Yeah, it’s like a rite of passage.” Barrett said, unwrapping his arm from Shaynen and giving him a playful shove. Shaynen bumped into Jay who quickly shoved Shaynen away and quickened his pace. Shaynen glared at the back of Jay’s head before turning back to Barrett.

“We’ll head a little deeper in and camp out in the meadow up here.” Barrett directed, pointing ahead in a vague direction. “I hang out there when I skip all the time.”

“How often do you skip athletics?” Shaynen asked, clenching and unclenching his fists. Mindfully trying to keep from twiddling his fingers.

“Athletics itself?” Barrett stared up at the leaves. Shaynen felt his heart melt a little as Barrett’s face went thoughtful. “Dunno, never counted. Potentially more if you count the lessons I’ve skipped.”

“You’ve skipped lessons?!” Shaynen squeaked in awe and horror. Barrett laughed loudly and placed a hand on Shaynen’s shoulder, squeezing it slightly.

“You’re so funny!” Barrett laughed. Taking his headband out and pulling his hair back again. Despite the squishy feeling, Shaynen smiled. His cheeks getting warm.

The trees made a thicker ring as they met the edge of the meadow. A partially dried patch of mud collected the footprints of all the creatures that had past into the meadow. Each of the children adding their print as they ducked under the arched branches and stepped into a field of tall grass. White flower clusters huddled together in batches in random patterns through the meadow. Weeds poked their white fluff heads out from between the grass to see the intruders entering the grass.

Shaynen hung back, looking through the trees back the way they came. The dreamcatcher around his neck felt heavy and itchy. He hooked his fingers under the braided twine.

"Hey! Shaynen, hurry up!" Jay yelled. Shaynen looked around but didn't move.

"Can we hear the bell from here?" He asked.

"Nah, but we can tell the time from this sundial I made." Barrett called back. "We just leave a bit before the bell would normally ring and we should make it back in time."

"Should?" Shaynen asked nervously.

"Oh, just come over!" Barrett yelled impatiently. Shaynen huffed but jumped into the grass and followed the trails left by the group. He heard Evgeni giggling in the grass along with Barrett telling some kind of story. Alongside that he heard the grass moving and something stumbling through it.

Jay jumped out of the grass with a yell and shoved Shaynen from behind.

"Hey!" Shaynen snapped. Turning and shoving Jay back. "That's not funny!"

"It's hilarious, you're just no fun." Jay sick out his tongue.

"Can you two give it a rest?" Evgeni called. "Every other second you two are fighting. Can't you just enjoy how beautiful today is?" Shaynen and Jay shared a glare but moved back to where a large circle in the grass had been stamped down. Barrett and Evgeni were laying on the trampled grass and staring at the clouds.


Shaynen hopped over the bodies and laid down next to Barrett who looked at him curiously through the corner of his eye. Jay fell in a heap at the far end of the open circle.

“So, now what do we do?” Shaynen asked.

“Do whatever,” Barrett shrugged. Looking back up to the sky. “There’s no one out here to tell you what to do, so whatever you want to do, just do it.” Shaynen stared at the sky and just listened to the wind blowing through the grass. His ears burned as he heard something whispering in the wind.

Shaynen sat up and strained his ears to listen.

“What is it?” Evgeni asked.

“Thought I heard something,” Shaynen said, relaxing down a little bit.

“Like what?” Jay sat up, picking the grass off of his clothes.

“Dunno, sounded like speaking. But really far away.” Shaynen hummed and laid back down.

“You think someone spotted us?” Evgeni whispered.

“Even if they did, as long as we stay quiet they’ll never find us.” Barrett shrugged. Evgeni and Jay both shifted uneasily. Barrett sighed and sat up.

“Well what if we did something?” He said, throwing his hands into his lap.

“Yeah?” Jay asked, scooting closer. “Like what?”

“I think I know where there’s a really pretty view of the forest.” Shaynen stood up and took in his surroundings.

“Oh yeah? Are you gonna make us race you?” Jay stood up and brushed off the grass.

“No,” Shaynen snapped. “If you don’t want to go, then you can stay here. But I want to go, so I am.” Shaynen brushed off the grass on his pants and shirt.

“Well fine,” Jay crossed his arms and stared everywhere but at Shaynen. “I guess I’ll come.”

“Yeah, I’ll go. That sounds fun.” Barrett jumped to his feet too.

“What about Evgeni?” Jay said quickly.

“Well… where are we going?” Evgeni cleared her throat, feeling very awkward at everyone staring at her.

“There’s this cliffside-” Shaynen started but was quickly interrupted.

“Cliff? Absolutely not!” Evgeni shook her head. “I can’t stand heights!”

“Suit yourself,” Barrett stretched out his arms over his head. “Lead the way, Shaynen.”

“Don’t leave me here!” Evgeni whined.

“All right,” Barrett dropped his arms. “Jay’ll stay here with you.”

“What!” Jay objected.

“You don’t like Shaynen anyway,” Barrett shrugged. “You two are constantly fighting. You two go to the side of a cliff alone and one of you will end up going over the edge.” Jay’s mouth dropped open and scoffed in annoyance. He sat with his arms crossed and grumbled to himself. Barrett turned to Shaynen and gestured for him to lead on. Shaynen smiled and started breaking a path in the tall grass.

He led Barrett across the meadow and into the treeline on the other side. Pausing for only a second before gaining his bearings and continuing into the forest.

"How well do you know where you're going?" Barrett asked.

"Pretty well." Shaynen answered, hopping over a fallen branch. "I got to know this area pretty well." Barrett went silent.

"I mean yeah, you were out here a while." Barrett said, swinging under a branch and coming up alongside Shaynen. "But your parents were here with you until… Y'know, until they weren't." Shaynen swallowed, staring ahead blindly.

"No, they weren't here." Shaynen said. He was cut off before he could elaborate when he tripped over an exposed root. Barrett caught him by the arm and kept him from falling until Shaynen for his feet back under himself.


"Thanks," Shaynen said.

"Don't mention it," Barrett said. "Okay, another question. Do all elves wear their hair long? No matter their gender?"

"What do you mean? Your hair is long." Shaynen pointed, continuing through the trees.

"Yeah, that was a bad way of asking, um. Are all elves like… like you?" Barrett asked. "I mean not all elves obviously there's some in the monastery that aren't like you, but where you come from are they all… petite?"

"Petite?" Shaynen wrinkled his nose. "what's that supposed to mean?"

"Y'know… girly?" Barrett said. Shaynen started hard at him. Barrett quickly threw up his hands. "Sorry! No offense! You're just really small."

"I'm younger than you. Of course I'm small to you." Shaynen turned with a flip of his hair and kept walking.

"Right. Right. But… well think about Jay. He's small, kinda dorky, and he's still built… with muscle, real muscle. You're just more petite." Barrett explained, trying to see how far he could dig. "And I was curious if that was something that ran in your family." Shaynen pushed a branch out of his way and dropped it without waiting for Barrett to take it.

"Whoa! Hey, it's not an insult, jeez." Barrett ducked before the branch could hit him. "So sensitive."

Shaynen didn't respond. Idly scratching the twine around his neck instead. The two didn't speak as Shaynen kept leading through the forest. The trees thinned out and a sea of green showed on the horizon.

"Here it is," Shaynen said. Stepping through the last of the clustered trees and into the open.

"Wow," Barrett said with genuine astonishment. "I never knew this was here." Shaynen watched the wind move the treetops as if they really were waves. The quiet sounds of someone far away speaking were back. Shaynen strained to hear them.

"Last question, I promise." Barrett said, shattering Shaynen's concentration.

"Huh?" Shaynen asked, snapping out of it. Barrett hopped up on a rock and grabbed one of the few branches on a sparse tree clinging to the cliff.

"Which way do you swing?" He asked, looming over Shaynen.

"Huh?" Shaynen reiterated, his heart sped up at how close Barrett was leaning.

"Which way do you lean? Y'know, what's your preference?" Barrett smiled cheekily.

"My preference for what?" Shaynen asked, shrinking back as the older boy got closer.

"You're so naive," Barrett sighed. "Are you into guys or girls?"

"Oh," Shaynen coughed. "You mean. Like like."

"Yeah, so?" Barrett asked, jumping down from the rock.

"I don't know," Shaynen whispered.

"Wanna find out?"

Shaynen could feel the blush radiating off his face, he couldn't breathe and his heart was pounding. Barrett wasn't moving closer, he was just staring with a look of intrigue, as if he was just as unsure as Shaynen was.

“Do you?” He asked, his voice so low he was barely able to be heard. Shaynen’s voice was stolen from him. He could only nod in a jerky, quick movement. When Barrett stepped closer, Shaynen stepped back instinctively. the older boy grabbed his arm and stopped him from moving back again.

Shaynen’s eyes stayed wide open as Barrett’s face closed the distance between them. Shaynen held his breath as Barrett’s lips touched his. It was a second that lasted forever but ended too soon. Barrett stepped back with a confused and slightly disappointed look.

“Huh, I thought that would… y’know.” Barrett shrugged disappointedly. Shaynen felt warm and tingly from his head to his toes. He couldn’t help the dumb smile. Barrett snickered and shoved him lightly.

"Well at least one of us got something out of it." Barrett rolled his eyes, he turned to look out at the endless trees. He dropped to sit on an exposed rock. Shaynen found a place to sit beside him, still smiling, though it slowly melted off his face as more of Barrett’s sentiments sunk in.

“Wait, what do you mean; ‘one of us’?” Shaynen asked. Barrett shrugged and pulled the headband out of his hair, scratching at his hair.

“I kinda thought I’d feel something. I mean when you hear about liking someone, you’re supposed to feel the butterflies and get all warm and fuzzy.” Barrett shrugged. “But I just don’t.”

“You don’t feel anything?” Shaynen asked.

“It feels a bit icky.” Barrett winced, rubbing at his face.

“Maybe you like girls instead,” Shaynen said, ignoring his heart plummeting.

“Nah, that feels gross too.” Barrett slid his headband back into place. He looked at the confused look on Shaynen’s face. “Evgeni and I snuck away to the meadow once and tried it.”

“Oh,” Shaynen failed to hide his disappointment.

“Sorry,” Barrett smiled sheepishly. “I do genuinely think you’re cute. It just… didn’t.”

“Right,” Shaynen nodded, staring hard at the grass in front of him. “Is that my fault?”

“No! I mean. I don’t think so.” Barrett shrugged. “It’s more complicated than that. It’s not that there was something wrong, it just didn’t feel like anything. Y’know?” Shaynen stared blankly at Barrett.

“Okay, well, in the stories. When two people are in love or something like that they get all fluttery, right?” Barrett spun his hands around in circles as he tried to explain. Shaynen nodded in response, the butterflies that had been fluttering around in his own chest were being crushed. “I’ve never been. It just doesn’t happen. I find people who are cute and pretty all the time. You and Evgeni, but nothing really comes of it. I just don’t feel anything.”

“Maybe you just haven’t found the right person.” Shaynen said, trying to be helpful. Barrett’s scoff told Shaynen he wasn’t. “Or maybe you just aren’t ready. My dad used to say that life isn’t a race and everyone gets there when they get there.”

“Yeah? What if I never get there?” Barrett said shortly. Staring straight down to avoid glaring at Shaynen. Shaynen scooted closer and ducked his head so that their eyes met.

“I won’t think any different of you,” he said with a smile. The corners of Barrett’s mouth tipped upward, his eyes looking over all of Shaynen’s face.

“That eye of yours is so weird.” Barrett shut his eyes and laughed awkwardly. Shaynen sat up and quickly brushed his hair over the side of his face. Barrett stood up and brushed off his clothes.

“Well we better get back and see what time it is.” Barrett stretched up and sighed. “We don’t want to be late for dinner.”

“Right,” Shaynen agreed. Barrett held out his hand and helped Shaynen to his feet. Barrett started back for the treeline but Shaynen hesitated. Staring out at the sea of trees one more time. Feeling something in the back of his head. He yanked the dreamcatcher off from around his neck. Unsure of what to do with it, he tied the twine around the waistband of his pants. Taking a last look before running off after Barrett.

On the trek back, the two talked about their lessons and their lecturers. Laughing over what beliefs and fantasies they had about what their lecturers and classmates did in their spare time. Wondering if anyone else skipped and where they went.

“Is that you guys?” Evgeni called as they neared the meadow.

“Yeah!” Barrett called back. He gave a small shove to Shaynen and a little smile before running through the trees. Following Evgeni’s voice back to the meadow. Shaynen moved back toward the meadow a little slower. Feeling a whirlwind of confusing feelings made his stomach flip and his eyes a little teary. He drew in a deep breath and settled the storm before passing through the treeline and into the tall grass. The two didn’t enter where they had left and had to make new trails to the large stomped down area. Evgeni was going through her takeaway work while Jay was ripping the stalks of grass apart.

“Be right back, I’m going to check the time.” Barrett ran through the grass and vanished. Shaynen sat in an unoccupied corner and looked up at the sky. Evgeni watched through her lashes. Scrutinizing and narrowing her eyes at Shaynen.

“I think I’ll go help him,” Evgeni said, placing her papers solidly into the grass and standing up. Jogging down the trail left in the grass by Barrett.

“Should we come too?” Shaynen asked, starting to his feet.

“No, it’s fine. We’ll yell if we need you.” Evgeni called back. Shaynen relaxed back and went back to staring at the sky. Trying to untangle his scattered thoughts.

“So. What’s the deal between you and Barrett?” Jay asked, tearing the grass apart and side-eying Shaynen.

“Nothing,” Shaynen shrugged. He looked at Jay and shrugged. He didn’t have anything else to say so he just shrugged again. Jay looked at him over his glasses, Shaynen shrugged and went back to looking at the sky. Jay yanked another handful of grass out of the ground to rip up.

“What do you think is going on between Barrett and Evgeni?” Jay asked quietly.

“Probably nothing,” Shaynen said. Then he looked down at Jay again. “And nothing is going to happen between you and Barrett, either.”

“Yeah, why’s that?” Jay asked challengingly. Shaynen opened his mouth to speak, but thought better of it.

“You know what? Knock yourself out.” Shaynen said and looked back up at the sky. Jay paused in his grass ripping.

“Hey.” He said, Shaynen looked back down at him. “Nevermind.” Jay stood up and brushed himself off.

“It’s getting late guys,” Barrett called as came down the trail. “We should head back before we miss dinner.”

“Kay,” Shaynen called and stood up. (*) He brushed off his clothes and stretched, Jay stood up and mimicked him unintentionally. Barrett and Evgeni came into the flattened part of the grass. Evgeni scooped up her takeaway work and reordered it so she could carry it. She looked annoyed and kept throwing side-eyed glares at Shaynen. He caught a few of them as the group started back toward the temple of dreams. He couldn’t think of what he did to annoy her. Barrett was also quiet and moving heavily. Jay gave Shaynen a look of concern which Shaynen replied to with a shrug.

The group made it back and peeked in to find athletics just wrapping up. With the bell that signaled the end of the class ringing a few minutes later. The four slipped into the groups heading for the dining hall for dinner. Finding each other again after acquiring their meals. They sat and continued their day as normal, things grinding to a bit of a halt when Master Ayre snuck up from behind them.

“There you four are, I was looking for you.” The elder said. Evgeni choked on her food, the other three couldn’t even swallow.

“Oh really?” Barrett said, turning. “There are a lot of other kids here. You must have missed us.”

“I must have.” Master Ayre said, no one believed he was convinced. “Shaynen, may I have a word?” The elder turned with the expectation that Shaynen would follow. Shaynen stood up and put his dinner aside, he could feel the color draining from his face.

“Don’t rat us out!” Jay hissed.

“I won’t!” Shaynen snapped, he drew in a steadying breath and followed Master Ayre into the deserted halls.

“Where were you?” Master Ayre accused. “You scared me halfway to death!”

“I was here,” Shaynen looked at the ground. He felt like he was being crushed.

“Are you lying to me right now?” Master Ayre cut Shaynen off before he could say any more. “Who convinced you to do this? Which of those kids did it?”

“No one,” Shaynen looked up a little too suddenly and he knew it. “No one did. I just wanted to explore a bit.” Master Ayre narrowed his eyes, prompting Shaynen to add; “I felt homesick.” Master Ayre’s expression softened and he sighed.

“Detention.” He said. Shaynen felt the word pierce him through. “You will go to the detention hall immediately after dinner.” Shaynen nodded in shock.

“Back to dinner,” Master Ayre opened the door for Shaynen’s walk of shame back to his friends. He sat, not even realizing at first that Master Ayre had followed him. The three other kids noticed and they looked everywhere but at the elder.

“I imagine that Shaynen wasn’t as alone as he claims.” Master Ayre said to no one and everyone. “While I cannot put all of you in detention without reasonable cause, I do hope whichever of you coerced him into it feels the weight of your guilt.” The group was silent and unmoving.

“It was me.” Jay volunteered. “I told him to do it.”

“Detention.” Master Ayre said, he waited for anyone else to come forward but it was clear no one else was. Shaynen looked at Jay and mouthed a thank you. The elder started away slowly, taking time to leave earshot.

“You didn’t have to do that,” Shaynen said. Once Master Ayre left the dining hall.

“Yeah well, you’ve never had detention before.” Jay rolled his eyes. “It’ll be better with the two of us.”

“I didn’t think we’d be missed. Sorry Shaynen.” Barrett whispered. “They don’t normally miss us.”

“It’s okay.” Shaynen poked at his food.

“I guess we won’t see you guys until tomorrow then,” Evgeni said. Shaynen nodded slowly.

“I don’t think I like skipping much.” Shaynen said.

“It wouldn’t hurt you,” Barrett attempted a weak laugh. “Since you’re so far ahead. I mean, you could at least slow down enough that we all go through the ceremony together.”

“I make no promises.” Shaynen tried to smile but it looked more like a grimace.

“What do you think your spirit will be?” Jay said, quick to change the subject.

“A horse!” Barrett said, just as eager.

“I want a butterfly,” Evgeni said dreamily.

“I want mine to be something cool, like a wolf.” Jay agreed. “What about you Shaynen?” Shaynen thought about it.

“It’s going to sound silly,” Shaynen coughed sheepishly. “But I think mine’s a dragon.”

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