《Ramblings of the Mad Woman - Book One》Chapter Sixteen Her Daughter, His Book, My Sister


Chapter Sixteen

Her Daughter, His Book, My Sister


Kolo’s Craftroom, Nearing Sunset, 673, 28th, October

Kolo said to Darciana, “Need something to do, find his book.” He brought her Divining Bag from the shelf and dropped it before her. Now she groaned, he hit the table with his fist, hurting himself. She saw him flinch and muttered, “Fine. I will need my hands to toss and read the ‘sticks and stones’ please.” He shook his head opened the bag and dumped the old jumble of strange items in front of her, “Why do you call it that?”

Darciana whispered a spell, and then shook her head saying, “I see nothing.” Kolo sat down saying, “No wonder. I cannot see how those items tell you anything.” Darciana lightly scoffed, “No, you would not see, being nothing more than a glorified sorcerer. I need my wood paintings, and I shall have to place them and turn them to reveal what you seek.” He shook his head sternly and pointed to the items on the table.

Insisting Darciana said, “You ask me to do something important and then refuse to even untie my hands?” Kolo leaned forward glaring at the girls, “I believe you would all agree that I have been most pleasant, so far. Just look at me-.” They did, cringing at what they saw. Then they swallowed as his tone became threatening, “-you should know that I am feeling far more miserable than the three of you put together.”

Darciana tried to explain to him, “I am not at full strength, and I need the assistance of my tools.” Kolo calmed himself, “No.” Darciana shrugged, causing Kolo to hiss, “Use what is on the damn table. I tossed it and it is for me that should work.” Darciana rolled her eyes. Kolo hissed, “I can tell you that I did not have such a skilled awakening as you three. My dear sister had to improvise, under forced circumstances.”

Two of the three tried to look sympathetic, as Kolo took a drink then added, “We were away from home. She did not have this well filled Craftroom, nor my books and crystal-staff. You need to keep me happy or this will be a very painful awakening that you shall not forget!” The two nodded slightly, as he sat down, while Samala smiled, “So you died?” The other two flinched and shook their heads at her. She ignored their warning.

Kolo glared, “Why does it interest you?” Samala sneered, “Due to you murdering me, I was curious who managed to kill you.” Kolo huffed, “I already told you, it was the barrier.” Samala sniffed, “I did not realize it was deadly. However short lived, at least it is possible. I will sleep well tonight.” Kolo huffed, “I doubt we finish before dawn. And I now plan on honoring you with a new death, so you will regret you ever asked.”

When Kolo went to fill his cup, Nepathi palmed some poison, which she had wrapped in a leaf making a packet. Walking around the table, she pulled the knife from Darciana’s chair and let it slip through her fingers, as Kolo sipped his drink. Nepathi went down to pick it up and skillfully placed the poison packet under Samala’s palm, before standing. He turned and watched Nepathi as she came back to her seat.

Now she began chopping the caterpillar, and flowers. Kolo came back to his chair and saw Samala looked pleased at the others’ tasks and commanded her, “Find your daughter.” Samala tried to snarl it sounded fake, “Why?” Kolo glared at her, “I plan to kill her.” Darciana was stunned with disbelief that he would ask Samala to help. Then she felt it, looking at Samala she sensed her anger was forced and false.


Looking back at Kolo, Darciana now sensed he knew it was a lie and it made her skin crawl. She watched intently to see how much of her intentions were false, as Kolo smiled, “If you are extra quick about it I might let you help.” Samala kept a stone expression, yet Darciana saw something in her eyes, and knew she was unsurprised by his request. Once she thought Darciana was busy Samala nodded to him in agreement.

The Egyptian chanted stirring the cauldron, “Stand giving the command, in the Devil’s Pulpit giving breath to the Angel’s Trumpet. Blow her free from your Webcap. Dawn the Skullcap and make a crack. Let her see a way to crawl back. On bat wings let her fly. Return Lola to this realm grave this night.” Darciana distracted herself as she needlessly mocked the Egyptian, “Your miss pronunciation keeps it from rhyming.”

Nepathi swore at her in her own tongue then added in Darciana’s, “As always, if he thought you could do it I would not have to!” Darciana glared, as the Egyptian added, “And you used the wrong chant for your vision.” Darciana smiled, “Oh no darling that spell was not for a vision, it was a hex that I put on you. Enjoy the wait of what is to come.”

Nepathi realized the meaning of her words, and raised a hand to her hair, feeling strands of it come free she screamed, “You bloody fucking Rambler!”


Grekan’s coach came into a country inn for the night. After putting his bags in his room, he went to the dining room and ate with the other passengers. He prepared himself to see Kolo’s men arrive, yet they never did. While it had him relaxing, he slowly started to worry they decided he was of no use, and had turned around to go after Sidonia. It was a strange dilemma to want them to leave and fear they had.


The shadows crept towards Sidonia and she felt like Kolo was creeping nearer with them. Rorik attempted to play on her guilt saying, “You have to tell me enough to warn me of what kind of danger you have brought me into.” Sidonia shook her head, “Just leave me here and go home to Viktor he deserves and needs your protection more than I do. The sun will set within an hour or so and you must be gone before dark.”

He laughed, “I am not afraid of the dark.” Sidonia hissed, “That was not what I meant. We are more at risk when the sunsets. It will be far too dangerous for you to be near me, when he swore to come for me. It is the only way I can protect you, please leave.” Rorik stated cruelly, “You know I cannot and I will not do that, I am no coward! So spill your guts and tell me who is coming and why they want to kill you!”

Sidonia shook her head, “I do not think saving everyone else by running is a cowardly thing to do. It would be suicide to stay there.” Rorik threatened, “I will make your life a living Hell, until you tell.” He saw a tear fall from her eye. Rorik felt it was the hurt of a love one, you have injured beyond repair. Now hating himself, he groaned, “Aww Sid I was not calling you a coward.” Princess Sidonia scoffed, “Yes you were.”

Her brother sighed, “You know you will feel better after you tell me. I am sensing real danger here or I would not have come.” Sidonia looked away into the dark depths of the river, tempted to fling herself in. He now insisted, “Either you talk me into letting you run, by telling me what you are running from… or so help me I will drag you off this ferry, at the next dock.” He pointed and she saw they were nearing another dock.


Whipping her eyes to glare at his, “You would not dare!” Rorik nodded, “Yes I would. And you know I can! There is no one here to stop me, the other passengers are more likely to assist me when I tell them that you are running away, to marry a man unworthy of you, and will ruin your life.” Sidonia was near crying as she said, “Do not act like I am hurting you somehow, when I am protecting you from more than I can say.”

He shook his head, “Oh look we are nearly at the dock do you tell me or do I start a loud fight about your lover?” She bit her lip, as he pled, “Why not tell me? What have I done to lose your trust?” She hissed, “How about threatening me just to get your way, like you have done my whole life. Yes I have not forgot all those times you made me take back what I told you about Mother, and tell you it was a lie. Well it was all the truth.”


Darciana smugly said to Nepathi, “You should have realized that my Rambler blood is superior to yours, and so I do not need to chant in order to get a vision.” Kolo taunted playfully, “Now girls. You each have your own duties, her daughter, his book, and my sister. No reason to pick and poop on the other’s work.” In a darker tone he added, “I will punish whoever fails. If I think another caused it, they will also feel my full fury.”

He then sighed, “Darciana, you should be focused on finding the damn Warrior book for me, rather than annoying others. Normally I would allow your fun, however this is important.” Darciana gave Kolo a Rambler curse, by digging one fingernail into the other until she bled, then wrote a rune with her own blood as she thought, ‘You who bound me, will now choke on your doings.’ He started choking, and reached for his cup.

Drinking, it caused more choking and when it cleared, he looked at Darciana with an accusing glare and finally gasped, “Are you doing this to me?” She shook her head wishing she could do more than childish pranks, as she rewrote the rune mark in her blood and caused his coughing to start again. Kolo did not believe her, “How are you doing it, you are in irons!” Darciana smiled, “Precisely why we will never get a vision!”

He was not able to disagree as Darciana added, “Nor can she do a proper potion, when the iron is keeping us from our full potential. You should have these in copper when you want our help.” Kolo thought for a moment, he then limped over checking the table about Nepathi for any leftover items. He took the cauldron, bowl, burner, and knife placing it all away from their reach. Then he left the room, closing the entry door.

The three Witches remained silent for a long moment. Afraid to speak until they thought he might be far enough away. Nepathi said, “That was too close. Now she came around getting the poison packet from Samala and took it to Kolo’s cup then stirred it in with her finger. The Egyptian asked, “Did you have to mess with my hair?” Darciana sighed, “I needed to retaliate for your very nice scorpion, so it looked convincing.”

Nepathi smiled, “Thanks. I have wanted to do that one for a while now. You are right; otherwise he will suspect us as he did in the beginning. Can you reverse it?” Darciana whispered while doing another blood rune and the hair flew up from the floor back into her scalp. Nepathi admitted, “I wish I had more poison I would love to kill him, instead of just making him hurt.”

Samala asked, “Can you do something to keep Lola from coming back?” The Egyptian shook her head, “I fear that is going a step too far. If I was certain he would die tonight, I would.” Darciana sighed, “I have one hope that your spell will go awry.” Then she chuckled darkly, “I cannot stand that bitch.” Bored Samala questioned, “Why not use more on him and let Lola’s spell fail?” Nepathi glared at her.

Now Darciana defended the Egyptian as she told Samala, “It was all she could spare. He was watching to see that all of the ingredients went in. I am not sure how she kept any of it, I was watching as closely as he was.” Samala huffed, “You still did not need to be that crude about the caterpillar.” Nepathi smiled, “I know, whimpering queen of maggots.”


Sidonia saw her truth had angered Rorik. Now he grabbed her arm forcing her to stand. Then Rorik began pulling her towards the side that was coming up to the dock. Princess Sidonia had no choice and sighed as she gave in, “You will want to fix it and get killed, trying.” He stopped pulling, yet held her there as she added, “Even if you do not do something stupid, you will never think of me the same.” He stated, “I will be fair.”

Now the Captain announced, “Last dock, those traveling on will want to follow me to the Inn.” Sidonia whispered to Rorik, “You should go. I am safer staying here on the water.” As he ushered the others off and secured his ferry, Rorik went to the captain, “Our funds are meager. We prefer to sleep here on the ferry, as long as you do not mind.” The Captain had noticed their quality clothing and was suspicious.

He lowered the anchor, then the captain asked, “What sort of trouble are you in?” Rorik answered, “We are not certain of what medical bills my mother in-law has already acquired, nor what more she might need. Her letter was vague, but to the point about her dire situation. My wife has not stopped crying.” The Captain nodded, “Oh I see. Fine with me, I will sleep better knowing someone is guarding the ferry.” Rorik nodded, “Thank you.”

Their captain added, “I will get you to the exchange, tomorrow. It’s a bigger boat, the lower current is too much for my wee ferry. See you in the morning.” Waiting until the captain was not in sight Rorik brought up the anchor and untied the ferry. Using the pole, he moved it out pushing it up stream. Once the ferry was out far enough from shore yet not into the main current, he put down anchor and hoped for the best.

Then he came back over to Sidonia and said, “I hope you are right about him not wanting to fly over water.” Sidonia sighed, “I hope it is enough water to be safe.”

Rorik sat down and asked, “Do you have anything to eat?” She handed him her bag, and he dug through it looking for the book. Yet he only found wine and food. Sidonia ate in silence, and Rorik waited until his hunger was satisfied, to say, “I am sorry I threatened you. Now that no one else can hear, please tell me.” Sidonia exhaled, “I do not know where to start.” Rorik said, “How long have you known him, what is his name?”

Sidonia sighed, “I met him a year ago. I call him Evil One. It is not just that he is a vampire it is all of the small things he asked of me. While it seemed innocent, I started to feel used. After six months I broke it off, a month later he threatened, I gave in.” Rorik’s eyes glowed golden brown. She did not notice as she shook her head, “A few days ago I went to end things, it caused all of this-.” Rorik feared she would not continue.

The dark princess went on, “When I went to break up- suddenly my eyes were opened to see his evil. Since then I have had visions, and I fear I have known him my whole life.” Rorik had a shiver go up his spine, hoping that at last it was Kolo. In a low concerned voice Rorik offered, “I can help you.” She shook her head, “Not this time. I suspect there was nothing innocent about why he was with me. I saw his web of evil lies.”

Rorik tried to be patient yet desperately needed her to confirm it.


Samala said, “Hurry I think he is returning.” The Egyptian carried the chain as she rushed back to her seat. As he came in Samala said in an innocent tone, “And how can we concentrate when we feel sticky.” He looked at the three red blood caked forms and giggled at their displeasure. Then he sighed, “Oh the joy of sundown is finally upon me. I feel greatly renewed.” He knelt putting a cloth between the iron and Nepathi’s ankle.

He went to the others, doing the same rather than releasing them, and then he gave each of them a copper coin. Then he returned her, burner, caldron, and knife to Nepathi, placing them before her. Now he sat down warning them in a darker tone, “Do not worry if the Egyptian fails to bring Lola back to me, she will endure a new form of death. Then Darciana it will be your turn to try.” She groaned, “Oh goodie.”

Kolo ignored her and said, “If you hold the coin while chanting it should improve the outcome of each of your spells. Now get them done and do not fail me!” They cringed at the games he liked to play with their lives and deaths. The two hid their smile as he took a sip of his drink. Samala had mixed feelings about it. He then hissed at Samala, “Well, tell me how Sidonia left the castle!” Then Kolo took another sip.

Samala responded, “Wish I could.” Kolo replied venomously, “I have given you everything, why are you denying me?” Samala replied, “You know I cannot see inside the barrier, so why should I try?” Kolo hissed, “It sounds like you are looking forward to your next death.” She gasped, “I am not refusing. It is simply that no one can see inside it!”

Kolo contemplated, “I think I will try my latest idea for this death. I have obtained a new beetle that will eat you slowly, until all that is left is your bones. I am so curious how long it will take before you die.” Samala gasped in horror, as Kolo continued, “I also want to document how much longer before your bones are cleansed of all flesh. I have not tried it yet.”

He took a drink and confessed, “I am actually hesitant to do it at all. This or reducing you to ashes, both could prove to be quite permanent. I am unsure once so little is left that I can bring you back to awaken from such a death.” He laughed and it was pure evil, “I so would enjoy it though, perhaps I will try it first on someone I do not care for.”

Darciana groaned, “As if you care for us.” Kolo ignored her, “Yes that way if I fail, it will only be fun.” After another sip Kolo added, “Still, I never know when you might not come back from anyone of my tamer experiments.” Samala glared, “I hope you hate me that much, and fail to bring me back, so I will not have to endure these two, nor ever look upon you again! I used my gift to help you and you-you were the January Man!”

He only laughed, “Well thank yourself. It was your betrayal that caused me to fully blossom.” Samala hissed, “If I had known I never would have let you in my home.” Kolo fumed, “I bought your home after you left, and I was meeting your daughter there!” The look on her face was truly priceless and she hissed, “I should have burned it to the ground.”

Kolo smiled, “Look for your dear sweet Sidonia. If she has left, then the castle barrier is not an issue! I would love to reunite you two, and I will even put her tomb right beside yours. Did you know that she moved all of her furniture out of her room, by herself?” Samala cringed at his admiration of her child and hissed, “You know I do not want to see her!”

He pointed at the two tombs he had not opened, as he hissed down into her face, “Fail, and you will be like those two who rarely get the pleasure of rising, before January. You know how much that hurt the longer I wait, remember?” Darciana scoffed, “I should be so lucky to remain asleep rather than be useful to you!” Now Kolo did an odd limping skip, grabbed the knife, and plunged it into the Rambler’s trapped hand.

She managed not to scream and it robbed him of some pleasure, Kolo now whispered into Darciana’s ear, “Be careful what you wish for.”


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