《Ramblings of the Mad Woman - Book One》Chapter Six Sidonia’s Deadly Decision
Chapter Six
Sidonia’s Deadly Decision
Blackstone Castle, Day of 673, 27th, October
The next morning, she saw Donatello was still there. He said quietly, “You need to tell someone, and I promise not to judge if you choose to trust me.” Now he set the key in the lock, and became an intense light blue fog, going out under the door. Sidonia went towards the library to find Grekan. She saw a guard who she was less familiar with, as he came running up to her.
He startled her by forcing a note into her hand, as he hissed angrily, “I want nothing to do with this!” He looked furious and it had her feeling he might hit her, so she was relieved when he ran off. Grekan glanced up as the princess entered the library, and smacked his forehead, “I completely forgot to come unlock your door.”
She shrugged and he asked, “How did you get out?” Expecting her anger, he watched her look to her left to make certain no one was there. Grekan also looked about saying, “We are alone.” As she turned, a slight mist darted in behind her, settling in the shadows. The sound of the lock, had Grekan turning towards her, as she now replied, “I realized I had an extra key.” He sighed with relief, “I hope your dreams were sweet.”
When she said nothing Grekan groaned, “Mine were dark.” Now he saw the letter, “Let me guess you got an angry note from Kol-.” She cut him off with a frantic gasp, “Did you forget your vow to me?” He sighed, “The bright light of day has me more doubtful of our fears. Surely it is another lie, to keep you quiet.” She took his disbelief personally, “You doubt me, when you lectured me all the way to his home.”
He reassured her, “I trust he told you that and you have every right to be terrified. And it was a good thing you did not listen to me because now we know he is a liar.” She neared a shout, “I cannot afford to distrust his threat that if his name is even whispered, he will know and come here to kill everyone! How do you dare risk it?” Grekan shrugged.
The dark princess retorted, “Do risk our lives, just so you can test if it is true! Yes, he lied about his power. Yet I saw his fire twice it was not a trick of the mind! Father has never listed vampire powers and I never asked! I do not know about my father’s powers either, other than what I have seen once or twice.” Grekan grumbled, “Stop reading my mind.”
The princess scolded, “I can tell you that when the Evil One threw fire at the chair, the impact burst it into pieces as well as setting it aflame. We would not survive it!” Grekan admitted, “Yes, you are right, forgive me.” Sidonia paced as she whispered, “Much worse Donatello is involved.” The scribe muttered, “And that would be your fault for asking him to pass the bloody notes between you and the Evil One.”
Sidonia glared at him, “Do not mock me, I know I caused all of this. I just do not understand how Donatello knows so much.” Grekan perked up, “Are you telling me you did not read his mind?” Ignoring his taunt Sidonia said, “He found me sleep walking last night and was in my room this morning.” Grekan nearly shouted, “The evil one?” She rolled her eyes, “No the guard, he had brought me to my room and has the key.”
Grekan chuckled, “Smart.” She sat down hissing, “It is not funny. He wants me to confide in him and yes, I read his thoughts. I am certain he would go after the Evil One.” Grekan snorted, “Good.” She scolded, “As capable as he appears, do you really think he could withstand fire?” He shook his head, Sidonia sniffed, “I believe he would die trying, and I do not want his death haunting me!” Grekan came and patted her shoulder.
Then he said, “I am sorry it has become so dire.” Near crying she said, “It was not sleepwalking. He said he saw the Evil One compelling me to come to him!” Concerned Grekan tried to ease into it, “Not to upset you nor to be crude, just tell me I am wrong. Our Evil One cannot do that unless he has shared-.” He groaned as Sidonia’s eyes went wide in realization.
She gasped, “He tricked me into drinking his blood, and compelled me so he could drink mine.” Grekan offered, “He then entranced you to forget.” She nodded, “It is the only way he could have called me against my will.” Tears began to form, as she whispered, “Samala did warn me never to trust any male.” Grekan distracted her, “What of the note.” She waved it, “A guard thrust it at me saying he wanted nothing to do with it.”
Taking it from her hand as she added, “The look he gave me was as if I was hexed and will cause his death if he came near. He actually ran away. Worse, I felt cursed and now violated. I put you in grave danger.” He got her a drink as she said, “I worry what may happen to you, my family, and Donatello.” As she drank it, he suddenly had a look of horror.
Grekan offered, “You needed me to help find the book. I will never blame you, though I may leave if the threat grows.” He got a cup as he debated confessing, she caught him staring and demanded, “Do you think I will harm you? If you are really that afraid I will leave.” Trying to laugh Grekan admitted, “I-a made a mistake, please do not be angry with me.”
She frowned, “Do not make me read your mind, I am already too exhausted.” He sighed, “I accidently poured your drink from Anthony’s decanter.” Looking at the two carafes she frowned, “I am sure they are both his.” He explained, “It was your father’s blend… the one that is mostly blood.” She choked, “Serious?” Then the dark princess’ laugh was off.
Unnerved by it Grekan tried to distract her, “I guess that explains how you did not notice when the evil one slipped you his blood.” She looked like she was nearing a tearful breakdown. The scribe opened the letter with his knife, realizing he had made it worse. He said, “Maybe I should read the Evil One’s missive.” It was as though she had not heard him, as she chuckled darkly, “I-I did not notice the taste. I do feel better.”
Sidonia watched Grekan’s eyes dart across the note, as his face grew dark with concern. She hid her own with a scoff of annoyance, “You are supposed to read it aloud.” Grekan nodded, “I thought I would spare you. Of course, you need to know. I should warn you, the threat is less veiled this time, and it is rather intimidating.”
Dear little princess,
By now, you should have realized I know your last correspondence was misleading. What a Wicked Girl you are. I expect an immediate and honest response, of when I shall see you. Any further delay of coming to me with what I asked for will have dark consequences. You will not forgive yourself if someone who is dear to you, suffers for your thoughtlessness.
If you do not arrive by sundown tonight, with what you promised to give me, I shall assume one is holding you against your will and they pressured you into sending those lies. Know that I will then free you from them, by my own methods and they will not interfere with you ever again. Trust that I have always had your survival in mind. Only I am willing to ensure you a long life.
Forever Your Devoted One
Donatello watched as tears fell from Sidonia’s eyes, and Grekan tried to comfort her. Then she became angry grabbing the note from Grekan. Donatello followed until she left the castle to go to the Guard House, with Grekan urging her, “Wait. We need to stop and think on this.” Heg the Day Captain asked as she approached, “Princess Sidonia, do you need a carriage?” Donatello watched from the window on the stairs.
He saw her hair was angry, moving like snakes behind her as she tore up the note placing it in the captain’s hand. Now she pointed to a man lingering near the gate, “Please give those to that man and inform him to deliver them to the Evil One.” Heg laugh nervously as he tried to keep hold of the pieces. Sidonia asked crisply, “Captain Heg, what about this, and a dead man dumped before our gate, do you find amusing?”
Captain Heg replied, “A-well nothing, it is just-well I am nervous. I do not want to tell you no, however I am concerned what your father will think. I would rather not have him dismiss me for causing another poor messenger’s death.” His guards nodded, while suspiciously watching her. Sidonia commanded, “My father expects you to do as I ask.”
Heg stood at attention and nodded, “Of course, Princess.” Sidonia added, “Any further notes for me are to be refused tell anyone trying, that I have left for Witch Island.” Heg attempted a smile as he said, “Well a-.” Sidonia insisted, glaring up at him, “You will tell the messenger, that I am no longer here, and that his master’s deadly actions have forced this decision. I want nothing to do with the Evil One!”
Captain Heg nodded, “Of course.” She then insisted, “You will tell him that I will not receive any further correspondence from him. He is a liar, who is involved with my crazed mother!” The guards gasped. Sidonia demanded, “Do you understand?” Mentioning Samala had the intended effect, as Heg apologized, “Forgive me princess, I did not realize.”
He added in a quieter voice, “I can understand this situation has become more than deadly, he has betrayed your trust.” The others glared wondering what their captain said. Sidonia turned to them and asked, “Do any of you think I should just accept all further notes, when it could cost someone their life? I am open to your recommendation on how to end it.”
Captain Heg replied, “No need, my men will do as they are told.” He turned to his men, “I believe Princess Sidonia’s decision is best.” Now he nodded to the gatekeepers and they opened it, enough for him to leave. After he walked out, they closed the gate behind him. He handed the pieces of the note to the evil one’s messenger then relayed her message.
Sidonia felt the wave of anger, and quickly looked about, as she began to back away from the gate, she realized Heg was in danger. She yelled to the Captain, “Heg come back in immediately the Evil One is here!” His guards scoffed, “During the day?” She insisted, “I feel his presence. Did you forget? He killed the last messenger in broad daylight!”
It was enough of a warning the Captain looked seeing a coach coming rapidly at them. Heg sprinted towards the gate narrowly avoiding the carriage, as it attempted to run him down. The guards barely got the gate open and one guard pulled their Captain inside, as he watched the driverless coach come to a halt, between them and the messenger. They all heard a scream on the far side, out of their view.
Then Sidonia saw the stocky grey haired man from her vision when she was three. He glared at her, and then the carriage took off. She was stunned, that the man who helped get the necklace for her mum, felt like Kolo even though he looked different. While she suspect it, now this assured her that her fears were correct; Kolo was the January Man.
Now they all saw that the messenger was dead of a broken neck. Sidonia gasped, and Grekan did little to console her, “I warned you.” The dark princess backed away as Grekan continued to scold her, “I do not understand, you yell at me ‘not to risk saying his name’, and then you provoked him like this!” She glared at Grekan, “Later.”
Heg straightened his uniform looking at the princess with distrust, “What do you wish us to do with this body, and do you want us to go after your Evil One?” Sidonia replied coldly, “No Captain Heg, we leave the Evil One to my father when he returns.” Her head spun at the two deaths, and she did not want to risk the lives of these Human Guards.
The princess sadly added, “Try to find out if the two dead messengers were local, in case anyone is looking for them. You will inform High Lord Anthony of what you learned after he arrives. For now bury him with the other messenger.”
Donatello had heard and saw it all from the high window, he became mist as they entered he followed Sidonia. Grekan offered, “I did not mean to reprimand you in front of the guards. Please forgive me; it was my nerves at seeing such violence. We must consider that both messengers were dishonest as the evil one, since they worked for him.” She replied, “Unless he compelled them, still I have caused their deaths.”
Once in the library Grekan pull the maps back out, “I will look for routes to the best three islands, I think you should run.” Donatello guessed she would leave before her father’s return, yet he was in need of sleep and felt she was safe enough during the day, so he left. Turning solid in the hallway, he went towards his bunk, and noticed the guards’ cold gaze.
Now they stopped their conversations and some of the human guards followed him. Becoming mist Donatello lost them in the dark hallways and decided against sleeping in the bunkhouse. He entered the private area of Anthony’s castle; Donatello picked an empty bedroom near Sidonia’s room, and hoped he could sleep.
Prince Viktor appeared asking softly, “What are you doing here?” Donatello sighed, “Getting some sleep, so I can guard your sister tonight.” Viktor stated proudly, “I am seven, I can help guard her.” He grinned at the prince, “Good, I am Donatello wake me if you need me.” The boy’s nanny grabbed Viktor’s arm angrily and glared at Donatello, “You have no business being here.” The prince scoffed, “He has my permission.”
Viktor yanked his arm from her, “Never lay your hands on me!” Now he walked off causing Donatello to grin, and the nanny to worry she had overstepped. Donatello woke at sunset, taking extra of his blood rations to be at full strength. He went in search of one of the brothers Armando or Edmund Trulov; as they were Anthony’s next in command.
Finding neither, he believed they were with the High Lord. On his way to the princess’ room, Donatello also noticed his fellow vampire night guards, were avoiding him. He scratched his head, ‘Looks like I will be out of a job soon, and looking for a new House.’ He did not try to rub others the wrong way. Yet it seemed doing the right thing in his mind, got him in trouble. He hoped Anthony would see that so he could leave alive.
Losing the day guard, he hoped the princess had not tried to run yet. He could tell her that no matter where you go, you will find yourself facing your decisions; he opened Sidonia’s door. Grekan stood trying to look intimidating, which was amusing; as Sidonia asked coldly, “So you intend to keep entering my room without a knock nor my permission?”
Sighing Donatello said, “Sorry. Yes, until your father arrives. Or I can tell another guard why-.” She cut him off, “No.” Donatello admitted, “I should have knocked; I guess my mind was-.” Grekan cut in saying to her, “We cannot bring anyone else in on this. Clearly, Don-whatever his name is, cannot un-know what he has already witnessed. Also, he is more capable against the Evil One than I will ever be.” Sidonia sighed, “Fine.”
Donatello said, “Thanks, I-.” Grekan cut in again saying, “At least we can keep this between us three.” Donatello stated, “Too late, your fiend killed two of your messengers, the whole staff, and all the guards know about it as well as your letters.” Sidonia sat down on her bed, “It is my fault. I do not blame others just because I wish to hide my mistakes.” Grekan huffed at the guard and got her a drink then patted her shoulder.
Now Donatello added, “As you know I informed Captain Tik of your foe compelling you into sleepwalking. Tik ordered the men not to talk of it nor tell your father. He fears Anthony will kill us if we do.” At five foot six, Donatello was a bit over average height. He wore his wheat colored hair tied with a piece of leather making his sharp cheekbones prominent. His golden brown eyes and grin had a boyish charm.
Grekan felt dwarfed by Donatello’s lean muscle and size, even though it was nowhere near her father’s build. The princess stated, “I doubt father will blame anyone but me, and I certainly do not blame others.” Yawning Grekan warned Donatello with a glare, “Do not do anything I would not do-. Well, you clearly need to do what I am not capable of or I would guard her. The princess has my confidence.”
Giving Sidonia a hug Grekan said, “Sleep well princess.” Then in a threatening tone, he told the guard, “I will know if you acted without honor.” Donatello tried not to laugh, “I shall be on my best behavior.” The princess appreciated that he did not mock Grekan. She said, “Good night dear friend.” After he left, she got into bed, and there was a knock at her door. Donatello opened it, expecting Grekan. Instead, it was the prince.
Viktor held up the book saying, “Sidonia promised to read to me.” Donatello moved letting him in, as Sidonia got up putting her robe on she joined him on the couch by the fire. Donatello leaned against the fireplace and smiled seeing the two dark haired green eyed siblings, as she read the story to him. “The prince stayed faithfully with the Wizard, even though he told him of a king who might be able to tell him more about himself.”
“The how and why he looked like the monsters from the Demon War, was less important to the prince than helping the Wizard.” The prince accepted the Wizard’s name for him ‘Lord of Darkness’ unable to recall his own. The Wizard gave him a magical black cloak made by the Light Elves it hid his monstrous form from others. After a few years the old Wizard died, now the Lord of Darkness went in search of the king.”
“On his way there, the Lord of Darkness saw a royal coach was attacked, and a battle was happening. While the king was out numbered, he was still a great fighter. Yet as more were coming, the king feared for his guards. Then the Lord of Darkness became the attackers’ worst nightmare, as he slaughtered them easily causing enough fear others fled.”
“Now the king stood still waiting to see if this brutal warrior would turn on him too. The large cloaked form, bowed deeply before the king, and introduced himself, ‘I am the Lord of Darkness I come in need of a king’s assistance.’ The king nodded and told him whom he was. This brought back the memory of what the Angel who saved him had said.”
“The cloaked beast said, ‘the Angel you saved, brought me from darkness’, and he told the rest of what he remembered to the king. The large form was startled when the king ran to him embracing him, ‘My son!’ Now the Lord asked humbly, ‘I am your son?’ The king told him of the battle and how the prince was taken into the portal to the Dark Realm.”
“So glad to have the prince back, his father could overlook the sight of him. The Lord of Darkness still preferred his cloak around others. Then he met a woman who was brave enough to love him, and they had a daughter. The Lord of Darkness was certain any child he had would be a monster like him. Yet his daughter was very human.”
“When his daughter was old enough to talk, she showed her father that she was unafraid as she kissed her father’s cheek, and said, ‘I love you.’ With that act of bravery and kindness, the spell was broken reverting the monster into the prince, and now he remembered who he had been. As happy as he was to look normal, he found he missed his other form. Then in a battle he suddenly had it back.”
“It was as the king had thought; if the prince believed he was once human and deserved his human form, he might remember it and be able to transform at will. After that the prince only became the beast Lord of Darkness when needed in battle and he lived happily with both forms.” Viktor clapped his hands and kissed Sidonia’s cheek.
Her brother pointed at her desk then asked, “I saw that there are new paintings, and some written pages. Did you make another story for me?” Nodding Sidonia told Viktor, “Yes. I have several new books for you. They should be done by tomorrow night; I just have the ending of the last one to finish.” He willingly went to bed excited for the new stories.
Donatello looked at the loose pages and said, “I have never seen finer pictures done.” She smiled, as he added, “You are very talented.” Sidonia replied, “Thank you, I find no greater joy than making Viktor happy.” She climbed in bed and tried to sleep. She got up working on the book a while, Donatello had thought on her story and asked, “Did you write that so he would not fear his transition to a vampire, as much?”
He saw the shielded look she had as though she were reflecting upon the story she was finishing, more than the one she had read to Viktor. She gave him a sad smile and sighed, “I do not know if he will even remember these things as he questions his life, or gets old enough to need it. Yes, it is my hope that they are helpful to him now as well as later.”
Sidonia ran her hand down the binders of the three stories, whispering, “Three for us three siblings.” Donatello looked up from a book he was reading, yet said nothing as he felt it had been a private thought. Now Sidonia went back to bed and finally she drifted into a happy dream. Donatello finished his book, and heard her sleeping soundly.
He looked at the other two newest books on her desk. Sighing with dislike at the first, which appeared to be about wolves. He looked at the other, which was about a girl tricked by a man into giving away her father’s magic lamp, which held a powerful Jinn. He looked about for other books, thinking it odd that she had made the prince into a monster.
Then Donatello scoffed at himself remembering when he first turned that he felt like a monster and feared he would become evil. It seemed Sidonia was very insightful for one so young. He needed a break and decided to grab another book from Anthony’s library on his way back. Looking at Sidonia as she rested peacefully, he left misting under her locked door, not knowing the dark princess was about to have a nightmare.
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Julius Goldforge knows how the world works. He knows his role. Really, it's destiny by this point. The mentor dies, the hero gains motivation, and the demon lord falls to their blade. Except...something's clearly gone wrong here. Written by Redknight3996 and Indismile, The Demon Lord's Lover is a fantasy comedy/romance featuring a jaded, middle-aged adventurer who's damn sure he's going to die on this new journey with his students and the ambitious Empress of the Dark Lands, whose drive to conquer the entire world winds up putting both him and her on a bizarre course of attraction and impulsive decision making. Includes (but is not limited to): action, adventure, big fights, elemental-themed temples, demons, angels, fumbling romance, competence, incompetence, nudist druids, the crimes of the past influencing the current age in myriad ways, interpersonal issues, fatalism, and being a decent uncle to one's adoptive family. (We've also got a discord~! https://discord.gg/Mbba6g7)
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