《Daydream of Gods》42 Flood: Date


Migras ”at first we thought that maybe a stronger beasts had moved closer resulting in the weaker beasts running towards the city, causing more attacks as a result but…”

Oliver”but then the scouting group would have either met a lot of bests who would have attacked them directly, or have found monster corpses on the ground from beasts fighting each other”

Migras nodded.

Migras ”exactly, but even if that wasn’t the reason, no matter what just the fact that there are more beasts attacking means that there should be more beasts in the first place, right”

Migras made a statement that sounded like a question, the reason was being, he wasn’t sure.

Oliver however nodded in agreement.

Even if beasts lacked intelligence no beast would attack and risk its life for no reason, just like how lions and tigers don’t attack someone equal in strength if not provoked, beast too wont attack this city for no reason.

Usually the reason being hunger or not having a place to stay.

But whatever the reason not having enough of “something” whether its food, territory or something else is usually a result of over-population, cause almost no virus could threaten beasts and the forest outside the city was rich in resources.

So any normal reason for increasing the attacks of the city, should be connected to increase of the beasts in some way.

And not encountering any beasts in such a situation, was much more suspicious compared to the whole scouting team dying.

Usually all of them not returning would have been one of the expected results, of course that would be if the situation was normal in the first place.

Oliver ”actually today I didn’t come only for the food, when I went to fulfill a quest I saw something strange”

Migras who was deep in thought started to pay more attention to Oliver since he seemed to be more serious know.

Seeing that he had caught his attention Oliver continued.

Oliver” the quest I took was to hunt a minotaur, so I searched for info and found out that they liked vicious star, so I went out an tried to ambush them around one, that’s when I saw a group of beasts, but the reason I am saying this is not cause the group itself, why I am saying this is cause the group was led by a human”

Migras showed no reaction but his brain was overheating, he didn’t care about the part where Oliver had admitted to finding vicious star and not reporting it and instead using it as bait, which would be the equivalent of admitting of baying drugs in front of a cop, but soon he shook his head.

Migras “I find it hard to believe”

Oliver nodded, he wasn’t surprised, if a stranger you met yesterday, came today and told you that the sky was red would you believe him, of course not, Oliver didn’t have big hopes in the first place but…

Migrass then added.

Migrass” I will still inform the guards of the city just to be on the safe side, also can you come with me tomorrow to a magician so we can take a picture of the guy, about 11 before lunch should do, right”

Oliver nodded with a smile, if the situation had been normal Migras wouldn’t have taken him seriously at all, but the scout group just happened to have experienced a really strange situation, so as any serious city guard not taking things into consideration just because the chance was small would be obviously bad.


But even then Oliver hadn’t hoped to get such a significant result, mainly cause Migras looked a bit as a young version of Oliver, and when he was young his pride got the better of him most of the time.

And even if Migras didn’t seem like that on the outside Oliver had already seen his competitive side.

Oliver{but I guess we are different, now I don’t need to protect them myself}

Oliver once again raised his evaluation of this seeming young city guard, he didn’t want to take a risk, even if it was slim for the sake of the people he needed to keep safe.

Oliver”ok, I don’t mind.. wait why eleven”

Oliver turned to stare at Migras.

Migras just avoided his gaze not answering.

Seeing it Oliver started laughing, a protector but still a kid at the end, tomorrow at 11 was Olivers date with Violet.

Oliver shook his head.

Oliver” sorry no can do, I already have plans for 11, how about we go before that”

Migras looked at him and a staring contest begin, which only Migras took seriously.

Oliver tried to suppress his laughter at the dude who had his cheeks puff, which was not something he expected to see from a guy, much less a warrior .

Seeing that Oliver would not budge Migras could only give up.

Migras”ok, ok I understand, too much attention will have negative result either way right, lets go before that, tomorrow here at 10 in the morning I will take you the mage”

Oliver nodded.

While having a chat with Migras, a flawless hand patted Olivers back.

Flood[I am done, are we gonna go back together]

Oliver nodded then turned to look at Migras.

Oliver”okey see you tomorrow”

Olivour got up and started to exit the restaurant, Migras once again started to stare at Flood, Oliver turned and threw a quick glance at the back and saw that Violet was staring at Migras with displeased expression, but even she was starting to take peaks at Flood.

Oliver shook his head and decided to hide Flood from them from now on, since their love might take pretty unnatural turn otherwise, Oliver even started to wonder if the beauty of the gods was some strange form of biological weapon.

After Oliver exited Migras turned and saw Violet looking at the door, completely misunderstanding the target of her gaze.

He couldn’t help but feel envious, one was divine beauty, the other was the girl he liked for around as long as he knew what “like” meant, every man would feel jealousy in such situation.

Migras raised his hand to order alcohol, he didn’t like it and it made him feel like he was hit in the head after drinking it, but now he didn’t feel like he would mind that feeling, but thinking about tomorrow work and how early he had to wake up he quickly put his hand down and took a seep from his fruit juice.

Migras {fuck, its bitter}, the juice was on the sweet side, but tonight even that sweetness tasted extremely bitter.

The next day after going to a magician to make a photo of the man who was dum enough not to cover his face, Oliver returned to the restaurant and waited for Violet.

Exactly at 11 the good looking young girl appeared, compared to her normal waitress outfit, now she wore short white jeans with a belt and black short sleeves sweater that was thin and emphasized the breasts, she also wore a black handbag and open shoes.


It really suited her.

Violet “did you wait long for me”

Oliver smiled and shook his head “ you came exactly on time so how can I have been waiting, but I have to say your clothes really suit you, you look beautiful”

Violet smiled, no girl disliked compliments, when they were coming from someone who they had a positive impression of, that is.

Oliver” usually I would take the lead, but I think you already know I am new to the town, so what do you feel like showing me fist ”

Oliver made a small gesture, like he was opening the path for her, if it was someone else it would feel forced but Oliver made it feel extremely natural instead.

Violet smiled and took the lead.


After about an hour and a half the date ended and they separated.

Violet asked if he wanted to go out again but Oliver politely refused, saying that he really wanted only a tour of the town and that as a hunter he would soon leave so he had things to do before that and didn’t have the time, that was the truth.

At first he had other intentions, but after having a clear understanding of the situation, Oliver decided that he wouldn’t do anything beyond a simple date.

”but I will see you at restaurant” Oliver said so with a smile.

Violet nodded and left filled with disappointment, thanks to someone constant attention very few other men approached her resulting in this being her first date, she also had a really pleasant experience and wanted to do it again, but Oliver had refused politely, and unlike the dence block of a tree stump she knew how to take a hint, so she couldn’t help but fell disappointed.

She even wondered if she had done something wrong since she had no experience in the area and felt a bit bitter, but she accepted what Oliver told her and decided not to think about it, after all being rejected was something new, but her situation was still the same and the date was already a big plus and a step forward.

Oliver who had experience could guess to some degree, what was going through Violet mind, and only shook his head, with his advice Migras was already starting to give her more and more freedom, he didn’t contact her as often as before, it might seem small but it was a huge step in the right direction and that was enough for now considering he had talked with him two days ago and to be honest even Oliver wasn’t sure if Migrass would take it to heart at the time, but actions speak louder than words.

After seeing his childhood crush liking Oliver, Migrass had given it a lot of thought and seeing Flood yesterday was the final nail in the coffin, only an idiot wouldn’t take the advice seriously in that situation.

Oliver had also given Violet hints during their date as well, so if as she starts to think about it she would know how to react the right way, he still pitied the girl a little, but things would get better for her.

As he headed back to the inn where he was staying a phone in his pocket rang, yes a phone, after the meeting with Migrass the city guard had rented him a phone to use while in this town. This was pretty common thing in this world, where the phone range was limited, and the police needed to quickly contact someone.


Migras”where are you”

Oliver”did you call to see how the date went, honestly isn’t that abuse of power at this point”

Migras”I am serious”

Oliver stopped joking, the tone on the other end really made it seem like, on and off work Migras were two different people.

Oliver” At the restaurant, why”

Migras”wait there I will come to pick you”

Oliver”ok, but why”

Oliver didn’t like to beat around the bush and it seemed like Migras didn’t want to tell him, but he wouldn’t be dum enough to go somewhere without information, no matter who asked.

Hearing his resolute tone, Migras let a breath.

Migras ” the portrait you gave us, after we distributed it to the city guards, some of them thought that it looked familiar, so we decided to do an information check and we discovered that the person you have described looked really similar to a certain scientist, we need you to come to do a check, to see if its him”

Oliver”ok and so, cant you just contact the dude and ask him about it, ok on second thought that sounds dum, its not like he would say, “hey I can control monsters and want to destroy your town” ”

Migras”once again, the situation is serious, if we could do something like that we wouldn’t be calling you yet, but the scientist had disappeared more than half a year ago when a beast tide overran a small village in which he was doing research, he was presumed death but what is more important..”

A few minutes later seeing the latter not speak, as Migras was talking to one of his subordinates, Oliver got annoyed.

Oliver”but what, don’t stop at the important part.”

Migras ”mhm sorry, the important part is that he was researching botany, or plants and their effects, he was a really important person as he developed quite a few different kinds of medicine, to a point that even the Kingdom of Water placed a bit of importance on him. Now what you said, that you have seen him controlling beasts and gathering vicious star, gains a lot more credibility and I have already sent reports to the higher ups through a secure channel, just in case.”

Oliver”Ok, I understand, I will wait here”

Migrass”also, just so you know and I am not saying it to scare you, but just the fact that I sent the repost with nothing more than an eye witness puts a lot of pressure on me and you, if you were laying, now still wont be too late to tell me cause I don’t think I need to explain how troublesome would be if you had done so, so I will ask again, are you sure in what you saw ”

Oliver laughed.

Oliver” thank you for worrying about me, but rest assured, i am saying the truth , this dude, scientist, botanist, whatever, he is here and he controlled a group of beasts ”

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