《The Discovery : Sci-fi meets Fantasy story》Chapter 2: The Eyes In Question
The crew was at the cafeteria. They had all been gathered for a special announcement. The crew was whispering to each other. Everyone suspected that something important had been found on the planet's geography. They all expected some anomalous structure, maybe something built by an ancient alien civilization. The silence steps in with Mike's slow appearance. He made a small cough, took a deep breath, and with his usual stern face, spoke.
"While scanning the map of XEROX-H43, I have managed to identify anomalous structures residing on the planet. The arrangement and layout of the structure indicates a city of an alien civilization residing on XEROX-H43. All seem to be in decent condition, meaning the civilization in question is alive. There are also other cities found throughout the continent, especially the desert. More research needs to be conducted in order to find out the nature of these buildings and how long they have existed."
The silence faded in for a bit, until John stood up. "Are you able to pinpoint where they are in a technological development standpoint?". Mike looked at John. "In order to calculate their technological development, we need to get a closer look and gather information on them, however, I do recommend turning the cloaking mechanism on.", Mike replied.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
"Then, we should send in multiple drones. Melvin Rogers, this is where your expertise comes into play, you can deploy the appropriate drones necessary for the situation?" asked John.
Melvin smiled, "Dr. Hamilton, I worked with Lockheed and the Pentagon. I have been in this situation before. I recommend you authorize me to deploy multiple SE-24s, a spy drone to monitor the behavior and appearance of the encounter of an intelligent life other than creatures in oceans, RVER-15s to collect samples of soil, water or any other material you want to analyze and finally KDR-66s to collect multi-cellular organisms, plant or animal. After the mission is done, I will disassemble the drones."
"Authorization granted Melvin Rogers. Deploy the amount you think it would suit the situation". John turned towards everyone else. "Everyone, make preparations for testing of organisms of XEROX-H43. We got a lot of work to do."
Mirabelle walked across the hall as the sun shined the floor of tiles. She has decided to put the change at the back of her mind. She had bigger fish to fry. She enters a classroom. The front of the class had a large blackboard with complex writing using chalk, describing some sort of Ice Magic spell. The teacher's desk was In front of the blackboard, facing the entire class. For the students were dark oak desks, with very comfortable chairs to sit on, all arranged neatly. The teacher was Professor Antonia Page, a 37-year-old tall woman with dark purple hair and green eyes. Her specialty is in ice magic and, like the other professors in the academy, is considered to have higher mana stamina than any other ordinary witch or wizard.
"Princess Mirabelle, I hope you can explain why you are late to my class?" asked the professor. She was a bit disappointed that a student of hers was late to class. It didn't help that there were rumors spread around by the other students that tanked everyone's perception of Mirabelle a bit.
"Forgive me professor, I was brought to Grandmaster Valdemar to speak to him about some classified information".
The professor signed.
"Alright, take your seat then", she pointed at the middle front seat of the class.
The Professor starts to teach her students a simple ice magic spell called "Ice Pillar". It does what it sounds, creates a pillar of ice; the dimensions of the pillar depend on how much mana is used up for a pillar. The teacher extended out her left hand and turn to the table. There was an iron tray at the teacher's desk. She pointed at it with her index finger and her lips started to move. "Fedala Querri!". A cyan blue magic circle appeared on the tip of her index finger, on the iron tray, a small ice pillar came up. She then looked at the class. "Alright, you all will be learning to cast this spell. We will start by trying to pronounce it properly."
As the door closes with the royal students leave his office. Valdemar walks to his bookcase. He took out his right hand and pointed at the case. Without muttering a single word, a magic circle appeared on the tip his hand. The bookcase opened slowly, without making a single sound. What revealed was a dark passage with darker secrets. He took a deep breath, and entered. As he went deep into the it's halls, the bookcase closes.
The mossy wooden floor creaked as he walked through the dark halls, with only his light sphere guiding him. The cracked stone brick walls had doors to both. They were wooden and rotten and nearly full of green. On the top middle of the door, was a number. It ascended has he went deeper. He stopped at one particular door; "21".
He entered the room covered with cobwebs and dust. The room not only had books, but artifacts and treasures from long ago. Once used to be for battles and divine interventions, now rest forever in this cold dark place, undisturbed until now. He casted his light near the bookcase layered with dust. With a single magic spell, the dust whoosh away from the books, revealing numbers on the top.
He took out a large thick old book with the number 17, and blew into the front. The dust shield moved to confirm it's cover to be made out of black leather and the bold yellow letters in New Times Roman. "Book of Visions: The Eyes that soar through the sky" it said. A book dedicated to all the documented times Ferrians had visions of the future of Nalla. There was no order in which they appeared. It is recorded that generations could pass without one ever being hinted at.
He started reading through it's old torn saddle brown pages. Filled with tales and stories long ago, that happened on the continent. This specific book detailed all recent incidents of visions of eyes. "This would take a long time" he said to himself, as he continues to drown himself in the book's content.
Multiple SE-24s are about to be launched at XEROX-H43. It is in the shape of a sphere about twice the size of a size 7 basket ball. It moves and flies without making a sounding using ion propulsion. The outer shell mostly made out of a pitch black tungsten and has a giant camera at the front. It's main systems are cloaking mechanism, lidar, sonar, water repellency, infrared, force field, liquid nitrogen cooling, laser communication, emergency hidden radiator and hidden solar panels. It can go up to speed of up to 270m/s at the surface and the underwater, and up to 17,900m/s to enter space. It can stay operational for up to 1.2 years at max capacity without recharging through solar panels. When determining it's underwater capabilities, it can only reach about 250m at max.
Suddenly, when the door finished opening, they launched at the planet, one by one. They enter the atmosphere and starts heating. The liquid nitrogen starts cooling the outer shell down. As it continues it's decent, the ion propellers start to kick in, and starts slowing it's decent. It stops only 25 feet above the surface. It starts to communicate with the mothership to locate it's position, sending footage of the planet.
Melvin stared at the blank black monitor, patently waiting for the footage to be received to the ship. White text pops up on the screen, "SE-24 (005/005) successfully landed, initializing footage". The images and footage from the drones start appearing, along with the option to enhance a specific drone footage.
Enhancing SE-24(#001) View
The drone looked down at a plain filled with diverse flowers galore, surrounded by a dense forest. The chartreuse grass was perfectly cut short, almost as if it was a garden of some sorts. There are dandelions with the flower to look like a tiny aqua cloud. Another looked to be a daisy with 17 petals with the colors of a rainbow with a daisy white carpel. The was a lot more, but the sound of someone walking caught the attention of the drone, two natives appeared behind.
A long wood brown haired humanoid which looked young and slim came out of the darkness of the woods. It's skin was a coffee brown with the texture of a tree, and some long green stems and flowers can be seen on it's body. It had carbon black eyes and it's cloths made out of leaf. Alongside it came a young bright skinned humanoid with pointy ears and long blonde hair. It's eyes were white, and it's pupils were green and it's chest a bit bust. It wore a green tunic and blue pants. On it's back was a long bow and a lot of arrows. Both the Elf and Kanori appear to be feminine in appearance.
The first one kneels down and starts picking up the flowers and putting it into a basket. A conversation starts between them. The drone activates its recording function and sends it to the mothership to decipher the language. They then start heading towards the forest. The drone follows them.
Initializing SE-24(#003) View
In the thick crimson desert, the drone spots an artificial wall made out of the same sand that was on the ground. It hovers to find a large city, of a native species. Buildings were made out of crimson sandstone, all circling one giant castle on a small desert hill, moated around a purple liquid lake. The city was lively and busy. Vendors were selling and customers were buying. In the sky, magnificent purple lizards with wings were flying with their native masters on their backs.
The drone starts observing the natives. Their skin were a wine red, with hair color either ink black, pearl white, shadow gray, or orange. Some were tall, some were short, but nowhere in the middle, but their most common feature, was there 2 majestic mauve purple horns. As for clothing, they all wore a black piece of cloth, a tunic, a shirt, a groom, or otherwise. The only difference was the shades of it. But most of all, their eyes where black, and their pupil glowed either blue, yellow or purple.
The citizens were stepping aside when a carriage drawn by a violet purple horse like creature with plum purple eyes, surrounded by natives in metal armor, moved on the largest road of the native city. The carriage seems to be headed to the castle. The drone follows through.
Initializing SE-24(#002) View
Inside of the caves of the mountains are carefully sculptured homes inside the walls, with patterns and shapes to give it beauty and lit up with a torch that lead to a vent shaft that the exited the cave. The outside of these caves was a village made out of the hard wood and stone they could find. The huts all have a chimney, that spits out smoke.
The natives of the cave, were muscular midgets with bright skin and intense amounts of hair. The males all have long beards while the females have long hair. Their lips and cheeks were thick. They wore a tortilla brown tunic or grown, depending on their gender. Their hair color were all different shades of brown, from chocolate, umber or tawny.
There were lots of tree logs being carried by the dwarves, back to the village. Many people were constructing something. Most likely a ritual of some sorts. The drone continues to monitor the situation.
Initializing SE-24(#005) View
The drone levitates towards the native village. Most architecture were made out of a tawny brown wood and slate gray stone. Most of the land was covered with a moss green crop of some sorts. Some were carried off in a wooden cart on the dirt road.
The inhabitants looked to be human, almost similar, with the exception of hair colors, eye color and height. Hair colors spotted to be shades of red, blue, green, yellow, white and purple. Main eye colors appear to be blue and yellow. It was as if the drone travelled back through time, for when humanity was once such a naïve little species. A wonderful sight to behold.
As the sun is setting on the Empire of Novaskoska, the king in the imperial palace sat on his throne made of gold and the finest fabric in the realm. The room was long and tall and guarded by soldiers from his left and right. To the king's left side was a wall with giant crystal windows that gaze over the entire kingdom. On the top, was a giant chandelier that lights the entire room. On the floor was a red carpet that lead up to the throne. Beside the king, was the queen's empty throne. It was a bit smaller, but it was just as comfortable.
The large wooden door opened. A messenger enters the room. He kneels down in front of his majesty and hands out a scroll with both his hands. The king picks up the scroll and starts reading it. It was from Grandmaster Valdemar.
Your Imperial Majesty
I request you to come to the Holy Cathedral of Gaica immediately. I have an extremely important matter to discuss. I will explain the situation to you privately as I do not feel comfortable in relaying it in this letter. My assistant would be waiting for you.
Grandmaster Valdemar
The king was on his royal carriage, being guarded by his knights. He looks outside while holding his head in his hand. The streets were almost empty as people go back to their homes, as the sun is setting. The king wonders what could be so important for the Grandmaster for him to request his presence; a lot of things. For his 12 year reign, nothing particularly devastating, yet interesting thing had happened, so he hoped whatever it was, he could gain some glory.
When he arrived. He slowly stepped out of the carriage. The cathedral was a tall snow white building, that contained the statue of the goddess Kalina, the goddess that gave birth to them, and gave them the power of Magic, the greatest gift of all. The assistant was waiting on the stairs. "This way, your majesty." The king climbed up the great stairs made out of marble.
The soldiers opened the door to the stairs revealing magnificent architecture in the pillars and breathtaking art at the top depicting a gorgeous women with large snow white angelic wings, cerulean blue hair with chartreuse green eyes wearing a white tunic giving a muscular man with blonde hair and aquamarine eyes and a leaf covering his dong a glowing sphere of pure light that represents magic. The hall was filled with oak chairs, On the end of the hall, was a statue of the goddess herself, fully colored. Behind her was a detailed stained glass with millions of pieces depicting her.
They walked up to the statue. The assistance held out his hand. A green magic circle appeared on his hand. The statue moved backwards to reveal stairs that lead to a pitch black void of darkness. Then, the torches on the side of the wall glowed a bright blue fire. They both headed down to come across an old wooden door. Inside was a dark room lit by a light consuming darkness. The assistant conjured a sphere of light and went down the hall. The king followed along as the floor creaked.
They entered a room which looks to be an office of some sort. It has much better lighting, thanks to the torches, and is much less dusty and clear of cobwebs, and even the floor was hard as stone. The grandmaster was sitting on a chair behind a wooden desk. The king took a seat.
"What is it that you want to discuss Grandmaster?"
The grandmaster looked at him grimly, the king sat a bit straight from this gesture. He was serious, more so than he had ever been.
"The matter is of upmost importance, that it is better to keep it a secret from anyone else unless I say so."
Valdemar takes out a black book named 'Book of Visions: The Eyes that soar through the sky'. He puts in on the table for the king to see.
"This book contains all documented incidents of when an eye of some sorts appear in the visons of people with the magical ability known as Vision Foresight. Your daughter had one today."
The king seemed unfazed.
"The description of the eye in question she presented was that of a white eye with a brown pupil in the middle. Then she was taken to a white room with a strange painting with 2 men. There has never been such an eye, or even one with a painting!"
The king's heart skipped a beat.
"Do you mean... that...."
"Yes my king, we are faced with a Kacee event. A brand new entity to the realm is about to be introduced. Something that hasn't happened in over 2,000,000 years. They will most likely come from the sky, as that is where they are shown to come from. Whether they are hostile or not, I cannot tell. We need more information, so I want your imperial majesty to grant me to be able to speak with your daughter more of the matter."
"I shall grant you my permission."
Initializing SE-24(#004) View
There were a native girl on the bottom of a waterfall, sitting on a rock. She looked to be about 7 years old. She had a gingerbread brown gown. Her hair was shortbread yellow in color and her eyes were aquamarine blue as ever. Her friends have already gone as the sun was setting.
She stood up and slowly walked to the pool of water that she had bathed. She held out her hand and took a deep breath before closing her eyes. She held out her hand and.... nothing. When the drone considered leaving, a glowing lapis blue circle with a pentacle in the middle appeared. Water came out of nowhere and launched it at the waterfall and fell into the pond. The girl started jumping in excitement.
- In Serial24 Chapters
Mellinnium Myths
This is an ongoing collection of short story writing exercises in the genres of sci-fi and fantasy. They are written with the intention to help explore parts of my creative universe. Feel free to give feedback and share! The stories aren't in any order. Browse the chapter titles and pick one that jumps out to you! J. Elias Epp
8 198 - In Serial81 Chapters
Essentia Animus
Second Book of the Soul - Celesi Veil Trilogy When the living essence of three girls are put at risk, giving room for a second essence within themselves, even their hyper developed fantasy world might not be enough to contain their new found ambitions. Another story of another world, these three girls must adapt to their new essence, all while each is left to question if they are truly still even alive. While this story is a sequel of the previous story in the trillogy, it is also fully capable of standing alone in its own light, taking place in a distant corner of a Celese returning readers will be otherwise incapable of recognizing. However, the events of the story are a spoiler for the previous book, in case that matters to anyone. This story takes place over two centuries after the events of Vitae Memorandum, when Celese had developed into an advanced world, improved to a point that it is much like modern-day Earth while still using the gift instead of technology. The Aethyx languages are still present in this book, and even English still exists in the world after the events of the previous book, but are much less of a focus after the same closing events of the previous book. What is instead important is how the ending events of the previous book had resulted in the start of the Instrumentation Era, and exactly how the gift translates in a modern-day sense. While this book is still effectively a fantasy world of its own kind of magic, it isn’t the classical medieval scene that would be typical for such a story. The laws of science still do not exist in Celese, but that didn’t stop it from developing into something that looks similar enough. Earth itself still remains present on the other side of the veil, and its previous exposure continues to shape and advance Celese into the world it has become. This story contains scenes exibiting mania and similar dark themes, as it goes to great length to explore concepts of life and death. While the degree of such themes should not be considered to be as serious compared to matters such as actual horror, the psychological depth is still siginifcant enough to be potentially concerning for people sensitive to matters of this nature, such as any individuals with concerns questioning matters of suicide, mental harm, or a variety of emotional injuries. While none of these subjects actually occur in the story, readers who are currently troubled by such matters may find themselves considering old wounds if they are especially capable of empathy while reading, which could lead to furthered emotional or mental stress. Readers with a high capacity for empathy may find themselves troubled by concerns regarding any potential lack of mental/emotional control as well as considerations regarding the meaning of death. Readers who appreciate subtle dark themes in a story may instead find this to be an interesting twist of the same idea.
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The Last Player
This novel tells the story of Allen, a virtual mmorpg game player who once made the history of mankind, Creatia. But who would have thought that the legendary game had to close the game due to a significant decline in players Even at the last moment of this game, only Allen alone stood to see the end of the world that accompanied him for 30 years But just as he thought that this was the end, a miracle happened He returned to the previous 30 years! What is the meaning and purpose of returning to the past? To be the strongest? Protecting those he cares about, or to prevent Creatia from closing? No matter what, regrets and mistakes will not be repeated a second time! strongest items, hidden dungeons, secret quests, legendary jobs. He knows it! And here, the journey of the last player, begins! --- Skip to game: chapter 11 If you find a typo/error, please let the author know!
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Forced to become someone else's fantasy
A story about a young woman with a troubled backround who is kidnapped by two men who don't know the concept of consent. *Warning* This is a ddlg story (non-sexual) mentions topics as abuse, neglect and kidnapping. Read at own risc. A/N: I don't support any of the wrong doings done by the characters in this story (just so you know).
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Inked and Dangerous
A brainiac biker chick who witnesses a murder seeks refuge with a childhood neighbor turned FBI agent and risks her life to help him put the criminals behind bars. *****Felicity Taylor has a beautiful mind and a future with promise, until something happens to blow it all to hell. How does she respond? She gets inked, buys a Harley, and teams up with a bunch of crooks. Ryan Clark is a federal agent with a taste for single barrel whiskey and one-night stands. He's used to playing rough and taking risks. But when Felicity seeks asylum in Ryan's home, he finds himself practicing restraint. Somehow he knows her badass exterior hides something softer. But is it worth the risk to harbor a fugitive who may end up stealing his heart?If you like your love stories rough and witty with a slice of pie on the side, seek your pleasures here.COPYRIGHT NOTICE: This work is owned by the author. Please do not attempt to plagiarize or you might end up on the wrong side of the law. IN OTHER WORDS: If you find this story on any online platform other than WATTPAD, I did not allow this. You may also be exposing yourself to malware. If you wish to read this story in its original, safe form, do it here on WATTPAD.
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The Winter Festival
As the weather gets colder, so do our relationships with our "loved" ones. Nagito Komaeda is stuck in an abusive relationship with a notorious exterminator. Until one night, when a special festival rolls around in the wintry snow, and Komaeda meets someone who would forever change his life. But the question is, will it change for the better? Or for worse?Updates every Friday uwu
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