《The Discovery : Sci-fi meets Fantasy story》Chapter 1: Discovery
A 10-year-old girl was sleeping quietly in her bed. She has long blue hair, blue eyes and bright skin. She wore blue nightgown made of silk, which was one of dozens of clothing she had. The marble floor shined by the moonlight and the walls colored white. A royal princess, if you will. Her parents are beside her. The father was blonde, however he had blue eyes. He was extremely strong, packing a 6 pack and a large bulge. He was in his royal clothing and on his head lied a golden crown with red diamonds. The queen, much like her daughter had blue hair but had yellow eyes. She had an exotic body, wearing an exotic blue royal overskirt dress and wearing a crown made out of diamonds. She looked just like her daughter when she was at her age. They both were sitting on a long chair. They had finished reading their sweet daughter a story. The queen closed the book, put it on her lap and then rested her head on her husband's shoulder. "What dreams do you think our daughter is having?", she asked. The king smiled. "Something wonderful."
The howling of the wind opened her eyes. She was in her room, but without any furniture, only her bed and the door, as always. She had been here before. She checked herself. She was wearing the same nightgown she wore when she was put into her sleep. She got up from her bed and walked towards a dark oak door with a golden door knob. The door led her to the balcony of the palace. She looked over the railing. The kingdom was doing good as usual. People were going by their day as normal. However, when she looked up to the sky, she saw something. It was white, and it had a brown pupil in the middle. "This is new". The gust of wind got stronger and louder. She is at the balcony looking at the sky. She blinked. She is not at the balcony looking at the sky.
She was in a white room. On her left and right were two men. They were sitting on a black chair. They both had a turquoise shirt and black pants, with a long purple cloth on their necks, going down to their stomach. They were both looking at giant rectangular painting of sorts. There was a small aqua ball in the painting, with green in the middle, and white on the top and bottom. The left side was darker than the other side. To the top right of the ball was a smaller silver ball. She wonders what this meant. But before she could think, the sound of the wind came. It grew louder, and louder and louder. She is a room with a weird painting. She blinked. She is not in a room with a weird painting.
In the vastness of space, a white spaceship for scientific exploration, the USS Meta, is arriving at a newly discovered system called the Ardon Star system. The reason is to study a newly discovered habitable planet almost the size of earth, which was found on 25th of September 12,583 HE. The USS Meta is over double the length of a football field (245m), though it is less wide (45m). The ship is made up of 6 vital parts; the command module, research compartment, communications compartment, drone compartment, energy compartment and finally the engine. Each compartment is about half the size of a football field. (50m long, 35m in width and 35m in height). Cubical in shape with smooth edges. All compartments are held together by a 1m long, 2m high and 1m wide bridge, in which the crew uses to go to other compartments. The ship was painted in a white coat, and is protected by 2m thick shield to avoid radiation, kind of like a bank safe protecting the money. Utilities include a Zera-7 drive that allows faster than light travel, Kobra-53 camera, 7000 series quantum computer, centrifuge, telescope array, 4 satellites, 5 rover probes, 8 repair pods, 4 collector drones, 7 EVA suits, 2 Li-dar bands, 1 Laser Communication Satellite dish (A new way of communication that was recently discovered by the U.S Military), and a fusion reactor.
The command module is shaped as a sphere, with a diameter of 25m, or a bit less than the length of a basketball court. On the front is a giant camera, about 10m in diameter, for the A.I and its crew to see. On the side, it has a giant ring, about 2m wide, that acts as a side camera. On the back left and back right sides of the command module are bridges that connected the radiators.
The second part is the research compartment, which is the first compartment. The top and the bottom of the compartment has a door to deliver captured species for testing. On the sides, 3 bridges connected it to the radiator on reach side. A sample of species are dropped off to do experimentation, recorded, then it is discarded by any means necessary.
The third part is the communications compartment. On the top is a satellite dish. It is used to communicate with the drones that do multiple tasks. On the front left and front right on the compartment, are the final two bridges that connect to the radiator. On the middle and back of the compartment, are doors to 4 repair pods on each side connect to the ship, locked firmly in place, all tethered to the ship. The pods are spherical in shape, with an eye camera on the front. It has a radius of 0.5m. On its sides are mechanical arms, with the tip of its finger are multiple types of screw driver tips. The crew use these pods to repair any component that needs attention. When a crew member does in any deploys, the repair pods will leave the ship to do what it needs to do, then come back to firmly lock it back into its place.
The fourth compartment is the drone compartment. There are various doors for multiple drones on all sides. One big circular door in the middle, two rectangular doors on the top a bottom of it. On the left and right are smaller circular doors. About 10 doors total on each side on the compartment. The compartment has a 3d printer and lots of materials in which it constructs the necessary drones on the go. This proved to be more efficient than piling up drones. They would all run on electricity, powered by the energy compartment.
The final compartment is the energy compartment. Using a breeder type nuclear reactor, electricity is generated to power all the other compartments, the control module, the engine and more. A breeder type is used to make sure the uranium would be used for as long as possible. If at max capacity, the ship could stay on for 80 years nonstop, which is about 20% the lifespan of an average human. The engine is about 25m in height, 40m in width and 20m in length. It used plasma propulsion to move. Its 6 main propulsion exhausts are on the back, and on the sides, there are 3 vernier thrusters on the left and right side, and 6 on the top and bottom sides. It also has a combined 16 maneuvering thrusters on the engine, and finally 4 emergency engines. It can reach up to 70% the speed of light.
The ship's main target, a newly discovered planet called XEROX-H43. A planet with a theorized gravitational pull and an atmosphere to be similar to earth. It was the 27th earth-like planet humanity has sent an A.I ship to research and explore. When a habitable planet is spotted, a probe is sent to detect electromagnetic waves or anything anomalous ship is sent. When it is confirmed no EM waves or laser communication was detected, humanity sends a scientific research ship is sent to study and report its findings. Using this report, an appropriate human spacecraft will be prepared and sent over to take over to colonize the planet. Humanity has been doing this for over 500 years, and had managed to spread across multiple start systems, with over 80 systems under their belt. This specific ship belongs to the American coalition of space exploration.
The scientists of the ship wore a blue shirt, with black trousers and a white lab coat, while the pilots and operator just wore the shirt with the trousers. The crew contained of 7 people; Mike Florence Jr, John Hamilton, Melvin D Rogers, Anna Williams, Carl Johnson, Robert Rockefeller and finally William Grant. All over 100 years old, and all looked to be in their 40s.
Mike Florence was a geologist. He was the one in an expert in geography. His research helps the Federations of humanity to locate the best possible starting location of a colony. He was born in the state of New Jersey in 8th of March 12,462 H.E, 126 years old., He had black hair, brown eyes and bright skin. He had been a geologist ever since 4th of February, 12,487 H.E and is the most experienced geologist since 12,532 H.E and has 28 planets under his belt, 6 of which were habitable planets.
John Hamilton was the main scientist and captain of the ship. Born in state of Florida on 23rd of August 12,453. He was about 135 years old. He also had black hair, brown eyes and bright skin, but he had a thick mustache that made everyone jealous. He had managed to quickly rise up the ranks in the scientific community in America, and proved to be not just a great and competent researcher, but also a great leader. He had the most experience out of them all, going to over 50 planets and over dozen start systems.
Melvin D Rogers was a drone operator. He had blonde hair, and blue eyes, and had the height of 176cm. Ever since he was born on 12th of March 12,458 H.E, he had a fascination with drones and how they worked. He worked for Lockheed Martin for 55 years, designing and making one of the company's greatest military drones in America. Then, he moved to work at the pentagon and the U.S Space force in the Space Expeditionary force ever since. He had operated drones on multiple U.S ships. This was his 5th reassignment.
Anna Williams was an Asian American, Japanese descent. She was born on 15th of June 12,460 H.E in California. She had short black hair and blue eyes and was about 174cm in height. She is one of the biologists in the ship. She had studied lots of alien organisms in her life and is a qualified expert in the field. It was also her that identified the first intelligent species, and innovated processes in her field which greatly increased efficiency in research.
Carl Johnson was an African American. He was born in the state of Oregon in 17th of May 12,462 H.E. He had black hair, and brown eyes. 174cm in height. He had a goatee and a little scar on his face ever since childhood. His expertise was in single cellular biological organisms. He has a lot of experience, as he has travelled to 35 different planets and moons to find and cure new viruses before they became a threat. He was assigned to the U.S.S Meta for his experience and expertise.
Robert Rockefeller was a Chemist. Born on July 7th 12,461. He had a part time job as a chemistry teacher, then did absolutely nothing for 6 years, and finally became an apprentice for a researcher. From there, he climbed up the ladder and was assigned to the U.S.S Meta.
William Grant was born in Feb 14th 12,465 H.E. He had blonde hair, green eyes and a pale skin. He had the beard and physique of a Chad, making many men jealous of him. He got himself involved in CRISPER and Cloning. He was assigned to help the crew of the U.S.S Meta test genetics with an artificially constructed human body.
The U.S.S META looked upon XEROX-H43 through its camera. The ship then started to slow itself down, coming to a full stop. DAVID and the pilots prepared to launch the satellite to XEROX-H43, then fired it. It zoomed across space, and was caught by XEROX's gravity. The satellite instantly started taking images, collecting data and sending them to the mothership. "Phase 1 complete. Awaiting completion of satellite map to shift to phase 2." DAVID said.
Mirabelle has finally awoken from her slumber. This was the first time her vision showed that white eye and that weird room with a painting. She got up and sat on her bed. 'What could it mean' she thought. The images she saw were alien to her. She was confused, and wanted answers. "I should ask the grandmaster about this today. I need to get ready though". The door to her room opened. In came a maid with glasses. "I see you have already awoken Princess, let me aid you to get dressed". Mirabelle obliged. She had hundreds of dresses to choose from, however she ended up going with her royal blue gown, aquamarine crystal heels and the little diamond crown on her head, a very fitting color for her.
She headed down the halls of the castle. Passing the paintings of her great ancestors who lived throughout the millennia. Like her ancestors, they all had unique magical abilities. Magic and royalty are inseparable after all. Her unique ability is characterized as foresight, the ability to look into the future with abstract visions in her sleep. It is how the gods have intended it to work. She arrived at the elegant dark oak pair of doors. The doors to the dining room.
The royal dining room had a long birch table, 6 chairs all facing one pair, a magical chandelier at the top. She took her place on the dining table. In front of her was a plate, a fork, spoon, and knife all made out of gold and a cloth they put on their laps before they eat. The middle was where they would put the large golden plates of food. However, it is still being cooked in the kitchen, and will be brought to them in about 10 minutes at least. She was early today. Usually, she would walk in with her family, but it was different today.
When the doors opened again, came in the king, queen and the 2 other princesses and one prince. They were all stunned to see their youngest daughter to have arrived first. "Well, looks like someone was up earlier than expected", the queen said with a smile. They all went to their seats, and the servants delivered their food and they all dug in.
Mirabelle and her older teenage siblings, Cora Lanchestor, Alesha Lanchestor and Marco Lanchestor, were going to the entrance of the palace. Cora and Alesha were twins, they both have short blond hair that shined like gold, with mesmerizing yellow eyes and bright skin. They wore a matching royal gown that filled envy with others. The only way to tell them apart is their voice, and the jewel on their crown; Cora had a rare red diamond while Alesha has an emerald. Marco was a tall, strong, blonde-haired teenager with charming yellow eyes. He wore a white royal suit with golden buttons and shoulder pads, white trousers with 2 front pockets, a leather and gold belt and leather shoes on his feet.
They exited the palace, to be greeted by a carriage with 2 majestic white Liras, 6 foot white horse-like creatures with 2 gray eyes. The butler held the door opened for them. Mirabelle entered first, then the twin sisters and finally the prince. The butler closed the door, and the chauffer ordered the horses to start moving. They were all headed to visit the grandmaster at the magical academy, a place where only royalty and nobility go to.
"Youngest sister, you seem to be bothered by something, can you please speak your mind" asked his brother.
"Oh, it's just that...", she struggled for words, thinking carefully if she should spill the beans.
"Please drop the glass and speak your mind sister" he asked politely.
"It appears our ocean pearl had lost her words once again. Despite the fact that she is only 10," spoke Cora.
"Why yes sister, the pearl seems to have to go to retake her education", said Alesha.
They both gave a little chuckle. Marco's face formed a small sign of disgust at the sisters. "Please ignore them sister, please, tell me. No need to hesitate".
Through the embarrassment, she found the right words. "There was an eye in the sky, watching all over the empire, then the sound of wind came and I was in a bright white room with a painting of a blue and green ball with a smaller white ball at the top right. Then the vision ended when the sound of the wind came again."
"An eye you say?" the grandmaster said. They had arrived to the academy. Marco immediately escorted his sisters to the grandmaster. He sensed it was important to speak to the master of the academy when he first heard it, while the other siblings scrubbed it off and instead talked about the most attractive boys in the academy. The grandmaster looked outside the window.
"An update to the vison I see, does anyone else other than you 3 know?".
"No Master Valdemar" replied Marco.
"Then I want everyone to keep this down. I don't want any of the students to panic" said Valdemar.
"What do you think it means Master Valdemar?", asked Mirabelle.
Valdemar looked out the window, "I don't know, but I think it means someone is watching us."
Dr. Mike Florence scanned the satellite map of XEROX-H43. The planet had only 1 giant continent located on the eastern hemisphere of the map. It looked like a compass, and about the size of Afro-Eurasia. There are hills scattered everywhere. The colder biomes of the continent are located on the top and bottom. Deserts were more prominent in the middle, while forests and plains take up the rest of the continent. The ocean was a cerulean blue, the dense forest a dark green, the flat plains a chartreuse green and the deserts a crimson red. Taking a closer look, he found number of weird structures in all continents, most packed together. Even some stone paved roads could be seen. The doctor immediately stood up, to press a red button. Alarms went off. The crew zoomed to the cafeteria; an emergency meeting.
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