《The Void Kingdom》Ch 5 | The Dragon in the dream


Nan Hai City, Ning Corporation Residential Area, Villa Number 1

"Song Chao! Where's that bastard?" An angry growl of a man resounded, making the heaven and earth in the surrounding tremble simultaneously. A few majestic looking glass vases shattered immediately and were turned to dust.

Followed by the majestic growl of anger, a weak and humble sound came, "Ma…Master, we are tracking down that bastard. But, he came prepared this time."

"Came Prepared? What do you mean by this? Are we some lizards or chickens? Track him down! Kill him! Acquire the Dragon God Fruit!" Seemingly unsatisfied by the answer he received, he growled loudly in anger. The voice pressured the surrounding heavily, trying to crush any life form in its way.

Clearly affected by the pressure, Song Chao, the servant of the majestic voice, bowed down and spoke feebly, "I'll do as master says."


Wang Ming was lying down on his bed in a deep sleep but his facial expressions were constantly changing. His expression changed a total of 800 times, a number that far surpassed the number of times he changed his facial expressions in the past two years.

If observed from outside, one will definitely think that he's seeing some nightmares, recalling the incidents of the day of the accident again. But, internally it wasn't that simple.

As soon as he fell asleep and entered the dreamland, he was standing in a room or area painted pitch black. Without any source of light, it looked just like empty space or simply a 'void'. If not for the solid ground below him, he would have believed that he's in vast outer space.

"Huh? Where's this?" His vision scanned around the surrounding only to find nothing but darkness.

Time passed by while he emerged himself in his deep sleep.


Darkness remained unchanged, the world remained unchanged and the only thing changed at that time was his body.

Crack crack crack

Sound of cracking up of bones reverberated in the room, bones in his entire body started cracking up and then a few minutes later his body deflated without any support of bones.

He remained there, lying on the bed just like a balloon filled up with blood.

Then again, with a thundering noise bones in his body started joining. The powered bones reformed themselves again, making his balloon-like body look humane again.

Oblivious to the occurring changes in his body, he remained in the dark dreamland.

"Where is this place?" He shouted loudly, he was obviously irritated from the darkness around him. Even if he was a gloomy and all sad human, he still likes light.

As his sound propagated forward in the space, a huge eye appeared on the horizon at infinity. The eye was too large to imagine and the power it carried was too huge to describe.

Wang Ming, who was getting more and more irritated with passing time, saw this eye and was shocked. The eye wasn't something that a human can possess, it possessed the triggering power to activate his innate fear.

"A Re-Reptilian eye?" He muttered while his body trembled in fear.

From childhood till now, there are only two things in his life that he fears from. First being the dream of that accident and second is 'snakes'.

And this reptilian eye triggered this fear in him.


But as he was stepping back, distancing himself from the eye, he heard a fearsome growl. A growl that wasn't from a tiger or any other top-level predator but still it made his body hair strand on their ends.

"This… this isn't a reptile?"



With another growl, the body of the creature with reptilian eyes started shining and what appeared in front of him was a huge majestic dragon.

Dragon?! Are you kidding me? They are real?

Wang Ming's breathing hastened and blood started flowing rapidly throughout his body looking at the black shining body of the dragon.

Then soon, the world around him started to crumble and shake. The dark void which was as stable as a mountain, suddenly collapsed, letting him out of the dream world.

Huff huff huff

He opened his eyes but this time they weren't lifeless and dull as usual. There was a unique golden shine and a vague image of a dragon in his eyes for a while, before it faded away completely, leaving no trace behind.

"What a weird dream."

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