《The Successor》7 - Favours


As Wu Lan and Ning Wei began to host guests they had not expected – and quite well-off guests at that – Kai Lan was roused from his sleep on the upper floor by all the activity. Rubbing his eyes and yawning, Kai Lan went to the window seat on the second floor and looked down at the front yard. He took in the fleet of cars and powerful cultivators that filled the front yard. Then his eyes were drawn to several particularly powerful cultivators currently sitting with his parents and having tea.

Kai Lan frowned, had someone come for him? He hadn’t spoken of his abilities just like his parents had said. Had forging his Golden Core drawn them here? Were they in trouble?

Concern led Kai Lan to make his way carefully down the stairs and peak his way around the corner and into the store, the wide entrance doors open to let in the breeze and the two tables out front surrounded. A little girl less than a year old played on one of his old blankets with a few of his old toys just inside the store. Kai Lan frowned at her, she did not have a Golden Core like most babies, but there was a sense of understanding that Kai Lan got from her that he did not feel with others around his age.

“Kai Lan?”

The voice of his mother drew his gaze to her as she stood from the table where she sat, “I’m sorry sweetie, did we wake you?”

Kai Lan took his mother’s hand when she offered, “Do we have more guests for my birthday?”

“We do, Ba and I forgot to expect them,” replied his mother.

Ah, so these were guests they knew, but not necessarily familiar ones. After all, Kai Lan hadn’t seen them before.

He held his mother’s hand as she walked him over to the tables, the old man turning to smile as he approached.

“Shan Kai Lan,” he said, “You are a handsome boy, aren’t you? And gifted too”.

Kai Lan frowned, this man, he was without a doubt the most powerful cultivator Kai Lan had ever seen. Far beyond the Foundational Realm, probably beyond the Profound Realm too. Kai Lan couldn’t perceive exactly how powerful he was, but he could tell immediately that his elements were Fire and Metal, and the connection for both was strong. The strongest Kai Lan had ever seen.

Kai Lan knew immediately, before the old man has spoken, that he had no hope of hiding his abilities from this man. The man’s words had only confirmed it.


So, Kai Lan didn’t bother being polite.

“How high is your Cultivation?”

His mother froze, as did all others at the table. Wu Lan frowned.

“Shan Kai Lan, you know not to casually ask that, especially to an elder, it’s rude,” said Wu Lan.

The old man chuckled, “It’s okay, Wu Lan, if he’s not going to hide behind pretences, I should meet him at an even ground”.

The old man met Kai Lan’s gaze, “I am a third Step Heavenly Realm Cultivator”.

“Metal and Fire?”

The old man’s smile widened, “Correct, you can tell?”

Kai Lan just nodded, “Your connection with them is the strongest I have seen”.

The old man took a sip from his tea, “I have no doubt, with you growing up in a small town like Nui Dan”.

Kai Lan dropped his mother’s hand and walked to his father who sat beside the old man. Wu Lan took him up on his knee, placing a hand on Kai Lan’s waist so that he wouldn’t fall off. Kai Lan took one of the snacks, nibbling on it.

This old man would not hurt him. He was curious, but not full of ill-intent despite the brutality the elements he had could commit. Perhaps not a nice man by nature, but not hot-headed or unnecessarily violent.

The man turned back to his own snacks as the table slowly relaxed, “My name is Fang Ze Ting. I met you on the day of your birth so you will likely not remember me. I was the one that gifted you the necklace you wear”.

Kai Lan paused, pulling the jade necklace out from under his shirt and looking at it before looking at the old man, “You hid me?”

The man’s smile widened, “Gifted indeed, you can sense the intent of the Talisman”.

“Its purpose is not healing?” asked Wu Lan with a frown.

Ze Ting opened his mouth to speak but Kai Lan bet him to it, “It has a purpose to ensure that it’s wearer does not succumb to harm or illness, it’s main job is hiding the aura of its wearer”.

“Well said,” Ze Ting agreed.

Wu Lan looked up at Ze Ting, “You sensed his abilities when he was born?”

Ze Ting’s smile faded ever so slightly, “Everyone did. Or at least, all others who were in the state to do so”.

Wu Lan turned to look at Ning Wei, then at Kai Lan before Ze Ting spoke again.

“I just happened to be the closest,” Ze Ting stated, “A ripple of power like that sweeping across the worlds and drawing every powerful sect, clan and cultivator to it is the rarest thing. A precious thing. I knew that neither of you were capable of protecting him, so I handed over the only tool I had on hand that would, if only temporarily, keep your son safe”.


“No Cultivator hands over something that precious for nothing,” Wu Lan stated with a frown.

“You are right, it was done for selfish reasons. If I could earn the favour of one who had such limitless potential in cultivation both myself and my family would be better off”.

“Kai Lan is gifted, but he is not limitless-”

“He has already forged his golden core, has he not?” asked Ze Ting, Wu Lan and Ning Wei did not reply, “It is new, only a few days old, but still quite an exceptional feat. The youngest I have ever seen achieve such a thing. And, if I am not mistaken, with all nine elements”.

All eyes turned to Kai Lan, who turned to Ze Ting, “Then has Elder Ze Ting come to check up on me?”

“I have,” Ze Ting smiled, “But more importantly, the deal between your parents and I was that you wear that necklace for your first two years, and then you hand it back”.

Kai Lan reached up and grasped the necklace, but his father’s hand stopped him, “If he takes it off, will they come?”

Ze Ting titled his head, “Not unless Kai Lan here exerts a particularly profound amount of power. Only those in the Divine Realm or above will be able to perceive him from a distance. Up close it will not be difficult for those in a higher realm to sense his power. Still, he has forged a Golden Core, and that means he can control his own aura, he can keep it localised to himself, or even within himself given practice, meaning that at the very least it will be difficult for them to gage his elemental connections”.

Ze Ting took another sip of the tea before he looked over at Ning Wei, “This tea is delightful, by the way. Do you sell it?”

Ning Wei managed a small smile at the compliment, “We do, though I regret that we do not have much left in stock, it is quite popular among the locals”.

“I will take a tin then,” Ze Ting smiled back.

Meanwhile, Kai Lan had observed Ze Ting and his family closely for several moments before he took the jade pendant off and held it out towards Ze Ting.

“Here, Elder Ze Ting”.

It felt different without the talisman on. He’d never taken it off before as it had always been a reassuring presence, but having it off felt…freeing. The Talisman was not designed to be a collar, but without it’s influence Kai Lan felt lighter and exposed in a good way. Like his connection to the Spiritual Plain was now unbarred.

He took a few breaths to let himself grow accustomed to the feeling, then he drew his aura and awareness back towards himself.

Ze Ting smiled when Kai Lan had restrained his aura, “Well done, you are a quick study”.

Kai Lan then pointed to the pendant.

“Sorry that I changed it by the way. I thought it was mine”.

“Changed it?” asked Ze Ting, taking a closer look at the pendant.

“It was made with metal and fire elements, so it was always angry and it felt like I was carrying a really heavy rock,” said Kai Lan with a frown, “I calmed it down by making sure it was exposed to the other elements”.

Ze Ting chuckled, “So you did. I see you have talent with Talismans, you must have some talent with Alchemy as well given your parent’s nature. I have no doubt you’ll excel at formations too. It is yet to be seen with Swordsmanship but it would not surprise me if you were good at it. Music, Healing Arts, Forging, Silent Arts, perhaps even Talents of the Mind. As I mentioned before, your potential is limitless. That’s why, with your parents’ approval, I have prepared a gift for you”.

Ze Ting motioned towards the cars where two individuals emerged, a young man and woman in their early twenties. The young man was lean and tall, with his black hair tied back. He was dressed plainly enough, but Kai Lan could sense the power on him. He had to be in the Heavenly Realm, with his elements being shadow, air and water.

The woman had short brown hair and fierce looking eyes, she was short, but had lean muscles. She too was about the same as the young man in terms of cultivation, with her elements being fire and spirit. Spirit was a rare element, one that Kai Lan had only seen once before. Unlike the other elements, spirit meshed with any of the other elements easily.

“People?” Kai Lan frowned.

“Servants,” said Ze Ting with a smile that was perhaps too friendly for Kai Lan’s liking, “Though you don’t have to call them that if it makes you uncomfortable”.

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