《Blue Road》Episode 9 (Part 3)


Richard and Kelly continued chatting the night away as time slowed down all around them. Kelly suggested they temporarily put their worries and troubles aside with a few drinks. Richard wasn’t sure about the idea, but she assured him it’d be her treat.

“But didn’t you say—?”

“It’s only for a small amount.” Kelly insisted. She waved over to the bartender to get her attention. “Excuse me, can you come here? We’d like to order.”

The female bartender approached them, polishing her glass. She had long red hair, some of it covering her eye. Her dark eyes shined, contrasting among the bright lights around them. She also wore a black dress with a matching hat, not hugging the right places, but not too big either.

“Hello there, Kelly.” She curtseyed in front of the two.

“Hi Li—” Kelly cleared her throat. “Miss.”

The bartender noticed Richard and gave him a smile. “Is this your new friend?” She whispered to Kelly.

Kelly scratched the back of her head. “Well, we’ve known each other for a short while.”

“Is it something more?”

“Oh, knock it off. I’m married, remember?”

“I know, I was only joking.”

The bartender leaned over to inspect him. “I don’t think I’ve seen you before. Are you new here, handsome?”

Richard glanced at his shoulders before pointing at himself. “Are you talking to me?”

“Of course, I’m making eye contact with you, aren’t I?”

“I guess that’s true.” He replied, his face getting warm and his heart fluttering. “W-Well, I’ve only been here for a short while, so...”

Does he always have a hard time talking to women? Kelly thought. It would be rude to ask, not to mention make things more awkward than it already is. So she resorted to clearing her throat instead.


“Oh, is it alright if we make an order?” Richard asked the bartender.

“Of course. So, what can I do for you two?”

“Two Rosemary Tornados, both small,” Kelly answered in no time at all. “I feel like having something light for tonight if that’s alright.”

Lily nodded and excused herself to prepare the drinks. Seeing this as a good chance, Richard whispered a question to Kelly.

“Hey, do you know her?”

“Oh, that’s, um, Lily,” Kelly replied with a stutter. “I don’t know her much as a person.”

“Really? But you guys act like you’ve known each other for longer.”

“Well, I don’t think that’s the case. I just happen to be a regular customer, that’s all.”

“Is that so?”

“Why do you ask?”

Lily came back with two small drinks in hand. She slid the glasses over to them across the counter.

Richard gulped as he stared at the bottom of the glass. He watched Kelly take the glass and drink it with content. Richard picked up the glass and took small sips. He quickly grabbed the nearest napkins and spat out the drink.

“What’s wrong?” Kelly asked. “Do you not like it?”

Richard shook his head. “Can I make an order this time?”

“Sure thing.”

I don’t want to drink something like that again. So nasty!

“Sorry, I didn’t know you hate those kinds of stuff. I should’ve let you pick your drink.”

“Nah, it’s fine.” He leaned closer to inspect the menu. “Can I have a soda?”

“Sure thing,” Lily replied. “What flavor would you like?”

“Hmm, how about Peppermint Pop?”

“Alright then, I’ll be right back.” She gave him a wink and left once again to prepare the drink.


Richard waved with a big smile on his face, his heart fluttering. Kelly finished her drink and sighed.

“Hey, thanks for taking the time to talk with me tonight. It was great getting company, getting some stuff out of my chest, and having someone listen to me.” She got up from her seat and started walking out.

“Are you leaving?” Richard turned his head and asked.

“Yeah, I think I’ll head out now.” Kelly turned back to face him. “In case she asks, tell her to put it on my tab. See you tomorrow.” With that, she left the building without looking back.

Lily soon returned with a small drink in her hand. Richard pointed out that she missed Kelly as he received his drink. Lily sighed and put it on the tab anyway before going to clean her shaker. He picked up the glass and swirled the contents around, the red liquid looking hypnotizing.

Before he drank the concoction, he looked down and spotted blue splotches on his hands. Richard rubbed his eyes, hoping he wasn’t seeing things. Pretty soon, the blue splotches spread across his arms.

Richard nearly dropped his drink as he took out his coat and wore it before shoving his hands into his pockets. He tipped the hat over his head and pulled the jacket close to him. When Lily asked if everything was alright, Richard replied yes and requested a straw. She complied and got him a straw, which he contemplated on what to do while savoring the drink.

It didn’t change the fact that he had to get out of here before everyone notices his full transformation when it happens, but how can he escape without causing suspicion?

Fawn, where are you? I could really use your help right about now. Wait, maybe I can get out of here safely after all. It’s probably not the best idea, but it’s the only option I got. I hope this works.

Richard clutched onto his stomach and coughed. Lily looked up from her work and noticed.

“Are you alright?”

“I don’t feel so good,” Richard replied weakly. “Is there a place I can go to—?”

“No worries, just head out in the back door if you need to puke.” She pointed out.

“But, what about my drink?”

“It’s ok, if Kelly can pay for tabs, then you can too.”


“Hope to see you again real soon.”

Same here. Richard thought with a smile.

As he was about to take his leave, the entrance doors swung open, and two cops entered the scene with guns in their hands, causing everyone in the building to stay silent and stare.

“Hands in the air!” Rick demanded. “Nobody move!”

“Which one of you knows of a blue blob?” Jim added. “Unless you want this place shut down, you better tell us where the creature is!”

Mutters and whispers arose in the area, but no one spoke up about the creature. Richard hid behind furniture and tiptoed out the back door, trying to make sure the cops didn’t see him. However, Rick took wind of the door, moving out from the corner of his eyes. He leaned over and nudged Jim to get his attention.

“Look, over there!” He pointed out.

“Oh, good eye,” Jim said. “Now let’s move!” The two rushed out to follow the trail shortly after.

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