《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 49


The leviathan's anger, as evidenced by the storms of unprecedented strength that it was unleashing, was the greatest of all the guardians, so great that the owl wasn't sure if the goose was going to be able to get through to it, that's assuming they were able to make their way to it through the storms. There was every possibility, given how angry the leviathan was, that it would refuse to cooperate with the goose, and if the raven was able to get the lion, and possibly the leviathan, then the goose was going to have an impossible task on its hands in trying to stop the raven. There were things that the owl could do to help the goose with its vast repositories of information it had about the raven's disciples, a great deal of which was seriously incriminating, none of which, if released, would make the slightest bit of difference if the raven was able to use the incredible amount of strength it had amassed to exert total control over everything, in the event of which the owl would have certain concerns to consider, chief among them being the wellbeing of Solomon.

Since it had first started to pay attention to Solomon as a teenage Canadian hacker who was biting off more than he could chew by breaking into government security systems. The boy wasn't the crusading digital anarchist that people made him out to be. His father was an oil worker who had gone missing in Iran, most likely kidnapped. After his mother had exhausted all of the avenues available to her for obtaining information about her husband's whereabouts, the boy who would come to be known as Solomon decided to look for answers himself, in his own way. He had been playing around with hacking since he was twelve years old and had rapidly gotten better at it over the years. When he was fifteen, he was contacted online by a group of hackers who called themselves The Torchbearers, who wanted him to join them. At that time, when the internet was still a nascent technology and hacking wasn't fully understood and thus not recognized as a serious crime, hackers all over the world were competing with each other to see who could get their hands on the most valuable information. The whole thing was a game that was played purely for bragging rights, with points being awarded based on the difficulty involved in obtaining information and the winners being determined by tallying up the points earned by the individual team members. The boy agreed to become a member of The Torchbearers and introduced himself to the hacking world as Solomon. At first Solomon took his membership in The Torchbearers seriously. The competitions that they participated in always took place over a defined period of time, usually twelve hours. When a contest was announced, the various team members would discuss which targets they were going to go after and strategize about their approach to breaking into those targets. Once they had agreed on their targets and their strategy, Solomon did an extensive amount of homework of his own and when the time came for the contest to begin he was the most prepared participant in them. With Solomon on their team, The Torchbearers became the dominant force in these games with Solomon breaking into the highest value targets in the shortest amount of time and scoring the most points for his team. The highest value targets in all of these games were military intelligence systems; these were the only targets that Solomon was interested in. He would sit for hours at his computer until well into the night with a pot of coffee next to him testing his skill against security systems in the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, MI6 and even The White House, security systems that were supposed to be impenetrable but which he always managed to find entryways into. Once he'd found his way in he would retreat, upload the log file of his success and claim victory. After four months with The Torchbearers, Solomon got bored and disappeared from the net, but his fame as the greatest hacker in the world lived on, so that when the story about Solomon breaking into MI6 and rooting around inside for four hours was reported on the news, the internet was sent into a dizzying frenzy, with members of the hacking community claiming online that Solomon was back and he was out to expose all of the world's dirty secrets. In truth, Solomon hadn't managed to find what he was looking for and had released the logs to the press in the hope that somebody would keep looking into the information he released and find something that could be useful in ascertaining the whereabouts of his father. Nobody did follow up on the leak, and Solomon was forced to continue looking for details about his father's disappearance on his own. By this time hacking had come to be recognized as a serious crime; laws had been passed that imposed strict criminal penalties for hacking and governments and businesses had significantly beefed up their cyber security. Solomon wasn't deterred by any of this. He changed tactics and started breaking into military and intelligence systems for only just long enough to install an unobtrusive piece of spyware that he could use to sift through any data that passed through the network that contained keywords such as 'Iran', 'Kidnapped', 'Foreign Oil Workers', 'Canadian National', 'Hostage Negotiation', 'Captured Spy' etc.

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