《The Goose, the golden egg and the end of the world》Chapter 48


The owl's knowledge was absolute, there was nothing that happened in the world that it did not know about and the ever growing litany of sins that humanity committed against the planet and against each other made it more sick every day. As disgusted as it had become by humanity the owl really should have been on the raven's side, but the raven was an extremist whose methods troubled the owl, which had seen too many times the results of extremism, everything from the inquisition to the death camps to the gulag. In many cases, the root cause of these human tragedies could be traced back to the idea that the raven had first planted into the mind of pharaoh Akhenaton that uniformity of belief and culture was the key to order, which was the key to sustained prosperity. The raven had gravely miscalculated. It's consolidation of belief theory had given rise to dangerous absolutism which people always found very easy to use as justification for their actions, whether that be religious persecution in the name of Christianity, political persecution in the name of communism or economic and environmental exploitation in the name of capitalism. The owl was disgusted by all of this and wanted to expose everything that was rotten about the world as a way of getting people to see the dangers involved in blindingly putting their faith in an idea or an individual who's seen as the embodiment of that idea but was biding its time on the advice of the rooster which had warned it about poking the hornet's nest. There were two individuals in particular who were of interest to the owl, one was the CEO of Prism Capital, David Huntsman, and the other was Jim Balmer, the presumptive nominee for the Republican party. Both were working for the raven, the owl knew that much, but the precise details of the raven's plan were a mystery to it as the owl's omniscience didn't extend beyond the mortal world. The owl could guess at what the raven was up to based on the actions of its disciples and what it looked like was that the raven was deploying dual strategies: one strategy was to sow as much discord as it could in as many societies as it could to create favorable environments for authoritarians to ascend to power, and the other strategy was to make the goose's job harder by using environmental disasters to anger the guardians of nature which were always on the goose's side. With respect to the raven's strategy of angering the guardians it had thus far failed, the goat and the wolf were both supporting the goose, leaving only the water guardian, the leviathan, for the goose to find and awaken.

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