《Homunculi: 6》Chapter 4


Some nights were difficult for Tao Shi, the howling wind, the eerie whispers, the complete stillness alternating with a frequency that could only be found in these most isolated places of the world. However, each morning when Tao Shi performed his devotions and cleared his mind, the worries of the previous night faded into background noise, allowing him to start the day refreshed. Eithan’s birthday was today so Tao had risen early, running through his errands quickly so he could make an extra stop at the only hut with curls of smoke rising from its chimney. Inside, Judi and her parents were waiting. It had been a few months now since Judi had become an adult, so this had been her first chance to make something special. In her kitchen, sweet bread with a thin glaze sat, cooling on the counter. Tao Shi thanked the family and told Judi what an excellent job she had done before he rushed off. Once set up in the classroom, with the special treat prominently displayed on his desk, Tao Shi stood by the door and welcomed each of his pupils, reminding each that it was Eithan’s special day and to wish him a happy birthday.


A hungry rumbling in their belly woke 6, their mouth salivating at the thought of sweet sugary bread. Their hands rubbed at sleepy eyes and a long low yawn escaped their lips, before their stomach complained beneath the blankets. Pushing away bed sheets they stood and ambled slowly towards the door, a plan was slowly negotiated between 6’s hungry tummy and sleepy brain. Find Cafeteria. Eat Food. Go Sleep.

The cold stone floor sent shivers down 6’s spine as they walked, causing them to glance down. 6 found dirty feet and grass stained ankles dragging against the floor. Stopping the steady, slow march to the door for now, 6 instead shuffled to a small alcove where Alea had shown everyone how to access warm water that trickled down from a stone basin set in the ceiling. Once rinsed and in a new set of clothes, all embossed with the number six, they felt a little more alive and awake. The faint memory of an itch rose in 6 as they finished their shower, only to be banished by a grumbling stomach, thoughts of breakfast filling a rather “one”-track mind. The still hungry and now clean child shambled to the door and had just begun turning the handle when a voice broke into the quiet morning.

“-best to wait.”

A chill ran down 6’s spine as they heard the whispered words, slowly they turned to face the room’s occupants. Pale empty eyes swept over 2 still in a deep sleep, all of their blankets on the floor beside their bed. Scanning the room further, 6 found nothing, slowly they turned back to the door. When no further warning came, 6 tentatively placed one hand on the handle to open the door.

“Alea will be here soon.”

The voice was quiet and confident, with a neutral tone, just like before, but this time 6 was ready. Whirling around their eyes immediately flicked to where the words came from, and sitting on the edge of their own bed was an exact copy of 6. The only differences between them were the embossed three on their clothes and the strange sense of serenity their peaceful eyes exuded.


6’s ears turned red at the sight of 3 placidly sitting on the edge of the bed, an easy retort tumbled out of 6 as they tried to defend their movements.


“I’m just going to get some breakfast first.”


3’s simple reply caused 6 to start turning back to the door.

“I wonder if they’ll let you attune after breakfast then.”

Looking at the door for a moment, 6 groaned and dropped down into a nearby empty bed. 3 was right, but they didn’t have to like it.

6 didn’t get much time to lament and mope about the lack of breakfast because Alea arrived in less than a candlemark. Together Alea, 3, and 6, dragged a groggy grumpy 2 out of bed with a mixture of pulling them out from under the covers and Alea coaxing them with promises of attunement. 6 couldn't help but think back to yesterday's failure and felt that Alea really just meant an “attempt” at attunement. But it worked and they all eventually left the small room. However, by the time they stepped under the glass dome of the garden, 6’s growing hunger caused them to consider if some of the nearby berries would be a good breakfast.

A cloying sweet scent drew 6’s attention to the large bumpy red flower, causing them to admire it and the shadowy outer ring of glistening amethyst flowers with their golden yellow centers. Enamored with the dewy foliage, 6 spent a few moments watching each of the flowers, before realizing how quiet it had become.

Once again, 6 had fallen behind the group, and in an attempt to catch up, 6 rushed over, scampered around the corner, and bolted through the wooden gate, just in time to catch a glimpse of bluish white light. The dark silhouette of a person was surrounded by the pulsing light as a thrum of power filled the air. Idly, 6 wondered why the slow rhythmic hum of the Karma Crystal sounded so much like a beating heart.

When the light shrunk back into the distorted floating crystal, a madly grinning girl stood wearing 2's clothing. Radiant fluorescent orange patches of hair mingled with patches of vibrant crimson, both types of hair curly and twisted, on the left side of her head her hair formed several spikes that pointed upwards towards the glass dome above. Her hair seemed chaotic and unruly, even shifting; 6 gawked at it.

The second thing that drew 6’s attention was a twister of vivid yellow within her eyes. Her irises seemed vibrant and full of motion, matching her previous energetic nature. Shades of sunflower and dandelion yellow danced within these brilliant orbs. Her soft, honey colored skin stood in stark contrast from her otherwise bold appearance.

When 2 backed away from the Karma Node, she placed one hand on her waist, lifted the other in the air, and struck a pose while she shouted.


This caused 6 to realize two things about the attunement.

First: 2 was still the exact same smiley, loud person she was before, and second: she hadn’t gained an inch in height. For all that personality, 2 still stood exactly at four foot nothing. While 2 paraded around practicing looking heroic and posing, 6 noticed Alea leading another person over to the floating Karma Node.

“What do you think 6?”

2’s voice was now a lilting falsetto, seeming to change with each motion and action 2 took. 6 only stared in silence as 2 continued unbothered by 6’s lack of response, answering her own question and offering her own opinion.

“Well!? My hair is awesome! I feel strong! I bet when I walk into a room and I’m waving around an axe, nobody will wanna mess with me!”


When she drew near and began to bombard 6 with questions, they could see her fingers were changed, the tips narrowing into sharp points. The crimson colored nails covering her new fingertips made them look less like nails and more like claws.

“You look..”

It was a struggle for 6 to find the right word to describe the chaos before them, and when that moment began to stretch into several, Alea interrupted 6’s stream of thought as it was time for attunement. So as Alea guided them away, 6 responded with the only word that came to mind.


“YAAAA, I knew it!”

6 cringed at the loud shout behind them, shoulders hunched and their body tensed, and when no follow up shouts came out from 2, 6 straightened their back and continued to follow Alea. She led 6 to stand a breath away from the Karma Node, their expression brightening when they could feel the solid crystal with one hand. Despite the light and how it floated midair, it was cold and unmoving as 6 touched it.

Taking out their necklace, 6 pressed the dull splinter against the large floating crystal. When no extra bright light flared out and no deep crystal heartbeat filled the room, 6 could only turn around and walk dejectedly back to the group. Watching off to the side was Alea; she met 6’s eyes as their shoulders slumped and their eyes went down towards the floor. Her lips pressed together in a firm thin line as she continued to observe 6, her arms crossing and uncrossing as she struggled with something while 6 rejoined the others.

While Alea led the small group out of the gardens, 6 struggled to remain calm while 2 pranced around and rattled on about her new appearance. When they finally reached a small room where an older, wizened lady in an apron took 2’s measurements, 6 waited outside, grateful for a moment of peace.

Once 2 was finished, the group followed a familiar path towards the cafeteria, and 6’s rumbling stomach reminded everyone that it was breakfast time. Inside the dining room a mini breakfast buffet awaited. 6 found the slices of bread, warm biscuits, eggs and the multitude of preserves exciting, taking a slice of each bread, a piece of each type of egg, and a spoonful of all the different preserves to try. Walking towards the table, plate laden with biscuits all slathered with a different type of jam to try, 6 turned back to thank Olena for the selection. To 6’s dismay, Olena was not behind the counter or further back into the kitchen. Resolved to thank her later in the day, 6 sat down with the others and began to hungrily devour the biscuits and eggs.

Breakfast was simple in comparison to yesterday, but the room was livelier with 2 regaling the table with a dramatized version of her attunement. At the end of the tale, 2 explained how when she tapped her splinter and completed her attunement, she burst forth with a fiery power and saved the gardens from golems who were trampling the grass. Light applause accompanied the end of 2’s story, with 4 and 5 clapping and congratulating 2 on her victory. 6 had been in the middle of pressing a dark berry covered biscuit into their mouth, yet tried to join in the applause while still holding a biscuit in each hand. With no more tall tales to tell, everyone finished the simple, but filling breakfast, and Alea escorted the students to their first class of the day, General Knowledge.

With a now full belly, 6 followed behind as the students filed into the classroom, each stopping at the same desk as yesterday. Dean Setyrus sat behind his extravagant desk, clad in his gold and white robes, reading a small scroll with a wax seal pressed into the top disregarding their entrance. Sitting down 6 stole a quick glance at 2, feeling a mixture of envy and happiness that she got to attune this morning, while a small headache built at her loud antics throughout the morning. Upon finding 2 on their feet, 6 realized everyone was standing by their desk and they were the only one who had sat down. 6 sprang up, standing at abrupt attention, audibly scraping their chair against the ground right before Dean Setyrus stood, and 1’s silky voice filled the room with his confident tone.

“Good morning Dean Setyrus!”

“It’s good to see you again Trainee number 1. I spoke with some of the more esteemed palace librarians at a dining function last night. Meshu-lish seems to be quite the rare language, perhaps after Samedi’s event they’ll be able to speak with you.”

Not quite sure what to do or say, 6 just stood there awkwardly, fingers fidgeting against the top of their desk comparing the grains of wood, and wondering what kind of wood left such dark deep grains. When Dean Setyrus and 1 finally finished speaking everyone abruptly sat down, leaving 6 standing alone for just a heartbeat, lost in a meaningless daydream, before they caught up to the others and quickly slid back down into their chair.

“Her Highness has asked me to inform all of you of the standard schedule, as apparently some of you weren’t paying attention yesterday.”

Setyrus chalked out words in Arkadian on the board, his words echoing off of the chalkboard strangely as he faced the board while writing, rather than bother facing the students.

“Now which one of you could read Arkadian again?”

Setyrus deigned to turn and face the class after he finished writing, finding 6 with their hand half raised. Those heavy curls of golden straw hair bounced as the Dean nodded his head and gestured towards the board while speaking,

“Enlighten those who had the misfortune to be born uneducated.”

And with that, 6 found a new dislike as everyone in the small classroom turned to face 6. They struggled to read the flowing cursive script scribbled on the chalkboard,

“General Knowledge every morning. Magical Theory or Physical Enhancement. Lunch. Dungeoneering or Mentoring. Combat Training every evening.”

The strange list made 6 wonder what each class actually meant. What was Dungeoneering? Were they going to visit a dark, damp jail? It had to be better than the Mentoring regardless. 6 let their pale fingers gently caress their neck at this thought, and tension that hadn't been noticed till now bled away from their shoulders. When their fingers found no pain, no itch.

“We’ll be going over any schedule changes and more specialized classes offered next week, after you’ve all successfully gained your first core. Now, back to proper education! I’ll be going through the alphabet once more as a refresher, then we’ll discuss the sounds each character makes.”

Setyrus pirouetted his rotund body back to face the chalkboard as he spoke, moving directly into full lecture mode on the superiority of the Arkadian alphabet, while he painstakingly explained the letter A in great detail. He digressed from plain lines and led the lecture to how the cultured and civilized used particular flourishes and curves in their script.

The class quickly became a struggle for 6 as Setyrus continued to ramble, and although they didn't know some of the curls and twists of the letters, 6’s knowledge of the subject often caused their focus to slip away from the lecture, their head falling down to the desk and their eyes partially closing. Time and time again, 6 would get comfortable in their chair, partially slumped against the hard wooden desk, only for Setyrus to interrupt their dozing by calling on them to explain certain words or identify letters.

Alea's eventual entrance at the bell elicited a sigh of relief from 6, though the soft exhale was followed by a short trumpet blast as Setyrus noticed Alea, his eyes going comically wide before he promptly vanished in a puff of equal parts glitter and chalk dust.

Alea merely sighed and waved for the students to follow her. Upon standing to leave and pushing in their chair, 6 found a small piece of parchment had appeared on the center of their desk. Glancing around, 6 found the class empty 4 and 5 being the last to leave just ahead of 6, they picked up the paper and walked while reading.

After dinner beseech thee caretaker, to bring thee to the Veiled Amphitheatre.

-A. Setyrus

Blinking rapidly in confusion after finishing the note, 6 attempted a slower second reread trying to decipher the strange words and elaborate script. As 6 passed the threshold of the classroom and exited into the corridor, a single horn sounded out down the hall. Looking up, 6 saw the same trumpet carrying man from yesterday, down the corridor. When 6 followed the man’s gaze down to the message in their hands, they jumped straight upward in fright. The letter was rapidly dissolving into motes of glitter and gold, with just a little bit of chalk dust mixed in. 6 stood there while it deteriorated, gawking at the floating shining dust that was once a letter. Their wonder about how a letter would turn to dust was interrupted when 4 ran back down the hallway, grabbed 6 by their sleeve, and pulled them towards the group that was quickly leaving 6 behind.

“Magic class.”

In a hushed tone 4 blurted out the two words as if they explained everything, her melodic voice excited and slightly breathy as they both began to sprint towards the group. Flying down the hall they rushed to catch up, the infectious happy energy of 4 about magic class, leaking to 6 as they talked almost unaware of their surroundings turning a corner and almost running face first into the back of 5. Alea had been leading 5 into the classroom, and her eyebrows lifted at seeing them almost run into 5’s back, but she said nothing. Instead, she merely closed the door behind 6 once they walked in.

Inside their new class, a neon wonderland greeted 4 and 6; the room was a play of opposites. Dark corners contained sprawling piles of heavy tomes and large scroll cases. Silver tablets filled brightly colored bookcases and glowing minerals adorned occasional pedestals of marble. Flowing down from the rafters, sheer veils of muslin hung besides large multicolored banners with twisting, esoteric symbols woven into them. The entire room was cast into a soft violet glow from orbs that floated down from the ceiling, all twisting and turning in a steady circular pattern. The movements of the orbs caused the shadows of the room to swirl, light shifting over the many surfaces. The room was incredible, colorful, and beautiful to 6; they found their jaw opening wide as they stared in mute appreciation.


4 let out a soft squeak of appreciation, as she moved around one of the tapestries. Together 4 and 6 navigated deeper into the long rectangular room, a plush black carpet tickling their feet with each step. While milling about the room each student encountered various sizes of cushions, each comfortable, soft, and wrapped in deep, jewel toned sheath of linen. A shadowed, mossy green pillow was where 6 chose to settle in.


The sharp breathy noise from the seat 6 was about to sit down on, caught them off guard and they jumped back.

"Find another seat."

The familiar sound of 6's own voice sounded out from the shadowy recess, with a tone of quiet confidence. Understanding clicked in their mind and they flushed at the realization of what had happened. They had just tried to sit on 3. Mumbling an awkward apology, 6 picked a nearby brown pillow as their seat, placing one hand down and checking the surface of the soft linen before actually sitting down.


When the entire group of students had taken a seat and Alea closed the door, a strangely filtered voice came out from a deep azure tufted cushion, set opposite the entrance of the room.

“Greetings Students.”

When 6 looked across the room at the pillow all the way back against the wall, their eyes found nothing. Only when something slithered over it did they make out two misty pale blue eyes with vertical black slits set against a backdrop of gleaming sapphire scales. From beneath the azure linen, a wrapped serpent peered out at the students. 6 slowly began to move backwards, hands and feet pressed against pillows and carpeted floor as they crawled like a crab would walk.An instinctual base sense of fear washed over 6, making them feel the need to put as much distance between themselves and the coiled serpent.

When 6 had scurried so far back their head knocked against 5’s folded legs, they tore their gaze from the serpent. 6 was surprised to find everyone else calmly seated on their pillows. 2 and 4 watched 6 with amused expressions, while 1 sat a few feet from 5, pointedly keeping his gaze on the serpent instead of 6. 5’s hand gently fell on 6’s shoulder as he spoke, his voice soft and calming.

“Be at ease my friend, there is nothing to fear.”

Looking back at the scaled monster perched upon it’s pillow, 6 realized it hadn’t moved any closer. Instead it’s head swayed side to side, it’s forked tongue occasionally striking the air, as if to quickly taste the air before retreating back into a fanged mouth. Slowly surveying the room, and finding no one else reacting to the large, nearly four hands thick, serpent casually sitting on a pillow, 6 looked up at 5 and gave him a reluctant nod.

“Thanks 5.”

6 tried to give 5 a smile as they thanked him but it came out awkward and twisted, their thin lips contorted across their pale face as they stared up into the brilliant square pupils of 5’s golden eyes. Slowly and gently, 6 pushed away from 5 and scuttled back to their own pillow. Sinking into it, 6 closed their eyes and took several deep breaths. They tried to summarize all the strange new things they’d experienced over the last two days while they sunk into the comfortable cushion. 6 thought about waking up surrounded by strangers, knowing no one. They thought about the flowers in the garden, and how that damn Karma Node wouldn’t let them attune. About how the dark door inside of them had been opened by Walter, the horrible pain and taste of blood. They pondered on the taste of fresh fried fowl, and how good company could make things better. Finally they thought about 2’s smile, 4 coming back to get them at the garden and again today after class, finally 5’s gentle reminders and warm reassurance. When 6 reopened their eyes they felt better and a small smile spread across their face.

During 6’s daydream the serpent at the end of the room had somehow coiled it’s tail around a large piece of chalk and was currently drawing on a blackboard behind it. 6 immediately shut their eyes and took another deep breath. Slowly they counted to three and then peeked out of one eye to find that yes, the serpent had drawn a circle and was in the process of labeling it.

With a deep sigh 6 opened both eyes, unsure whether they should be happy about the strange occurrence or worried. Watching the drawings, 6 decided to be impressed, as the second and third circle were drawn just as perfect as the first. The serpent’s tail moved in a perfect fluid swish, each circle overlapping with a space in the center where all three met.

Suddenly the serpent opened it’s jaws wide. 6’s hand shot down to the brown pillow beneath them, gripping it tightly as they resisted the urge to flinch back. They did all of this, only to hear a surprisingly clear feminine voice ring out from the electric blue reptile, a small accent tinging her words.

“Welcome to Magical Theory students.”

Her soft cloudy blue eyes swept over each member of their group, making clear eye contact with one person then moving on to the next. 6's turn came all too soon and they felt a shiver travel down their back, causing their muscles to twitch involuntarily. When her gaze had passed over all of them she spoke again.

"I am Professor Ja’zazarer. You students may call Me, Professor Jazza, Professor, or Miss Jazza."

Predictably, 1 stood from his pillow in a fluid graceful motion, and he bent slightly at the waist and clasped one hand to his chest, his lips beginning part just as the Professor spoke sharply.

"None of that now. I know who you are, you are all wearing your assigned Trainee numbers. If you have questions about the class you may raise your hand and ask IF I call on you."

Black robed shoulders slumped and with a rather deflated look at the instructor, 1 clamped his mouth shut and slid back down. How did they find a gray cushion in a sea of color? 6 glared over the small square steel gray cushion that 1 was seated on. But the lecture started without caring about 6’s cries about unequal pillow rights, Jazza's eyes remained focused on her students as her tail skillfully wrote on the chalkboard, the other students not seeming to mind 1’s pillow either. Reluctantly, 6 turned to regard the board, each of the circles had received a single word.

Divinity. Heritage. Incantation.

"Can anyone tell Me what these three have in common?"


2’s attempted response to the professor's question was immediately cut short. She only managed to get half a word out before all sound in the room ceased for a moment. Across the room, the serpent instructor’s reptilian eyes glowed with light, and the dark slits of them pulsed for a moment before she broke the imposed silence.

"Thank you for reminding me."

On a very red pillow, 2 began to struggle with her mouth, opening it, wiggling her tongue, and clearly trying to shout. At first 6 thought 2 was surprised by the instructor’s response, but as the silence dragged on and no noise came from the normally boisterous 2, 6 realized it was something else entirely.

Professor Jazza hissed as she spoke, punctuating her words as she swept the class with her sharp gaze once more.

"Similar to questions, if you know the answer. Raise your hand!"

When she found no resistance to her instruction, Instructor Jazza continued.

"Now that we understand each other. What do these three have in common?"

Simultaneously 2, 4, and 5 all raised their hands. 2's hand wiggled and waved frantically in the air. 4's hand was raised to her shoulder, just barely raised past her head and seemed ready to go back down at any moment. Besides her and straight as a spear, 5's arm pierced into the air. He gave off a steady rock solid aura as he sat on his pillow with both legs crossed, completely unconcerned.

"You there with the blue.."

Jazza's eyelids narrowed, turning her bright eyes to darkness as she leaned forward to squint at 4's uniform.

"Number 4. What do these terms have in common?"

4’s soft singsong voice was clear and crisp, having a confident element to her speech once she got going.

"They are the three major sources of magic. The World, Gods, and Bloodlines,"

She shifted and straightened while she spoke, her posture becoming even straighter and a smile stretching across her face when the Professor responded.

"That's somewhat correct. Those are the common terms. Can you tell me which type of magic I just used to silence your friend?"

4 opened her mouth to explain, but instead of responding immediately, she looked over at the mute 2. Closing her mouth, 4 sat back in the pillow and raised her hand, this time pushing it high into the air instead of letting it timidly rest by her shoulder.

"Splendid number 4."

Professor Jazza bobbed her head up and down, her mouth opening in what had to be a smile, but all 6 could focus on were those sharp, pointed teeth lurking behind those scaled lips.

"Bloodline magic, Professor?"

Her voice wavered slightly as she answered, in a quiet reserved tone, but 4's head was still held high and her soft sapphire blue eyes sparkled with excitement in the neon lights.

"Correct. Now pay close attention students."

Turning her head towards the silently squirming 2, the Professor began to chant in a clear breathy voice, just loud enough so that each person in the small cluttered room could hear.

"Desperate to follow home,

Distant from the mystic Throne

Ravenous to call my own,

Disparate the Weave is blown.


Different from the blast of air Instructor Dreech had struck, and the magical glowing eyes from earlier, there was no building presence or sense of power. The air swirled a little in response to the spoken words, and when the air stopped moving at the end of the spell, everyone's eyes fell on 2, who tested out her restored freedom with a soft hum.

"Can anyone tell me-"

Professor Jazza started speaking, sounding like she wanted to ask the students about her spell, but didn't get a chance to finish, because an excited, pent up 2 had been waiting this whole time. Immediately, 2 blurted out what she had been holding in this whole time, the answer to Miss Jazza’s first question.


The proud look on 2's smiling face, the aghast pale faces of 1's and 4's, and the Serpent Professor's terrifying pointed jaw going slack all contributed to 6's reaction.

They laughed, and laughed, and laughed. Laughed so hard that they fell off their pillow, and had to hold their sides when their muscles began to ache.


That damned sound! Styl swore internally, she had never liked it before, and now each time she heard it her body recoiled instinctively. The rip and tear of air being forced out of place, followed the crack of air rushing in to fill suddenly empty space. Her feline eyes glowed yellow, catching the barest hints of light, giving her just enough time to dodge the wicked blade. Dodging to the side, she tucked her right shoulder down and rolled into the loose stones littering the floor. Her left hand flashed out, an imperceptible blur of motion in the darkness. Sharp long claws ripped through once pristine white robes to strike at the bare pale skin beneath. Just like her previous attempts, Styl's A rank deadly claws bounced off the soft flesh only pushing the murderous Swordsman back a step and leaving a faint pink mark where the strike had impacted.

A loud grunt escaped from her lips as she crashed into the rocks. Rolling forward, she leapt to her feet and bounded towards the wall. Her form began to shift into a shadowy silhouette, as she ran. Transformation completed her now paper thin form folded in half and fluttered through a small crack in the ceiling. The rip and tear of displaced air, sounding once more behind her as the Swordsman continued his pursuit.

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