《Homunculi: 6》Chapter 3


When Tao Shi looked up at the knocking, he saw Serene slipping into the longhouse. The basket she delivered was full of fresh baked bread, a small bowl of butter, and several ripe apples. It drew the focus of all his students as they all knew it was lunch time. Tao watched how Serene handled the mob of children, giving each a bit of attention, a slice of an apple, a half a loaf, and a kind word about their studies, before she sent them back to their desk. Serene set the remaining bits of food on the rickety worn table Tao used as the teacher’s desk. Warm bread, a sliver of leftover butter, and a whole apple waited there for him. Instead once Serena finished delivering the food, Tao hoisted up an empty water jug onto his shoulder, and together they walked out of the longhouse and towards the village’s well. Tao Shi paused only to tell a troublesome younger student to respect their seniors, before joining the smiling Serene.


6 woke in a startle to 2’s loud, enthusiastic voice echoing into their room from the hall,

“-Then he was like BAM! The air rushed in, and the pillar exploded! What core does that? Do you know Miss Alea?”

The bedroom door opened and Alea followed by 2 entered the room of beds as she replied,

“I think Instructor Dreech will find it more interesting, if you can figure out on your own which cores he’s consumed. If you haven’t figured it out in a week, then maybe I’ll give you a hint.”

The confusion on 2’s face at the mention of multiple cores, gave Alea the time needed to beckon for 6 to join her. Wobbling and slightly unsteady, 6 rose from where they had been napping, feeling refreshed and energized after the deep food coma they had just been in. They managed to get out the door, with Alea closing it behind them just as 2 shrieked.


6 and Alea took a new corridor this time, the murals above changing to images of humanoids riding furred beasts to fend off a swarm of snakes. At the first intersection with ornate pillars, a tall woman dressed in polished half-plate and burgundy leathers stood blocking one of the pathways; the woman’s cold gray eyes tracked 6, inspecting every inch of their small form. A shudder ran down 6’s back at the close scrutiny. Her intense inspection caused 6 to feel more and more uncomfortable as they drew near. They stepped around Alea moving to walk side by side with Alea now between 6 and the woman while they passed.

Once they’d gained distance from the armored woman, 6 remembered their earlier questions, “Ma’am, Head Instructor Dreech asked us to pick a monster and a power we’d like to get from that monster.”

6’s voice was soft, their words hesitant and slow as they debated what to say. They struggled with how to ask Miss Alea for help.

“Yes, that makes sense. Physical Enhancement is all about ways to improve yourself. Cores are the most popular way to do that. Prime Instructor Dreech is perhaps the most uniquely qualified person to teach you about how to use cores. It should be a worthwhile class”

Alea kept up her pace as she responded, but after her initial professional response her pace slowed and she took a softer tone when speaking next.

“Is there a problem Trainee 6?”

The troubled look on 6’s face had given them away, their lips twisted and brows fell before answering,


“Well, what if… I don’t know any monsters?”

Their shoulders slumped at the admission, and 6 glanced over at Alea, trying to gauge her reaction to their words.

“Don’t know any monsters? Well, that’s... surprising.”

Alea gave 6’s shoulder a squeeze as they stopped in front of a strange wooden door. It was made of dark walnut, and smelled faintly of algae and stale water, like a piece of wood adrift which the pond was slowly reclaiming. The deep ochre wood absorbed the light from nearby sconces, adding a feeling of gloom to 6 as they waited. Alea knocked on the door and when she heard a faint “Come in”, she opened the door for 6 and gestured for them to enter. A gentle whisper filtered down from Alea as 6 walked into the room,

“I’ll see what I can do about your monster issue.”

The office 6 stepped into was a strange place, behind a large desk made of matching walnut sat Researcher Walter. His large bulbous blue eyes glistened in the dim light, and in fact as 6 looked around, they noticed anything that wasn’t parchment, shimmered and glistened. A heady damp smell came up from the stone floor, and thin streams of a neon aquamarine liquid trickled down the walls and disappeared into seams and cracks. Walter gestured towards a large high backed cushioned chair before him, and once 6’s eyes adjusted to the dim lighting they carefully avoided the small cracks and damp puddles that littered the floor while moving to the offered seat. Sitting down proved to be a mistake, the cushions damp and soggy, the chair seemed to suck 6 down into it and they flailed for a moment to keep their balance.

While 6 struggled, Walter reached under his desk and took out a large sphere of glass, placing it gently onto a platter on the desk and giving it a light tap. That small little tap sent the sphere spinning round and round. When it began to slow, tendrils of rainbow light spread from the glass ball and wrapped around the room. When the ball came to a complete stop, a mirror image of the room was reflected on its surface, a tiny exact replica, including a tiny Walter and a tiny 6.

“Please, speak freely.”

Walter’s deep voice and serious tone shook 6 awake. They stopped staring in wonder at the clearly magical sphere and brought their eyes up to meet Walter’s stoic gaze. 6 wondered what they were supposed to say, when something inside their body creaked.

Pressure filled 6’s chest, pinning them down into the soggy chair. 6’s gaze fled from Walter’s to stare down to their chest. They couldn’t see it, but they could feel it. Inside their chest a heavy ancient decrepit door was being forced open. The painful sound of screeching metal and stone heralded the doors opening. Just a small crack, a sliver of darkness between the doorframe and the door was created, but it was enough. A solid black shadow spread out from the doorway, showing only a hazy gray silhouette standing before an endless expanse of eyes.

“Why. Child.”

A voice spoke, in weathered, hoarse, tones. It came from 6, but was not 6’s voice. 6 felt their limbs twitch, the muscles convulsing beneath pale skin, and their chest heaved as they fought to breath through the pressure. Their throat spasmed and their tongue curled in protest from the painful unnatural voice. All the while, 6 tried and failed to jump from their chair and flee the office.

“It had to be done. You’ll be able to see for yourself the rot and decay that permeates this place.”


Walter was extremely still as he spoke, his gaze switching between 6 and concentrating on the shining sphere.

“It can’t simply be a matter of pollution, or corruption. The heavy cost you’ve paid will have been for naught if that’s the case.”

Each word the strange voice spoke caused a sting of pain in 6’s throat. Throughout 6’s body their nerves began to complain and slowly the stinging pain in 6’s throat began to grow into an incessant itch.

“I understand. You’ll see I had no choice, I’m certain.”

Walter’s gaze hardened as he replied, his large eyes reflected a steely blue resolve, and his jaw clenched, even as his gaze remained locked on the sphere.

“There is always a choice.”

6’s throat spasmed in pain as the door inside of them swung shut and control over their body began to return. The last few words spoken were no longer a sting or itch, instead a creature had taken its claws to the inside of 6’s throat. A series of coughs shook their chest, and blood began to pool over their lips. Pale empty eyes began to water from the pain, the electric throbbing agony that pulsed out from their now shredded voice box. Vision clouded with tears, 6 watched Walter set down a pristine white handkerchief on the table, with a pinch of beetroot red powder contained within.

“Sprinkle this on your tongue, it will help with the pain.”

Desperate for relief, 6 jerked forward out of the chair, as blood began to coat their lips. The warm acrid taste coated their tongue. Walter’s words were barely registered. Snatching at the air with their hand, 6 tore the kerchief off the table, before flinging the cloth desperately into their open, gored mouth. Almost immediately upon contact with the bitter red powder the pain began to fade. 6 could feel the nerves under their skin begin to calm, the fire within them fading.

Slowly the vibrant red powder soothed their body, and within a few moments their throat returned to normal, and they coughed out the now soaked blood covered handkerchief onto the damp floor.

“Thank… you.”

6’s voice had returned, and settled as they spoke, but each word brought a reminder, like an itch you couldn’t reach, their mind still lingering on the memory of pain.

“Stay still.”

Walter commanded while he lifted his free hand. From the center of his palm, a small waterspout began to spin, faster and faster it spun till the water sprayed out, splashing across 6’s face and lips rinsing away the blood. The water now twinged with clouds of crimson with a white cloth pulled inside the vortex was sucked back into the spout in his hand, his fingers closing around it and the water dissipating.

“I did not think the process would be… quite so violent.”

Walter’s expression had shifted to a softer one, his features pulled together, and a look of genuine concern spread across his dark face.

“Is there. . .”

Walter’s voice fell quiet now, lacking the depth and gravitas it previously held.

“Anything, I can do for you?”

Opening their mouth to speak, 6 felt their lips barely part before the itch in their throat began to grow. Immediately their jaw closed, the itching fading into background noise. 6 stared up at Walter feeling frustrated, angry, and for the first time, hurt. 6 had questions, 6 had a lot of questions. What was going on? Why was this place so strange? Why am I here? And importantly, where can I find some monsters? The questions bounced around in 6’s head even as they sat quietly before their Mentor. Their eyes burned with curiosity, but their lips remained sealed. Whether or not Walter noticed 6’s growing hostility, curiosity, or the rapid changes in 6’s emotional state, he gave no indication.

Eventually, he took the crystal sphere from the platter, and brought it back behind his desk. The cascade of rainbow lights drew back into the sphere once it left the platter, the abrupt change in light from bright to dim causing 6 to blink and readjust their eyesight.

“Well 6, I’m glad to hear you are doing well on your first day. We will meet again on jeudi. Please think of any further questions, and what areas you’d like to focus on for our next mentoring session.”

Walter’s voice had mellowed into his normal, calm, reserved tone when the light show stopped. His expression was perfectly neutral, a slight smile even spreading across his lips, peeking out from his salt and pepper beard. The abrupt shift in attitude threw 6 off balance even more than the sudden change in lighting. With the clear dismissal 6 stood and tottered to the door, placing one hand on the latch before glancing over their shoulder at the seated and composed Walter. 6 wanted to ask, Why? The big WHY. Why was everything happening? Why all of this? Powering through the phantom itch at the back of their throat, 6 once more parted their lips and spoke.


No sooner had the word slipped out than 6 knew it was a mistake, that old decrepit door they could feel, but not see, creaked and groaned. Immediately 6’s body tensed, bracing for a sudden rush of pain. When a few breathes passed and the door never opened, the tension slowly fell from their shoulders. Their hand settled onto the real door’s handle when the pain never came, ready to bolt from the room as they waited for Walter’s response.

“Why? There is never just one reason, or one simple answer that sums everything up, especially in games of power. I think you’ll find that none of your fellow “students” will ask why. I’m supposed to be your Mentor. Something of a guidance counselor, so here is my first bit of “Guidance”. Do NOT stand out. Blend in with your class, wait until you graduate and receive a name.”

Walter’s tone dripped with sarcasm, and when he reached the word “students”, a sneer formed on his face, distaste evident. When he finally finished speaking, he pushed his wire framed spectacles up his nose and began to examine a scroll, any previous care and concern for 6 washing away. 6 gulped, both from the ominous response, and to keep their throat wet, trying to drive away the nonexistent itch before it could return.

Once outside in the hallway, 6 took a rather large breath, tasting the stale chilly air of a stony, featureless, corridor.

It took 6 a few moments to realize they stood completely alone in the hall; no nearby figures in flowing white robes frantically scribbling notes, no staunch guards lurking nearby in armor, and no Alea, alone for the first time in their short life. 6 glanced back at the door and raised their hand to their neck, fingers rubbing against the skin, finding nothing out of the ordinary. The creeping realization of isolation began to set in, being completely alone was somehow freeing, but terrifying. 6 stepped away from the door, anywhere would be better than here, so 6 began to wander down empty hallways. Their eyes wandered over a seemingly endless expanse of blank stone walls contrasted by the vibrant familiar murals above, all lit by blue sconces set in small alcoves. They softly illuminated the twisting paths, while the occasional pillar or closed door broke up the emptiness. Just when 6’s feet began to ache, they turned the corner and found a familiar passage.

The distinct, sickly sweet scent of flora, pulled 6 into the overwhelming garden, towards the entrance of the maze, until they found themselves once more before the small collection of beautiful flowers. 6 sat down on the verdant green grass, some distance from the large red lily, next to a small collection of purple bell shaped flowers. The bases of the small sprouts bloomed in shades of lavender, where they connected to healthy, dark green stems. Their petals had blossomed into diminutive bell shaped flowers, those petals that grew further from the stem becoming a darker and more vibrant purple. Peering inside of one such bell shaped flower was several small tendrils of yellow. 6’s focus was attracted downwards by a faint sweet smell, their eyes settling on small still growing berries, like dark succulent cherries they sat just below the flower. Slowly 6 reached out to one of the berries, their pale fingers gently tracing against the skin of the fruit.

“It might look good dearie, but the taste ain’t worth it.”

The deep, husky feminine voice felt familiar to 6, and when they turned around, Olena was there standing with a small basket of freshly plucked herbs under her arm.


They weren’t sure what else to say Olena. 6 felt their cheeks grow a little red, as they started to worry that maybe, just maybe they weren’t supposed to be here unsupervised.

“Come along, we can make something much better. I’ve been saying I need an extra pair of hands in the kitchen for awhile now.”

Olena moved towards 6 as she spoke, who just nodded their head not wanting to risk a response, their throat itching from that single word, not that it would have mattered. Olena sat one large hand on their shoulder and bustled 6 off the grass and back onto the dirt path, navigating the maze of hallways easily and swiftly, her other hand carrying the basket. She pushed open a door that led to a large white tiled room. Inside, several pots hung over a fire, stone counters were covered with ceramic slabs and utensils, several large closets and cupboards flanked the tiled walls.

Once inside, she set down the basket and turned to regard 6. Taking a cloth and dipping it in some water, Olena gently dabbed the damp cloth against 6’s cheek, cleaning their clothes and face slowly while she murmured down to them.

“It’s rather incredible the amount of dirt you are covered in, one would think ye were there for candles rather than just a mark. Well, Wash yer hands, then ye can help me prepare dinner.”

Olena gestured towards a small basin of water when she was finished cleaning 6’s face. Obediently, 6 followed Olena’s guidance, washing their hands and then drying them on a nearby hanging towel. Once clean, they moved to stand beside Olena, their small stature allowing just their head to be above the countertop. They watched as Olena sorted out each type of herb before turning to 6 and inspecting their now clean hands.

“I have just the thing for ye.”

Olena moved her large frame about the kitchen with a practiced professional grace, tugging a large white apron down over 6’s head. She demonstrated with her own apron on how to tug the straps around their waist and tie the too large apron in the front, only needing to walk 6 through it twice before they understood the motions.

Leading 6 to a small partitioned section of the counter, a small collection of bowls sat waiting for them. Olena took a moment to explain the purpose of each bowl to 6,

“This is flour, it’s made from Emmer wheat grown in the Ochre valleys. This bowl has Helleian Duck yolks, and this bowl is my special mix, bread, spices, and a little extra.”

Olena gave 6 a big friendly smile, getting a sage look on her face as she leaned down to murmur in low tones her normally husky voice a gentle whisper as she shared her wisdom with an eager 6,

“There are three things ye should never ask a lady. her weight, her age, and her secret recipes. Got that dearie?”

“Yes Ma’am!”

6 responded instinctively, their eyes going wide as they realized their mistake. Olena’s frown at being addressed as Ma’am. As 6 struggled to correct their mistake they felt the itch grow in their throat. They struggled for a long moment, swallowing down the worry, steeling their resolve and in a much quieter voice, ever conscious of the slowly growing scratching, replied properly.

“Yes Olena.”

Olena’s frown changed back to her typical wide smile at 6, tickled at their effort.

“Let me show ye what we are going to do. I’ll hand ye a piece of duck, then I want ye to dredge it in the flour, both sides. Then dip it into the bowl of yolk, then roll it in the breading and lay it out on the plate right there. Okey?”

As she spoke Olena demonstrated the motions with her hand; how to drag it through the flour, how to dip and switch your fingers so all of the meat gets egg and flour, and then how to roll it smoothly so each part is evenly coated. Between both the motions and the directions, 6 felt confident they could do this.

So when Olena chopped the first bit of meat into a long strip and passed it over to the waiting 6, they were ready, immediately dragging it through the flour, and then dunking it in the egg mixture. When they began to roll the duck through the breading, the problem arose, 6’s fingers came away caked in little mitts of breading.

With the first piece breaded and set to the side by 6, Olena already had two more waiting on the edge of the cutting board. 6 began to hustle, dunking dredging rolling, dredging dunking rolling. 6 easily became caught up in the pace set by Olena. Having fallen into a good rhythm, 6 was surprised when no duck was waiting for them what felt like a short time later. Olena, having washed her hands, was setting a large pot out on an orange-ish red slab, and pouring in a yellow oil.

Now that 6 was finished, they wiggled their fingers, admiring the small gloves of breading that they were now coated in. Looking over towards Olena, 6 found her checking on the prepped duck and setting up a small elevated wire rack. Looking back to the little helmets of breading, 6 tentatively licked one of their bread gloved fingers. The gagging was immediate; the feeling of raw flour on their tongue and the taste of raw egg yolk causing 6’s already pained mouth to squirm. Hurrying over to the washbasin, 6 washed their mouth clean of the uncooked mixture and then pried the stiffening mixture off their fingers.

Once clean, 6 moved to stand beside Olena, watching as she used a pair of tongs to turn each piece of duck, making sure it was perfectly golden, before lifting the fried duck out and onto the wire rack. The pieces glistened and dripped with oil.

“Would you like to know a secret 6?”

Olena’s quiet murmur down to 6 was accompanied by a conspiratorial wink. Rapidly nodding their head yes, 6 vibrated with excited energy, their eyes growing wide as they peered up at Olena, eager to know another secret.

“One of the best parts of being a cook is that you get to eat first.”

Olena gave a hearty chuckle and passed 6 one of the still cooling pieces of duck. 6 felt the warmth of the fowl in their hand, the bumpy texture of the fried breading leaving a small amount of spices coating their fingertips. When they bit in, the coating gave in with a soft crunch, then the juicy rich duck seemed to fill their mouth, the tangy, slightly spicy secret seasoning adding some flair to the delicious bite.

“Ish a a guud sek-rat”

Any small manners 6 had intended to use were momentarily gone as they wolfed down the fried duck and tried to speak at the same time.

"I'm happy, ye think so."

Olena let out a snort at 6's messy mumbled response. Waiting till 6 finished before she continued while pressing a broom to 6's chest.

"Now that ye have som' food in yer belly, its clean up time."

She held 6’s gaze for a moment before looking down over the tiled floor where bits of flour, breading, and now crumbs lay. 6 gave a silent nod, the warm juices and rich taste lingering in their mouth. Awkwardly, 6 juggled the broom between their arms as they tried to clean their fingers in the washbasin before sweeping the floor. 6 quickly found sweeping difficult, the small tiles seemed to trap the crumbs in crevices, each counter seemed to have an extended lip under which flour and dirt would hide, but the absolute worst was when they looked behind them to find their feet tracking flour on a newly cleaned floor.

When 6 finally finished sweeping everything into a nice neat pile and let out a long sigh, Olena was already waiting. She gestured for 6 to follow, and they eagerly scurried out the door of the kitchen and into a mostly empty cafeteria.

Olena slid a platter containing both of their hard work into place on the counter, and then handed 6 a large dinner tray,

"It's almost time for dinner, we are just a little early since I had an extra pair of hands tonight. Go on and help yerself dearie, ye've earned it."

Olena's deep voice was soft and warm as she spoke to 6, her eyes slightly misting as she watched a genuine silly smile fill 6's face as they rushed to fill their tray at her words. 6 zipped and zoomed around, filling their tray with several pieces of still warm fried fowl, soft fluffy mashed pale tubers, and long purple-red carrots.

Once seated at the table they began shoveling the mashed iyopa into their mouth with a spoon, looking around wildly upon realizing their mistake. Quickly jogging back to the counter 6 poured some sweet sunbathed tea into a wooden cup. Just as 6 finished pouring the amber liquid and had set the pitcher back down they heard a small commotion from the door. Glancing to the large open doors 6 found Alea leading the other five students into the cafeteria for dinner. 6 gave them a wave and attempted to smile, some of the mash leaking out around the spoon still in their mouth, before they zoomed back off to the table, while the rest of the group stood speechless.


Alea had spent her afternoon frantically running through the halls, barely managing to get to the Training Yard before the class ended, so she was ready to escort them to dinner. She felt as exhausted as the tired and sweaty students looked, but one calming deep breath later and she was leading the child-things to the cafeteria, her mind still replaying the conversation with Researcher Moore earlier.

“Why would that be my responsibility?”

Moore didn’t bother looking up at Alea as he spoke, instead he focused on the large esoteric diagram laid out on his desk.

“Because IT is your experiment, and IT is your student.”

Alea’s voice was exasperated; when she had returned to find the door to Moore’s office open and experiment G-1 missing she had questioned Moore immediately.

“I offered guidance to my assigned student as requested by the Princess. What happened after that is not my concern, I believe that is your job, Caretaker.”

Moore's indifferent response to Alea’s question about the student, caused her to glare at Moore before turning and marching from the office.

"Caretaker Alea."

Moore's voice called out to her as she entered the hallway. Gritting her teeth, she paused and smoothed her expression before turning back to face the insufferable man. She waited for her frustration to subside, before replying in her best neutral, amicable voice.

"Yes Researcher Moore?"

"My experiment. . . was a success in the eyes of His Majesty. What happens during the training will reflect upon the Instructors and not upon my research."

Moore's voice was monotonous, as if he was reading those words off the vellum before him. “Please close the door on your way out. Caretaker.”

The use of her current title in such a manner had rankled her, but the warning was clear; any deviations during the education and initiation would fall on her. She spent the next few hours searching endlessly through the halls, before the bell signaling dinner rang.

Having exhausted all of her options, she collected her charges and dragged her feet to the cafeteria, only to see the child-thing she had been searching for waving frantically at her and the others of its kind, while happily drooling mashed iyopa down it’s chin.


Moving back to the table, 6 listened as Olena helped the other students pick their food. She encouraged them to take extra portions today and reminded them to not forget about the sweet tea. Once all the students were headed to the dining table, 6 noticed Alea slinking into the kitchen. They wanted to go show Alea the fried duck, and started to clean the mess off their face, only to be interrupted when the large double doors at the other end of the cafeteria swung open.

Two hulking figures of bronze flanked each door as the Princess walked into the small cafeteria. Her movements were elegant and small, taking each step against the patterned tile of the cafeteria as she proceeded to take her place at the table. As she approached, 1 leapt over to assist her. Setting down his tray and he quickly moved to pull her chair out while giving her a slight bow and a warm greeting,

“Good evening Princess Lessa, it is a pleasure to see you again.”

6 watched while nibbling at one of the roasted purple carrots that had been drizzled in honey. 1’s bright smile, his quiet silky tone, were all less impactful when his normally perfect swept back white hair was dirty and disheveled. In fact, as 4 took the seat beside them, and the others slid into their own seats, 6 noticed everyone looked disheveled and tired. Maybe they all went to the garden after meeting with their mentor? Suddenly 6 felt much better about their own detour to sit with the beautiful sweet smelling flowers. A little encouraged, 6 leaned over to 4, the faint smell of fresh rain emanating from her as 6 tried murmured down to her.

“I made the duck!”

The whispers of an excited 6 were not particularly quiet, and just like the evening before all eyes at the table turned towards the smiling child.

“It’s so good! I needed this.”

4 waited till she was finished with the bite in her mouth, her soft blue tinged lips moving quickly in an energetic response before she returned to devouring the juicy fowl. Across the table 2 banged on the table with their free hand dragging everyone’s attention to them. Once 2 had a captive audience, 6 watched as their mirror image, 2 shoved a piece of fried duck covered in mashed iyopa into their mouth and gave a thumbs up with their other hand.


The Princess's serene voice was instantly captivating to the proud child, her poise and posture even while she was seated seeming to command the table. Upon 6’s attention leaving the captivating show of 2 devouring their food, and turning to her, she continued.

"We have you to thank for the meal this evening?"

“Yes Lessa! Weeeell, not everything. Kind of. I did a duck!”

6 hadn’t made everything on the plate and tried to explain that, but their excitement and flush at people's praise made them struggle to correct themselves, their words coming out in a jumble.

“Well thank you for the meal 6, I’m sure we are all thankful for the food.”

The Princess spoke quietly, gingerly picking up a leg and nibbling into it. 6 wasn’t sure how it was possible to eat fried fowl and not make a mess of crumbs and oil, but when the Princess set back down the fowl and gave an appreciative smile to them, not a single crumb or drop had spilled, her fingers and mouth with completely grease free. Looking down, 6 examined their own greasy hands and crumb covered shirt with a frown.

At the other side of the table, while 6 examined their shirt, Lessa turned to 1 and began inquiring about his day. “How was the first day of school?”

“It was fine.”

1’s normally silky voice was distracted as he eyed the food cautiously, probing the mashed iyopa with a wooden utensil.

The reply from Princess Solessa of Ramalur, royalty who had never been ignored for a plate of food before, was terse and her words icy.

“A. Favorite. Class?”

“Oh, ah yes. Sorry Lessa.”

1 snapped out of their stupor almost immediately at the chilly tone, his normal demeanor slipping back into place.

“My favorite class was this evening's combat training. I sincerely respect the instructors for taking the time to let us familiarize ourselves with the offered accoutrement.”

Listening to the exchange, 6 had to wonder if maybe not everyone spent the evening in the garden, and a small amount of glee seeped into 6 at how distracted 1 had been by the food.

The frown on 6’s face returned at 1’s nonsensical reply. Maybe he should give 1 more fried food, those words sounded like a lot of gibberish and nonsense. Accoutrement? Could you eat it? The daydreamer began to ponder if a lack of proper vegetables was the reason 1 was so pale.

Meanwhile, the Princess went around the table, asking each student about their favorite class in a warm and friendly voice.

“6? Are you back with us?”

When it was finally 6’s turn to be asked, Lessa had to call down the table to shake 6 from their far off gaze.

“Yes Ma’am! I mean Yes Lessa! I mean… Yes?”

6 was prepared this time, they’d been caught drifting off before and wouldn’t fail this time!

“So what was your favorite?”

A happy grin immediately returned to 6’s face as they loudly exclaimed,

“The duck!”

At 6’s response 5 leaned over towards 6, 1 let out a loud snort and 4 gave a soft chuckle.

“She meant what was your favorite class.”

The quiet deep whispered words passed into 6’s hearing as 5 pulled back and lifted his arms, stretching and masking his help with a loud yawn.

“I mean.. Physical..”

with no response from the Princess, 6 quickly corrected their answer to the last class they could remember,


“I see. Yes. Physical ENHANCEMENT must be quite the interesting class. Although… I’ve been told you don’t get to do much till you can obtain your first core. Do you have any particular abilities picked out?”

Lessa’s soft tone remained the same despite 6’s obvious mix ups. Her probing questions pulled 6 back into the topic of conversation and away from daydreaming.

“I think- wings would be great.”

6’s reply was spoken tentatively, their gaze searching the room for Alea, as they thought of their previous conversation with her,

“But I don’t know any monsters.”

The sweet scents and fresh air of the garden, the warm food and kind words of Olena, then sharing with everyone had pushed away the itch in their throat, but now as 6 continued to speak and think about their classes, they remembered. They remembered the scratches, the itching, the taste of blood on their lips. When the Princess replied that she would have someone bring a compendium of monsters for 6 and then turned to pull 4 into a different conversation, 6 didn’t hear any of it. Instead they were staring down at the suddenly bland food.

They sipped a small bit of the tea, trying to wash away a taste that wasn’t there. Rising from the table, 6 slumped over to the counter, deposited their tray, and mumbled a garbled thank you to Olena. The incessant itch growing even with that small interaction. 6 moved to stand by Alea, having seen her lurking near the exit when they searched for her earlier. One tug on Alea’s sleeve and she seemed to understand, thankfully.

She led 6 out of the cafeteria, and back to the nearby sleeping quarters. Despite how short the walk had been, 6 remembered every itch of it. From the scratches on the colorful ceiling, to the tears on the tiled floor. When 6 finally collapsed into bed their eyes were puffy and swollen.

Alea did her best to stay quiet, her lips drawn together and eyes full of concern as she dimmed the lights and took care to close the door slowly, not making any noise as she let 6 drift off to sleep.

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