《Homunculi: 6》Chapter 1


The souls of people, on their way to life, pass through a room full of lights; each takes a taper - often only a spark - to guide it in the dim country of this world. But some souls, by rare fortune, are detained longer - have time to grasp a handful of tapers, which they weave into a torch. These are the torch-bearers of humanity - its poets, seers and saints, who lead and lift the race out of darkness, toward the light. They are the law-givers and saviors, the light-bringers, way-showers and truth-tellers, and without them, humanity would lose its way in the dark.


Alea braced herself against the rear wall, out of the way of the chaos that was unfolding. A mixture of people in either sterile white coats or pristine white robes rushed around the room, each seemed to have their own opinion and wanted it heard. Her silent gaze settled on the center of the room, roaming over the small, pale, gangly child laid out on the finely made quartz table. It was an odd thing, the strange clear oily substance that clung to its skin, the lack of any defining features, or any strong characteristics, except a slightly oversized head. The child thing had an almost too normal bland appearance.

The raucous noise continued to drone on, making Alea wish to be anywhere other than surrounded by opinionated academics. Voices reached a crescendo as different factions chose this crucial moment to debate things already decided and suddenly, abruptly, the noise ceased. Inquisitive eyes, expensive recording stones, and all manner of diagnostic tools and wands were turned towards the still form of the child thing.

Alea took that as her cue; sliding forward and slipping through the crowd, she arrived beside the Head Researcher, using her new prime vantage point to closely observe the results of everyone’s labor. It looked identical to the others, perhaps her highness hadn’t wasted her resources on fool’s gold after all. Her jaw clenched, and her teeth ground together as she examined the strange unnaturally smooth and flawless asymmetrical face. What they had created here was a violation of nature, she understood the needs, her mind told her it was necessary, but those thoughts didn’t stop the feeling of chills crawling across her skin though. It was there while examining the face that she saw it, the slightest twitch of facial muscles beneath the skin, it’s leg turning slightly, it’s fingers flexing, all clear and steadily increasing signs of life.


Waking up for the first time is always strange. The child’s second memory was of being pulled up into a sitting position, bright oppressive white light buzzing down at them, causing eyelids in the process of opening to crease and close once more. Startlingly cold hands probed and prodded each part of the child’s new body. Pieces of metal and stone followed the hands, causing the small child to quiver and pull away from the rough and sharp material. Soon sound began to filter in through never before used ears. Shouts, whispers, and normal conversation all rushing into the child’s mind at once, They began to listen to the unfiltered noise as they were prodded, poked, and tested.


Each new sound was distinct and unique, different sounds combined to become a single word. From the frantic jumble of voices, one word and then another began to fall into place in the child’s mind. Pieces of a grand puzzle shifted together twisting and turning each piece. The child strained to make it fit into the larger picture.

When the final piece was slotted into place, knowledge began to rush over the small child, comprehension flooding their mind and causing them to physically rock back and forth against the table. The shouts and worried muttering began to register in the child’s mind, even as the cold hands returned to keeping the child from falling as their body reacted to the stimuli. Their eyes opened wide at the sudden shock of language, of understanding, the harsh pervasive white light having been waiting to stab into their pale eyes. Regret filled the small child, and they flinched away from the light, eyes snapping shut once more. Blinking several times and easing their eyelids open slowly, the light eased from piercing and painful, to dull and dim.


New curious eyes began to look about the room, a sea of different faces met their inquisitive gaze, each person busy with some measurement, tool, or conversation. The room was surprisingly devoid of any other furniture, only the large stone table on one side, and on the opposite side of the room, a mostly empty pool. Fingers began to wave across the child’s face, bringing them back from inspecting the room and its overwhelming number of occupants. They watched the soft tanned digits wiggle and wave, their eyes tracking them from side to side to the apparent satisfaction of the muttering room. When the hand stopped moving, the curious child’s eyes followed the hand and wrist, over a tanned forearm, up a soft white sleeve and shoulder, before settling their gaze on a woman’s face, with gentle sparkling green eyes, sunkissed skin, and sharp angular features. Her high cheekbones contrasted with the sharp white light of the room, her soft brown hair casting shadows that pulled strange dark lines across her face.

The child couldn’t help but meet her searching emerald eyes, and as the cold metal and hard stone tools began to leave the shivering child, they chose which voice amongst the horde to focus on. Eyes deliberately blinked away the last traces of a humid fog that had covered their senses and mind, enabling them to not just listen, but understand.

“It’s awake. Congratulations Researcher Moore. You’ve successfully created a 6th homunculi formula,” The woman spoke in a clipped neutral tone, each word precise and pointed, her gaze moving away from the child’s.

Their gaze followed her’s, finding a man who stood quiet amidst all the chaos. Moore stood beside the table, nearly a head above the other white coats and white robes, who had all paused to watch the interaction. He had broad shoulders, dark mahogany skin, and his black curly hair fell down around his temples to perfectly frame his face. Salt white streaks ran throughout a curly well-kept beard and thin wrinkles fled from his lips and eyes lending him an aged, wise appearance. His overly large round, bulging deep blue eyes were amplified in size by large round wire framed golden spectacles. Those searching navy blue eyes roamed over the child’s frame.

When their eyes finally met, the large deep blue probing and inspecting, the plain dull brown curious and innocent, a shocked expression filled his face. Moore swallowed once, his throat bulging slightly before his features shifted back into a stoic expression. His eyes hardened as he took a step back from the table and the child, gesturing down towards the stone floor.

“St-Stand up G-1.” Moore’s voice trembled for a moment, his fingers twisted and gnarled with the same small lines displaying his age.

He used those twisted digits to gesture towards the ground once more, pointing at the stone floor beside the table. The child didn’t understand at first, confusion spreading across their face, eyes wide open, lips slightly parted, their head cocked to the side as they thought through the words. Slowly they came to a realization, their eyes blinking rapidly as they mentally digested the words, G-1. Am I G-1?

The child’s head shifted back to an upright position and their body straightened once all the words were assembled in their mind. Stand up. I can do that. However, despite the child’s best efforts to control their arms and legs, the limbs remained frozen, muscles twitching beneath pale skin. Slowly, painfully slowly, the child’s body turned, legs dragged against the table as they rotated to sit on the edge, their legs dangling off the table’s intricately patterned quartz. Hands pressed against the table to help as their feet slid down to make contact with the smooth marble floor. One foot pressed to the cold marble surface, then the other foot slowly, until both feet were firmly planted. Each movement was measured, deliberate, and a constant struggle. Motions only became natural after a successful contortion of joints or a particular flex of muscles in a new way. Finally, the newborn pressed their hands flat against the table and pushed. They staggered off the table and stood in one jerky sudden motion, and a smile split their face for one brief moment, just before they fell to the cold floor.


The pain was instant, a sharp spike of red hot being driven directly into their temple. Their head knocked against the unforgiving hard marble of the floor and they lay there. Muscles began to spasm and twitch again as pain wracked their body. Their sight became jumbled and the floor seemed to swim beneath them. A haze swept back into their mind, sending thoughts adrift amidst wispy clouds. No noise escaped their lips, no groans, or yells of pain as they suffered. Their legs convulsed beneath them, knees having folded and driven directly into the stone floor. Balance was non-existent for the child, no weight had ever been placed on their legs before; all of this contributed to their flopping off of the table and onto a cold floor.

People paused once again and arguments ceased, as chalk and ink were furiously used to scribble on tablets and vellum. The crowd seemed to press in, encircling the child, observing their first fall, each of them in clean, brightly patterned robes, coats, and the occasional frock. All of them had just watched the child fall, yet none of them moved to catch or help. The indifferent crowd observed, recorded, and noted the child’s first fall, their first failure. Whispers began to fill the room, “Possibly defective … None of the others …Breaking down … .” It all filtered down to the child’s ears as it lay on the floor. Having just experienced pain, their head tilted down, eyes found the floor, cheeks flushed red, and for the first time, they felt a new emotion, shame.

Eventually, the woman with the sparkling green eyes reached out, her touch delicate and gentle, lifting the child’s head from the floor, her eyes scanned over a slightly bruised cheek and scraped knees. Once satisfied with her examination she guided them up to their feet, turning them slowly to face Moore. Her tan hand settled onto the child’s arm back, bracing them as Moore’s large cloudy blue eyes scrutinized the red-faced unsteady newborn. Moore gave a slight nod to the woman and stepped forward, his large gnarled hand resting on the child’s shoulder, those mottled twisted fingers digging lightly into pale skin, helping both to steady the child and to hold them up, as he patiently began to lead them around the room.

Step by step Moore and the child walked; when they stumbled, slipped, or began to tilt, Moore braced or caught them. After stumbling in a circle around the barren room without the child’s head bouncing off the marble, Moore paused the half walk, half stumble. Glancing over at the tanned woman waiting near the table, he spoke in a professional, confident voice, each word precisely articulated, “Caretaker Alea, tell Instructor Dreech we’ll be joining them shortly.”

Alea’s soft brown hair bobbed as she nodded in response. Her emerald eyes flicked over to the watching child’s curious face, her expression scrunching into one of concern before she turned and hurried out the door. Moore turned back to the child who was watching Alea depart, noticing how the young child watched her leave. He did not speak to command the child, instead, he gently pushed the small human forward, leading them to the exit of the small white room, exiting together at a slow sedate pace.

As they walked, the child’s focus gradually evolved from putting one foot in front of the other to inspecting their new surroundings. White and gray smooth marble walls flanked them, occasional pillars of gray basalt rose at central intersections, alabaster effigies dotted mostly blank walls, and rarely a colorful complex image would decorate the ceiling. The vibrant depictions of beings taking flight on wings of feather, hide, or scale enthralled the child, causing Moore to intervene several times, saving the little daydreamer from falling and once almost walking into a large gray pillar. While imagining what it might be like to fly, to have wings, and soar along the ceiling with the majestic creatures in the pictures, they reached their destination.

The child was in full thrall of the vibrant imagery as if they could step into the mural and take flight among the menagerie. With each step they felt the pillowy down of the clouds beneath their feet, or the strength of wings, majestically carrying them through a jetstream. They floated down the corridor half walking half daydreaming until they reached their destination.

Moore gently pushed the child into the room, immediately drawing the attention of its occupants. Alea stood in the center of the circular room, speaking with a large behemoth of a man. Across from them, near a small wooden table stood five small, completely silent children. The behemoth’s voice boomed jovially once noticing Moore,

“Walter Moore, as the Dreaming Court slumbers, you’ve done it!”

Walter Moore flashed a sheepish, but warm smile at the massive man.

“Instructor Dreech, it’s the result of a whole team of researchers, finding the perfect circumstances, altering the formula, and adjusting the timing to work within the Royal standards. It’s not just my success,” Walter’s words were humble, but as he spoke his smile grew wider and he seemed to beam with pride.

While Dreech and Walter shook hands, congratulated one another, and spoke in excited, but hushed tones, Alea placed her hand over the child’s, steadying them, stopping the swaying and wavering that had begun as they struggled with the transition from movement to standing still. Once she was certain they wouldn’t fall over, she led the small figure over to an ornate wooden table stacked with several articles of clothing and directed the youngling to dress. Initially a head went into a shirt and came out one of the sleeves, having missed the collar completely. The child’s hand waved energetically from the empty hole where their head should be, to show they had conquered the unknown! The process was then repeated with the other sleeve before the child’s head popped into the correct position on the third attempt. They wiggled their arms inside the shirt as Alea struggled to lead one foot at a time into a pair of plain, yet finely made linen pants. After trying and failing to get both feet into the pants at the same time, only to find their head had slipped into a sleeve again, Alea began to explain the purpose of each hole in the pant leg and how to wear it.

A fraction of a candle later, the child easily pulled up their first pair of pants and tugged their first shirt on, head and arms falling into place, completely unassisted.

Alea then took the freshly clothed child by the shoulder and led them to the only other people in the room. The five silent figures had stood on the other side of the table, having been partially hidden by the stacks of clothing and the large figure of Instructor Dreech, while the child was being dressed. With someone new to occupy them, the child’s focus switched from examining one of their sleeves to the new people before them. Standing exactly four feet tall, bald, lacking any hair, and all dressed in the exact same silvery white shirt and silvery white pants the child wore. The quiet group of 5 mirrored the child’s looks of confusion, passing back almost dazed looks as they observed Alea leading the child toward them. When Alea came to a stop and turned to look over at Moore and Dreech. The child glanced down, looking over their own hairless, short body, and finely made clothes.


This excited declaration was the first time the child had used words of their own. A big smile spread across their face, a sense of comfort seemed to settle about their mind, tense shoulders relaxed, and they found somewhere to belong.


Alea felt her stomach drop, sweat began to trickle down her forehead, and her hands became clammy at the child’s outburst. What had gone wrong? She ran through the options in her mind. Would they restart the whole project? How much would this cost? What if they thought she had something to do with this? A shudder ran down Alea’s back as she gazed down at G-1 standing there with a ridiculously large smile on it’s face. She opened her mouth to speak, to say anything, but her lips only parted slightly and no sound or words came out. When she noticed Head Instructor Dreech and Researcher Moore stepping towards the child-things, her jaw clicked shut. Alea folded her hands behind her back, straightened her posture, and with practiced grace moved several steps away from the approaching legendary powerhouse and politically blessed genius.


The excited child’s happy smile beamed up at Moore and Dreech as they stepped over to join the group.

Walter Moore crouched down by the small child and swept his large clouded eyes over the child’s new clothing before speaking in a soft coaxing voice, “6, did you find something interesting?”

The child’s smile slipped off their face, brows lifting and thin lips pressed together at the words. Moore was clearly looking at them, did 6 mean G-1? A feeling of confusion began to push away their happiness as they blinked up at Moore.

When Moore received no response other than a befuddled gaze, he rose and spoke briefly to Instructor Dreech. Alea stood, just as silent as the others, off to the side for the duration.

When the hushed discussion finished, Moore introduced Dreech to the five identical, stoic figures and the one identical blinking confused figure.

“This is Prime Instructor Dreech, he will be overseeing your core curriculum and training. I wish for each of you to know that Dreech is the single most qualified person to teach each of you, having served in over ten conflicts, saved hundreds of lives, and perhaps more importantly he has gone through this exact training before.”

Walter’s tone as he spoke exemplified pride and confidence, his hands gesturing toward Dreech, yet his eyes moved over the five silent figures, before settling back onto G-1. The child focused on Dreech for the first time, noticing once again the huge size. The man’s muscles seemed to have muscles, the contrast of being only four feet compared to Dreech’s just over seven feet made the child feel even smaller, but the warm smile and honest, plain face framed by sandy brown hair, with hazel eyes peeking from beneath the longer locks of hair, seemed rather reassuring. Prime Instructor Dreech’s voice was strange. It was a quiet, yet captivating, deep voice; coming from such a large man such a faint noise was disconcerting.

“I know each of you can understand me, although all the pieces might not have come together yet. Today will be brief. I will show you the most important thing, then I will let Miss Alea help you with some food and rest. The first day awake is often the most difficult and tiring. It will get better, until then, rest when you need it.”

Despite Dreech’s low volume, each word was clear and concise in the child’s ears, echoing off the round walls and ringing in their mind.

Dreech led the way out of the room, and back into the long hallway, his imposing figure and Walter’s slightly bent form led the group with Alea following just behind, hands folded before her. The child’s gaze rushed back to the ceiling, finding the vibrant images once more, but their thoughts were distracted by Walter’s change in addressing them . 6 or G-1? Both? Was he talking to someone else?

So distracted was the child that upon being led out of the dim corridor and into a suddenly bright garden, they faltered in their footing. Alea’s gentle hand once again settled onto their shoulder to steady them, as if she had been waiting just for that. She braced the startled child, walking together into the massive, lush, indoor garden. The stone began to transition beneath their feet turning into a soft path made of well-packed dirt and clay. When the child was able to walk alone on the soft earth, Alea hurried away to the front of the group, leaving the slowly moving, but steady child behind.

G-1 bathed in the warm glow of the sun’s light with each step, the rays of sunshine streaming in through a glittering cloudy glass dome ceiling. Wide brown eyes wandered over the deep vibrant greenery, pausing to take in particularly bright or colorful flora here and there. An oversized red flower with a center the size of their head, surrounded by thick curled petals with bumpy ridges, sat regally in the shade of a nearby hedge. Encircling the shadow the larger flower sat in, was a group of small viridian bushes, each bush adorned with star-shaped flowers, the petals violet and delicate, the center a vibrant yellow.

The child was abruptly shaken from their gawking, having moved close to examine the strange flowers. They had completely lost track of their surroundings, so when their shoulder was nudged by one of the identical silent figures the shocked child leapt off the winding dirt path and into the grass. Looking back at their assailant, G-1 noticed a “4” embroidered into the left shoulder of the shirt, and again on the left hip of the pants.

“Others left.”

The being with a “4” on their clothing had the same voice that the excited child had used earlier, but spoke softly, almost whispering, a worried expression showing on their face as they glanced over at a particularly tall hedge. G-1 followed their gaze to the same hedge just in time to see the rest of the group taking a bend on the path and stepping out of sight behind the high walls of a dense hedge maze. Grabbing 4’s hand in their own, they tugged them forward and shouted, “Let’s hurry!”

4 and the child ran down the path to catch up, kicking up loose dirt as they sped around the corner just in time to see the last of the group passing through a large old wooden gate. Sprinting forward towards the gate led to G-1 slipping on a slightly muddy patch of dirt and sliding into a prickly berry bush, before being able to continue their sprint to the gate. Once inside the gate, their hands fell apart. A large open grass field filled the enclosed area. A huge radiant crystal, just over eight feet tall, and floating a foot off the ground had captured both of their attentions.

The crystal seemed to dominate the space, uneven and jagged in places, it appeared to shine and shimmer as the hazy sunlight struck it. Occasionally a faint pastel blue light would pulse out of its facets, lending the crystal an ethereal presence. A spark of blue and white set out against an ocean of verdant green.

The child found themselves so caught up in staring at the crystal while walking forward, that they ran into the back of the person wearing “1” on their clothing. Walter Moore, Alea, and Dreech all turned to cast bemused glances down at us while 1 and the child found their footing. Feeling the weight of everyone’s gazes, G-1’s face flushed. Their head bowed slightly towards the person as they tried to apologize.

“I’m sorry, I was looking at the flowers and fell behin-”

“It doesn’t matter. Don’t let it happen again.”

1 spoke sharply and gazed down into the child’s eyes. Both stood at the same height, had the same weight and build, but the child’s cheeks grew flush at being cut off. 6’s head lifted to let their eyes meet 1’s, and an intense pressure grew about their chest. Despite being identical, 1’s head inclined back so they were looking down at the frustrated child for a brief moment before turning around with a wave of dismissal, returning their attention to the now speaking Moore. The child froze, stunned for several breaths, until finally the pressure sitting on their chest began to fade, their focus unthawing just as Moore began to hand small crystals to each of the six identical figures.

After Moore passed G-1 a diminutive sliver of crystal, fastened onto a necklace by tiny, faded green, metallic chains, he leaned down. He lightly brushed small leaves and remnants of dirt from the silvery white uniform of the child and quietly murmured as he cleaned, “In case anyone wasn’t listening, it’s called a Karma Splinter.”

A slight smile and a knowing look marked Moore’s face when he pulled away; the child, for the first time in their short life, chose to not let their attention be enthralled by the shiny splinter. Instead, they squeezed it tightly in their hand, imprinting its marking into the pale palm for later inspection, before gazing over at the currently lecturing Prime Instructor Dreech. Dreech spoke while removing a much larger crystal necklace from beneath his shirt.

“This is my splinter, it tracks the Karma I accumulate, and when I can come to a Karma node. Like this one.”

His hand raised and waved towards the large floating crystal.

“Placing my splinter on the node attunes me to the Nexus allowing me to spend any accumulated Karma. The Nexus consumes Karma and in return grants me things traditionally thought impossible. Increased speed, power, blessings, knowledge, skills, and abilities. The limits so far seem endless.”

He paused and looked around at the child-things, gauging their reactions before he continued. “If you want to test this out yourself, you’ll need three things. First, time: Each Splinter must spend a minimum of ten hours attuning to a new user. Second, talent: The Nexus will only provide Origin skills at first, and as those skills are improved the Nexus will offer better, more unique skills; what skills you can learn or abilities you can obtain are up to your talent, and the Lady of Luck. Third, experience: The more you experience, the more Karma you accumulate, the more the Voice of World judges you, the higher your Rank, the better choices and options the node will grant you."

G-1 listened to Prime Instructor Dreech explain how this diminutive piece of rock could grant limitless options to them, as they held and rolled the crystal sliver within their stubby palm.

A hunger woke deep inside of the child, alongside a burning desire to test these endless limits. It was their first real desire or goal, and they didn’t seem to be alone. The small figure whose clothing displayed a “2” had walked forward while holding their splinter out and tapped it once against the larger crystal. When no response came, more taps fell up the crystal, soft at first and then with increasing frequency. Repeated taps of the small splinter striking the large floating crystal, filled the field of green. Each strike grew more and more insistent until Walter cut in above the din of noise.

“The crystals take a minimum of TEN HOURS to attune first. You’ll need to keep them on your person for the duration before you can properly activate them.” Walter explained loudly, his voice struggling to reach the group, before dropping his volume to console the stubbornly tapping 2 and impatient children. Instructor Dreech merely looked on with a wry smile, though his hazel eyes squinted and his brows arched at 2’s continued tapping of their splinter against the Node well after Walter had explained why their efforts were in vain.

“That’s enough! You all have a splinter, keep them with you. Tomorrow you’ll be returned here for your first communion with the Nexus,” Instructor Dreech’s voice carried a tone of command and with a sharp gesture, he indicated for 2 to stop their tapping before he turned and marched the small group away from the beautiful floating node of power and out of the hedge maze.

A short march led them out of the garden, down yet another hallway, through a large set of double doors, and into a rectangular, open cafeteria with cornflower blue and raven black tiles checkerboarding the floor. Sitting at the head of a rectangular table in the center of the room was a petite girl, flanked on either side by massive figures in bronze and brass armor, each armored guard standing nearly the height of Instructor Dreech.

The openly gawking child was pulled away from fantasizing about a miniature suit of matching, shining ceremonial armor by Instructor Dreech’s heavy hand falling on their shoulder. Dreech steered them to face Caretaker Alea, who stood near a lengthy counter, holding several empty wooden trays. She passed one to each person and then gestured towards the counter, behind which a large, heavyset woman stood with a wide smile. The child felt dazed at this point; everything was new and happening so rapidly, their distracted mind had constantly been filled with new thoughts, the Karma node, identical people, the strange wake-up on a slab of quartz, and … then they were back in reality, seated at a wide table with everyone else, steam from the warm food on the tray before them brought delicious scents to their nose, giving them a startling revelation: They had never eaten!

Their tray was laden with food. Red beans and rice, small chunks of a crispy glazed swine, with a small crumbly yellow bread on a small side plate, devoured their entire focus and any train of thought. The bread was soft and turned to crumbs when G-1 used it to scoop some of the beans into their mouth. Frustrated, they swirled the beans and rice, mixing them with the pork crumbs before tilting the bowl forward to empty the mixture into their gaping maw. When they finally set their bowl down, they noticed all of the others were paying attention to the girl sitting at the end of the table. Her voice pulled at G-1’s attention first, clear and sharp, seeming to mute the clatter of dishes and utensils, entreating listeners to pay attention to the voice's owner. Long, silky gold-brown hair framed a heart-shaped face. Two small charcoal horns curled up from her temples and warm hazel eyes crinkled with mirth mid-conversation as she noticed that G-1 was paying attention.

“Finally decided to join us?”

She paused her conversation with 1 to address G-1 in a clear gentle tone. Abruptly, six pairs of eyes swung to focus on the child. Nervously G-1 glanced behind the girl noticing it was actually eight pairs. Both of the massive figures in bronze and brass armor had swung their helmeted heads towards G-1 at her words.

“I-I Yea, I was just about to-”

They weren’t sure what they meant to say, because at this moment a large glob of rice and beans stuck to their chin peeled off and fell directly down into their cup. The impact splattered an unexpectedly large amount of water across their clothes and tray. After several awkward moments where G-1 struggled to clean their newly soaked shirt with an equally drenched sleeve, 4 scooted slightly closer and with one hand covering their mouth slipped a small cloth napkin into G-1’S hands.

“Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance to a conversation! Was the rice really that good?”

The girl’s lips pursed and a single eyebrow raised to emphasize her question.

“The best I’ve ever had!”

Despite the embarrassing mess, the child gave a genuine and cheerful retort, which was promptly punctuated by a loud snort from 2, which seemed to cause the golden-haired girl to pause. Rather than showing offense when the moment passed, she seemed amused, a large smile stretching at the corners of her thin lips as she gestured towards an older, dark-haired woman, who wore a severe black linen dress with lace trimmed white apron over it. The woman quickly produced several larger towels from the pockets of her apron, placing them on the table besides G-1, before scooping up the tray and taking away the rice-filled water. The child squirmed in their seat, head tilting down as they apologized, while the woman escorted the dirty dishes back to the kitchen,

“Thank you, Miss. Sorry for making a mess!”

The feeling of having someone else clean up after them felt even worse than the embarrassment of spilling good food to the small hungry child. When they composed their expression and turned back to face the table, the golden-haired girl seemed surprised, and the other five all peered at G-1 with confused expressions.

“Manners?” The girl spoke and looked consideringly at the woman who had taken the tray away. Eventually, she nodded her head, the heavy ring curls of her soft golden hair following along.

“So did you happen to hear anything we were discussing?” The girl’s tone was playful and amused as she once more pressed G-1.

“Uhh, no. Sorry.”

The child’s head tilted down once more as they responded, a soft sigh escaping their lips as they were once again the focus of the conversation.

“Well that's understandable, everything must be quite new to you. I’m Lessa, it’s nice to meet you, 6.” Lessa had just begun to introduce herself when a loud cough came from the helpful woman with the apron and multitude of towels. Lessa showed no response to the seemingly deliberate cough till one of the huge statues of bronze behind her lifted a hand to their helmet, and seemed to have a coughing fit in response, directed down towards Lessa’s back. She cringed for a moment before scooting her chair away from the table and standing, gripping her dress, and then bending slightly at her knees to give the seated group a flawless curtsy as she reintroduced herself.

“I am the 2nd Princess of Ramalur, direct descendant of the Horns that pierce the sky, daughter to King Solomon the Lion, Princess Solessa Everrin Yves Ramal.”

With a grandiose sweep and an over-exaggerated flop, she fell back into her chair and with a warm smile finished her introduction with

“You can call me Lessa.”

In what was becoming a growing trend, the child chose to focus on something completely different, pointing a single finger at their own chest and speaking in a wavering voice, part question part statement,

“I’m 6?”

Lessa’s lips formed an “O” for a moment before she gathered herself and replied,

“For now yes, You’re Ramalur Schola Trainee number 6. Names… are delicate things. You’ll receive a proper name once you’ve graduated from basic training. Did Prime instructor Dreech or Head Researcher Moore not tell you this?”

A sharp short cough from 1 interrupted 6 as they were about to answer and drew the table’s attention. Once all eyes were focused on them, 1 spoke in a confident and slightly scathing tone,

“They did explain it, on our way to the Karma Node, but I believe someone was distracted by a few flowers.”

Lessa nodded at 1’s explanation and gestured towards the number on each of the group’s clothing, and much to 6’s chagrin, when looking down at their own silvery-white garb, sure enough, a simple black 6 was embossed on the left shoulder and hip.

“While you are here in training, you’ll be identified by your number. Once you’ve received a basic education and know how you wish to serve the Kingdom, you’ll receive a name that suits who you’ll become. Names have POWER, giving you a name now, would just shape you to whatever name you’re given.”

Lessa’s answer only gave 6 more questions, however, the harsh frown 1 directed down the table towards 6’s confused face, convinced them that asking questions was less important than enjoying the rest of the rapidly cooling red beans and rice.

When the conversation between 1, Lessa, and the occasional comment from 4 began to run dry, a gruff voice from one of the towering armored figures cut into the silence.

“Princess Solessa, we are expected in the second council chamber shortly.”

Lessa stood from the table with practiced grace.

“Very well, thank you for the reminder Atalemn. My new friends, I hope you enjoyed the meal. I will try my absolute best to join you for meals when I can, and if any of you have further questions please ask then.”

With that, Lessa exited the small cafeteria, flanked by the two heavily armored guards and followed by the kind woman with the lacy apron.

After the Princess left, the group of six ate in silence, all of them equally hungry for their first real meal, and all of the entire group showing increasing signs of fatigue. 2’s head tilted forward until it was parallel with the table, and 5’s eyes grew distant. 1 was the last to finish, and when their tray was empty of food, Alea immediately beckoned everyone from the table. She led the small group out of the cafeteria, and to a large room, empty except for six beds. For once 6 led the way inside, and upon slamming their face down into the plush expanse of a pillow, they fell into a deep slumber.


The Princess’s entourage walked in perfect harmony, leaving the subterranean complex of elaborate halls and corridors that composed the laboratory, and entering the palace proper before Solessa of Ramalur spoke again.

“Well Vanna, what did you think of them?”

“My lady, I think they’ll serve you well. Having six instead of five should help you grow faster despite your disadvantageous starting position.”

Vanna smoothed her apron as she spoke, taking care to stay several steps behind her lady.

“Yes, Researcher Moore has done well to uncover a 6th formula. That homunculus seemed strange compared to the others. What kind of warrior has such strange mannerisms and daydreams so? It seemed more like a child than a weapon.”

Solessa’s expression twisted into an unpleasant frown while she spoke and considered the actions of 6.

“Even if the new G series formula has some issues, having an additional blade will be beneficial even if it’s quality does prove to be lacking my Lady.”

Vanna stepped up to the large set of ornate double doors, opening the doors for the two hulking guards and her Princess as she spoke.

“True, it will be useful! No matter its origin.”

The Princess of Ramalur said before schooling her expression and pushing into the antechamber of the council.

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