《god of wealth》LIMITED AND LIMITLESS 1


Soon Andrew changed from just drinking to both drinking and brawling such that when he came back home he was usually laced with scars but that still didn’t stop him from going out the next day. This continued for months and Andrew didn’t still have any slight intention on stopping his new found habit, although he has exhausted his money, he started stealing from Michael’s personal stash of money and although Michael noticed it, he just brushed it off as adolescent behavior. People even brought lots of complaints towards Michael but since he was famous and well respected, all the matters was well handed satisfactorily in the favor of both parties.

In a private room in the village head’s house sat Cornelius and Michael once again but this time around, George and Joshua was present. The three current strongest hunters were present with the village head. “I have called them all as you told me to”, Michael starts the conversation. “I am sure Michael has already told you all the reason I called you all today”, Cornelius pauses for a minute staring at Joshua and George to see if they have really been briefed or they were not in the know but from their reactions, he knew they have indeed been briefed. Then he continued, “I will cut right down to the chase then, I have been given a deadline to get the herbs needed so I do hope you all can get it done. If you are able to fulfill this request of mine then I would be indebted to you all and I will owe each one of you a favor”. George and Joshua was shocked over the severity of the issue for the village head to want to owe them a favor shows how important this request of his was and for sure it would be laced with dangers but since Michael just broke through and has fully grasped his powers, they should be able to scale through and the village head was a man of his words so they could fully trust him, there was no doubt on that issue. But still, George although not a sociable person and usually quiet couldn’t help but to ask, “Just what herb are we going to go get and how is it so important that the higher ups would be pressurizing you this much”. There was a bit of silence for a while, as if Cornelius was thinking whether to lay the reason out for them to know or to continue hiding it. Although hiding it won’t cause much of a consequence due to his standing and his promise, he still decided to come out with everything. Cornelius takes a deep breath before saying, “I wouldn’t have said this if I didn’t trust you three and I have known you all since when you were young, but don’t let what I am about to tell you leave this room, it has heavy implications”. Hearing the words being said by the village head, the three of them become serious all of a sudden and solemnly nodded in agreement to keep it a secret. Cornelius looked at them seriously for a moment before saying, “Very well then, have you heard of the mammoth herb?”.


There was great shock in the faces of Michael and George, seems like Joshua was ignorant about such a thing and never heard of it before. Michael and George’s breath became hot and ragged all of a sudden and their eyes became filled with greed, bloodshot. One couldn’t blame them after all, since they knew the wonders of the mammoth herb, they have both heard of it from their master when he mentioned it casually. Even their master has only heard of it and thought of it as a legend also as he had never seen anyone of whom was in possession of such an herb. Michael couldn’t help but stammering in askance, his casual expression he usually carried has been removed, “Do...do...do yooouuuu actually mean to say it was that herb?”. “No, what you actually saw was the miniature version of the mammoth herb. An herb with lesser effect, it is the king elephant herb”, Cornelius pauses for a while and there was a sound heard from the ceiling at this moment. All of them turned towards the sound, their gazes sharp. Michael reacted firstly by bursting out of the apartment and jumping at an incredible and impossible height to the average human towards the origin of the sound but on getting there he laughed depreciatingly at himself coming down with a huge bird that looked like a pigeon but with eagle claws and eyes of a tiger, three eyes to be exact with one situated on its forehead. Instead of normal two legs, it has four legs with beautiful feathers. “Just a false alarm, it was a bird”, said Michael after he returns, one would wonder how this creature was related to a bird if it was to be seen on earth. No one could blame them for their reaction though since what they were talking about was something of great secret. They all laughed awkwardly at first before they calmed down, “Joshua, I know this is the first time you are hearing about such an herb so I would explain about it more firstly before continuing”, pausing once again in order to find the simplest way to explain the herb, Cornelius continues, “The mammoth herb as its name implies has a powerful effect on a hunter and can help him cross through a huge realm. I guess you don’t know, but there are two major realms the limited and the limitless realm. There are sub tiers between them but the highest I have heard someone gotten to was that of absolute regeneration. And the only person at the realm whom I have seen is your master”, Cornelius on completing those words, turns to look at Michael. “Yes, we both know about that and we also know that’s the sub realm before entering into the realm of the limitless. Master has gone through it already with us”, said Michael. “There are many sub realms in the realm of limited. Limited as it’s name is subjected or limited within the body, all changes in this realm occurs within your body. The first realm is that of increased speed, followed by increased strength, then the realm of increase in both strength and speed which Michael is currently in right now, then there is increased in brain usage and the five major senses while having full control of them, which I was in before, the poison made my prowess drop by a sub realm, but I still can’t fight for any longer than five minutes otherwise I would be fully paralyzed for a long while not able to move a single muscle for that period of time. If a person of that realm was to be here currently, they would be able to control their body to the extent that you would not be able to notice they were right next to you unless they were exposed in the open and your eyes directly lands on their position. That realm enables you to even stop bleeding halfway, increases reaction, sensitivity, taste, smell, eyesight and hearing. That is a realm that divides commoners from nobles, soldiers from high ranking military officers and so on. Then there is the body like steel realm were you can harden your skin at will and all your cells are hardened and strengthened to a tremendous rate all in preparation for the final sub realm, ‘Recovery’”. Cornelius wetted his lips before continuing, “In that realm according to legends, you are reborn, you would be able to heal from any cut and injury as long as it’s not life threatening. Those life threatening ones would take longer time to heal but those that are of normal standard would be healed as quickly as possible, hence the drawback from being injured in a fight is neutralized to some point and one can easily fight again after a difficult battle with just a bit of rest. But if your hands are cut off or any part is fully cut off, it can’t be healed. The king of this kingdom is rumored to be in that realm and when I heard that Michael’s teacher was also in such a realm I was shocked thinking what could such a strong warrior be looking for in such a remote village. After all if he was in the kingdom, he could talk to the king on the same levels and nothing would seem wrong after all power is all that matters”.


This was the first time that Joshua was hearing all about this. He just got into the second realm and was fully proud of himself for accomplishing such a feat, now he knew he was a frog in the well for being filled with pride for such a little achievement. He swallowed his saliva before asking, “What about the realm of limitless?”. Cornelius sighs before saying, “I don’t have any idea of that realm. Haven’t heard or seen anyone in that realm but they is rumored to be one guarding the kingdom whom the king can only order when the kingdom is facing an extinction crisis otherwise, he/she is always in seclusion”.

(Author’s note - I know I have bad naming sense. So please if you have another cooler name for the realms please do tell)

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