《An Ancient's Leisure》Chapter 21


The doorbell rang and Aaron went to get the door.

Outside was a stunning blonde lady. Aaron's eyes widen. “Can I help you, miss?” He asks, taking a moment to gulp his saliva.

Lucy smiles. “Yes, is Johnny home?” She asks.

Lucy had crushed her love spell, but her feelings couldn't help but linger. After losing sleep over the matter for several nights, she decided to come over. She wanted to find out if it was real, or if it was just the love spell.

Aaron's eyes widen before frowning. That bastard! This lady is at least my age! How dare he aim so highly! He thinks, frustrated. But he was left with no choice, he could only call out, “Johnny! Someone’s at the door for you!”

Johnny quickly came over. When he saw Lucy, he couldn’t help but smile. He looks at her hair and raises an eyebrow. “Your hair?” He says.

Lucy blushes a bit. When she came over, she decided to be herself, so she removed the dye from her hair. “Yes, I’m naturally blonde.” She says, somewhat shyly.

Aaron frowns once more. This lady clearly wants to rob the cradle! He thinks, very displeased. Aaron could watch no longer. “I’ll leave you to it, then.” He says before going back inside unhappily.

Mary Rose also went over to see the commotion and saw Lucy. Mary Rose couldn’t stop a frown from appearing on her face. “It’s you.” She says, with no good intentions.

Lucy lets out a bitter smile. She was hoping Mary Rose wouldn’t be home.

Mary Rose raises an eyebrow. “Well, what do you want?” She asks, mean spiritedly.

Lucy puts on a brave face. “I was going to go foraging for ingredients. I wanted to know if you guys wanted to join me?” She says.


Mary Rose was ready to reject, but Johnny immediately says, “Sure, we’ll go with you.”

Mary Rose frowns. “Yes, we’ll both go.” She says with gritted teeth.

On a short forest mountain north of the city, the group began to hike. There were many ingredients that were nourished by spiritual energy, hidden from the mortal realm, so the group didn’t have too much trouble as they were foraging.

Even Mary Rose enjoyed the activity.

“So you’ve been making potions and selling them to the mortal realm?” Lucy asks.

“Yes, just something to keep me busy.” Johnny says.

Lucy found the matter peculiar. “Why? Are you short on money?” She asks. “You could make more money selling demon beasts to witches. Or better yet, you could get resources that are actually useful.” She says.

Johnny smiles. “I like money. It’s so cheap, but people think its so valuable that they offer their whole lives for it. All that wasted potential for life in the pursuit of money; to me, that dark energy is the good shit.” He says, admitting to it.

Lucy lets out a chuckle and playfully pushes Johnny’s arm. “You’re weird. But I like it.” She says with a smile.

Mary Rose frowns, frustration begins build in her until she finally couldn’t take it anymore. She lets out a few deep breaths. “Okay, okay. Fine, alright. Should we just get this over with? Polyamorous relationship. What do you say?” She says. Mary Rose could no longer take it. The doubts, the looking behind her back, the anxiety. Seeing as Johnny was unhindered by ideas such as monogamy, Mary Rose thought that she might as well settle.

Lucy looks at her blankly. “Actually, I was kind of hoping that you two would break up.” She says honestly.


Johnny thinks it over before shaking his head. “I can’t do it. Depending on how deep I am in the sauce, I can’t guarantee that I won’t murder your possible future boyfriends out of rage.” He says, admitting to the matter.

Lucy bites her lip and looks at Johnny longingly. “Damn, I want you so bad.” She says, no longer hiding it.

“Ah!” Mary Rose lets out, growing increasingly frustrated. “How ‘bout we have a threesome and go from there?” She says, hoping to release some of this sexual tension.

Johnny shakes his head. “Mary Rose, since when did you get so crude? Who says I want to have a threesome? I’m a gentleman, Mary Rose!” He says, denying his desire.

Lucy also shakes her head. “This isn’t something you can force, Mary Rose.” She says.

Mary Rose looks at both of them unwillingly, her frustration with no where to go. Eventually she could only let out a short scream. “You two are hopeless!” She says before walking away.

After she left, Johnny looks at Lucy and Lucy looks at Johnny. Johnny doesn’t hesitate and leans to kiss her soft lips, feeling the soft moisture again and again. “I still want you.” He says against her ear before walking away.

Lucy’s face was flushed red and her heart was fluttering. There it is. My ovaries are tingling. She thinks with heavy breaths.

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