《Dreams Recounted》#29 | Options


Against the wall of a ginormous sinkhole, built into the reddish grey rock reaching from the ground, up to halfway to the top is a vaguely futuristic base. Directly opposite the base is a ravine, leading away from the hole into the distance.

From the viewpoint of facing the ravine, to the right of the base exists a futuristic disc shaped building built into the lip of the sinkhole. We call it The Drone and we are in a battle against it.

Me and one of my friends, Thomas, exit the base and run along the ground strafing The Drone and marking perimeters for the others at a supernatural speed. Bombs drop from the sky above the enemy base where we marked.

The Drone responds by sending out a giant coin shaped metal structure held up horizontally by wires leading up into the sky connected to something I couldn't see. It’s bigger than The Drone somehow.

The giant floating disc is carried between the two warring buildings and before it can fully reach our base it is destroyed enough that it can no longer travel any further.

The disc opens two holes in the middle of it one on the top and one on the bottom, a red glow shines brightly out of the top hole along with steam and out the bottom liquid hydrogen flows.

Knowing what a bomb is, Thomas and I ran away from it as fast as we possibly could but didn't get very far as the sinkhole is huge from end to end and the bomb was already about to go off when we started moving.

Not getting away in time, the bomb goes off and completely evaporates us, killing us instantly.

After a long enough time for plants to start growing everywhere through the sinkhole, someone comes along and places water at the two spots where me and my friend had died. I am not sure whether this was on purpose or by accident.


After the water soaks the earth and a small sapling starts growing up through the ground something happens. The two saplings quickly shrivel up to dust and from the void we pop out as if nothing had happened.

Observing the aftermath of the battle, The Drone is gone as well as a majority of our wall base with only a small strip at the bottom existing and it seems to have been changed. Looking around the ground reveals perfectly cut cube shaped holes randomly spaced around the place.

Walking up to what was left of the wall base, what was left was changed into a line of terminals and a huge solid metal rectangular door built into the wall.

Accessing one of the terminals I have the option to choose one of the roles listed. Picking one that I like, it informs me that I can enter the ‘Battlefield’ solo or with a team of five. Me and Thomas both picked the option to go in solo and just work together anyway.

The giant metal gate opens into a lush, bright blue skied forest. A dirt track winds down a hill in front of us and leads off into the distance.

Along the trail Thomas chooses to go off the packed dirt path and enters the forest while I continue on forward. Along the way I encounter two girls and have to choose who to help. I have no idea what this help entails though.

I choose to help one of the girls. The one with pupils shaped like the hole in spherical jingle bells.

Ending up in the middle of a sprawling brightly coloured city with roads that go through and over buildings, ends with a sheer drop into the ocean. A giant figure pulls itself up out of the water revealing itself to be the girl I chose to help. Lots of turrets and robots start building themselves up all around the city.


All of them lock their lasers onto me and start firing. Turning around I started running along one of the roads. The road I'm running along is high above the walking paths below me and further along it turns and rotates left to a forty five degree angle before going back to normal.

Running a few seconds longer the road goes through an alleyway between two brick buildings before ending in a loop de loop that connects back onto itself forcefully stopping me from getting any further.

Seeing as that was a dead end I turn around to head back and find a different way but I am blocked off by a robot that aims a laser gun at me.

I choose to help one of the girls. The one with black bob styled hair.

Ending up in a small bookstore owned by the girl, I turned to the right wall to pick out a book to buy. The bookstore itself has only one movable shelf on the left side of the store and both the right and left walls have shelves full of books, a counter is stationed at the back wall in the middle and the front entrance has a step down that lines up with two doors to the outside like a genkan.

The girl has a younger brother that pulls out a book with a mountain on the cover and the title ‘Mountaining Self’ above it.

A guy enters from the outside, quickly pulls out a gun and aims it at the girl. I jump in front of her to protect her and block a few shots with my clothes but the man just aims his gun at the brother and fires at him, killing him.

Me and the girl charge the assassin and kill him ourselves.

Just after killing him the blood splattered book that the brother was reading changes, the title of the book changing to just ‘Die’. The girl checks on her brother and seeing that he is dead she starts going crazy demolishing everything in the bookstore.

I try to calm her down but with her only seeing red, it's fruitless. I change tactics and try to subdue her which ends up in a fight between us. Ultimately I am the victor but I lose a few extremities and a limb in the struggle.

Gaining back awareness and not going crazy anymore she starts quickly saying a random string of numbers like a robot.

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