《Undesired Power》Chapter 3. Similarities And Backgrounds And Also Swords. Part 3: Toroma's past.
Alex said to himself, not only did he say it to himself he said it out loud to Toroma also, he could feel Toroma’s strength as the wind blew pushing him back a little bit more.
“No one is similar to you? You’re a fool, now can you listen?”
Toroma said confidently his face changed into one of annoyance, he was now gonna explain himself and explain everything. He let out a sigh as the glow around his body disappeared. He was gonna explain how he knew Alex had the same powers he does. He remained standing across from Alex.
Alex nodded towards Toroma with a somewhat scared face with a nod that indicated yes or an affirming nod.
Toroma started to explain his story on how he knew Alex had similar powers to himself. He began to get back into the perspective of yesterday and how it went down for him. Toroma had left class yesterday around three pm like any other student. He had his backpack on and left his English class.
“And then, that’s when I felt it.”
He then felt it, It was feeling similar to others. His brain told him something was similar to himself. He felt the feeling increase as he rushed outside of the school heading to the school gate. It wasn’t the first time he felt this feeling, he felt this feeling when he was sitting in his last period earlier that day. He felt something strange. Earlier that day, he felt everything just come to a halt, it was as if time had stopped. It was as if life glitched and stopped, for Toroma it felt like a split second but it was longer than he knew.
“That’s when I approached it.”
Toroma said to Alex continuing the events of how he figured out Alex had powers similar to his.
Toroma could be seen by the school’s front gate, he then felt time halt for a split second. It repeated as if life glitched, he then looked towards the sidewalk outside of the school. He saw Alex on the ground, he was confused about where did the feeling come from he asked himself. He watched Alex as he saw him get out of the fetal position, he then saw him weirdly runoff.
“What was that about?”
Toroma said to himself watching Alex run away, the feeling he had gotten, lingered on.
“But then it happened again, Alex.”
Toroma said, still explaining.
It was a new day, it happened earlier today. In the cafeteria, Toroma was like any normal day. He was eating out of his bento box that his mom packed him for lunch. It was morning and most of the students were already in the cafeteria eating their breakfast. Toroma was sitting by himself, as usual, he looked up as he heard the cafeteria door open. He looked up because he was waiting for Alex and his friends to enter. They entered and Toroma continued to watch them. He wished he could go up and talk to them but due to his shyness and low self-esteem that would be impossible.
“And that’s when it happened, I saw you.”
Toroma watched as he saw Alex's body begin to glow in black color. He was looking at him from his seat and he felt Alex’s presence, he recognized it from yesterday. It was the same as yesterday, he was happy and at the same time surprised. He wanted to approach him but he was too shy to.
“He’s like me?”
“I knew we had the same first period, so I ran there and waited for you.”
Toroma said, continuing to talk and tell the story to Alex.
Toroma said to himself as he left the cafeteria, he was sneaky. He went to class before Alex did, he wanted to use him being early and in class to talk to Alex and approach. Toroma ran into the class sitting down as he sat there quietly waiting for Alex to arrive. When Alex eventually did arrive he attempted to talk to him but was too shy and awkward too.
“I was a coward to talk to you, I only talked to you because I had an excuse to. I was preparing myself to talk to you. I’m a coward Alex. I have always wanted to talk to you since middle school. So, if you’re worthless then I am too.”
Toroma stopped explaining the story from his point of view, he began to smile towards Alex.
Alex was shocked, he couldn’t believe it, he didn’t want to believe it. Is someone similar to him? He hadn’t experienced having other friends from his regular three. It was crazy how Toroma was admitting that he wanted to be friends with him. He couldn’t believe it, everything was confusing him.
“Y-you have powers too?”
Alex said to Toroma as his voice stuttered, he fell to his knees and his body began to shake rapidly. He awaited the answer from Toroma, he already knew the answer but he wanted to confirm it, just so his sanity could accept it.
“Yes, I do.”
Toroma said calmly towards Alex, he knew that he was about to get emotional.
Alex couldn’t accept he was a good person, it was all making sense what Toroma said and he was now noticing some of the stuff that Toroma was talking about. He remembered hearing a door sound when he was using his glow-like power. It made sense of what he said. It was weird that Toroma was the earliest in the classroom. It all made sense, Alex wanted to agree, but he was still in a dark place where he thought he was worthless.
“Fine that might all be true, but I'm still a bad friend! I threw a dodgeball at my best friend and injured him!”
A smile came onto Toroma’s face as he lightly giggled. He couldn’t wait to tell him the real reason why Daizen was hurt. He knew it was serious but he couldn’t help being humorous.
“Ever found it strange how your scrawny ass could damage Daizen?”
Alex thought for a second wondering why Toroma was somewhat laughing at the situation. He didn’t get offended but he was a bit annoyed. He disregarded his annoyance and thought about the question Toroma had asked him. He thought and thought and continued to think. After a few seconds, it finally hit him, it hit him like a truck. He realized something that he didn’t first realize when he hit Daizen with the dodgeball. His facial expression changed into one of shock and realization.
Toroma was still standing, he smirked as he saw Alex’s facial expression changed, he spoke with a condescending and teasing tone.
“Did you figure it out?”
Alex did figure it out, he hadn’t noticed it until Toroma mentioned it. He was somehow unknowingly faster and stronger when the glow was surrounding his body. He remembered when he was in the gym he had used glow and stopped time. He didn’t notice it before but his reflexes, his speed, and his strength were somewhat increased.
“Yeah I figured it out, it wasn’t my strength. My power was increased, No way my scrawny ass could damage Daizen.”
Alex let out a slight laugh as he found the situation funny. He knew he should have noticed this stuff sooner but maybe because he was in the moment he didn’t notice it.
Toroma then spoke to Alex walking over to him as he kept his innocent smile.
“People tend to not notice things when there are situations and in moments but when they are done with those situations, they realize they could have handled the situation better. It’s like when you say, ``I should have said this, after the situation that took place.”
Toroma walked over to Alex as he got down to the floor, he hugged him tightly trying to make him feel somewhat better.
“It wasn’t your fault Alex, you didn’t know how to use these powers. I know you're a good friend and a good person. No matter how much people make fun of you for being an otaku or weird you never cried and kept smiling. You’re just like the main character from an anime!”
Alex was still in pure shock, He had put himself down constantly thinking that this situation was his fault. He had been feeling worse these days, Alex was always sad but these two days had somewhat changed his life. He had to come to terms with the fact that supernatural abilities were real, something he believed in when first came to Japan. He had accepted that they didn’t exist in this world and his world was normal. All of his peers said it, he wished they did and came to accept it, but this was just shocking to him. He wasn’t happy or sad about them being real, he was confused. He had just come to terms with stuff not being real, like anime girls, loli’s, superpowers, people getting hit by trucks and being sent to another world, angels and demons, and a whole bunch of other things. He wanted to cry as he was being hugged by Toroma so he did. They kept hugging for a few minutes. Alex just cried. He continued to but after a few minutes, he began to laugh at Toroma. He stopped hugging Toroma as he stepped back.
“I should have noticed it, of course, my scrawny ass couldn’t hurt Daizen!”
Toroma and Alex began to laugh as they joked about the situation, they laughed but after they laughed they began to speak seriously.
Alex then began to ask Toroma a few questions about their abilities and superpowers. He was curious and still confused. He wanted to ask obvious questions like how Toroma figured out he had powers and what his power is, but there were questions that Toroma had also so they had a discussion. He sat up and put his legs in a criss-cross position.
“So, Toroma, what’s your power?”
Toroma smiled as he scratched his grey hair, his hair was long but was in a bun. He tapped his chin as he thought.
“Well basically, I can just summon these swords. I can summon more than one. I can also swing them to make little wind blades and wind pressure.”
“Dude, that's so cool!”
Alex said as he went on a tangent about Toroma’s cool but weird power, he went on and on about anime characters that he reminded him of. He then realized something else and decided to ask him another question.
“Wait, how'd you get your power?”
Toroma kept his smile as he began to explain how he got his power.
“You know how I said my family owns a Kendo place?”
Alex began to think back to earlier today, he did remember hearing him say that he nodded in accordance.
“Well, basically this is how I got it I guess. It happened around 3 years ago.”
Toroma could be seen in a large dojo room; he was on his knees as he was holding the hilt of a wooden sword in his left hand. Toroma seemed shorter and his face was a bit slimmer. His hair was also not in a man bun and was just long reaching his back. His head was downward and looking at the ground as the darkness covered his eyes he began to pant lightly.
A man with grey hair similar to Toroma was standing over him with a wooden sword in his left hand. The man was wearing a black kendo gi. His hair was in a chonmage hairstyle that looked like a traditional Japanese samurai. He was half bald with hair only on the back of his head and was tied to the front. The man spoke to Toroma, his face looking somewhat mad and ignored.
“Your swordsmanship is weak, you expect to surpass your brothers like this? I beat you, time and time and again but you never learn.”
Toroma began to pant louder and faster as he gripped his sword with his left hand as he stared at the man, his pink eyes began to glow white for a split second. His anger was building and building, He wanted to win badly he desired to win.
Toroma then spoke over the story as he began to explain to Alex how he was feeling at that particular moment.
“I was filled with rage, Alex. I wanted to win so badly against my father and prove to him that just because I’m-”
Toroma stopped talking for a second, he looked down, he looked a bit sad as he stopped telling the story. He didn’t want to talk about that part of the story.
Alex looked towards Toroma in confusion as he then spoke.
“Because you’re what?”
Toroma sat there for a few seconds not saying anything after Alex had said. After a few seconds, Toroma snapped out of it and looked back up to Alex.
“Nothing, never mind, anyway.”
Toroma said nervously as he got back into the story.
“I wanted to win against my father and prove to him that I am a good swordsman. And that’s when it happened.”
Toroma was in Dojo looking at the man with grey hair, his facial expression, and body language just radiated anger. A glow began to surround Toroma’s body, it was a whitish glow that surrounded all of his body parts and outer skin. It was a white aura and at the moment it was making him better without him realizing it. He felt a sharp pain from the core of his body, but decided to ignore it thinking it was nothing, he was also too enraged to care.
The man with grey hair quickly smirked as he saw Toroma’s anger and a white aura that had suddenly been unlocked.
Toroma stared at the man as he suddenly began to run straight at him, as he was running he was somewhat faster and stronger. He put his sword behind him with his right arm, putting it in position. As he ran his sword began to glow as the aura surrounding his body was spread to the sword, little did he know the sword was stronger as well and more durable. He watched his father’s body language and looked for openings in his sword position. His father wasn’t in a defensive position so he decided to slash at his chest. Toroma was running without knowing of his sudden increase in strength, he was approaching his father fast.
Toroma said as he yelled the name of his father with anger, he called his father by his first name and not my dad because he had no respect for him.
As Toroma was approaching Ketto he attempted to slash his chest with his sword, he did this by already setting up his sword's position from when he started to run previously. His sword was then unexpectedly blocked by Ketto’s sword, the sound of their wooden swords clashing against each other echoed throughout the dojo.
Toroma said in his head immediately, this snapped him out of his deep hatred and anger. He was confused about how his sword didn't hit Ketto like he thought it would, he was sure that he had hit Ketto with his glowing sword. Ketto’s sword began to crack at the tip, this was because Toroma’s sword was more durable and stronger.
Ketto laughed towards Toroma, he spoke in a condescending tone toward him. Secretly Ketto was impressed by Toroma’s speed and that his body was glowing.
“You’ve gotten faster, but still father always wins.”
“S-shut up!”
Toroma said rather loudly as he stepped back and then rushed Ketto once more. Toroma tried to hit the man with his sword on his face, he did it as fast as possible. He hoped he hit the man. But this time Ketto instead of blocking moved very quickly to dodge.
Toroma spoke to Alex as he continued to tell the story.
“My family but especially my father is a great swordsman, better than I can ever be. He was somewhat of a Samurai.”
Toroma tried to attack his father rapidly with his sword in his left hand. He attempted to hit him all around his body multiple times, but all of his attempts failed, Ketto continuously dodged everything even with the powerful glow that was surrounding Toroma’s body. Every time Ketto dodged his afterimage would appear to confuse Toroma. This just made Toroma angrier and with all his might he rushed Ketto once more, air pressure moved forward as he ran towards Ketto, he attempted to hit him on the face and this time he succeeded. A cut appeared on Ketto’s cheek as blood dripped down to his chin.
Toroma spoke towards Alex while he continued to talk about the scenario of how he unlocked his powers.
“I had never hit my father, I knew something was off. I noticed at that moment that my sword was glowing and an aura covered my body.”
“Good, that’s good. That’s enough for today, you got your first hit. We’ll practice tomorrow until you’re good enough to hit me regularly.”
Ketto said towards Toroma with a smirk, He turned towards the dojo door and dropped his wooden sword. He decided he was gonna go do some errands, As he turned towards the dojo door he began to walk to the dojo door and open it, but before he left Toroma decided to attack him. This was for one reason and one reason only, he was mad at his father’s condescending tone and was bitter that even though he tried so hard he only hit him once.
Toroma gripped his wooden sword as he ran towards Ketto before he left. He used his left hand to swing his sword at his back. He swung as hard as he could and as fast as he could. He aimed at his back since it was an open spot and since he was occupied with opening the door he
But then something unexpected happened, As Toroma thought he hit his father in the back, in reality, he dodged quickly jumping back. Ketto heard Toroma running at him before he tried to attack him, so he pretended to not be aware of Toroma trying to attack him, but what Ketto was doing was letting Toroma think he had an advantage because of the sneak attack. When the sword was about to hit Ketto he did a high-speed movement and caught the point of the sword.
“I said that’s enough, Toroma.”
Ketto said as he held the wooden sword with his right hand, he wasn’t worried about getting hurt. He pushed Toroma backward as he walked out of the room.
“We’ll practice tomorrow.”
Ketto simultaneously said as he left the room.
Toroma then let out a sigh as he was done telling the story to Alex, he smiled as he scratched the back of his head.
“After that, I started getting better at Kendo and entered tournaments. I got better at using my ability and realized what my power was, which is to summon swords that glow. I stopped doing kendo tournaments, I think it’s unfair to use an ability to an advantage when others can’t do the same.”
Alex looked at Toroma, his story was somewhat surprising to him. He knew that Toroma was somewhat of a swordsman. In middle school, Toroma always used to wear a kendo gi which got him weird stares. Toroma’s story was so cool while Alex’s was just confusing and ridiculous.
Toroma smiled as he then looked towards Alex.
“Anyways, I’ve been rambling. How’d you get your power?”
Alex sat there for a few seconds after Toroma had spoken, he then pointed at himself with his right index finger.
“Wait, how'd I get mine? Uhh Well, I was basically just sitting in class and everything just stopped. Everyone was sitting or standing still and nothing was moving. It freaked me out, I was coughing blood but, then, after that something strange happened.”
“What happened?”
Toroma said curiously.
“I began to hear this sudden voi-”
Something cut Alex off as he was about to say a voice. He felt a sharp pain in his stomach that soon turned into a burning sensation which caused him to cough up blood. Toroma was standing still and was no longer moving or breathing. He felt a shaking feeling in his stomach as something told him that his power was activated. He knew that time had suddenly stopped without him wanting to. His eyes then began to feel as if they were forcibly being closed by hands or fingers. He then heard the oh too familiar voice, the one that sounded like it was safe and loving as an angel but at the same time chaotic and evil like a demon. As He began to speak to him, Alex's body began to shake as he felt a chill run up his spine as the voice said its words.
“Do not speak of me.”
Alex’s eyes were shut closed, all he heard was the voice. He could no longer see or feel anything. All he saw was darkness, he felt all he knew was darkness. He felt an evil but good presence behind him. It was weird. The presence felt like it meant no harm but at the same time, the presence felt as if it wanted to bring further harm to him. It was whispering into his ear as it held his shoulder. All he could do was listen to the voice as it continued to speak.
“This is your gift, Someone with abilities like your own. With Glow. Don’t take my gift for granted, human.”
The voice said slowly and ominously, it didn’t sound like before. It had the same pitch and tone as before but something about the way it was speaking to Alex was more maniacal than before. There was no angelic tone to it like before, all there was, was pure evilness. The presence behind him then grabbed his neck from behind applying pressure from behind causing pain on the back of Alex’s neck. Alex then saw a quick vision flash in front of his eyes. The darkness dissipated as he saw the vision and this vision was utterly terrifying. He saw his head being detached from his body, something told him subconsciously if he didn't listen to the voice that would become him. The vision was real and vivid, it seemed real. He couldn’t react even though he wanted to scream, all he could do was see darkness and listen to the voice that was scaring the shit out of him.
“Understand? Good. More gifts will come soon. Now don’t speak of me to others. You are mine. Your time ability is mine, always remember that. I Taida rule you.”
A sudden gasp escaped Alex’s mouth as he felt his eyelids open. He could finally see once more, He saw Toroma looking at him confused.
“You, ok?”
Alex’s respiration rate was increasing as he began to breathe faster and faster. He remembered the whole situation with the voice and it was creepy to him. The voice warned him about talking about the voice that was in his head. He didn't know why he couldn’t talk about it but he decided to listen out of fear. He didn’t want to die, he felt as if he didn’t listen to the voice he would die. The vision he saw was vivid and it seemed real. When Toroma asked his question “if he was ok” he stayed still for a second and began to hide his true fear. He smiled as he scratched the back of his head.
“Yeah, I’m good.”
Alex said as he slightly laughed.
“Then why is there blood coming from your mouth?”
Alex quickly thought of a lie to hide his fear and not reveal what just happened to him.
“Oh, it’s just something that happens. I probably ate something raw today, Anyways. I got my power around yesterday last period, everyone was just still and not saying anything. I think I have the power to stop time.”
Toroma looked at him in pure amazement, he was impressed by Alex’s power to stop or manipulate time in a sense.
“That’s cool, way better than my power, I can just summon swords. That must have been the glitch I felt yesterday. No wonder I felt that something was off.”
“Yeah I guess, it does come with consequences. Whenever I use it I feel pain in my stomach and either throw up or vomit blood.”
“Oh really?! My power is kind of like that too. My power takes a bunch of stamina and if I’m low on stamina my sword won’t be summoned, it won’t work. It’s happened in tournaments before when I’m damaged or low on energy and my sword won’t summon or strengthen at all.”
“I get it, It’s like a drawback to our powers. It happens in anime all the time, like how people with super strength damage their bodies. Kind of like Keku from Your Villain Academy. He has a drawback on his power where he breaks his arm every time he uses super strength.”
“Oh I get it, I’ve watched that anime. So we both have drawbacks and stuff is ok.”
Toroma said simultaneously, nodding his head.
“Yeah, it makes sense. We all have weaknesses I guess.”
Alex let out an exaggerated sigh as he was considering all this, these experiences he was going through were so surreal. Never in a thousand years, he would think this would happen to him. These experiences weren’t supposed to happen, they didn’t seem real but they were. Alex then looked towards Toroma with a smile of relief, he appreciated Toroma being there for him. Not only did he comfort him about the Daizen situation but he also told him about his powers, something he didn’t have to do.
“Hey, Toroma?”
Toroma responded.
“Thanks for dealing with a loser like me. I thought my powers were fake. These past two days have been crazy for me. I feel like I can only talk to you about it without sounding crazy.”
“Yeah, no problem. I feel thankful too that I have someone to talk to about this. I’ve tried to hide this ability because if people found out I used this in tournaments they’d say I’m a filthy cheater, and you're not a loser! You need to have more confidence, Alex!”
“Says the guy who was just stuttering a few minutes ago. I may not be confident but you definitely aren’t either.
Alex said, slightly laughing.
Toroma got a bit angry because he knew it was true. He had a pouty face as he spoke.
“S-shut up!”
Alex laughed for a few seconds at Toroma’s reaction, he then quickly got serious after the laughing was done.
“So what should we do now?”
Toroma shrugged his shoulders in a reply to Alex, but in the middle of him shrugging his shoulders, a ding sound could be heard from his pocket. Toroma quickly reached into his pocket and grabbed his phone as he turned on his phone he saw the time which was four pm. He looked down at his phone and saw the notification and saw it was from Fuzumi, the message read.
“- Where are you?”
Toroma decided to text back to Fuzumi, he used his fingers to type fast.
- At the Kendo Club why?
- Is Alex there? I’m with Hiroto and Daizen and he hasn’t been answering our texts.
Toroma stopped texting as he quickly looked up towards Alex, He then began to speak.
“It’s Fuzumi.”
Alex made eye contact with Toroma as he continued to speak.
“So what does she want?”
“She’s asking where I am and is asking if you’re here, she’s with Hiroto and Daizen. I know you feel bad and you don’t wanna see your friends. But are you ready to see them?
Alex looked down for a second as he began to think, he still felt bad about hurting Daizen. He didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t decide if he was ready to see his friends after what he did. His facial expression changed into one of uncertainty.
Toroma instantly noticed this and tried to comfort Alex and try to convince him to talk to his friends.
“You can’t keep ducking them forever, they're your friends. I barely know them and when I see you four interact I can tell they care for you. If you just apologize and play your words right, I bet they’ll forgive you.”
Toroma said confidently towards Alex.
Alex looked down as he began to think, he knew Toroma was right. He had known these groups of friends since middle school. After a few seconds of him sitting in silence, he decided to tell Toroma his answer.
“Yeah, I’m ready.”
Toroma happily nodded as he looked down, then he went back to texting Fuzumi.
- Yeah, He’s here, come up to the Dojo.
- Alright.
Toroma looked back up to Alex as he spoke once more.
“They are coming, just texted him”
Alex’s anxiety suddenly spiked up, he let out a quick sigh as he realized they were coming. He knew he had a few minutes before they came to knock on the door. He took a deep breath as he prepared for his friends to come to the dojo. He knew it wouldn’t take much time for them to get there since he saw them earlier at the school gate. He didn’t know if he was ready to face them, but at the same time, he knew he couldn’t just ignore his friends forever. So, he decided to face it head-on, Alex got up as he spoke towards Toroma.
“I’ll be waiting for them at the door.”
“Uh ok.”
Toroma said quietly.
As Alex said he would, he quickly got up and slowly walked over to the door. He then slowly positioned his body downward and began to sit with his legs crossed. His anxiety was just through the roof, he anxiously waited and waited. It had only been a few seconds but for Alex, it felt like hours. At some point, he thought they weren’t going to come at all, but then as soon as that thought entered his mind, almost instantly he heard a knock on the wooden dojo door.
“Damn it.”
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So this is going to be my first time writing on this website or an website in general . Helpful suggestions for my story is very welcomed and it might not be used but it will be read. The basic theme of the story is like the title said our main charactor Zig dies and is reborn into the first of the monster in the dungeons. Not only that but a bing of enormouse power has made him is entertainment. Follow Zig as he lives through his multiple lives. Also I do not plan on making the Zig a god and I am planing on him getting killed at least 3 times or more. Guys I am changing things up starting with names and it will be a rewrite. If someone wants to take it pleaze do.
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