《The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story (ASOIAF)》Chapter 7: King Aegons First Royal Progress (Aegon, Lord Commander Corlys Velaryon) (Part 1)


7th Moon, 8000

Docks of Kings Landing

The small ship made its way closer to the shore, its dragon banner fluttering in the wind, the dark black and red cloth making it visible in the light blue sky from miles away, though now it was almost ashore. Even farther behind the ship was a dragon, its bronze scales shining in the sun.

The ship was Visenyas, Aegon's sister-wife and her two Kingsguard were finally returning to the capitol after nearly one year in Essos. She had sent a messenger that had arrived some time ago, stating that she had given birth to a healthy little girl in Norvos, and stated her intentions to sail down the Little Rhoyne river by barge to Pentos, where she would then stay for a month, letting the child recover from the journey from Norvos and Pentos and letting her grow stronger for the 4-5 day sea voyage from Pentos to King's Landing.

Aegon stood, hand on his sword Blackfyre, a feeling of anticipation coursing through his body. In truth he had not much thought of becoming a father in years past, with almost all of his attention devoted to his plans and ambitions to conquer Westeros, and now that he was on the verge of meeting his newborn daughter, he did not entirely know what to feel.

‘’This is so exciting….the little dragon is finally here.’’ Rhaenys said happily, she had not been idle during the wait, contracting seamstresses to make the babe clothes, and even had bought a little silver circlet from a passing Myrish trader, another one of her frivolous expenses.

As the ship came into harbor, Aegon spotted Visenya, who was wearing her silver hair in a long braid, a little bundle in her arms. Aethen Velaryon, the Targaryens cousin and the master of ships nodded to his men who prepared a wooden gangplank as the ship pulled into harbor, with Corlys Velaryon holding out a hand and helping the queen disembark.

Rhaenys immediately embraced Visenya before she stopped to look at the babe.

‘’She is beautiful, Visenya….tan too.’’ Rhaenys said with a laugh, holding out her hands to hold the baby, rocking her gently.

‘’Sailing for a week down the River Rhoyne has that effect.’’ Visenya said with a small smile.

Aegon smiled and approached his sister, embracing her for a good while before Visenya pushed him away gently.

‘’Go and see your daughter your Grace.’’ Visenya commanded.

The King walked over, and Rhaenys gently handed the baby to him.

He took her in his arms and looked down at her, she had already had some wisps of silver hair, and she looked up to him with big violet eyes, a smile on her face.

‘’I think our little explorer likes you.’’ Rhaenys said.

‘’Does the little explorer have a name.?’’ Aegon asked, Visenya's message had stated the child was a girl but made no mention of her name.

‘’Nyel’’ Visenya responded.

‘’Nyel?’’ Aegon asked, he knew of no such ancestor with that name.


‘’It is the name of one of the three bells of Norvos…she was born under its song..I thought it fitting.’’ Visenya responded.

‘’Very poetic.’’ Rhaenys said with a laugh.

The three Targaryens spent several more minutes on the dock, before heading back to the Aegonfort, where a feast had been prepared for Queen Visenya and the Kingsguard Ser Gregor Goode and Ser Harold Langward, that night would be one of stories of far off lands and strange peoples.

Three Months Later

Forests of Crackclaw Point

The smell of pine was heavy in the air as the long column of the royal retinue made their way through the uneven marshy terrain of the forested peninsula of Crackclaw Point. They had been traveling for four days from Duskendale at first along a dirt road, but that had ended once they entered the peninsula, with a clawman guide showing the retinue the best way to traverse the pine forests and bogs to reach the castle Dyre Den, though even with the help of the guide, it had been rough going, especially since Aegon brought 100 total knights from the Aegonfort and Dragonstone, along with their horses, squires and equipment.

Things had settled down in the realm since Visenya's return with Nyel, the pox had abated, never entering Kings Landing despite getting close at times, and the violence in the Iron Islands had also ended for the moment, though there was word that a large band of robbers and reavers had formed on the Island of Pyke, taking advantage of Vickons Greyjoys absence.

With the realm seemingly at peace, Aegon had ordered preparations to be made for a months-long tour of his own realm, which he called a royal progress. During the royal progress he would travel the land, staying in local castles, holding court in some as well as administering judgment and gaining a better understanding of his realm, an idea his sister Visenya had agreed with, thinking it prudent.

Given that this was the first such progress to ever be made, Aegon would start small, though he would stay for a night in castles along the way to his destinations, he would only stay for an extended period of time in three castles, which he had instructed Grandmaester Arlan to select randomly, giving all the lords of the realm, no matter how powerful or small, a chance to be visited by the King. He had also decided to take a strong retinue with him, 100 heavy knights, their squires, servants, six of his Kingsguard, as well as some hunters in an effort to impress his vassals, he was a King after all and he wanted his retinue to reflect his power.

His sister Visenya, who played a large role in planning the royal progress would not be accompanying them, not only because she wished to remain in the capitol with Nyel, but shortly before they had left the capitol, she had informed Aegon she was once again with child. Together, Visenya, Edmyn Tully and Orys Baratheon would rule the realm in the months Aegon and Rhaenys were on the royal progress, to ensure the safety of his wife and daughter, he had also left the Kingsguard Ser Harold Langward in the capitol, who was in need of a rest.


The planned route of the progress was first to travel north from the capitol to Duskendale, then through Crackclaw Point to the castle of Dyre Den, seat of the aged Lord Alyn Brune who had come to King's Landing to be made the High Lord of the point, they would remain at Dyre Den for some time. Following this they would leave by ship to the North, stopping for some time at a small castle in the poor county of Eastmelt before riding across the interior of the North to the Flint Cliffs, their final stopping point. They would then take a ship to Seaguard and ride back to King's Landing from the west.

Aegon turned to Rhaenys, who had not been her normal cheerful self the last few days of trudging through the pine bogs. She had wanted to simply ride by Dragon to Dyre Den but Aegon thought it best that they arrive at Dyre Den all together, to show their unity.

‘’One day we shall have to send men to make roads in parts of the realm such as these….they are cut off from trade.’’ Aegon mused as they passed yet another small ruined keep, moss growing over its cracked stone, a common sight in the pine bogs.

‘’We should not even be on the roads.’’ Rhaenys said gloomily, looking up into the sky, where one of the Dragons could be seen through a crack in the forest roof.

‘’The people of this realm dont understand our Dragons, if we arrive on their backs they will only fear us, but they do understand knights…let them see we do not just command the loyalty of Dragons but also men..let them see the white cloaks of the Kingsguard…that they will respect and even admire it….a King cannot rule with fear alone.’’ Aegon responded.

Rhaenys was silent at that.

Eventually they made it through the worst of the bogs and the ground became more stable, and they made good time after that, reaching Dyre Den by nightfall. The castle of House Brune was not a particularly impressive one, being quite small, with three crooked towers situated on a large ledge overlooking the Bay of Crabs, it was only accessible by a long winding path up the cliff, forcing Aegon's retinue to leave their horses behind with their squires, and go up one at a time, with King Aegon at the forefront.

They were greeted by Lord Alyn Brune, who had the small courtyard lit with torches. The old lord insisted upon standing at the entrance and greeting every knight personally as they ascended into the castle before welcoming Aegon and his Kingsguard into his hall for feasting, the other knights would be seated at wooden tables outside in the torch-lit courtyard for their own feast. Crackclaw Point was not a rich land and feeding 100 knights for an extended period of time would put a considerable strain on House Brune, though this was mitigated by the fact that all the lords of the Point had contributed food to their Lord, seeing the Kings visit as honoring the whole region.

Aegon and Rhaenys were seated at the high table alongside Lord Alyn and his young blonde wife, Aegon's Kingsguard ate at the other smaller tables alongside Lord Brunes champions and kin, though Ser Gawen Corbray stood at attention behind the high table as he was the Kingsguard on duty.

‘’Mother have mercy there's dragons flyin about me keep.’’ Lord Alyn Brune said with a laugh.

Rhaenys smiled ‘’You have nothing to fear Lord Brune…your house is loyal…and a true friend to the crown.’’

‘’Aye…I see it as a great honor..i'm sure many of my descendents shall grow up hearin of the time the Dragon King sat in our own keep, with the Black Dread flying out in the bay.’’ Lord Brune replied.

‘’I must ask your grace…where is your sister..the one with the bronze Dragon, we were hoping to see her once more, she was kind to my people when we swore our allegiance to her at the beginning of your conquest.’’ Lord Brune continued.

Aegon nodded ‘’She wanted to be here of course…but she is pregnant with my child, and did not want to leave our young daughter unattended.’’

‘’Ah…the mother blesses you..two children in as many years….if youre of a mind to think ahead i've a grandson, we Brunes may be a bit rough a’round the edges, but we've noble blood runnin through our veins we do.’’ Lord Brune said.

Aegon had graciously turned him down saying it was too early to think of such things, in truth he had no intention of marrying off his daughter to such a minor family, but he did not wish to offend his host, and he did not lie about the latter, his daughter was not even a year old yet, far too young to even consider the future.

Once the feasting had died down, Lord Brune had ordered the main entertainment of the night to begin, a saga of songs and ballads by local clawmen bards about the storied history of Crackclaw Point. The primary focus had been on the Brothers Brune, two of Lord Alyns ancestors who had unified the Clawmen and brought peace to the region nearly 200 years prior, though only for their lifetime.

Rhaenys, who had since recovered from her discomfort of the journey was enthralled by the tales, and true to her poetic nature had even joined in the chorus of a few songs, and suggested a few additional rhymes much to the Clawmens delight, who quickly came to admire her just as much as her older sister.

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