《The Dragons Realm: A House Targaryen Story (ASOIAF)》Chapter 1: Oldtown (Part 2)


The Next Morning

Chambers of the Hightower

‘’Have you given any thought to my counsel given before I left for the Vale?’’ Visenya asked as she helped fix the black sable cloak upon Aegon's broad shoulders.

‘’I have, and I think it unnecessary…I have Balerion, and this.’’ Aegon said, patting his Valyrian steel hand-and-a half sword Blackfyre upon his waist, the ruby in the pommel catching rays of the morning sun through the open window.

‘’Then you remain a fool, even if a royal one…I had hoped you would have seen the value in the idea.’’ Visenya said sternly, fastening the cloak and stepping away.

It was true that Aegon loved his older sister and wife, but it was a different sort of love than Rhaenys. Visenya was a harsher, more noble kind of beauty, and while Rhaenys was playful and curious Visenya was stern and blunt of speech, though effective and intelligent in council, duty, and war. Aegon was one of the finest swords in the Kingdoms but his older sister was every bit his equal, the two training together since childhood, Aegon's Blackfyre against his older sister's Valyrian steel blade Dark Sister.

Aegon knew better than to chide his sister for her speech, he had long since grown used to it, instead sighing and walking to the open window, looking out upon the city of Oldtown.

‘’Our Dragons and swords were defense enough for our ancestors.’’ Aegon said.

‘’Our ancestors did not rule six Kingdoms.’’ Visenya said, joining him at the window.

Aegon was silent at that.

‘’It is not just for your benefit your grace, it would bind the realms closer to you, let them see their own countrymen in defense of their King, at his side in peace and war, at feasts and in the heat of battle, let it become a point of pride and honor that one of their own stands behind the King.’’ Visenya continued, it was clear she had thought the idea out well.

The idea in question was the potential formation of an elite guard Visenya called the ‘’Kingsguard.’’ She proposed that the formation be composed of seven warriors who would serve at the King's defense for life. She also insisted that each of the seven spots be reserved for a different culture of the realm, with the Vale, Riverlands, Westerlands, Reach, and Stormlands each having a representative. The further two spots would be filled with deserving warriors from either the Crownlands, the North, the Iron Islands, or Crackclaw point.

Aegon had to admit his sister made good points, but Aegon was not a man to whom trust came easily and the thought of taking seven warriors into his service was one he was uneasy with.

‘’And if these warriors from each region must choose between their home and their King?’’ Aegon asked, resting his hands on the windowsill.

‘’We shall find trustworthy men, warriors of honor.’’ Visenya said.

‘’Easier said than done,’’ Aegon replied.

‘’These men are not as hard to find as you think….if you're looking for a man you trust to lead your guard I suggest our cousin Corlys, he is young yes but is a man of honor, brave and is one of your finest swords….apart from me of course.’’ Visenya continued with a small smile on her face, she was not a woman to whom humor came often but it did so occasionally.

Aegon grunted at that and Visenya saw that victory was close and went in for the kill.

‘’Tell me your grace, if you were to be attacked within the Starry Sept later today, what good would Balerion do you, he cannot protect you within in buildings or palaces, no doubt he would attempt to defend you but would likely burn the sept down, with all of us in it….you need guards that can be with you at all time.’’ Visenya continued.


‘’Seven Hells woman you are persistent…..’’ Aegon said he had heard that expression used when he visited Westeros as a young man and used it quite often.

‘’I take that to mean a yes?’’ Visenya asked, a small smile on her lips.

‘’If I were to say no, I would no doubt be in for a war of attrition with you…very well we shall announce it after the coronation’’ Aegon said.

‘’I'm glad you see the value in my counsel, your grace.’’ Visenya said.

Aegon snorted and was about to reply when the bells of the Starry Sept began to ring out.

‘’It is time’’ Visenya said, her hand upon his shoulder, and Aegon nodded, and together they made the long trek to the base of the Hightower, where they met with Rhaenys at the base, taking a small skiff to shore.

Balerion and Meraxes had returned from the Sunset Sea not long after Visenya had arrived, Aegon had no specific way of summoning them but they always seemed to know when they were needed.

Aegon had considered going to the sept on dragonback but there were few places to land within the city and he wanted the people of Oldtown to see their new King clearly, so he decided to go on horseback instead, taking a long route through the center of the cobbled streets to the Sept.

On the shore, Aegon's honor guard was already formed. The guard was to be led by Lord Jon Mooton of Maidenpool, a man who had lost his brother fighting against Aegon early in the conquest but had become a trusted follower of the Dragonlord after leading the Targaryen ground forces at the Field of Fire. Edmyn Tully, the new Lord Paramount of the Riverlands was also present. The rest of the honor guard were from the regions most loyal to Aegon, Lord Crispian Celtigar was also mounted and his men constituted a fair amount of the guard, and a few Velaryon men-at-arms who did not go with Aethon and Corlys were also present. There were many of the Riverlords and their retinues present as well, who saw Aegon as their liberator and were among his most fervent supporters. There were also Clawman champions of Crackclaw Point, looking rather uncouth and plain compared to the other knights but they had all but demanded to ride alongside Visenya, who they referred to as their ‘’Dragon Queen’’.

Aegon mounted a magnificent white stallion, the Targaryen colors hanging around its body on a caparison. He wore a full suit of black boiled leather armor with the indented dragon insignia of his house in the center, which was lined with silver and ruby, he wore a plain cloak of fine black furs which was fastened by a heavy chain of silver with a ruby dragon broach in the middle, and had Blackfyre at his side in a sheath of black leather. As the guard slowly made their way down the cobbled street, the Dragonlord looked every bit a Dragon King. The three Dragons, the Black Balerion, Silver Meraxes and Bronze Vhagar all followed from the skies, their wings creating winds all throughout the city.

As they passed the harbor, drunken sailors would poke their heads out of the small wine sinks and harborside taverns, many too drunk to even notice the dragons above them but still giving out drunken wordless cheers for the guard.

As they turned the corner from the harbor into the main cobbled street that led to the sept they were met with one of the largest crowds Aegon had ever seen, each side of the street was packed to the brim with the citizens of Oldtown and the surrounding communities yelling a wordless cheer, though many looked uneasily up to the sky, where the Dragons circled and kept a close eye on their masters.


‘’They love us Aegon.’’ Rhaenys said happily, throwing one of her silver rings into a crowd of children who immediately began searching for it.

‘’They love your silver especially.’’ Aegon said with a snort as the large column continued its slow procession to the Sept, beckoned forward by the ringing bells and the cheers of the people.

‘’Your sister speaks the truth.’’ Lord Paramount Edmyn Tully said, riding alongside Aegon, his orange-red hair blowing in the breeze of Dragon wings. ‘’They have never seen anything like this….they shall remember it for all their days.’’

Aegon nodded ‘’Days I hope shall be peaceful.’’

Edmyn was silent for a moment then chuckled ‘’Seven Hells but, I've never seen anything like this either, to be riding through the city of Oldtown, dragons above, a procession of men hailing from Dragonstone to Seaguard…. A strange turn of events from just months ago when we were under the boot of House Hoare, but a welcome turn to be sure, though I fear ‘’Black’’ Harren found them rather unwelcome.’’

Aegon gave a small laugh at that, he had come to appreciate the Lord of Riverruns whit and way with words. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a large contingent of Maesters from the citadel in the crowd, having come to get a glimpse of the Dragons and the new King.

The Lord of Riverrun face grew serious then ‘’Your Grace, my people have proved themselves at the Field of Fire, I hope you have come to appreciate their bravery.’’

Aegon nodded ‘’They represented their lands well.’’

This was true, while later songs would speak of the Targaryen victory against the forces of the Westerlands and the Reach at the Field of Fire as a victory won solely by the 3 Targaryens and their Dragons, the Riverlander forces played a significant role in the battle and acquitted themselves with discipline and honor under Jon Mooton.

‘’I ask that when you sail for the Iron Islands to put down the rebellions there, the men of the Riverlands be given the honor of making up your force, we have suffered much at the hand of the murderous Ironborn and wish for vengance.’’ Edmyn said.

Aegon paused a moment to consider it and then nodded ‘’It is granted, though I make it clear to you now this vengeance shall be limited to the field of battle, there will be no slaughter or rape of innocents, Ironborn or not when I take this crown they become my people.

Before Edmyn could respond, the grand walls of the Starry Sept came into view, its black marble walls and ornate glass windows shining in the sun, the large plaza in front of it was occupied by the men of house Hightower, at the forefront was Lord Manfred Hightower, who was an aged man of around sixty whos white hair was balding, though despite his age Aegon had come away with the few dinners they had shared with the impression that the man was capable and intelligent. Standing behind him were three of his sons, his eldest and heir Ser Addam Hightower, a thin black haired man with an equally thin mustache, Leyton who served as a septon, performing various duties in Oldtowns seven septs as well as the youngest Ser Garmon, a young man of 17 who took after his oldest brother in appearance. Lord Manfreds daughters and Grandchildren stood in the row behind him, with his most trusted household knights and lords of the surrounding villages bringing up the rear.

Past the plaza, on the top of the steps to the Starry Sept was the High Septon, who in going with tradition abandoned his earthly name when he took the title. The High Septon was a rather unassuming man, blonde of hair with a thick mustache, garbed in a rather plain robe with thin threads of golden trim and apart from his crown of crystal, he wore no other jewels. His guards were more impressive, they were called the Warriors sons, and they were certainly more fitting with the luxurious reputation of Oldtown than their septon. They wore armor of silver, though the tops of hair shirts were visible, with rainbow cloaks around their shoulders, their shields were centered with a rainbow sword as their insignia. Among the Warriors sons was Ser Lyonel Hightower, Lord Manfreds second born son, a heavyset man that had inherited the silver hair some Hightowers were known for, not too dissimilar from the Targaryens. Out of all the Hightowers, Lyonel was the one Aegon had gotten to know best over the past few days in Oldtown as he had escorted them on their tour of the seven septs and unlike many pious men Aegon had encountered was quick with a joke and a laugh.

The crowd closest to the septs entrance was mostly of nobility and they had the grace to stand in silence as Aegon dismounted, though many had their eyes trained at the dragons in the sky, the crowds farther down the street still continued their raucous cheers.

Rhaenys stood beside him and took his hand quietly ‘’Are you ready for this brother?’’

Aegon nodded slowly, his eyes fixed on the sept as he slowly walked toward it.

His sister was not merely talking about his coming coronation which was to take place inside the Sept but also his conversion. While many would balk at the thought of abandoning the faith of their ancestors, Aegon and his sisters were not particularly devout, with Aegon being of the mindset that the accomplishments of him and his house had more to do with the aptitude of its members as opposed to divine will.

As Aegon made his way to the High Septon, the man bowed his head in respect, a surprise to some of his guards, many of whom looked at Aegon and his sister-wives with thinly veiled disgust.

‘’The faith welcomes you, Aegon Targaryen, both to Oldtown and to the brotherhood of our faith.’’ The man said.

Aegon nodded, and the septon held out his hand in a gesture to the entrance to the sept and together he and Aegon walked inside, the warriors sons, his sisters, and select members of his honor guard, with various other lords, the young lord Arryn and his mother among them. Bringing up the rear, while many others crowded at the entrance.

The High Septons seven day contemplation on whether to surrender the city made all the sense in the world to Aegon as he knelt on the cold marble floor of the sept, the high septon rattling off about each of the seven gods, anointing Aegon with each of the respective 7 oils, before finally at long last proclaiming Aegon Targaryen, Ser Aegon Targaryen, giving him the title of knight to much applause, and welcoming the new King into the faith of the seven.

The second part of the coronation went much quicker, with the high septon naming Aegon Targaryen the first King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First men, and lord and protector of the Seven Kingdoms. The high septon had been told in advance on what to say, and many an eye was raised when Aegon was named King of the Rhoynar and the seven Kingdoms, as Dorne had not yet been conquered, but it was clear to all involved that Aegon saw the independence of Dorne as a state that would not last much longer.

Finally, the High Septon took Aegon's crown, a heavy band of forged Valyrian steel, forged with rubies and placed upon the conqueror's head. This was a notion that Aegon himself found quite ridiculous, in truth he had been coronated once before soon after landing in Westeros, albeit with a much smaller crowd, and he had worn the crown ever since, but Visenya had eventually talked him into the practicality of a second coronation in the greatest city in the Seven Kingdoms.

King Aegon Targaryen, First of his Name, rose from the cold marble floor to the applause of his new people, with the cheering going on for quite some time. As he stood in the sept, overlooking the sept, Rhaenys took his hand.

‘’Long live the King’’ she smiled.

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