《Reincarnated as an SCP To Save the World》Chapter 30 "Lurking Behind The Corner"


Directly from Site Director Stanford, Grace and William had been given the task of securing SCP-582 before the enemy did so. The Foundation was unsure of their strategy, but they did know that it would be disastrous to fall into their hands.

Before engaging the Chaos Insurgency head-on, they were preparing themselves for anything that could happen, especially with SCPs wandering the area. They were rummaging through everything they could find to use later.

A notification appeared on the computer they had previously used for communication; it was from Command Control and contained information about the Keter Containment Area's whole floor plan as well as a channel for them to talk.

Both of them walked to the screen to see the message, Grace studied and remembered it carefully while also making notes about their route to SCP-582's containment room, and William was trying to set the channel frequency on the walkie-talkie.

Seemingly able to connect with it, William tried to call the other side, "Testing, this is Alpha One. Can you guys hear me?"

"Loud and clear, Alpha One," Dr. Erik responded shortly after through the channel.

William was joyful now he could communicate with people from the above. He continued, "Excellent. Captain Grace and I were prepping before going to SCP-582's containment. I will keep updates if we find anything that could be reported on your side."

"Note that, and good luck on your mission, Captain Grace and Alpha One."

After that, they stopped speaking to one another. In order to avoid any unexpected radio communication in case there was an enemy nearby, William turned off the walkie-talkie. He wouldn't dare to endanger their location for the sake of bad timing.

It was a long way for them to travel before they arrived at SCP-582's containment room, as Grace had just completed writing a note guiding them in that direction. Even Grace, a staff member with Level 3 Clearance, was not authorized to venture any further than the surface of the Keter containment area. It would be understandable for her to note their route.


"Got everything we need?" William walked up to her as he was preparing and loading the sub-machine gun that he had picked up earlier.

She folded her note and put it into her pocket, "Yes. We should go right now before they could even snatch the item."

They prepared their weapons and exited the control room once William nodded. Grace then took out her ID card, swiped it, and they immediately began to run in the direction of the SCP-582 containment room.

Three levels made up the entire Keter containment area, and they were located at the base of the site. This was done to prevent a breach in the area's containment. The Foundation would have gone into lockdown, preventing the SCP from escaping.

Both Grace and William were located at the first level of the Keter containment area, the surface where the guards could make sure everything was under their control—preventing something from getting in or getting out.

But this was not the case, since the Chaos Insurgency managed to disable Site-199's networking system for a moment. Allowing them to go inside the Keter containment area without having much of a problem.

The containment room for SCP-582 was located in the farthest area of the level and at its lowest level. Since it was far away, it would take both William and the Chaos Insurgency some time to get there.

As they were running in the hallway, Grace was a bit confused, "Why would they risk doing an operation like this just for a file about something?"

Seeing Grace say that, William realized that she didn't know anything about SCP-582 at all.


SCP-582, A Bundle of Stories, a Keter class object.

Due to the risk of spreading any information pertaining to SCP-582 whether that be narrative, manifestations, ability, history, etc., are to be archived and secured, with access could only be given by two-thirds of the whole O5 Council vote.


All search engines are to be monitored for information that is spread through the internet. Copies regarding it should be stored on the archived, and any original sources of the information are to be deleted based on the procedures.

SCP-582 is a self-adapting and propagating meme in the form of an entity. Its ability is to passively modify reality, which will become a factual manifestation and will carry out any action if anyone writes about it, whether that be fictional or not.

These reality manifestations are happening at a random place and time, and it will only occur if the narrative written on it meets the criteria.

Any information or details about SCP-582 are permanent. It wouldn't show any effect at all If anyone tries to write about it that contradicts its characteristics. Because of this, SCP-582 has a consistent portrayal of how it would manifest.

There is no method of terminating or harming SCP-582 within any narrative that has proven to be successful.

William thought about it for a moment and said, "Captain, what would you do if you had the ability to alter how things are going to be in your favor?"

She looked at him, and a bit puzzled what William meant, she answered, "Realistically, for everyone, I would change anything that would benefit myself, whatever that is."

"And what does the Chaos Insurgency want?"

She paused for a moment, and said, "Using anomalous objects to achieve their goal despite its against the law of normalcy in the world."

"Exactly." William looked forward, "SCP-582 would allow them to write anything they want to do with it to help them achieve their goals. No one should know or write about what SCP-582 could do because it will start to act by itself to carry out that command."

She was still a bit confused since she didn't know the full potential of SCP-582. She asked, "So, they will be using SCP-582 as a weapon to use it against anyone who dares to cross their path?"

He pointed his finger upwards, "Correct. Knowing there is still no way to completely destroy SCP-582 itself as an entity by force or anything, the best that the Foundation could do is to prevent any relevant information about it from being known by the public."

They began to descend the steps that led to the second floor of the Keter containment facility. One stairway has been installed on either side of the second level to allow access through the floor because the explosion destroyed the elevator.

William then continued, "It would be reasonable that both the Foundation wanted to keep that information related to SCP-582 wouldn't fall into their hands. Because god knows what horrors or chaos those guys would do if they could use its full potential."

Seemingly understanding how urgent the situation had become, Grace nodded and narrowed her eyes, "We should hurry up before it's too late then."

Both of them hastened together in order to reach the SCP-582 containment room as soon as possible; they didn't stop to examine the doors that had been left open or the corpses lying around the hallway. At this time, it was more crucial than everything else.

They were about to arrive at a junction in the center of the floor when they noticed something hiding behind the walls that appeared to be waiting to ambush both of them. Grace noticed that and was prepared to fire anything that emerged from it.

Before they could react, a figure emerged from the corner of the junction in a striking pose, wearing a helmet with two antennae and an appearance like a gorilla.


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