《Dawn Avante — The Record of Otherworld’s Cosmic War》Chapter 13: To paint the Canvas
Yuri slept like a log after a day of tolerating Shyme and Serenade, panicking like a headless chicken about their coming visitor. Not seeing the point of their panic, Yuri ignored their outburst, and went to sleep.
Because of his complicated social position, Yuri wasn’t exactly granted a bedroom. Instead, Shyme let him borrow a servant's room next to her butler. It was a small space resembling a closet. Such was the sin of being the third-wheel and powerless mortal in the world of supers. Forlorn at his treatment, Yuri slumbered with his usual hopeless self-pity.
After a while, he heard the sound of water, and opened his eyes.
He wasn’t in the closet anymore.
Instead, he found himself by the waterway. He recognized this place. It was a small walkway in Baiyi. He often accompanied Charon here during their shopping trips. Baiyi was a middling town with scarce government buildings and department stores -- an equivalent to a mildly populated suburb on Earth. However, without the pollution and noises, the beauty of nature was more vivid than ever. The wind was cool on his skin. Gentle flows of water sang a calming lullaby in his ears. But the crowning jewel of beauty was the sky above him, a vast starry cosmos with supernatural aurora draping around the twin moon of Frisnia.
Under the shelter of cosmos, Yuri could for a second forget his bottom-tier status, and the look of disdain from Sonovia. He could forget the fact he was hanging to life on the whim of Shyme Enma, and that his home planet was on a rope.
‘Starry sky?’ said a voice next to him. ‘Quite a beautiful image, don’t you think so.’
Yuri turned to see a girl wrapped in shadow, whose voice was like the echoes of the ocean tranches.
Despite that terrifying smoky mist shrouding her identity, Yuri knew the woman in front of him was hot. Her body was comparable to that of Serenade, but that shining smile underneath the shadow contained such charisma it outshone the Elf. The way she moved her body was arousing. From the contour of her shadowy body, Yuri was convinced this shadowy figure was naked, and it sent the heat up his face.
But there was one problem, she was dripping with an inky darkness that threatened to swallow the world. Yuri's ears wanted to listen to her words, but his eyes gave him extreme warning.
“Who are you?” Yuri backed away.
‘Your new best friend,’ said the inky woman — the seductress. ‘I have spent some time watching you, Yuri. Quite a cute name you have there — very musical.’
Yuri’s finger twitched. Music was an extremely touchy subject for him.
The woman adeptly ignored Yuri’s reaction, ‘I know you realize we have been hanging around you for some time now, and I see right through you.’ The woman let fly her misty arms to better illustrate the tapestry she wove with words. ‘You desire a life of purpose. You long for recognition, wanting to be accepted and respected, isn’t that right?’
Yuri absorbed her words, and replied curtly, “Yes.”
‘But such a thing is far from your grasp,’ whispered the shadow. ‘The only singular thing this world respects is might. You are weak, Yuri Ushakov, and you know it. Shyme pity you. Serenade kept you out of curiosity. Sonovia detested you. The only girl who actually respects you is a cute little maid, and your powerlessness can never repay her. Your livelihood hangs on a flimsy little string.’ The shadow’s smiles were brilliant white. ‘In this world, the strong trampled on the weak -- that’s the rule of nature. Without strength, your pride and dignity aren’t worth anything, but I can change that for you.’
Yuri looked at the ghost, “Do you think I am stupid?” Yuri questioned the shade. “This is obviously a deal with the devil.”
It was then another shadow appeared. Unlike the seductress, this shadow was heroic, standing tall in the middle of darkness. Yuri couldn’t see much curve, coming from her, but the legs and stature were a prize on its own.
‘You aren’t as stupid as you look,’ said the newly arrived shadow — the warrior. ‘But she is right. You are less than an ant in Phantasia, and we can help you change that.’ The woman’s eyes were steely gray beneath the shroud of blackness. ‘We only want one thing in return from you; our restoration.’
“Restoration?” Yuri was puzzled.
‘We met with a bit of an accident,’ said the seductress. ‘Anyway, my name is L and that stuck-up is T.’
“Why do you come to me?” Yuri held his guard.
‘Because you are special, Yuri,’ L replied, leaning closer with a warm sisterly smile. ‘You have a power that will make Sonovia whimpered. I can easily help you seduce that Charon-girl, you know?’
‘She is right,’ T added from behind. ‘With our help, you can easily climb to the top of the martial mountain and attain all the respect and prestige this world offers.’ T played on a pinch of savior complex. ‘With our guidance, your world can be saved. You can restore everything and rule above all as king, even the Divine-race will respect you. You can have everything you want.’
Yuri wasn’t buying, “Then you will stab me in the back?”
‘And what do you have to lose?’ T said, unleashing her killing-intent, which was strong enough to knock Yuri to the ground. ‘Look at yourself! You have practically nothing. Even in our weakened state, we can easily kill you here. Anyone else would already snap you like a twig!’
Yuri looked up at the terrifying shadow, barely suppressing his bladder.
L tutted at her partner, ‘Aww,’ She knelt beside Yuri to comfort him. ‘Sorry for T’s outburst, she has been a violent little bitch ever since she was a kid.’ L laughed dryly. ‘Part of the reason is because of her idiocy.’
T grumbled, ‘You bitch…’
‘What?’ L smiled at her nemesis. ‘It’s true.’ She then unleashed the final pitch for the boy. ‘Maybe a demonstration is needed.’
L snapped her fingers, and the scenery changed.
Yuri saw himself on the throne overlooking the vast, bustling city. His statue towered above every skyscraper. People walked through the majestic door to greet him; each of them worshipping at him with reverence. Beside him, Charon was hugging him by the arm, reigning as a couple of god-kings.
An invading army led by Sonovia tried to suppress him and the Earth under his rule, but with a wave, the Yuri in the image easily repelled the invasion. His mere presence stopped an army. Even the mighty Divine-races couldn’t match the might he unleashed. A single flick of his fingers blasted Sonovia into the mountain. The sun itself barely moved from the sky, as countless cowering ambassadors knelt in defeat.
Yuri, the monarch of the land, walked down the street accompanied by cheers of grateful populace, draped in riches and treasures. His queens stood beside him. He turned to the beautiful blue-hair woman wearing a silver crown, who smiled at him brilliantly. That night, she dragged him and the shy Charon by the hand to her bedchamber.
The blue-hair woman warped into the misty shadow of L and released the ultimate sales pitch.
‘You might hate this fact, but power is the ultimate currency of the world, Yuri,’ L said. ‘With power, everything I show you can come true. You can have everything, even me.’ L pointed to the growling T by the corner. ‘Even that grumpy over there.’
T’s eyes were steely, and she warned, ‘Watch your words.’
‘But you know it’s true,’ L sneered at T and turned to Yuri with a sincere smile. ‘If you have enough power to suppress us, no amount of betrayal will matter because you can simply crush it.’ L winked. ‘We can give you a head start, Yuri. I promise you will become more powerful than you ever imagined.’ L tried to reassure Yuri. ‘Of course, there is a risk we will rebel, but our success will be much lower if you have a fighting chance.’ L sighed. ‘Like it or not, we are connected to each other. Your success is our success.’
Yuri knew L had an agenda. He realized the deal with a devil never ended well, but L was right. He had nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Plus, the image of happiness — the smile of prosperous people, the power that made him worthy of his dream girl — it was an image which hit the heart.
But before Yuri could give an answer, L’s fantasy shattered like glass. They returned to the starry night sky. However, things were different. A very familiar man was there.
‘What?’ L gaped.
T immediately seized up the visitor and instinctively realized their monopoly was gutted.
Yuri knew this man. Like the time he arrived to save the day, this juggernaut showed no fear nor any hint of concern for the odds. His expression was hidden beneath the mask and visor. He stood in front of the boy and two entities of unknown danger level, then flexed in the way a mere mortal wouldn’t believe possible.
Dream — the man of miracles—strolled to the riverbank and sat beside the water, gazing at the moon, ignoring both L and T.
“Go on,” Dream said like he had nothing to fear. “Continue the sales pitch,” he glanced at the seducer. “As an ally of the First Amendment, I encourage you to say whatever is on your mind.” He cracked his neck. “I consider the debate won only when my opponent gave it their best shot.”
Time seemed to halt.
L wanted to say something, but Dream’s arrival stole her thunder and ran a lap around it. In her long political experience, nothing like this had happened before. Normally, intruders came politely, or barged in to shut her down with hair-brain arguments or schemes. Never in her career had a competitor come into the room with the majesty of a prince, and ask everyone to act like nothing happened.
It was like a political rival who was miles across the ocean coming to her seminar without warning, and asked her to continue like nothing happened, while being civil about it.
L didn’t know how to continue, so she went on the reactionary route.
‘Who are you?’ L said.
“A listener,” Dream replied. “Are you done talking, because I also have something to tell the boy?”
While L’s confidence was politely demolished by Dream, T analyzed the situation. This man wasn’t afraid. He displayed no panic toward their existence and filled with opening. Did he have a plan? Was it superior numbers? Maybe Some kind of tricks or secret weapon. What was it with this confidence to leave himself wide open?
At that moment, the two shadowy rivals beyond time, sealed by the Ancient for their extreme danger, arrived at the same question.
Who is this man?
Dream sighed, “Are you done talking?”
‘Of course not,’ L regathered her nerved and turned to Yuri. ‘You understand that right, Yuri? We want you to succeed. Our existence is directly tied to your success. I know you probably have some thoughts about us taking your body, but if we could, we would have done it weeks ago.’
Yuri turned to Dream, who said nothing, so he asked another question to L, “What do you want me to do then?”
‘Something you should have done ages ago,’ T said. ‘We are going to teach you mystic art, and in return you will help us get a new body.’ T grimaced at the tragedy which reduced her to this state. ‘A fair trade, don’t you think?’
Yuri believed it was pretty fair, but that was the moment Dream exercised his right to free speech.
“Nice deal, aside from the fact you didn’t tell the kid your real name,” Dream floated the question. “L and T are obviously pseudonyms. I need to commend you for sticking to the truth, but you are obviously hiding a few major points.” Dream said, listing his questions. “Why are you attaching yourself to him in the first place? How did you lose your body? What do you plan to do after getting those new body?” Dream leered at the shadowy woman. “Where did you come from?”
L gulped. Did this man let her pitch, so he could pick it apart later?
‘What do you have to do with this?’ T said. ‘This isn’t your business?’
“Well, it is,” Dream responded. “Because I can answer all of those questions, and trust me.” Dream said to the two figures. “I have a bone to pick with you two.”
It was then Yuri remembered Dream’s Skill.
“You already read their past with your [Clairvoyance],” Yuri said.
‘[Clairvoyance] couldn’t do that,’ Tai said, but Dream’s following words turned her pale.
“Once upon a time, there were five sisters studying under the great serpent,” Dream told the story. “The eldest,” he glared at T, “is self-righteous and arrogant. A reincarnated who returns to dominate the world.”
‘Aww shit,’ L realized where this is heading.
“The second is a mistress of the soil, enamors with the eldest,” Dream continued the story. “The third was ambition incarnate. A heart-breaker who holds no value in bonds and hearts. She thirsts for power — the damage be damn. The fourth is fire herself; rash, insecure, and reckless. The great serpent heavily favors the four sisters, despite their immaturity and apocalyptic potential. In her favoritism, the fifth sister, who is as gentle and kind as the all-giving tree, is neglected for her weakness, forsaken into believing she has no friend nor comrade in the world.”
Dream was looking at both L and T with murderous intent.
“Many possibilities branched from this tale, but one thing remained constant.” Dream said. “In their fighting, the four sisters cause untold tragedy. In the likeliest, most brutal scenarios, the four sisters become monsters — a Reverse Beast birthed from Divine Flesh sent to haunt time and space.
“But that possibility was long averted, because unlike those horrid timelines where she died alone, used, and forsaken — the gentle youngest found a home. She found comrades, friends, and mentors.”
It was then Dream fully shattered the world created by L and T.
“They fight for a beautiful vision,” Dream told the tale. “A world where the cycle of ‘Might make Right’ is broken. Where kindness is the pride of the strong, and the weak can dare to dream. Days where the light of liberty and dignity shines free. Nights sparkles with the wondrous cosmos for all men to grasp. The youngest sister, inspired by those dreams, gathered her comrade and set out to break the wheel of darkness ruling this world.”
L knew what came next, and she tried to stop it. It was clear Dream knew their identity. If he leaked it, the game was over. She didn’t know who he was, but the monstrous ability he held would end her rise before it began.
T also realized the same fact, and she took action, disappearing in second and reappearing behind Dream. She drew on her meager power to strike him from behind, but found her body frozen in place with an invisible hand.
Dream wasn’t amused by the attack that he effortlessly stopped with telekinetic grip.
“Still the same as ever,” Dream said to the paralyzed T. “Tyrannical as always. Are you planning to claim you are preemptively striking because of justice, or is the same old excuse like ‘the need of many?’ Are you planning to grow-up soon, ‘T’” Dream turned his attention to L. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell the kid everything, only enough to know what type of people he is dealing with -- the honor to condemn you belongs solely to her.”
‘She won’t,’ T said. ‘That weakling wouldn’t dare!’
‘You idiot!’ L glanced at Yuri and said. ‘Don’t listen to that moron. She has quite a temper, but she meant well.’
But Dream wasn’t letting it up. “I’m not trying to convince you, Mr. Ushakov, but you heard T loud and clear. She is the type of person whose first solution to a problem is violence,” Dream said. “I won’t try to convince you, Yuri. In fact, doubt me, doubt them, and think for yourself. Only you have a right to decide what you want to know or want to be. Every man deserves the dignity and free-will to decide their own destiny.”
Tonight had been a tough night and Yuri knew he must decide. L’s offer was sweet, but Yuri wasn’t stupid. He was being tempted, but Dream’s words reminded him who held the power. His freedom to choose was his before he traded it away.
Thus, Yuri put his trust in the most principle of them all.
“What did they really want from me?” Yuri asked Dream.
L tried to avert the disaster, ‘I—“
“Please, wait for your turn, L,” Dream cut the shadowy mist. “I think your teacher often stressed the importance of etiquette.” Dream pointed to the frozen T. “You wouldn’t want to lower yourself to her level, right?”
L instinctively shut-up, comparing her to the muscle brain, immediately paused her offense. Dream preemptive countered was childish, but it worked because he knew he was dealing with two women-child.
“To answer the question, they are mostly telling the truth,” Dream said. “Except they didn’t tell you they will go back to conquer Phantasia the moment they got a body.” Dream squinted at Yuri. “Or the fact, they made a mistake trying to take your body to begin with.”
T and L sank inside the pit of their stomach at the cat being rescued from the bag by a superhero.
“They try to take over my body,” Yuri looked at the nervous L and T. “Okay, that makes sense, because I am an easy target, but how did they fail?”
Dream answered that too, “Because according to my Skill, your Ability — your Origin — hard counter their sorry ass.”
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« Don't kill mother earth, stop being PLASTIK »
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