《Deus Ex Machina》Why do you keep believing in metatextual titles?


It moved. Now was the time, it thought. No more blind thinking, no hesitating. Only actions. It run, searching for the end of the forest, perhaps even the inception of the glitching. If this simulated world was repeating itself over and over again, founding the glitiching’s birth place would be a great hint to escape this place.

“Now that I thought about it, I didn’t found the forest terminal. The one I accessed was the one from the aether level” It reasoned while running towards the end of the world. “Fuck this forest. Why is it so dense? Why someone would think ‘Oh yes, make this foliage extra THICC so no one can see the fucking sky.’? I hate this forest. That torus harbinger of the end was nicer. “

It continued. He could not afford to waste time. Wait, I meant it. It could not afford to waste time.

“Haha, jokes on you, my narrator slave! I am now promoted to human being” No, It wasn’t.

Even then it didn’t stop. He started running the moment the voice stopped talking, and two hours later it keep its way. The supposed time for the glitching’s arrival was coming closer and closer. At this moment every step mattered, so it sped up. If this really was some type of time travel shenanigans, it needed to get out soon. If that wasn’t the case and the voice was only bugged, well… It was a good use of its time. Time travelling or not, it still wanted to get out of this simulation, or at least this world. Maybe a prettier level, with fluffy animals and rivers of nectar would be okay.

As if it was predestined, the glitching spawned… right in front of it.

“That was a stupid way to die.” It talked to itself. “Is it technically a death? I mean, I was teleported to another worl… that sounded wrong. Teleported to another level. Yeah. This is better.”


It observed this new level. A beach, or that was what it thought it would be nice. The level was actually a mastodonic desert.

“You gotta be shitting me. Why it couldn’t be a dessert?” It made a fourth grader pun. “Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, all mighty narrator of the heavens” It began a cult of the superior voice that spoke through its weakling mind. “I didn’t do that”

It run away. “I didnnnnnn’t” Its voice was heard in the distance. A new level, a new terminal. It thought. Even if it didn’t achieved the forest terminal, and actually only saw two before. “You wanna fight?” It was vulgar.

The sands of time ondulated. Somehow time flow differently than the other levels. A really strange and ominous feeling.

“Time distortion, uh? This level is really something. SOMETHING OF NOTHING!” It cried out of rage. Hours? No, days happened without nothing. “Not even the glitching? Please, even if it is the end of the world, could something happen?”

“Watch out with what you advice…” A voice whispered across the sands.

“Where? Where it is? Narrator I am talking to you! Where is that voice?” It turned on itself, looking where was this narrated voice.

The space warped, and soon the time along with the sand followed. “The glitching…” It said, strengthless. The now usual lines of ending surrounded the desert. But this won’t be like before. Sand flew across the skies, attacking the glitched world itself. The sand morphed into different forms, but that didn’t mattered to the glitching. As a last resort the sand caught fire, making a wall.

“A firewall, uh? A literal defense” As the defense mechanism made its work, the glitching started to recede. “So there was a failsafe. Neat. Now I won’t need be reseted to another level.”

It woke up at the forest instants later.

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