《Deus Ex Machina》1. It begins


“Veo que estás despierto”

A voice talked to me, it talked to me? I guess. I woke up, no more on my bed, but a forest. The voice seemed to spoke Spanish.

“Vale, creo que no me entiendes” The voice stopped and resumed quickly “Better? I suppose that you don’t know what is happening, all went to shit if I am honest. The program stopped working and it seems that you are trapped in the simulation. But don’t worry, I, Francesca, Yi and Tachibana are working full on to get you out of there.” I didn’t know who these people were, or maybe I don’t remember? “But we still need you to access a terminal inside the simulation. Because it was randomly generated we don’t know where it is, so we believe in you to get yourselves out of there. Well… Good luck!”

I don’t know if I have to be angry or worried. I don’t know (or remember) who these are, even if I identified that the voice was talking spanish. Francesca sounded Italian, maybe French. Yi I am sure that is chinese. And Tachibana is a japanese surname if I remember correctly, or it was a first name? Maybe both?

Whatever is happening, I have two objectively truths. One I am in some sort of simulation forest based. Second, I am fucked, really fucked. I don’t fucking remember nothing. I can only say fuck. I only know half facts, or I only remember half facts?

“FUCK!” I cried all out. I keep asking myself If I remember things, why? “Fuck!” I cried again because I keep asking myself if I remember things. Deja vú? “FUCK!” I cried all out again because… “Okay, these has to stop. I should stop myself from asking myself. Okay I? FUCK” It happened again.


I started walking, searching for this terminal. How does look like the terminal? I sighed. I should… No. I will… No. I must stop asking myself until I get out of this forest.

My monologues started decreasing after that. They still happened, also it was natural due to the nature of the situation, they seemed forced somehow. I just walked. Maybe I asked myself, not directly but indirectly. I couldn’t care, I just walked till I could see the end of this forest. It started to look like a reality instead like a simulation that the voice said. The trees were all different, the ground interacted with my steps, it just seemed… real. How potent were the computers in the real world?

“Fuck…” I just said, no more force was coming from my words. I walked for 2 hours straight, I was tired, I didn’t know what was happening. I obviously had a shiton of questions. Why I was remembering only certain things? Was I being manipulated somehow? Or I am only and AI that they are toying with? “I just want answers…” I said, almost crying. Only 2 hours of solitude and questions were enough to devastate me.

My brain feel disconnected, no more questions, no more talking, no more monologues… It just happened. And as I felt this the world started to crumble, seizures stroke the environment, gray, white, purple and green lines of death attacked my vision, like some glitch. The world was definitely ending, those glitches typical of speedruns. When I looked up I saw myself, and the world. Like a fourth dimension, similar to the tesseract at the end of Interstellar or the interaction of face to face portals at Portal. Why the hell I DID remember this? Cracks started appearing everywhere, stronger seizures. All was moving fast, faster than I could see, then slowed down, like the effect of a dream inside a dream of Inception. More strange memories assaulted my memory. Now that I thought about it, they weren’t strange, just trivial for my actual world ending simulation. I was calm, to calm even Ragnarok was in front of me.


Harder, faster, stronger, the moves that were devastating the world. And then like when they slowed down, they ceased. Along with the world.

I was laying on the ground, unbeknownst about what happened to the former world.

“Veo que estás despierto. Vale, creo que no me entiendes. Better? I suppose that you don’t know what is happening, all went to shit if I am honest. The program stopped working and it seems that you are trapped in the simulation. But don’t worry, I, Francesca, Yi and Tachibana are working full on to get you out of there. But we still need you to access a terminal inside the simulation. Because it was randomly generated we don’t know where it is, so we believe in you to get yourselves out of there. Well… Good luck!”

As I heard the voice I just “FUUUUUCK!” cried. This is going to be a long day.

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