《Imperfect Remnants》Our Escape


Meeting the Characters

Rora's POV

I walked down the normal road to school. Making my way down the street students had started to pile in groups. My dark brown and black hair and dark brown eyes made me fit in pretty well. Except the part that I didn't show any emotion and I was always alone. I sigh as I continue walking pulling out a book to read.

Luna's POV

I walked down the street in a hurry to catch up with my friend Shelby and Alex. They were always such good friends to me.

"Alex, Shelby wait up!" I called out. They stopped and turn to look at me. I was a hot mess at the moment and I really wish I hadn't slept through my alarm. I finally caught up with them. My dark brown and black hair in pigtails made me look even more of child. I was already 5'1 no need to make me look more like a kid.

Shelby's POV

I laughed as Luna had called out to us. She looked like a little bit of mess, but it was her. Me and Alex had been discussing the new virtual reality game coming out today.

"Did you hear about the new virtual reality game coming out what was it called again?" I asked as I looked at the two.

"I thought it had something to do with A world of something." Alex said looking at the sky.

"The World of Magic?" Luna asked looking at us both.

"Yeah that one." I said looking at her with milk chocolate brown eyes. My brown hair moving a bit with the wind.

Alex's POV

I laughed and talked with Luna and Shelby. They were one of my best friends. I even trusted them enough to tell them I am Transgender. I may have been born female, but I have always wanted to be male and I'm gay even better. We talked and spoke about a game called 'The World of Magic' it's an online game where you feel like you are in a real world. They are a pair of glasses that hooks up your brain through these sensor. It gives you a physical appearance of your choosing and let's you do battles, quests. You can even get married and start and family in the game. If you die in the game you come back, but if you die of age then you get to make a new character. It looks like a pretty interesting game and I really can't wait to play.

Hello there it's the author here. The characters Luna, Shelby, and Alex are owned by three different people.

Luna is owned by iiLunar_Mabelii

Shelby is owned by Shelberdoodles and last but not least.

Alex is owned by Hey_little_girl

Thank you for reading and more will be out maybe tomorrow or so.

The Reason and a New Friend

The song above actually comes from a musical, but some of the song goes with the chapter. So, why not?

Rora's POV

I continued to walk reading my book. Heading inside I went straight to my locker. I put in my combination and started putting things away. I then grabbed what I needed for homeroom and closed my locker locking it. That’s when Edison decided to ruin my day.

“Sup freak! How is that bruise I gave ya yesterday?” Edison asked as he look at me.

“It's forming. Do you suddenly care for my health.” I said as I put my book down he punched the locker next to me.

“Tell me why the fuck I would care about a bitch like you?” he then said quietly as people had now started to stare.


“Yeah yeah I got it I'm a bitch now can you leave me alone?” My voice was cold my expression serious. He looked at me with anger.

“Be a good little bitch and maybe I will leave you alone.” He then took his hand from the locker add left to go and make out with his girlfriend. I left going to my homeroom class. I was the first to be there even the teacher wasn't there. Sitting in the back I looked out the window and watched as the clouds went by.

Luna’s POV

I walked into the school entrance to see Michaela and Edison making out. Yeah something I didn't want to see. Please burn this memory in hell. I continued to walk saying bye to Alex and Shelby as I went to my locker. As I was about to close my locker. Michaela came up to me.

“Hey little fatty.” She said as she towered over me a bit. I could really see all of the caked on makeup.

“What do you want slut?” I answered back she made a sound of disgust and then called her boyfriend over.

“Edison she called me a slut do something.” She said to him as he was now standing next to her.

“Babe I have a bitch to deal with. I can't do two people at once. You know this.” He said referring to the girl he bullied everyday. Calling her a slut and bullshit.

“Yeah, but…” she whined like a child. I closed my locker slipping away from the conversation.

“Fuck that shit I'm out.” I said to myself laughing. I then headed to homeroom. I would see the other two there anyways.

Shelby’s POV

I had done everything needed and started heading towards homeroom when Heather decided to come and knock my book out of my hands yelling.

“Book check!” She laughed and left with her friend Michaela to their homeroom. Picking up my books Alex had come over to help. He then smiled and we started walking to class together. We saw Luna sitting at her desk in the middle of the class next to the window. Another girl sat at the back at her desk. She has dark brown and black hair. Her dark brown eyes fixed on whatever was so interesting on the other side of the glass window. I then took my seat behind Luna Alex taking his next to her. My seat was right in front of the girls. I looked at her for a split second then looking out the window wondering what she was looking at. There wasn’t anything interesting so I just continued on my conversation with Luna and Alex.

Alex’s POV

Luna, Shelby and I continued to talk as students started walking in.

“Look it's the Gay Trans.” A male student said the rest laughing.

“Leave Alex alone!” Luna called out as she looked at the students. They look at her and laugh.

“Leave them alone and I might reconsider punching the living shit out of you.” A girl in the back said as she stood up. She looked at the group of student who had now looked at her in fear.

“Wow this bitch really wants a fight. Where is Edison when you need him.” The male student then said looking at his friends who were laughing even more. The girl had now walked over and stood in front of the guy. She raised her fist and punched him straight in the nose.

“Wow this dick really wants a fight. Where are your parents when you need them?” She then said as blood had now started to make its way out of his nose. He blinked a few times. Two girls going to him and asking if he was alright. He looked at her with anger then heading to his desk. She then walked to her desk and sat down now taking out a book.


“Isn't she awesome.” I said as I looked at her.

“Yeah she is.” Shelby said looking at Alex. Luna got up and headed over to her.

“Hey thanks for what you just then.” She said looked at the girl. The girl looked up at Luna and then looked back at her book.

“Mmmm” was all she had said. Luna looked at her.

“So, what's your name, my name is Luna.” Luna said as she looked at the girl.

“Rora, names Rora Tyndall.” Rora said as the flipped a page in her book.

“Cool. Ummm this is Shelby and that's Alex.” Luna then said pointing to Shelby and I.

“I can speak for myself ya know.” Shelby said ands she looked at Luna.

“Yeah, but it didn't look like you were going to.” Luna then said turning her towards Shelby as she spoke. Rora seemed to not care about us and our conversation so I decided to speak.

“So, Rora what are you reading?” I asked as I looked at her book.

“The Ever Man.” She replied not even looking up at me.

“What is it about?” I then asked looking at the book. She then looked up from her book closing it.

“I haven't gotten that far into the book to know.” She said looking at me.

“Cool. Cool.” Shelby said as she looked at her.

“So, Mmm have you heard of the new game coming out today?” Shelby then said trying to change the subject to something less awkward.

“The World of Magic? If so I have and it should be out in stores… maybe in a few hours.” She looked at at clock and then back at us.

“I got to try the beta version of the game.” She then said. We looked at her with amazement.

“How were you able to do that?” Luna asked. It was like she didn't believe her.

“Well I offered to give feedback on things they need to fix. What they could put in and how they could change to make the game better.” She didn't look like the person who would want to play attend enjoy a game like that.

“That means you get the game for free. Lucky!” I then said in envy.

“I guess, but if you buy it straight from the device you get a discount. So there it's that.” Rora said looking at all three of us.

“No way really?” we all asked looking at her.

“Yeah. Why would I lie to you? Yeah, because that would make me even better than them.” She pointed her thumb towards the guy from before without looking at him. Students had now started piling into the class sitting their seats so that they could start class. The day had went on like it normally did. We had our classes had lunch had more classes then we got to go to our clubs or go home. Shelby, Luna and I had art club.

“Did you see Rora? She went into the library.” Luna said as she sat down at the big table closest to the door. We sat at the table with her.

“No I didn't see her. Why are you so interested in her?” Shelby asked looking at her.

“Well she was cool.” Luna said I then looked at the two.

“Yeah she got the beta version of the game.” I added as Luna nodded smiling like a weirdo.

“Okay I admit she was pretty cool, but it isn't any of our business what she was doing in the library.” Shelby said looking at Luna who had now stopped smiling.

“Well let's invite her to walk home with us!” She called out excited.

“Okay fine let’s do that, but let's focus on our art club.

Third Person POV

The three friends then walked out if the classroom after the club was over. Walking down the hallway they saw Rora leave the library.

“Hey look there she is.” Luna said walking towards Rora.

“Luna…” Shelby said walking after her. Alex following behind Shelby.

“Hello there again.” Luna said waving to Rora.

“Yes Hello again indeed.” Rora said as she looked at the three friends.

“I...We wanted to know if you wanted to walk home with us?” Luna asked looking at Rora with hope she would walk with them. Rora thought for a moment.

“Sure it beats walking alone right?” Rora said with what seemed like a small smile. Luna looked at her with a big smile Shelby and Alex also smiling.

“So, question?” Luna asked as she began walking down the hallway to the entrance of the school.

“I probably have an answer.” Rora said walking next to Luna.

“What club are you in?” Luna asked quickly. Shelby and Alex listening to see Rora’s answer.

“I am in the book club, but me being the only one it. I just help out at the library either recommending books or helping with putting them away.” Rora said as she continued to walk looking straight ahead.

“Cool we are in the art club. You should see Alex and Shelby’s drawings they are really good at drawing.” Luna said pointing to Alex and Shelby.

“I am not that good.” Alex said looking at Luna and Rora.

“I could be better.” Shelby said as she looked at Rora.

“Oh Rora could I get your number?” Luna said turning her attention towards Rora once again.

“My number? What for?” Se asked looking at Luna.

“So we can all log into the game and meet each other?” Luna said looking at her excited she took out her phone.

“Yeah here.” Rora took Luna’s phone and put her number into the phone. Luna looked at the two others.

“I’ll send their numbers to you. The we can make a group chat and talk that way.” Luna said excited.

“Yeah that sounds good. So, what is your plan for weapons?” Shelby asked looking at everyone.

“I want a crossbow. You know how cool those things are!” Alex called out excited for the game.

“Oh I like bows and arrows.” Rora answered the question looking at Shelby and Alex.

“I like guns better.” Shelby said looking at Rora. Rora looked at her and then started.

“But guns are noisy. You can get caught with them way faster if you shoot them with a gun, but if you shoot them with a bow and arrow then you won’t get as much noise.” Rora looked at Shelby proud of herself.

“I would like a scythe!” Luna called out to break the debate that was about to happen.

“A scythe?” Alex asked looking at her.

“Yeah never heard of it. Hold on I will pull one up on my phone.” Luna said pulling up a picture of a scythe.

“Woah that look cool!” Alex exclaimed as he saw a picture of the scythe.

“Yeah they do. They work really well too.” Rora then said looking at the picture of the scythe.

After the walk cause all they did is talked about the game.

Time skip brought to you by “Fuck The Time!”

Third Person POV

Everyone had now gone to their homes Rora towards the Cat Cafe. Luna had turned down the road to the right and Shelby and Alex turned left down the road. They were almost like next door neighbors. Alex would go and get Shelby. Luna would be waiting for them or be late and a mess running towards them like this morning. While Rora always tried to leave her home early in order to avoid the big crowds that piled onto the road to school.

Today was a very long day and it was nice for the the three friends to meet a new. They all went home and finally downloaded the game after a long wait for it to be out. Now they could finally escape for reality and go into the virtual world.

Hello the author here! I hope you liked this chapter. It's longer then yesterday's chapter. I am gonna go and get on writing chapter three. It will be up maybe later on tomorrow. Have a good day or night and I hope you enjoyed.

Love, Rora. T

Our Team Except...Rora?


Rora: Hey Luna it’s Rora!

Luna: Hey let me add you to the group chat.

Group Chat

Luna: She is here!

Alex: Cool. Hello Rora!

Shelby: Hey Rora.

Rora: Hello Everyone

Luna: Awesome okay sow what is everyone’s username?

Luna: Mine is iiLuna_Midnightii

Shelby: Mine is SheblyGren

Alex: Mine is going to be The_Future_Seeker

Rora: I am JonuilCat

Rora: Interesting name Luna.

Luna: Lol thanks.

Shelby: So when are we getting on? Now or…

Rora: Did everyone already get the game?

Luna: Yep

Shelby: Yea

Alex: Yes

Rora: We could get on now. I have nothing to do so let’s do it.

Shelby’ POV

I put my phone onto my desk and put my glasses on. The glasses had gray lenses. I put it on and ly on my bed. What came up was a login screen. I typed in my username and password and I closed my eyes ready to select and start my game. I went through the game rules and started on my avatar. She looked like me based off of the vision of me in my head. Then it clothes it went through my mind and picked the clothes I wanted. Which was an iron man shirt and a pair of jeans. I then picked a gun as my weapon and I had ice powers. I was an arctic fox my ears were gray and so what my tial fading into white at the tip. I then picked a black labradoodle as my dog. I then head off into the world. So many different people and NPC’s walked around. Now all I have to do is find Luna, Alex, and Rora.

Alex’s POV

I put my glasses and lie on my bed. The lense for my glasses being green. I logged into my account and did my character design. I decided it wanted to be male since they didn't have a transgender option. I picked white t-shirt and a green unzipped hoodie. I then wore a pair of black and white converse. I had blue grey eyes and green and how hair. (Like Jacksepticeye for and none who is confused af!) I then picked and crossbow and if I whistled the arrow would come back to me. I chose tshoo have shoo he powers to use ghost and souls to my advantage. I then decided on a green floating eyeball and a black and white cat who could see the a future. I then came into the world where I saw Shelby.

“Shelby!” I called out she turned around hugged me. She seemed exactly the same, but I as well looked exactly the same.

“Let me add you to my team.” Shelby said as she pulled down a menu and sent me a team invite. I accepted and look at her.

“This is awesome! Now to wait for the others.” I said awesome we waited.

Luna’s POV

I got my purple lensed glasses on and lie on my bed logging into my account and starting the game. I picked out my character. I was short and they game me dark purple hair am lilac purple eyes. They gave me a light shade of pink lip gloss and really cool purple and black fox ears and tail. I then picked my outfit which was a lilac purple crop top with a pair of black shorts the met about mid thigh and thigh high black boots. I got my weapon which was was a scythe with butterfly wings. Going to my powers tab I chose to have a dark purple ball of pure energy. They gave me butterfly wings that could come out I wanted them to. They were lilac purple, light pink, and dark purple. I then got pick my companions. Eclipse my tuxedo Persian cat and my purple and black phoenix named Fee. I finally got into game looking around to see Shelby and Alex already talking with each other.

“Hey guys.” I called out as I looked at them.

“Luna!” They said in unison. Alex and Shelby then came up to Luna.

“Let me invite you to the team.” Shelby said pulling down her menu and sending me a team invite. I clicked accept and I was now part of the team.

“Now we wait for Rora.” I said as I looked around to see if if could find her, but to no avail could I find her.

Rora’s POV

Putting on my dark blue and hints of yellow lensed glasses I lay on my bed. Pulling up the login screen I begin to type in my username and password. I logged into the game it showing me my avatar from the beta. I wore a midnight blue cloak to not only hide my identity, but to render we mysterious. Under the cloak was my normal tan skin, dark brown eyes, and dark brown and black waist length hair. My black cat ears and tail starting off dark brown then going into black. I finished off the look with my white long sleeved button up. (Sleeves rolled up to my elbows.) A pair of dark blue Jean shorts that stopped about maybe mid thigh or lower. I wore gray knee high socks and brown combat boots. My bow being held and my arrows in a bag on my back. I had a spare knife in my pocket just in case. I then looked at the tab for my powers. My powering being shadow magic. I could create portals, rope, levitate things, and heal people. If my emotions went haywire shadows would appear of people. Depending on my personality or emotion at the time my eye color would change. Red for anger, blue for sadness, purple for seriousness, and orange for happiness. They weren't hard to figure out after you learned them. My personality/emotions also had names and minds of their owns, but we could get into that later. My companions showing at my side and on my shoulder. On my shoulder was my red fire Phoenix named Phoenix and to my side was my white dragon the spit blue fire named Sylvia. I got into the game looking around to find a group of three people talking. The_Future_Seeker, SheblyGren, iiLuna_Midnightii usernames floated above their heads and so did names they picked and health.

“Hello Luna, Shelby, Alex nice to see you in the virtual world.” I said my voice serious like before. They turned to look at me confused for a second then looking at my username and name.

“The Shadow?” Luna asked looking at me.

“If you play long enough you get get a nickname.” Alex said as he looked at me.

“Right Rora?” He then added looking at me.

“Yes you are correct.” I said looking at him.

“You also have the choice to use the nickname for what people call you or let you have the name you picked.” I then said looking at everyone.

“Not everyone gets a nickname they want. It comes over time of the game learning about you. My avatar has the powers of Shadows and I act like a shadow so it gave me the nickname The Shadow.” I then added after my first explication.

“Cool cool. What's first?” Shelby said swiping down her menu.

“Aren't you going to add her to our team?” Luna asked looking at Shelby.

“I'm fine no need. I work alone.” I said as I looked at Luna from under my hood. My hood covered my eyes you could see my nose and lips, but the rest left you in a mystery.

“Nice hair by the way Luna.” I said as I looked at her hair.

“Really? I want to dye it this color, but I wasn't to sire how it would look and I didn't want to bleach my hair.” She said looking at the hair she said could see.

“Well now you guys enjoy your time. I'm going to go and get a quest to do so I can get payed a shit load.” I then said getting ready to leave when all of a sudden Shelby called out.

“Wait!” I stopped and turned.

“Yes?” I asked looking at her.

“Tutorial how do you activate it.” She then asked looking at me.

“If you go into your menu you seem to be a bit acquainted with that so it should be in your quest tab.” I said as she check it and clicked on it. Her menu went away and that meant you had started the tutorial.

“Now I will leave good luck have fun.” I wave to them then leaving to find quests that were easy to do.

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