《Grasping》Chapter 18: Exploring energy


It had taken ten days, of time in his domain, to finally master the art of not destroying dimensions. Magnus now stood in a relatively quiet park. He had absolutely no idea where on Earth he was. As such, he took things slow. He watched as people walked around him. Most chatted with each other, some held devices similar to smartphones from his dimension. Seeing the familiar devices, Magnus decided to follow one of the dimensions inhabitants into an alley.

Walking out of the alley with his newly gained Anitine(The phone thing), Magnus made his way to one of the park benches to take a seat. Seated, he found his location by checking through the GPS app called Animaps. He found that he was located somewhere in the USA. Satisfied with that he reached out with his senses to sense energy.

After meeting Nuwa, Magnus theorised that energy was everywhere. He wanted to know what energies there were.

As he had suspected, there were the generic forms of energy that you could find in a physics textbook.

' Kinetic energy, thermal energy... What is this?'

Magnus felt a very subtle but active energy moving about. It seemed to have a mind of its own. It wrapped around random things like pebbles, blades of grass and steering wheels in cars. As he watched, the car that had been "infect" with the yellowish-orange energy, it crashed into another that had also been "infected". This alarmed Magnus. Immediately, he looked upon himself to see if any of this energy was on him.

' There is some...'

With his energy manipulation, he ripped of the energy and raised a thick energy barrier.

' Use energy to keep energy out.'

He chuckled to himself.

Closing his eyes, he focused to try and find other forms of energy. As seen before, random unknown energy can be dangerous. Eventually, he found a widely spread out energy that seemed to permeate into everything. Everything but him of course.


With a slight flex of the metaphysical muscle, he rendered himself invisible.

He continued to observe these two energies that he had found and locate new energies for 7 more local days. At the end of his observations, Magnus opened his eyes.

' To think that luck is a form of energy... The energy that permeates everything seems to dictate rules as well. Let's call the yellow-orange one luck energy and the other the world's will or laws.'

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