《Grasping》Chapter 16: New maid


" How do you know what I am."

Gulping, the girl answered as calmly as she could.

" By your energy... Your energy is ever-present in the second dimension. I never noticed it until now. Before the source itself, I can tell the nature of your energy."

Continuing his interrogation, Magnus asked his next question.

" Do you know what my name is?"

" You- your name? M*a_gn^#s"

As she said his name, she projected impressions of destruction, recreation, grasping, devouring and chaos.

" And how do you know my name?"

" It is the name of a dimension many other gods had found. It is an unending sea of limbs that grab at you, while the air itself seems to devour the body."

" Oh, so you found my domain."

Magnus felt extremely surprised at this revelation. He did not realise that people other than himself could enter his domain. He touched his chin with a finger thinking about the implications of this newfound knowledge.

He turned back to Nawa to ask his next question, only to find that she looked even paler than she did before. Somehow, her obviously self-replenishing bladder had failed her again.

' How does her body store so much... nevermind.'

Magnus pointed at the 2D static beings going about their business behind the girl.

" Look behind you, what are those people doing? What were you doing before I brought you here?"

" They are travelling to different 2D worlds, my lord."

Hearing this, Magnus tried to calm himself.

' If interdimensional travel requires going through the dimension above the one you are in. I would be travelling through the fourth dimension. From what I saw with Nawa just now, travelling vertically will cause the energy in one's body to transform into soul energy and forcefully upgrade your soul. I would be severely weakened if I were pulled into the 4th dimension.'


He sighed again.

' For now, let's put this girl away. My home needs a cleaner.'

" Listen up, you shall be my maid."

He grasped the girl out of all the piss and lifted her off the ground. He then created a simple black shirt, underwear, jeans and slippers on her body. Next, he snapped his fingers, teleporting himself into his domain and restarting time.

He appeared in front of his house with Nawa in his arms. Princess carry style. When he created his domain, he had made an island, an oasis of green within a sea of limbs. The island was relatively small. It had a small forest and a nice wooden mansion exactly in the middle of the circular island.

Magnus dropped his new maid on the doorstep of his home and gave her instructions.

" Clean my home every day. You may live in it. You may do anything you want as long as you keep it clean. I have stored food in the cellar. Cook for yourself. You may even kill yourself. I have bound your soul to this mansion. When the artificial sun rises in the morning, you will find yourself standing in the kitchen completely restored to your optimum state. I will check up on you every 5 decades. There will be a clock in the kitchen that will state the time and the date."

The girl stared at the door in shock. Unable to process what her abductor wanted of her. Unfortunately for her, Magnus continued talking. He snapped his fingers and the sun, which was previously in the middle of the sky, started rising from the east again.

" The year starts now. See you in a few decades!"

The monster in the form of a boy said cheerfully and patted his new maid on the back. Then, he teleported away.

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