《Grasping》Chapter 8: A god’s mind


" I would like to make an appointment with SCP-343 aka God."

Magnus said in a slow manner as if to get children to understand what he wants them to do.

" In exchange, to seem more amiable, I will put a doorway to my backyard in your closest site. In addition, I will continue to stay in the house we have been staying in for the past few days. Of course, I will give you a deadline."

The boy cocked his head and touched his chin with a finger. He considered how long he should give the organisation to prepare for his eventual visit.

" Seven days. You have seven days to let me visit the old man. Well, in seven days I will visit SCP-343 whether or not I get permission."

Sighing a little, Magnus gestured for the couple to leave with his head.

" Go. You heard me. 7 days. "

The women scrambled to their feet and ran.

With all that out of the way, Magnus stepped off the hard air platform he had created and sat on the table that SCP-158 was on. He then stared at the puddle of water that used to be a man.

' Why did I kill him? He was harmless and a noisy fly at best. So why? Why did I kill him?'

The boy began swinging his legs like a normal child would if left seated on a table. Magnus then proceeded to review the performance he had put up just a while ago.

' Scaring them was necessary, but I did not need to do something as drastic as killing a man. I could have revived him for maximum effect had I not eaten his soul. So, why did I eat his soul? Was it an act of vengeance? A bit of soul for a bit of soul?'


The boy faced a dilemma. He was not guilty of killing. He had killed before. An uncountable number of deaths were caused by him. That is the price of being a universe consumer. It was impossible that all of the universes he had eaten did have life. In fact, he had felt the deaths of trillions of sentient beings one time when he was eating.

' But permanently erasing the guy was unnecessary. Then again, eating universes isn't necessary either. I should prepare myself with more abilities. No need for convoluted and complex usage of one power if I could simplify the process by using multiple powers. Hmm... I should probably create a domain of my own soon.'

The boy sorted out his thoughts and left for his "home" by teleportation.

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