《Grasping》Chapter 32: Carrying


Magnus silently watched as his little family enjoys their food. He too enjoyed the food. It was a strange mix between 3 different types of meat stir-fried with some vegetables that he could not identify.

Once he finished eating, he brought up the topic of the day.

" How do you two want to increase your energy levels?"

He asked the two women. The two simply stared at him. Magnus backpedalled a little and started talking about a few options.

" I mean, I could feed the 2 of you energy or you can get abilities for growth or-"

" Lord Magnus!"

" Ah, yes?"

" I would rather you feed me energy. While I do not like how you are gaining your energy... and! I won't stop you from doing it. But I don't want to do it myself... Eating universes, that is..."

' A little hypocritical of her, but... understandable considering her past.'

" Darling, I want o make my own myth."

Nuwa spoke. Magnus simply nodded.

' That is fine too. The energy from making one's own myth seems to attune itself to one's energy as well. So... it should be safe.'

It had been 4 months since he returned to Cenere. Cenere, being the name of his domain. Magnus had continued his ' cultivation' and had brought most of his abilities to the 5th tier. Nothing much else had changed besides that. However, he was still not ready to enter a new dimension.

'Let us wait until Dice and I reach the peak amount of energy that a fifth-dimensional being can hold. Then, we shall go adventuring through the fifth dimension. Better safe than sorry.'

So months went by, 'cultivating' and planning for Nuwa's entry into the world of myths. Together, Dice and Magnus worked on Nuwa's confidence and acting skills. A god was only as good as they were as an actor. Confidence is the key to swaying the crowd.


" Okay, Nuwa, this is the order. Create a disaster, come in and save the day, announce yourself as the goddess of order and boom massive cult following. Don't forget to make priests-"

" And apostles!"

Dice added in from where she sat in the living room.

" -and apostles, that actively preach while making ' miracles'. Got it?"

Nuwa nodded cutely and stared into Magnus' eyes with determination.

" Hmmph! Hmmph!"

" Good! Now did you put your bracelet on?"

Another nod.

" Alright go, go and get yourself a myth!"

A portal opened behind Nuwa and she stepped through it, waving at Magnus as she did.

" Good luck dear! Don't forget your energy shield an-"

The portal closed before he could finish nagging.

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