《Love Crunch》Chapter 4: 18 Years Ago


My name is Erthel Aristotle. I am a Sanguine Tier, along with my partner Erin Tounemme. “Erin!” I shouted to get her attention, she seemed occupied or distracted. “You don’t have to shout Ethel.” She answered with a smirk. “You have to be focused, we’re delving into The Ancient City of Vrisgaard.” I continued with a serious tone. “I know, Erthel. It’s not like we’re going to die. We’re both Sanguine Tier.” Erin answered confidently as if she’s not scared. She’s too confident. It’s kind of sad, to be honest.

Here it is. The entrance to Vrisgaard. Much like a dungeon or a ruin, filled with traps and monsters. This one is unique even among the most dangerous ruins. It’s manmade not placed. Who would’ve made such a dangerous ruin? Are those Minotaurs? Minotaurs in a ruin that’s even too dangerous for them. “Let’s enter, Erthel. After that, we drink at Ethan’s.” Erin said with a smile. “Sure, you’re paying this time,” I answered.

I hope it was only that easy…

“Erin! Go on!” I shouted at the top of my lungs. That was all my strength. Erin should live on. My body is slowly turning into stone. It was an Ur-Gargoyle. My Glare was pretty useless against it. “Erthel, I am not going to leave you behind. Be it a statue of you, or just you.” Erin answered with a frustrated look. She really was stubborn.

“Erin, please go. I’m going to try a reawakening.” I demanded with a bit of cowardice. “You better meet me at the entrance, Erthel.” Erin said before running away.

“Summon, Khryshn. Manipulator of flame and magma. Heed your new master.”

Summoning Khryshn cost me my life and my strength.

My Glare is being able to summon the Higher Beings. Creatures who control things that hold the universe together, in the cost of my strength.

I’m sorry Mika.


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