《Yggdrasil Story》Chapter 4: Water Yggdrasil -- A girl pushes you into a tube filled with water....oh wait....WHAT?
Chapter 4: Water Yggdrasil
[The next morning]
Lord: Ahh...nice morning, oh, Lily isn't on my bed, unlike yesterday.
Lord: Hey!...everyone stop piling your share of gold coins in my bedroom damn it. I can't even walk through. Keep them in those vacant rooms below or somewhere else.
Wevil: Good morning. My lord. Next trip don't forget me please. I can play dead.
Lord: I will think about it, but first, have someone carry all these gold coins below.
Wevil: Jasmine, let help me.
Jasmine nods.
Wevil: You too radish, go get a few strong trents.
[On the grand balcony connecting to the lord's bedroom]
Iris: Good morning, Ruby. Are you....
Ruby, walking away aimlessly: Stop.....It hurts... It hurt so much... mumble...mumble...
Lord: Will she really be OK, Iris.
Iris: I think we should do it one more time right now. As the saying goes, fight fire with fire.
Lord: NOOOOOO!!!
Violet: Hi, what should we do today, my lord?
Lord & Iris: NOO! We haven't done anything!!
Violet: Huh?
Peony: Good morning, my lord. How's the travel yesterday?
Lord: Everyone has had a great time. I really hoped you were there.
Peony's face reddens slightly.
Violet: Ruby's juice tastes so good too, my lady. Our lord and Iris kind of forced it from her in the item shop....
Peony: Please excuse me, I have some work to do.
Lord thinks: [Out of a hundred things that happened in that village, why did you have to bring that up, Violet, and Peony is angry at me again, isn't she?]
Violet: Why did she walk away all of a sudden, my lord? She doesn't like to discuss about nectar? But the nectar is really good...ahh...
Lord: ....
[Back in the bedroom]
Lord: The fortune teller said yesterday that there is another fortune teller near Water yggdrasil. So, there are two yggdrasil trees now?
Sola: No, it is in fact the same tree. Their networks of underground roots are connected.
Lord: Should I go consult that fortune teller. Perhaps he or she knows something about my past.
Sola: Yes, if you don't have anything better to do today. However, I can't go with you today. I have other business elsewhere.
Lord: Hmm...Who else can I bring with me then?
Sola, knocking on the water jar. Do you want to....
Lily: Sorry I pass. Today is my sleep day.
Lily dives back down.
A small spot of bright light silently glows from Sola's hand, and the jar miraculously explodes, water splashing everywhere.
Lily: What happen...what happen?
Sola: I'm not sure. That jar is quite old. Perhaps it has exploded on its own?
Lily: What?...I just bought it last month.
Sola: Inferior products are everywhere. Fortunately, our lord is going to Water yggdrasil today, and that town is a major producer of jars in this area.
Lily: Could you guys buy some jars for me then?
Sola: No, if they do that, I have a very strong hunch that your jar might explode again tomorrow.
Lord: ......
Lily: What do you mean, Sola?
Sola: I mean, you have to carefully choose a good quality jar by yourself. You're the jar expert, and that village is your hometown.
Lily: Fine...fine. I'm going.
[On the path to Water yggdrasil]
Lord: Feel weird. The usual members ain't here.
Violet: Iris said she had to take care of her sister. Something really bad seems to have happened to her.
Lord: I didn't do anything. Not my fault.
Violet: Pardon?
Lord: Oh, nothing. I was thinking about something else.
Lily: I can't imagine anyone bad enough to hurt such an innocent, lovely little girl like her.
Lord: .....
Violet: Don't worry, Iris can take care of Ruby.
Lord: I guess so. By the way, is it safe for me to go there with only the two of you?
Violet: You can trust us. The path is safe, in fact, it is almost the same path we travelled a few days ago. All Water yggdrasil's population are all trents, and it's under the Queen of Rose's area of influence. So, nothing to fear, my lord.
Lord thinks: [Yeah, yeah. The last time I was almost obliterated by a lightning bolt, in the dead center of your so-called Queen of Rose's area of influence]
Lord: In a battle, what can you do, Violet?
Violet: I can use my petals to attack all enemy in a large area. Lily can use water-based magic. Oh, don't worry, my lord, even one of my petals could kill you in an instant, I can control all my petals individually and precisely. Even though it's a kind of area attack magic, you are completely safe from it.
Lord: Just remove the part about one petal killing me in an instant, and what you just said would be perfectly reassuring.
Violet: [giggle]
Lord thinks: [Somehow I still don't feel safe around these girls. Perhaps because their personality doesn't seem dependable, or perhaps because I haven't seen them fight. But come to think of it, Sola said Violet and Lily is about 8 in power? I don't remember the exact number. Astille is about 4000 on the weak man scale but only 2 on the maiden scale. Does that mean Astille is as strong as 40 unarmed men?]
Lord thinks: [If my math is correct, one of these two girls should be as strong as 160 men? Then, it's like I have about 300 men as my personal guards right now? Am I missing something? Anyway, I still don't feel safe.]
Almond: Good morning, everyone.
Lord: Oh, how nice you come. I felt we lack a bit of member. The more the safer, no, I mean merrier.
Almond: I am honored to serve you, my lord.
Lord: This time I hope you don't need to buy the whole jars in the village.
Almond giggles.
Lord: And what can you do in battle, Almond?
Almond: I control several of my black seeds like this. It will fly around and attack enemy from afar repeatedly, my lord. Similar to Violet's [Purple Gale], while controlling it, I will be very vulnerable. Therefore, if there are enemies nearby, I switch to close range weapons like petal sword, which I'm pretty good at it.
Lord: So, you are about the same level as Violet in combat?
Almond: Yes, my lord, but we are different. Violet can neutralize an army of armed enemy, men, goblins, orcs, don't matter, in one strike. Even most of them won't die immediately, you might not be surprised that most enemy will stop fighting when they have a few holes through their body. However, she is relatively vulnerable at close range because she lacks evasion and defensive skill. She could do best with another maiden protecting her.
Lord: Damn, that's a little bit scary. She is more powerful than she looks.
Violet: I heard that. Thank you for the powerful part. About the scary part, I won't kill anyone or anything indiscriminately, if that's what you're worrying. However, I'm very angry when my flowers are producing so much nectar and not a single soul wants to eat them.
Lord: Alrite..alrite.. You absolutely don't need to make a death threat. I will try it. Hmm...as expected, a taste of slightly sweet, faint beautiful smell that can calm your mind, just like your flower, Violet.
Violet: Here's more, my lord. Take these flowers and eat all nectar in them. Due to its specific nature, my flowers produce loads of nectar all by themself without the need to massage them out like Ruby, or do you prefer to massage it out yourself?
Lord: No, no. Who would ever want to go through that kind of trouble? And what about you....
Almond, jumping away: No..no..no. Almonds don't have nectar, my lord.
Violet: Or you are afraid of the juicing process. Hmm....?
Lord: She doesn't want to, or she doesn't have it. Doesn't matter. I'm OK with both cases. Each and every maidens shall have their own free will.
Almond is blushing a lot.
Almond: For now I can give you these small white petals, my lord. They're edible.
Lord: Hmm...soft petals with an intense nutty taste of almond. Quite delicious, Almond.
Almond: And I really don't have nectar, as far as I know, but if you really want to make sure.......
[A few seconds later]
Lord: Are you about say something?
Almond: No...no my lord. Let us get back to the discussion about our power.
Almond: Although I am lower than Violet in overall destructive power, I'm better at solo mission, my lord. I can use my black seeds to kill several enemies from afar, then if some can still get close, I will kill them with my petal swords.
Lord: Violet can't create petal swords?
Violet: Yes, I can, but...
Almond: Most of the maidens can create simple thing like petal swords because it's basically our petals. However, Violet's swords are not as useful because she doesn't have the skill to use it.
Lord: Oh, and Lily?
Almond: She can cast several water shots in one strike, attacking enemy at medium range. She can also use other water-based magic too, and she is pretty good at close range combat. I heard this from Sola. Not many people have seen her fight because she is always in her jar.
Lily seems to be upset.
Lord: Hey, Lily, we have been walking for only 15 minutes and you are tired?
Lily: No, not physically. I just miss my water jar. Wow, Look!. There is a pond over there.
Lily jumps into the pond without delay.
Lily: Ahh...water. The origin of life.
Lord: Her long jet-black hair flows along with water in the crystal-clear pond, making her looks really beautiful as if she is some kind of water deity. She is beautiful just like most of the maidens....
Lord: Except Wevil.
Lily: What are you mumbling about? Jump in, my lord.
Lord: Shall we.. oh... everyone is already in the water, even Almond.
Almond: Our bodies need some water, at least from time to time. For Lily, she needs it more frequent because she is a water plant, but I'm sure she doesn't need it all the time. She is just too lazy to come out of her water jar.
Lily: I will have some cute children.
Lord: You will, Lily.
Lily: In fact, I already have some.
Lord: Huh!
Lily: Like a few hundreds..
Lord: Wha..?
Lily: But I think most of them are dead though.
Lord: What? How?
Lily: I'm not sure exactly. I am in my water jar all the time.
Lord: Whaaat! What kind of a mother.... Oh wait, I have a hunch that there could be some sorts of plant-ish explanation.
Violet: She can grow what she calls "fluffy" through budding process, my lord. It's a small white ball of fluffy thingy a size of small coconut. I don't see them around the castle lately. Perhaps all of them is dead like she said.
Lily: The next fluffy season almost come. I will give you some, my lord.
Lord: Are they some kind of an object to her?
Violet: To her they probably are, but plant and human are different. I think we shouldn't use the same standard to judge each other.
Lord: Well said, Violet.
Almond: Hmm... water feels so nice...mumble...mumble.
[Water yggdrasil]
Lily: Yes, my hometown. I miss it so much.
Lord: Huh, it's just 30 minutes of human walk from the castle. I'm sure you come here within 5 minutes...
Lily: But I love my jar more.
Lord: Suit yourself.
Violet: Look at the giant water tree, my lord. It grows on a big lake, now the lake looks much smaller.
Lord: Wow. Even it's only half the size of the main yggdrasil, it's still so big.
Almond: It's a part of the main yggdrasil tree, and in fact the same tree. Their roots are connected, my lord.
Trent1, passing by: Welcome back, Princess Lily.
Lily: Oh.
Trent2, passing by: Princess Lily.
Trent3, standing nearby: Princess Lily is back.
Trent4 bows to Lily.
[A moment of silence later]
Lord: It's your cue to say something, Lily.
Lily: Oh, I'm not exactly sure why myself, but I have some idea. Let find my friend Minny first. She is probably a guardian of this area right now, and I'm sure she can explain this princess thing.
Lily: Hi, Trent3, or whatever your name are, do you know where Minny's residence is?
Trent3: On the dead center of Water yggdrasil, my princess.
Lily: Right, I could have guessed. She still lives there.
Almond: Me and Violet will locate the fortune teller for you while you meet Lily's friend.
Lord: Nice idea. See you soon, Almond.
[Water tube's entrance]
Lord: What is this place?
Lily: This is one of the entrance to a network of large tube filled with water. This particular one is a shortcut to the center of Water yggdrasil. It is a network of oversized roots that can transport you to many places on the tree. Strong flow of water inside the root will bring us to its center, my lord.
Lord: I prefer walking, besides I'm not good at sw....
Lily pushes the lord into the tube.
Lord: Helppppppp.... The flow is too strong.
Lily: I'm here, my lord. Just hold me tight.
Lord: Water level in the tube seems to rise higher and higher. There is almost no air for me to breathe. Seriously I can't breathe underwater. Heeelp. I'm drowning....
Lily: Get air from me, I can filter them from the water far more than I can use.
Lily transfers the air to the lord through their mouths.
Lord thinks: [Hmm...she is so cute when her long black hair is flowing along with the water, her thin white clothing looks almost transparent when it's completely soaked, and now we are holding each other so tight. It should be OK if I touch this soft area of her a little bit...hmm...so so soft.
Oh, this part is even softer...hmm...softest material on earth....I can't stop myself anymore... oh, she reacted? Am I touching it too hard. Does she know what I am doing? Not my fault, right? She is too lovely and is kissing me like this. I can't really stand it....
Now the tube is completely filled with water, and we are totally submerged under the water. Her eyes are closed but she is continuously giving air to me via our mouths.
Fortunately the water is so clear and the tube is semi-transparent, I can see everything around. This might be worth it even if I drown here. Perhaps I deserve it for all I have done to her body. Not sure how long will we will reach the destination. But it's OK if we are flowing like this forev......SPLASH!!]
The giant tube opens to a very large room, a lot of water splashing into the room that is already very wet with water.
Lily sits still in silence.
Lord thinks: [Oops. Did I overdo it? She must be very angry at me because I have been touching those parts of her]
Lord: Lily, I'm sorry I took advantage of you. Last night with Ruby, and now you. I'm so ashamed of myself. I did awful things to you while you were saving my.....
Lily: Huh, what are you mumbling about? Let go.
Lord think: [Uh...yeah. I forgot just a few day ago she was all over me on my bed. How could she mind just a little touch?]
[Water yggdrasil's main hall]
In the hall, standing a girl that looks almost like Lily but her hair is light blonde in color. White lotus on her head seems to have a slight shade of rainbow color when sunlight is reflected. What is the word? Oh, yes, iridescent.....like pearls.
Lily: Hi, Minny. Found you.
Minny: Hi, Lily, and this must be the Lord of yggdrasil. My heart can connect with him. [giggle]
Lily: Wow. Your sense is strong. I can't feel a thing.
Minny: You can know it by touching my heart.
Lord: Oh, I'm not sure that it is appr....
Minny grasps the lord's hand to touch her heart. Her heart!!..god damn it.. what are you guys thinking?
Minny: Feel it yet, my lord?
Lily: Oh, you two are really connected. His face is so red right now, and your face is red too, Minny.
Lord: Hmm...not yet. I haven't feel anything yet. A little more touching might help.
Lily: Your nose is bleeding right now, my lord, and Minny's face is so red. Ok, I believe both of you now. Such a strong connection.
Minny: Let stop it before the lord is too tired, or loses too much blood [giggle]
Lord, unwillingly: Yes, I think that's quite enough, Minny.
Lily: Let try some on my heart.
Lord: Oh, are you su....
Lily grasps the lord's hand to touch her heart. YES! Heart.
Lord: Hmm..so..so soft...as soft as Minny's. These lotus are so good. I will beg yggdrasil to create like 100 more of them.
Lily: I still can't feel a thing. Touch it harder.
Lord: If you ask for it...
Minny: You nose is bleeding a lot more, my lord. Is that OK? You don't look so well.
Lily: I think I don't have any connection at all.
Minny: Let me stop the bleeding first.
Minny plucks out one of her pearly petal and uses it to stop the bleeding.
Minny: It hurts a little when I pluck my petal out like that. Some maiden's flowers are more sensitive than other. Some might hurt a lot if their flowers are harmed.
Lord: I didn't do anything. Not my fault.
Minny: Huh?
Lily: This heart connection thing is bloodily dangerous.
[A while later]
Minny: It might be a little late but let me chant the most popular rhyme.... I am one of the maiden born to serve you. My body and soul belong to you alone, and I mean it. [giggle]
Lord: Hmm...the rhyme. Where did you get it from?
Minny: Eh? I don't know. I heard it from someone's else.
Lily: Oh, yes, Minny. Why does everyone call me princess?
Minny: It's nothing. I told everyone to call you that whenever you're back. I just want to troll you, that's all. It's a punishment for your long absence. [giggle]
Lily: You rarely meet any other maidens at all I guess.
Minny: I've met some of those who are on Queen of Rose side of things.
Lord: Minny, let meet two of our maiden friends outside.
Minny: Walk this way. It leads straight to the town square.
Lily: That's too bad. This time I won't be able to kiss you that long again.
Lord: So, it was your plan all along.
Lily: What plan. [giggle]
[In the town square]
Lily: Hi, you two are here. This is my friend Minny. You girls found the fortune teller yet?
Violet: Some trents said the fortune teller is around here, but I don't see any human with a crystal ball.
Minny: Fortune teller? I know where it is. It's a trent. That's why you couldn't find it. Yes, over there. That one.
Almond: So, you are the fortune teller?
Trent: Yes, you have come to the right place. Ask anything. Just 10 copper.
Lord: Can you tell me about my past?
Trent: Today will be the same as yesterday. Tomorrow will be the same as today. Your life will go on until it ends.
Lord: ....
Almond: Hmm...since all trents are born from yggdrasil, you are certainly less than 2 years old, right? Where did you learn your fortune-telling art from?
Trent, panicking: Uh...from my sensei. She is the best fortune teller in the world.
Almond: How long were you studying with her?
Trent, more panicking: Some time. Some time. I'm not telling you exactly how long.
Almond: You know how much Queen of Rose hates a charlatan, right? I heard she has burnt a few of them some days ago. Spit it all out and I will give you this one gold coin.
Trent: Forgive me, forgive me. I will tell you everything. A few days ago I came across a girl with a crystal ball on the edge of our border. We were chatting for some time. She told me about her profession, then I....
Almond: You won't get burnt today, but if you keep doing this, soon you might.
Trent: I'm so sorry. Forgive me. I won't do it again.
Lily: So, this one is a fake.
Minny: Seem so. [giggle]
Lord: Some trents desire money now, it seems.
Almond: Yes, world evolves, plant grows, rain falls, stone erodes, everything changes. Nothing stays the same. Make your peace with that and all will ... oh, wait.. everyone wait for me....
Lily: Minny, come live with us at the castle.
Minny: I can't.
Lily: Let go. I will give you the biggest jar.
Minny: I really want to. As I am also one of the maiden, the lord's charm has a really strong effect on me, but...
Minny: I can't really leave this place. I have duty as the guardian of water yggdrasil. Almost a thousand life here depends on me.
Lord: Such a responsible girl. It's OK. Each and every maidens shall have their own free will.
Minny: That's such a nice thing to say. You are such a gentleman.
Violet: He used this exact same line on me yesterday, and one more time on Almond during the travel here....mumble...mumble....
Minny: Take this as my apology, my lord.
Minny kisses the lord in the cheek.
Minny: Could you come visit me once in a while? Or at least think about me tonight?
Lord: I will be here, Minny.
Minny: Farewell. Have a safe trip.
Lord: Good bye, Minny. I will remember your heart, no, I mean your kiss.
[At the castle in the evening]
Lily: Oops. I forgot to buy a new jar. I will sleep in the pond tonight I guess.
Lord: I completely forgot about it too.
Almond: I have ordered 10 jars of the highest quality, my lord. It should arrive at any moment.
Lord: Wow, you are so dependable.
Almond: To some extent, and in some aspects, my lord.
Lord: Especially financial, I guess.
Lord thinks: [Hmm...come to think of it, if there are too many reserve jars, Sola might not be able to trick Lily to go outside anymore.]
Trent: Jars have arrived, master.
Lord: This trent seems to be able to speak.
Almond: Yes, communication is very important skill. Talking trents are often appointed to higher ranks in the our hierarchy of workforce, but yes, there are other important attributes too.
Lord: Wow, this new earthen jar. It's like 3 inches thick.
Lily: Better safe than sorry.
Sola, walking in: But I'm sure no matter how thick it is, it can still explode on its own if something keeps sleeping in it for too long. 10 jars, 100 jars, don't really matter.
Lord thinks: [That sounds so evil, Sola]
Sola: I have been to the outskirts of Midland to buy the best horses and wagons for you, my lord, and I have established several outposts in all directions at our borders. Now you can travel much faster using horses and wagons when you want to travel across human inhabited area. If we use giant trent for those areas, villagers might panic, and if villagers panic, army will panic, and it might cause needless bloodshed.
Lord: I get it. Thank, Sola. You are very good at this.
Sola: I also funded construction of better roads in some of those human regions.
Lord: For what?
Sola: Your use, sir. Of course, you can't own it exclusively. Other human can use it too, but this will also make you travel a lot faster. I believe you want to help mankind, right?
Lord: Oh, yes. If we can help them without much effort, do it. Good work, Sola.
[Almost midnight]
Minny: I don't want to go. Release me back to my home.
Lord: Come with us to my castle at once. I want to add you into the long list of my concubines.
Peony: Maidens are PROPERTY of their lord, and shall have no free will. Trents, get her.
Minny: Release me. I'd rather die than live with you.
Lord: Who permit you to die? You are just my PROPERTY. Stop resisting or you will get severe physical punishment tonight.
[Lord's bedroom, at midnight]
Lord: What was that all about? Perhap Minny's heart, no, I mean kiss has some effect on my mind. A girl with high responsibility huh? She is like the Queen of Rose in that regard. Minny isn't even bound by the tree's magic to stay there, yet she have chosen to do it for her people.
Lord: Now I can't continue sleeping anymore. Let stroll around the balcony at night. The air should be fresh.
[Grand balcony adjacent to the bedroom]
Lord: Is that Ruby? Wait...Ruby, I'm so sorry. I didn't know you truly hurt so much. Everything is so confusing. I won't touch your flower again, I promise.
Ruby: I hate you so much....
Ruby, smiling: ....if you refuse to touch my flower again.
Lord: So, you are not angry at me anymore, right?
Ruby: I wasn't angry at you, but it hurted so much I acted a little weird in the morning, and I'm sorry for this confusion. At least half of it is my fault.
Lord: It's my fault too, Ruby. Does it still hurt now?
Ruby: Yes, so much, but it feels so good at the same time. It's hard to explain. I know you will never hurt me intentionally. You are such a gentleman.
Ruby approaches him. Her soft small body touches him. Her sweetest scent fills the air around the area. She makes a painful face when her flower accidentally touches his shoulder.
Lord thinks: [Yeah...yeah. Let us both go to sleep before my true self overcomes this gentleman facade, and desecrates both kinds of your flowers]
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