《Codename Deathmask》chapter 14
Chapter 14
Across the solar system of Rindat there lies a sister planet to it called Kodazaki. It is a very large planet that is almost completely metallic. The Kodazaki people had greatly increased the surface area of the planet to such a massive degree that it is completely unrecognizable to what it originally looked it. Most inhabitants had never actually seen the surface of the natural part of the planet. The Kodazaki people are the most advanced race that is known across the main solar system of the Singlarr Galaxy, known to a rare few as Violentra.
Kodazaki is very strange planet that seems to be more man-made than by natural means. The planet has several metallic moons that were made by the populace and can be used as star ships. The Kodazaki are capable of long distance space travel all across the Singlarr Galaxy. The moon sized space ships do not negatively effect the planet, due to tidal forces. This problem was conquered many centuries ago by the Kodazaki people.
The Kodazakis are like their planet and more machine like than flesh based. Most would think that the inhabitants are some sort of robot based lifeforms and not a being that was deemed natural to any other planet of the Singlarr Galaxy. They have a hard light weight exoskeleton that it is both their clothes and skin at the same time. The armor covers all the external orifices of the Kodazaki and there is no bare part of the body exposed. All Kodazaki have an exoskeleton that they keep their whole lives and they died with them as well.
The eyes of the Kozdazaki people are very advanced as well and one such feature is that they have two sets of eyes. The first set of eyes is compound like that of an insect. Their eyes project one single image that has a larger view than simple eyes. This helps the Kodazaki to detect objects at a faster speed than they would with simple eyes.
The simple eyes offer them more visual sensitivity than compound eyes have. Having both
types of eyes gives the Kodazaki the best of both eye types and much higher performance than ether type of eyes alone. The typical Kodazaki has four eyes and some have even more than that. The simple eyes are in about the same position of human eyes, also the compound eyes are above the simple eyes, and to the sides of the head.
The Kodazaki have very advanced brains that can do many different things. The most atypical fact about them(at least to other humanoids) is that they have a second brain in their abdomen. This second brain is almost completely universal in all of the Kodazaki inhabitants. This brain is used to perform many progressive computations that is required to execute among the people. The second brain can function thousands of times faster than any computer on the planet of Rindat. This brain is used to create a hive mind among the people of Kodazaki and schooling is not needed. The people of Kodazaki often do not have a free will and must act their leadership demands of them without question. The only ones with any degree of choice is those that are leading the society.
Another function of the secondary brain is to remember of how how every cell within the body is formed and positioned. The second brain is like a memory back up if part of the body or even the primary brain is destroyed. Not every Kodazaki has this ability but all of the Kodazaki leadership have this ability. If a person with this ability has their main brain destroyed then the second brain would take over executive functioning of the organism until the first brain can be restored.
The first brain is like that of most humanoids since this brain contains the uniqueness of each individual. This brain gives the person their personality and their individual quirks.
The average IQ of a typical human is around one hundred and yet the Kodazaki average is about one thousand. The people of this world require such a high level of intelligence to act in according to the demands of the leadership of the planet. The people of the planet are required to do a lot computation and engineering.
The Kodazaki are very strong as well and can do many feats of strength. A worker on this planet
can easily lift hundreds of times their body weight. They have the strength of insects and are much stronger than even typical humanoid world class power lifting champion that can only lift about thirteen times their body weight and some insects can lift up to around four hundred times their own weight. Some of the Kodazaki leadership can lift thousands of times more than the strongest insect can carry pound for pound.
The Kodazaki also many mental based powers, like levitation and telekinesis. They can fly through use of their mental powers and cause objects to be moved by the powers of their minds. Leadership has the ability to kill without ever physically moving. Leadership is not based upon who is the best leader, but it is decided upon who is the strongest and most skilled warrior. This culture is led by the belief that might makes right, the strongest should, and will rule the world. All Kodazakis with below average abilities and any kind of defects are destroyed as mere babies. They were never given a chance to live. This genocide is seen as normal from with in their society The leadership of this world have no patience for those that perform less than is deemed acceptable by leadership.
The higher ups and the strongest warriors of Kodazaki can use energy to combat any potential foes as energy blasts or energy weapons. The strongest among the Kodazaki can also expertly battle in hand to hand combat. The difference in power among the strongest than to the typical Kodazaki is so huge that one strong warrior can easily destroy thousands of normal Kodazakis.
Everything in the Kodazaki's culture is controlled by the leadership to the letter. Free will is not a choice in this society and all those who try to act on their own wills are executed by hired rebel hunters. These rebel hunters search the entire planet throughout hundreds of sectors, while looking for all those who are acting out their own wishes and/or too weak.
The leadership of the planet is lead by many various commanders that divide the world into many fiefdoms. Such lands are ruled by one supreme commander and their strongest underlings. Commanders can do any and all things they may want to anyone or anything that may be within their area of control. They answer only to the leader of planet Kodazaki who stays within his gigantic palace at all times. No one, even the commanders have ever seen the leader in the flesh, but all know that his will must be obeyed or else. The leader sends assassins would be sent to kill all those that disobey him. Everybody in the fiefdom will be destroyed along with their commander if such an act of disobedience were to occur. So nearly all the Kodazakis just simply live in fear and go with what the hive mind demands of them.
The Kodazaki had so much control on it's people that it's citizens could not even control with who they chose to bare children with. The culture's leadership chose that it was best that selective breeding was the way to bear all Kozdazaki children. This way of bearing children or as the Kodazaki call offspring was that the parents(or known within the society as life bringers) was predetermined by select members of leadership.
Selective breeding is used to better bring out the desired traits of better Kodazaki warriors. As soon as people within the culture proved their abilities as warriors or other desired positions, such as technicians, they were to bare as many offspring as they were capable. Those that were sterile and had infertility issues were killed for inabilities to bare offspring as was demanded of them. The weak was weeded out over the centuries and few children are born with birth detects with this process in place.
Love was something that was truly foreign to the people of Kodazaki and it was whispered by some of it's inhabitants to be in existence. The concept of love was said by the majority to just be a legend and it was considered by leadership to be taboo. Some of the people had made the attempt to discover what love truly was no matter what the cost was. Most of who had tried to do so were caught and killed by rebel hunters for their trouble.
The only ones who had the choice to whom they are the leadership of planet Kodazaki and their
chosen lackeys. They take whoever they want to mate with by force if necessary and bear offspring with them. To any potential outsider this was simply government sanctioned rape as it's most evil and destructive. The common Kodazaki was robed of any choice of their own. The leadership takes advantage of it's people and they feel no remorse for doing so. The people were told to just accept what their fate is and is made to have guilt, when they even ponder the questionable nature of their society.
Some people still choose to do as they want despite of everything they are taught to be true and do as they want despite of all potential consequences. Some Kodazakis are not afraid to be killed by
rebel hunters and live as they desire(at least as free as they can be.)
Some Kodazaki still will not submit to the leadership of Kodazaki and live free of all restraints of the society. There was an underground movement to mate in according to one's own choosing and deny selective breeding as a practice to take part in.
Some Kodazaki hated that had no choice with whom they mated and that any offspring born was taken as soon as it was born. It bothered a lot of the people when they were force to give up their children. Yet, they were forced to accept it and act like it was normal despite all the emotional trauma they may suffer.
The act of breeding out of free choice and that anyone is possible to be one's fellow life bringer is called random breeding. Everyone on the planet has a probability to be a mate to each person. Some people chose to mate because they desire to be together and pass on their DNA together. When life bringers chose to do random breeding they are forced to hide their offspring because any such child will be seen as an abomination. Both life bringers and any offspring will be killed because of their
“rebellious” nature.
Two lowly Kodazaki warriors are ordered to guard a factory from any rebels that may attack the factor, designated for building space ships. Rebellion among the Kodazaki was very low yet alone open rebellion like destroying property. Leadership commands that such areas of high importance be guarded
even it is not needed. Orders must be obeyed even if you were told to kill yourself. This was standard operating procedure for the Kodazaki/ These two Kodazakis are guards for this ship factory and they are to make rounds throughout the total facility several times throughout the day. Any accident they see is to be reported immediately to the factory commander and the commander will punish the person accordingly. Anyone that crosses into the factory without proper clearance is to be killed on sight. No questions are to be asked or given to those who try to break in the factory.
These guards are in Commander Lowlance's sector and his orders that all that fail are to be killed. Lowlance's impatience for failure was legendary and had his entire sector was on egg shells so that they would not mess up.
These two guards are of the opposite gender but they are expected to work at the same pace. Except for childbirth, gender roles is almost nonexistent in the culture of Kodazaki.
The two warriors are together twenty-four seven and are given a small dwelling where they rest after a day's work. This goes on for months and they begin to enjoy each other's company.
One night everything changes for the duo.
The two are guarding the factory, when they are walking under a ship that was tied to the ceiling. Something holding the ship breaks and lands on the duo.
The ship was messed up by the fall as well as the male guard. His legs was completely broken by the ship but his fellow guard got her partner from under neigh the fallen ship. The side of the head of female guard was damaged and part of her head was dented in. She help her partner by carrying him on her back in a fireman's carry position. The factory commander comes storming in and sees the two hurt guards.
The commander demands,”Guards what has happened here? I want to know the answer!”
The female guard speaks,” Commander, one of the ships fell on my fellow guard and I! Something holding it must have broke!”
Engineers are trying to hide from the commander but they are found out anyway. They knew that if they had made any mistake was certain death so they was trying the remove themselves from the
The commander yells,” You engineers come here! That is an order!”
They ran from the commander and the commander pulled out an eradicator(an energy bazooka) to stop them. The three engineers are blown up by the commander's eradicator and the floor is covered in black burst marks in the floor, where the fallen Kodazakis once was.
The commander spoke,” Guards, you have both done well for years, so I will not make your injuries public to the higher ups! You are both not in need of serious medical care and you should heal up in about a week or so! Stay home and let your healing abilities take affect. Go straight home and stay there until you are healed up!”
The two injured guards go right home and stop for nothing.
Kodazaki usually sleep standing on their feet in standby mode. They are in low powered mode, but can awake in less than a second. The male guard has his legs broken and will be unable to do so.
He is laid down on the floor gently, by the female guard and he was cared for by his fellow guard.
The two guards went into hibernation mode and slept for three whole days without waking. The female guard awoke to yells coming from the male guard.
She stirred herself over to the male guard and she saw that he was grabbing his legs. His shins were both messed up beyond repair and they were causing him tremendous pain.
The female guard yelled,”You have to cut off your lower legs and let yourself completely grow them back! If you do not do it then you will be a defect and be destroyed!”
The male guard put his hand on his death stick (A energy saber weapon used fondly by the Kodazaki warriors). He will face death if his legs does not heal right.
The male guard yelled,” My arms are too short to get a good enough slice! Would you do it for
me? I beg it of you! I don’t want to die!”
The female guard takes the sword and cuts the misshapen shins off. The cut was smooth, even to the surprise of both guards.
The male guard speaks,”Thank you! My body is back to normal except for my stubby legs and I should be back to normal in about two days!”
The female guard speaks,” Both of our energy reserves had been eaten up to heal our injuries.
My wounds are now gone.”
The male guard speaks,” You saved my life back there by pulling me out from out from under that infernal ship! You did not have to do that plus you took me home! What did I do to deserve such
privilege from you?”
The female guard speaks,” I just did not want to see you die! We have worked together for so long!”
The both of them remain silent for a while.
The male guard speaks,” We are expendable to everybody, but ourselves I guess.”
The female guard connects two large cable for the two of them at where a mouth should be. They are eating energy as all Kozdazaki do. The people of Kodazaki do not eat any food or drinks but feed directly on energy. There is no waste product with this type of feeding for the Kodazaki.
The two of them are both leaning against the wall that is behind them.
The female guard says,” We are in this together, but that is secret to all others beside us!”
The male guard responds,” You are right! We worked together for a long time and you are not so bad to work with!”
Two days goes by and the duo had been doing something strange among the Kodazaki.
They were actually enjoying each other's company and not merely existing in a hive mind.
The female guard spoke, “You have healed up nicely! Your legs are working fine!”
The male guard in a playing voice,” That is not the only thing that works!”
The female guard is taken back by the comment.
She says,”We can not do that! It is forbidden by the leader! You know that as well as I! We have been trained as guards and we are to kill all those who act out in this way without permission!”
The male guard comes back to his senses.
“Oh! I am sorry! I was out of line! Please just forget what I said.”
The female guard seems to be pondering something which perturbs the male guard.
The male guard says,”What is wrong? I known that I have done something that is against Kodazaki codes. I must have been malfunctioning!”
The female guard speaks,”You have done nothing wrong!”
The male guard was shocked by the statement and he was speechless.
The female guard speaks,” What has the leader and Commander Lowlance done for us?”
The male guard does a double take and says,” What did you just say? Am I growing deaf?”
The female guard repeats herself,”There is nothing wrong with your hearing! What has the leader and Commander Lowlance done for us? That is what I said!”
The male guard is shocked by what his fellow guard has just told him.
He says,”Have you gone mad? What you have already said is taboo and punishable by assassination or suicide!”
The female Kozdazaki swings her arms out of disgust of what she has just be told.
She yells,”I am not mad! This whole planet is completely insane and all messed up! Do you not see it! We work everyday for what? A small hole in the wall and a couple of power cords? We are not even given names! All the elite commanders and other leaders have names! Why not us as well?”
The male guard grabs his fellow guard out of concern.
He says,”You are ravening mad, my fellow guard! Stop it before you get us both killed! I do not want to die, and I do not see you be killed ether!”
The female Kodazaki is fighting to get herself free and see finally does gets loose of the male guard. She punches him in the jaw and he hits the ground hard. He finally understands what she had done. The female guard runs over to her comrade to see how he was.
She speaks,” I am sorry! I did not mean to hurt you! I was the one out of line!”
The female Kodazaki helps her fellow guard to his feet.
He speaks,” You have got a heck of a punch!”
She sees that her comrade was not hurt and she was glad. Both one fact still bothers her: her comrade had done nothing to defend himself. All Kodazakis have the innate need of body preservation and this is basic survival instinct in almost all creatures. But this Kodazaki had went against this irresistible compulsion, but why did he do this? It did not make sense to her at any possible level.
She spoke,” Why did not defend yourself? Why did you go against the safety defenses of the second brain?”
The male guard spot groaning and looked puzzled as if he did not know the answer himself.
He spoke,” I do not know why or how I did that! I just was concerned about you and I was pondering losing you to the rebel hunters.”
The female guard was shocked by what she was told but deep down in her unconscious she glad.
She spoke,”You put my condition above your own! That is taboo to both the Leader and Commander Lowlance! If anyone finds out what we are doing right now, we would both be terminated on sight! I am not the only one that is “ravening mad!”
The two guards knew that they were in what seemed to be a terrible shape but if they only knew
what they felt within their selves was in fact something good. They were showing each other something
only whispered in legends and tall tales: love.
They are several types of love that people can experience and the guards are experiencing the kind of love called Storge love. This type of love has the individuals enjoy each other's company and it is more a friendship kind of love. They love to spend time together, no matter what it is.
Any of the types of love were forbidden on the planet of Kozdaki because the leader did not want those that were under his control to think for themselves.
No one has ever seen the commander, at least none that lived to speak about it. He was rumored
by those who had worked near him had said that this “Leader” might be alive for thousands of years
but that could not verified. Some people that worked thought that the leader might just be a title that
used by hundreds of people over the last few thousand years. But just as the other theory is just not able to proven at this present time.
But one about the leader was not a theory: He did not like anyone to go against him and his underlings. There was no one on Kozdazaki that was dumb enough to openly speak about the leader in any kind of negative tone. All those who even spoke that leader was not greatest in the universe was killed as well.
The female guard spoke,” We have both been healed up in about five days and had two days to spare. We were given the limit of a week to heal ourselves by the factory commander. It is time for us to go back or we will get in trouble. Those that are lazy and disobedient will be destroyed by rebel hunters! You know that as well as I!”
The male guard spoke,”We do have be there in two days, why don't we have rest up these last two days! We had both been near death and let us not be too hasty to come back before we are truly ready!”
The female guard was taken back by what she had been told.
She spoke,” What are you talking about? We are to work everyday as guards without any days
off! Wait! What am I talking about?”
The two looked at each other like they have gotten some new found awareness.
The male guard spoke,” I told you that he do not have to go until forty-eight hours! We are free to do whatever we want until then!”
The two both clinched their fists out of excitement.
The two guards spent the rest of day just talking to each other about anything and everything.
The male guard spoke,”Why are we without names? I just do not get it!”
The female guard gasps out loud.
The male guard spoke,” What is wrong?”
The female shakes her head in response of her fellow guard's words.
She speaks,” Nothing is wrong with me because I just got an idea!”
He spoke,” What is your idea? Let's hear us.”
The female begin to burst out with happiness and excitement.
She spoke,” Why do we not give each other a name? There is no reason we should remain nameless! It can be our little secret!”
The male guard jerked back in surprise.
He spoke,”You are right, but what do we call each other?”
The female guard spoke,” I do not know since I just got the idea. That is as far as I got!”
The male guard spoke,”Oh! We are smart enough to think of names for ourselves.”
Hours go by and duo still can not find names for themselves.
The female guard spoke,” Why is naming ourselves such a difficult task to do?”
The male guard shrugged his shoulders out of not being able to give his comrade a proper
What they do not know about themselves and their culture as a whole is that the common person is taught to not be an individual. The leader wants all his followers to just be mindless drones that do not question rules and just obey mindlessly. Personal identity of the Kodazaki people was a trait that the leader abhorred with his underlings. Over the centuries, the leader had systemically depersonalized his people and robbed them of any sense of personality. Most Kodazaki are not even aware of themselves, as anything more than a cog in the machine that is the Kodazaki culture.
The night comes and the two go to rest and they start to charge themselves for the night. But something is just not right somehow.
The male guard spoke,”What is this feeling that I have? Are you suffering from it as well?”
She looked at him with an expression of bewilderment.
The female guard spoke,” What are talking about?”
The male guard was startled by her statement and he spoke,” I mean this feeling of impulsion that I feel from within my body.”
She finally understood what her comrade was talking about.
She spoke,”I feel that same compulsion as well!”
The two guards grabbed each into a firm embrace.
The male guard spoke,” I know that we are both at sexual maturity and feel the biological need to pass on our DNA to the next generation. We have programmed by the leader to not mate because we are mere lowly guards. We are to be weeded out because we are not strong enough to be worthy to bare
They were both leaning against the wall as they always did as they were feeding on energy but this time they were holding each other.
The female guard spoke,”I agree with you but the urge I have is something more than a
biological need! But I can not name the feeling.”
The male guard looked over to his comrade and spoke,” I know you are talking about! I feel the same way as well. I want to make offspring with you but that is not because you are just of the opposite sex than I.”
She spoke,” It is something I heard about years ago in passing.”
The male Kodazaki spoke,” What is it? I got to know, so please tell me!”
She sighs and begins to speak,”It was told to be called love.”
The male guard gasped,”What! I never heard about love, as I do not know what it is all about.”
The female guard spoke,”That is something that we will have to learn about.”
Times goes by and the two guards return to work as they commanded and they act like everything had stayed as according to the culture's status quo. They do not give off any sign of what
happened among them.
But the two guards knew all two well that things had changed among the two of them.
The male guard spoke back at their dwelling place,” You want to go back to how things were originally? Can we forget all that happened among the two of us.”
The female guard punched the male guard in the face out of anger.
She yelled,”Why would we do that? Why would we forget what had occurred between us! It is too late for that! We can’t go back now!”
The male guard spoke,”What are talking about? We can go back to how we were before?”
The female guard swipes her arms in front of her.
She yells,”I am with offspring! We can’t just make it go away.”
The male guard was beside himself in shock.
The male guard speaks,” I think that my hearing is faulty, please say that again.”
She repeats herself,”I am with offspring! I have known it for the two days! My sensors had told me this fact!”
The male guard grabbed his partner in a gentle embrace. The couple was both happy and terrified at the same time. They did not know what they were going to do with their offspring or how they were going to raise it.
Kodazaki parents are not usually allow to raise their own child, since the Leader wants his underlings to be uniform in their actions. This is done by having the offspring kept in an enclosed tube, until full maturity. The Kozdazaki are programmed in their mission and orders by advanced computers. The second brain stores all this information with close to perfect memory. Uniqueness was abhorred by the Leader and his chosen commanders.
Only an elect few could live with their children, but that was less than three-tenths of a percent of the entire Kodazaki population. The two guards had no such honor and all three would be killed for such an act of noncompliance to the leadership.
The male guard speaks,”What are we going to do?”
The Female guards looks up at her partner with concern.
The female guard speaks,”I do not know what we are going to do, Dackle?”
The male guard spoke,”What did you call me?”
The female guard says,”I called you Dackle. I do not know why but I just did for some reason.
The male guard spoke,”I like that name! Dackle, I like it, Akra!”
The female guard spoke,”Dackle, I like the name of Akra! Thank you!”
The two Kodazakis are in a moment of bliss that they forget what trouble they are in.
The typical Kodazaki were not given a name, but they were just a binary number and a job title. That was all they were given and only the chosen elite had been given names. Right after birth a Kozdazaki had their potential determined by many a series of advanced computer programs. The offspring were put in a huge tube device and strapped to wires. Within mere hours, a Kodazaki's role in life decided for them. Over nine times out of ten, the offspring was correctly diagnosed of their
People were to just blindly obey the Leader and his commanders without any questions. The Leader found it was not important that his people did know why they did what they did. They were to just simply obey the leader. Knowledge was power in a culture where the common citizen had little such knowledge. The culture of Kodazaki was ran like a cult in that the common people had no power in their actions.
All the power was in the hands of the preset leadership and freewill was something that truly alien to the Kodazaki people. The people had to obey anyway or face certain doom. All those that rebelled were executed by bounty hunters.
Most Kodazaki didn’t realize what was really going on and the few that did among the common people were forced to live free of self will. It was not an easy thing for a person to do but they had to do it anyway. The fear of death loomed over all that even pondered the possibility of free will. The people lived in constant fear of messing up and being killed for it.
The computer system used to determine one's potential had a huge flaw: it did not account for late bloomers. Some people did not show talent when first scanned but had the ability anyway. Sometimes a person discovered this fact accidentally or due to a need. The Kodazaki did not account for that. These people were called the hidden ones and were sought out by the Leader and his commanders. The hidden ones were extremely rare and some lived their entire lives not knowing what they had. Some people lived their whole below what they were capable of.
Bounty hunters were sent across the totality of the Kodazaki home world to find rebels and to secondary degree, find any hidden ones that they were able to find. The hidden ones would taken from their post and sent to the commander of the area. Rewards were often given to those who were
successful in their mission.
Kodazaki pregnancy is different than typical humanoid pregnancy. Kodazaki offspring were
formed as beings of energy. They were not formed as beings of flesh or metal, but as energy beings that the Kodazaki developed over the centuries. This form was formed to save space and require little maintenance of said offspring. Typical babies require care from their parents to survive but Kodazaki offspring needed only energy and information on how they were to live. This process went on until they
reached physical form.
Time went on and the offspring left the body of Akra and remained constantly plug into the power outlet that was in the small dwelling place. When the parents were home they let the offspring do a brain scan on them, so that the offspring would develop correctly. Kodazakis could read each other's brains by passing information through their eyes. This process was learned over the centuries by the Kodazaki. They wanted their offspring to be free of the grip of the Leader's brainwashing and
abuse. The couple wanted a better life for their offspring than they ever had.
Typical Kodazakis were taught through developing tubes but were always taught new information by brain scans with advanced computers. Dackle and Akra were pioneers in child rearing, so they did not know how to raise their child. It was a day by day process. Kodazaki had hundreds if not thousands of task recorded in their second brain yet there was no information given on raising offspring. But the parents loved their offspring anyway and did what they could for the child.
It was a trial and error process every day with the three of them.
The offspring was left for hours and sometimes days at a time because of Dackle and Akra being forced to worked for long periods of time. It hated it's parent's being gone for so long and for being locked in the small one room dwelling. The offspring was huffy when it's parent's left with the door locked from the outside but was always happy when they returned. The being tries to escape
so they did had to make a two sided lock for the door that could only be opened by Dackle and Akra.
The two first two years the offspring was an energy life form but slowly grown into the metallic
Kodazaki form. Two more years goes and the offspring is over three feet tall. The offspring is still thin,
but she was still a young female Kodazaki. Dackle and Akra loved their daughter and hugged her every
time they left for work and when they return. Dackle and Akra were happy to have their daughter.
Akra spoke,”Offspring, do you want a name? Your life bringers have names why not you too.”
The offspring spoke,”Yes I do life bringers! Please give me one.”
The offspring squirmed with excitement.
Dackle spoke,”What are we going to call her?”
Akra speaks.”What about Dodat? That sounds like a good name.”
The child jumps up into Akra's arms and is held by her life giver.
The child speaks,”Dodat! Dodat! Dodat! I want that name!”
Dackle spoke,”I think she likes the name, Akra!”
Akra looked down at Dodat and swings her gently in her arms.
Dackle and Akra had made the choice to raise their child themselves. They were willing to raise
Dodat, despite the always present fear being found out above the life bringer's heads. The family of
three chose to focus on try to discover how to be a family and what this thing called love truly was.
The family had begun to love each very much and an every moment together was precious
Dodat was always curious to learn and wanted to explore outside her small home. She could never leave the home since, she was told her parents that she would be killed by bounty hunters. Dodat always wanted to leave her home but feared losing her parents. She wanted to never be separated from her family. She had hated that she got to see her life bringers so rarely. But she always enjoyed the time she spent with though.
Years flies by and Dodat grows up into adult Kodazaki.
Dodat is sitting against the wall eagerly awaiting her life bringer's return when she hears the door rattles as it always did when they return home.
Dodat yells,” Life bringers, you are back! I am so glad!”
There was no answer and the door stops rattling.
Dodat thinks,” The life bringers must be joking with me! They will be back in a little bit.”
On the side of the door was a Kodazaki that alien to to the living complex. The strange Kodazaki walks away from the entrance of Dodat and her life bringers. The stranger walks away into a nearby alley and enters the shadows.
The stranger speaks,” There is a Kodazaki that is not registered to be living in unit 365. The two
Kodazakis that live there are off to work.”
Three figures appear out the shadows in a hurry.
One of the figures spoke,” We must have a traitor in our mist!”
Another figure spoke,”We must kill them! No one is to disobey the Leader and commander Lowlance! All traitors must be killed!”
The remaining figure speaks,”We need to wait until the other two traitors return!”
Dackle and Akra are returning home by foot when they near their home and they open the door. To their horror, Dodat spilled out into the street when they opened the door and they had shove Dodat back in the living unit. Akra and Dackle rushed into the housing unit. Once inside they begin to chew out their offspring.
Dackle yells,” What were you thinking, Dodat?”
Dodat remained silent while she was scolded by her life bringers.
Akra speaks,”We told you many times that the Leader sends his bounty hunter's looking for us because he thinks that we are traitors! Do you want to die!”
While outside, the figures come out of the shadows and walk towards the unit of Dodat.
One of the figures speaks,” Us bounty hunters finally have some work after all these months of
The other bounty raise their fists in excitement.
After Dackle and Akra were done correcting their daughter, they begin to calm down. The life bringers were afraid that they would lose Dodat forever.
Akra speaks,” You are precious and we both love you dearly Dodat.”
Dodat speaks,” What is love? I want to know what it is.”
Before Dodat’s Life bringers could respond to Dodat, someone comes charging through the metal door. Shards of the metal door goes flying everywhere and it was disorienting to the family.
The bounty hunters were under the control of the ruthless commander Lowlance. They searched endless for any potential traitors and they had gotten their wish here today.
The four body hunters all scream out,”Die Traitor scum, die!”
Akra throws Dodat in the corner so that their offspring could be shielded from the attackers. Dackle and Akra pull out their weapons and form a barrier between the attackers and Dodat. The life bringers would battle to the death to protect their offspring.
Dodat’s short life flashes before her very eyes.
She remembers the time where she escape from their dwelling all those few times that she had escaped.
Dodat was very young when she had escaped from her dwelling to explore the world around
her. It was normal for an offspring to be natural curious of their world around him. The Kozdazaki offspring were robbed of this experience and strapped into a learning tube. Dodat’s life bringers allowed her to walk all around the entire dwelling. But it was quickly explored since the room was barely ten foot by fifteen foot. Offspring often learned by exploring their surroundings but the Kozdazaki did not allow their offspring to do so. Dodat was one of the few exceptions, within the Kozdazaki culture.
Dodat was a very bright offspring and had a great potential to be a commander. But it was a bitter sweet detail for the life bringers, since they knew that their daughter could eventually be higher class that Akra or Dackle could ever be. But they knew that could never ever be, because she could never be allowed to be seen in the outside world.
Dodat would be seen as nothing but a traitor and nothing more from others with their culture.
Dackle and Akra did not wanted their offspring to be kept in a small room but they knew that had no other choice but to do so. She could not allow herself to being caught.
One day, Dodat had decided to escape from their home and begins to walk for what she felt to be miles. She had exited her home before and she both scared and excited at the same time.
Dodat was lucky and everybody in the area was at work.
Dodat saw two people coming towards her and they begin to yell at the offspring. Dodat had grown afraid about the strangers yelling at her, so she had ran away as fast as she could.
Dodat runs all the way back dwelling and tries to hide with the dwelling. She had one problem though, since there was no were to hide within the small home. Two figures come running into the house and Dodat curls into the fetal position. Dodat was yelling. The voicing are screaming at her a
mile a minute.
A female voice spoke,”What were you thinking? You could have been killed!”
A male voice spoke,” Dodat, we are your life bringers and we do not want to lose you! Are you malfunctioning?”
Dodat finally realizes who is talking to her and she looks up at two Kozdazakis.
It was Dodat’s life bringers, Dackle and Akra.
They grabbed Dodat up quickly into her arms.
Akra speaks,”I know that you want to explore, but you can not do so. This world is evil and they hate people like us. They will kill you if you try to escape from this dwelling! Please do not that again!”
Dackle spoke,” I am sorry that have to live this way. If we had known this we would have not given you this trouble.”
Dodat speaks,”I am so sorry, life bringers! I just wanted to explore but I will never do it again!”
The three member family are in a firm embrace.
Dackle puts a double sided lock on the door to dwelling so that no one could get it in and Dodat could not be tempted to escape again. Accidental fires were next to zero on planet Kozdazaki, so they did not have to worry about some accident. The greatest danger was that a Dodat would not be found.
Dodat was so terrified about this occurrence that she had made no other attempt to escape her
dwelling ever again.
Dodat’s memories then flash forwards that of today about the stranger that had knocked on the door.
Dodat spoke within herself,” It must have been these attackers that had knocked on the door
early today. I have brought this horror on my life bringers! This would have happen if I just been
Dodat screams, “Don’t hurt my life bringers! They are all I have! Please do not do it!”
Dackle yells,” Get back Dodat! We will deal with this!”
One of the bounty hunters yells,” You three will be died soon enough!”
The bounty hunter have the two life bringers outnumbered and outclassed by the four bounty hunter. The life bringers are getting hit endlessly by the bounty hunters.
Dodat watches her parents being slaughtered right in front, but she was powerless to do anything about it. She was frozen in fear. She wants to move but she can not move an inch.
Dackle and Akra had pulled out slender energy swords to fend off the bounty hunters. The attackers were using similar swords as well.
The bounty hunters were slashing at the life bringers at every conceivable angle. It was a one sided battle. The bounty hunters had not been hit and they were overwhelming the couple.
It was not unusually for this to be happening since the common bodyhunter was head and shoulders above guards in fighting ability. The life bringers were getting slashed repeatable by the bounty hunters all over the life bringer's bodies. Dackle and Akra was being slashed repeatability across the front and back of the life bringers. Dodat had screamed out loud in horror as she saw the sight.
Dodat had been so horrified that she had lost her voice out of fear. Dackle and Akra were still trying to defend themselves and their beloved offspring, Dodat.
But something terrible had happened.
The life bringer's swords broke and hit the ground next to Dodat. She was horrified that she was going to lose her parents. She was starting to lose it mentally and was starting in shake in the corner.
Dodat had wrapped her arms around her legs and she was looking away from the violent scene. She was not aware that she had fallen in the corner next to her life bringer's broken weapons. Dodat was not alert of her environment around her and she was in total shock. The young Kodazaki was rocking herself backwards and forwards in the corner.
One of the bounty hunters gored Dackle in the abdomen, while another hunter made a vertical slash to top of the lowly guard’s head.
Akra screams out,”Dack...”
Akra could not finished her sentence because she gored from behind through the core of her body while her face was gored through with a thin sword.
One bounty hunter had ducked low from behind while the other hunter was standing upright to Akra’s right. These hunters were experienced and was very carefully to avoid friendly fire among themselves. These Kodazakis were pros at bounty hunting and killing those that the Leader and commander Lowlance deemed traitors. Dackle and Akra were both attacked at the location of both of their brains. This was to insure that the life bringers would not put up any struggle. The hunters wanted the killing to be as easy as possible.
One of the bounty hunters puts away his sword at his side and pulls out a small knife.
The bounty hunter spoke,”Hunters, I can take of this little traitor!”
The other three bounty hunters put away their swords as well and nodded their heads in concord.
Both the Leader and commander Lowlance had seen traitors to be killed, like mere pests and
nothing more. These two leaders had no patience with those who wished to live free of their control,
since they seen as an act of treason and disobedience. All those who did this were to be branded as traitors and killed.
It was that chillingly simple.
Commander Lowlance had ordered all his body hunters to kill the offspring of those who had
chosen to mate out of free will. Only the leader and his most trusted commanders had the right to do that and the common people had no such right. Penalty for allowing those traitors get away with this this of act of treason was death. Traitors were to be immediately killed along with any potential offspring that came about through random selection and the life bringers. All those that rebel against the Leader and Commander Lowlance was seen as mere bugs or mice. To the leadership of Kozdazaki all rebels were seen as trash. The Kozdazaki people had only two choices as according to the leadership: obey or die!”
The bounty hunter speaks,” Hunters, we are going to take these three to Commander Lowlance and he might reward us with promotions. These brat will the trophy that will ensure our reward! We had not any business in a long time!”
The other three bounty hunters all laughed out of excitement of the statement of their comrade.
The bounty hunters were so in the moment that they did not even notice that Dodat was now standing on her feet and the broken shards of her parents’ weapons were levitating around her mid air.
The bounty hunters were oblivious to what Dodat was doing, since they had totally dropped their guard.
The attacking bounty hunter finally realized what was going on, but it was too late.
His entire head exploded and the remains of the bounty hunter’s head flew all across the dwelling. The bounty hunters were now in complete shock and awe, as parts of their comrade’s head comes flying at them.
The bounty hunters are in complete fear as they remain frozen as statues. They do not comprehend that they are frozen in time.
The headless bounty hunter begins to stir back into movement. The bounty hunter’s second
brain was starting to take over movements of the body. Lower class Kozdazakis were very slow in the ability to switch control among the brains when the first brain was destroyed. In could take minutes for the switch over to occur. The higher ups of Kozdazaki could lose ether brain without being slowed down for even milliseconds. They could self repair the destroyed brain with ease. The leader and Lowlance could easily repair such damage as it was just a simple paper cut.
The headless bounty hunter charges the young Dodat with his knife.
Dodat uses her physic powers to throw the weapon shards right in the abdomen of incoming attacker.
The shards pierce the second brain of the beheaded bounty hunter and the hunter drops to the ground dead.
The remaining three bounty hunters finally regain their senses and see objects floating around the body of Dodat.
One of the bounty hunters yell,”Be careful! These traitors had gave birth to a hidden one! She has special powers.”
Another bounty hunter shouts,” We can’t be careless with this one! We will die as well if drop our guard as our comrade did!”
The last bounty hunter bellows,”Let us gang on her as we did to her blasphemous parents!”
Dodat was completely unaware was what going around and her survival instincts had kicked in.
She was having her hidden potential being unlocked for this battle and the bounty hunters knew it. The hunters knew that they must kill her before her potential could completely reveal itself.
The three bounty hunters all bum rush her so quick that they forget to pull out their swords. They all begin to punch and kick at Dodat so much that Dodat could not defend herself. Dodat was knocked down to the ground and was curbed stomped by the bounty hunters. They manage to knock the young Kozdazaki out.
The bounty hunters were victorious in their battle against Dodat.
One of the bounty hunters stop attacking Dodat as if he had a change of character.
He yells,” Stop it! I have an idea!”
The other two hunters keep hitting on Dodat without any break.
He yells again,” Stop it! I have an idea! Do not hurt the traitor!”
The other hunters still will not stop.
The bounty hunter hits his comrades and they finally stop their assault.
The two bounty hunters grab their comrade and yell together,” Have you betrayed the leader? What is wrong with you?”
The other bounty hunter speaks,” Have you two forgot our secondary order to find all potential hidden ones and deliver them personal to Commander Lowlance!”
The other hunters relinquish their grip on their comrade.
Two hunters curse out loud.
One of the hunters speaks,”I know that she should be killed, but we can not disobey Commander Lowlance! If he finds out then, we will all be executed as well as these traitors.”
Another hunter boasts,”She has killed one of our own but we can benefit from turning her in to Commander Lowlance!”
The hunter who had stopped the assault spoke,”She is our prize since Commander Lowlance offered promotions and rewards to those who bring in any hidden one!”
The bounty hunters were excited for several minutes when they finally comprehended the damage that they have done to their designed prize. One of the hunters perform a brain scan on Dodat and she was alive.
The bounty hunter yells,”She is alive, but she will be offline for a couple days!”
The three bounty hunters shout out with excitement.
They decide to get the traitors ready to be presented to Commander Lowlance. Two wired
nooses were put around the necks of Dackle and his partner Akra. The traitors were be dragged in the public to show any potential traitor the consequences of any act of betrayal. On the other hand, the hidden one was to be restrained and presented to the commander. The bounty hunters prepare their prizes so that they be presented to Lowlance.
One hunter will take the prize, one will take the two traitors, and the remaining hunter will take their fallen comrade as proof of Dodat’s power. The hunters wrecked the dwelling place of the former
life bringers.
They wrote in the Kozdazaki tongue,”Die, Traitor, Die!”
Cursings were written all the walls and on the corpses of the life bringers.
The bounty hunters are now ready to make a scene of their find. They drag the bodies out of the dwelling place and they are met by the neighbors of the couple. The neighbors are horrified by the sight of traitors and that they were living so close to them.
The neighbors scream out,” Die, Traitors, die” out of disgust of the traitors and too show their support to the Leader and Lowlance.
The bounty hunters dragged the traitors bodies for miles. Then they finally arrive at their ship and enter it. Inside the small space ship was trophies of the bounty hunters various victims over the years. These bounty hunters took pride and enjoyment in killing their victims. Various body parts was hanging on the walls as would any hunters of animal would have on their walls.
The bounty hunters are nearing the protected airspace of Lowlance when they get a call from
the castle.
One of the bounty hunter speaks,”We are containing traitors to present to Commander Lowlance
and we have a hidden one as well.
There was no spoken response, but a tracker beam covers the ship down to a spot on the side of the ship. The hunters exited the ship and walk to the entrance of the huge metallic castle.
The three bounty hunters were all standing at the huge double doors to the huge palace of Commander Lowlance. Two giant Kodazakis were standing in front of each of the doors. The two guards were each carrying huge halberds in their hands furthest away from the center of the doors.
The guards speak in unison with the most monotone voice that you could have ever heard,” What brings you three hunters? Why bring those piles of rubbish to the Commander?”
The bounty hunters present the haul to the guards in front of them.
One of the bounty hunters speaks,” We have two traitors to present to Commander Lowlance!”
The two guards shook their heads in accord.
One of the guards spoke,” What is up with the other two bodies?”
The bounty hunters all spoke in unison,” The traitors had given birth to a hidden one and killed one of our fellow Kozdazaki! Commander Lowlance commanded that all hidden ones be immediately presented to him!”
The two guards looked surprised and opened the huge metallic double doors with their free hands.
The two guards spoke,”Please enter within and also a messenger will be with you to present you to Commander Lowlance! Do not stop walking until then!”
The three bounty hunters carry their haul into the large palace. They just started to walk forward until they were told different. They saw many metal statues of various warriors that they did not know of. The palace was very open spaced and had many statues and other kinds of artwork inside the
building. The palace had more open space than it had items to place in said open space.
Out of thin air, a messenger appears in front of the three bounty hunters. This Kozdazaki was not there before then, now he was just there. It did not make sense to the simple bounty hunters. There
was tales among the common people of Kozdazaki that the elites had many special skills, like
camouflage and hiding in plain site. The bounty hunters did not have time to ponder that fact.
The messenger spoke,”Hello, my fellow Kozdazakis! I hear that you have a prize for our mighty
Commander Lowlance!”
The bounty hunters all saluted the messenger in response and the messenger of Lowlance returned the salute.
The messenger spoke,”Follow me, bounty hunters and I will take you to the throne room of
Commander Lowlance. It will take some time to get there, since Commander Lowlance’s palace is larger than any mountain that could have possible exist!”
As soon as the bounty hunters all left with the messengers, the “statues” were alive and beginning to stir.
All the pictures and statues was not just simple artwork but in actuality guards in disguise. This was the same as they traveled throughout the huge palace. The bounty hunters were so nervous and excited that they did not notice that the “artwork” was slowly shifting in according to the movements of the bounty hunters.
The bounty hunters are some distance behind the messenger.
They begin to whisper among themselves,”This place is completely unguarded inside.”
Another hunter speaks,”It so appalling that one such as commander Lowlance that he is left unguarded.”
The three bounty hunters all shook their heads in disbelief. The messenger suddenly turned
The messenger spoke,”Is there something wrong, gentlemen? Can I help you with something?
Otherwise we need to be moving swiftly or Commander Lowlance will get angry that we delayed our
The three bounty hunters all gestured that nothing is wrong.
The messenger saluted then the three bounty hunters in response. They can now return to their journey to their commander.
The servant finally stops in front of a large set of doors.
The messenger speaks,” This is the entrance to the throne room of the mighty Commander Lowlance and you must do as he says without question. If the commander asks you to die, then you must die. Let him do the questioning and do not lead the conversation. A Kozdazaki once did that and they were executed, within less than a second! You must not look at him until he starts speaking to you and do not forget to bow in the Commander's presence!”
The three bounty hunters nodded in agreement and saluted the messenger. The salute was then returned by the messenger.
The doors to the throne suddenly open and the four Kozdazakis walk in slowly. The four Kozdazakis bowed on one knee and they all looked towards the ground. The bounty hunters had knew to obey the messenger's instructions, so that they would have the chance to claim a prize.
A loud deafening voice comes from the front of the room,” Messenger you can leave now! I will settle the matter from this point forward. You are not needed here anymore!”
The messenger saluted and left out of the room. The doors slam shut behind him by some unseen force.
Commander Lowlance spoke,” Bounty hunters, you now have the honor to look upon my
powerful countenance!”
When the bounty hunters looked upon the commander they were all stunned, but they had
managed to keep their composure. They all knew that Lowlance killed all those that he perceived any possible form of weakness.
The commander, known as Lowlance is sitting in a huge throne made out of several types of
crystals. It is a very elegant looking throne and is probably very expensive to make. The commander is a very large man that is over twenty feet tall and over two-thousand pounds. He is wearing a red armor with black armor around the waist and under the armpits of the massive commander's arms. The hands of the commander are black. He has a large insect like horn in the front of his head starting from above his eyes to above head. There are two more similar horns at the sides of his head.
Lowlance is wearing a large metallic cape that is completely white in color. The eyes of Lowlance are black and insect like in shape. The main eyes are a compound eyes while two simple eyes are at the top of the forehead at each side of the large frontal horn.
The three bounty hunters were all in awe of the large commander. They had always heard that the greatest commanders need no protection but they had believed it to be simply malarkey. But they now had a sudden change of heart, since they could all barely tolerate to be in the awesome presence of Lowlance.
One of the bounty hunters,” If Commander Lowlance was this strong siting upon his throne, then he must be much stronger in battle! The legends of the commander destroying whole enemy fleets on his own. This Commander Lowlance is a legit powerhouse!”
The commander speaks,”Why have you three disturbed my stay here? You have even brought with all that trash! What is the deal here, bounty hunters?”
The bounty hunters first showed them the bodies of Dackle and Akra.
One of the bounty hunters spoke,”Commander Lowlance, we have brought to you, these two
traitors that had chosen to rebel against the Leader and yourself by doing the heinous act of breeding together without ether the Leader’s or your permission!”
Lowlance was livid by the acts and the whole throne room begins to rattle, due to the energy of their commander. It took all that the bounty hunters to remain upright and not fall over due to the powerful aura(outward form of one’s internal power) of Lowlance.
After several minutes, Lowlance regains his composure and begins to return to the task at hand.
Lowlance was angered that one of his slaves had the gall to actually rebel against him. It frustrated the commander every time something was out of his control. Lowlance lusted after power perpetually and hated every second that he was not in control of everything around him.
Lowlance speaks,” Good, you three have all done your jobs and obeyed the Leader and I. So what?”
One of the bounty hunters speak,” When killing the two treasonous life bringers when determined that the offspring was a hidden one, my commander! You had given the order to find all potential hidden ones!”
The commander spoke,”What, that is impossible! You three are lying! Prove it to me!”
The bounty hunter holding the maimed comrade placing the dead body in front of the large commander.
Lowlance looks over the body of the fallen Kozdazaki and the body levitates in front of him in every considerable angle. The commander is performing a body scan on the fallen bounty hunter.
Then the body is flung by some invisible force against the wall behind the bounty hunters. The dead body is then crushed against the wall into nothingness.
The three bounty hunters could not help but watch as their fallen comrade being crushed into the wall.
Lowlance spoke,”Bounty hunters, that act took less than a third of a percent of my power (while on this throne) to destroy that former failure!”
The body hunters display of shock help feed the monstrous ego of Lowlance so he let their actions be overlooked.
The three bounty hunters all turn back to facing Lowlance and they all then salute him.
Lowlance speaks,” Now, present to me the hidden one!”
The bounty hunter holding Dodat puts her gently near the feet of the commander.
Lowlance looks down intensely at the young offspring and at first he was angry. Dodat was lifted by the mental powers of the commander. The offspring was looked all over as if Lowlance was searching for something that was unknown to everyone but him. The three bounty hunters did not know what the commander was doing, but they the sense to remained silent.
A loud laugh comes from Lowlance and speaks,” This offspring is a genuine hidden one and you three had obeyed me in the act of bringing it to me!”
The three bounty hunters was surprised about seeing the physic powers of Commander Lowlance. They had better managed to contain their amazement of seeing such a powerful being as the commander. They did not want to show weakness so that they would not be killed by the powerful commander.
The large commander abhorred any all signs of weakness as it was a deadly poison, including something simple as tripping on an uneven section of floor. Weakness for even just a second was punishable by death throughout the entire sector of Commander Lowlance.
(All the elite commanders that were under the Leader's direct supervision were given lands of almost the entire planet of Kozdazaki).
Dodat is raised mid air to the left side of their throne at the commander's shoulder height.
Lowlance speaks,”Bounty hunters, I have a question for you, bounty hunters!”
One of the three bounty hunters speaks,” What is it, my Commander?”
Lowlance’s throne begins to shake along the rest of the large throne room.
The commander yells,”Why are there wounds from three Kozdazakis? You are telling me that a rebel offspring, hidden one or not, managed to kill one Kozdazaki bounty hunter as you had previously stated? That is absolutely absurd to me!”
One of the hunters speaks,”That is correct, Commander Lowlance!”
The three bounty hunters all saluted the commander again.
Commander Lowlance demands,” Why did it take all three of you to beat one rebel offspring?
That is what I would like to know! Tell me why!”
The three bounty hunters were speechless and were at a loss to what they was going to do(if anything). They came seeking reward but they would probably face punishment by the impossibility that was Commander Lowlance.
Lowlance spoke,”The traitor despite without any training, killed your failure of a comrade and as a Kozdazaki! Plus you remaining three were required to defeat this untrained traitor! That is inexcusable!”
The three bounty hunter’s were scared stiff and could not move, even if they wanted to.
Lowlance bellows,” Black hole!”
A cloaked figure appears behind the two guards next to the dead bodies of the Kodazaki traitors and puts his right palm in their general direction. The figure grabs his left wrist with his right hand as a means to stabilizing his left hand.
A small black hole appears is the right hand of the pillar and the black hole sucks ups the two guards and the bodies of Dallas’s parents. The whole action look less than one second and the two guards never saw it coming.
It was that take quick of an action!
Lowlance bellows,” Shockwave!”
Another cloak figure comes out and takes off a mask.
The mask was only covering the mouth area of his face. The pillar screams out with a shock wave that rattles the two remaining guards and the fallen guard into mere dust. The scream was deafening to anyone that was in the blast radius of the shock wave.
The dust of the remains of the Kozdazaki then blows away into the air as they were never there!
The pillar puts his mask back on over the mouth of the figure.
The two figures bowed and saluted the commander by smashing their closed right fists against
the left side of their chests.
Commander Lowlance surprisingly returns the salute.
The commander never gave the salute to anybody but those he felt wholly deserved it.
The Leader of the Kozdazaki was one such person, because he was stronger than Commander Lowlance. The Leader’s appearance was unknown to even Lowlance and the Leader stays in his large palace at all times.
Commander Lowlance’s strongest warriors were called the eight pillars. Black Hole and Shockwave were two such members of the eight pillars. The two Kozdazakis could also be referred to plainly as pillars. They were hand picked by the commander and he had complete trust in them.
Dodat was still laying unconscious, while floating in the mid air to the left of Lowlance.
Lowlance returns the salute and speaks,” Blackhole and Shockwave, you both done well and carried out my will! I will not allow doormats to tarnish my powerful presence and disturbance! It is an intolerable offense! I will destroy all that displease the Leader and my ways! No one that goes against us must survive!”
The two pillars saluted the commander and the salute was returned by Lowlance.
Black hole and Shockwave, “You can now leave. You have done well and your services are not
needed at this present moment.”
The huge commander bellows,” Chameldra, come forth to me!”
Chameldra appears out of thin air as if she was never there. A cloaked figure comes forth and bows in front of Lowlance. The cloaked figure had materialized out of the wall to the left of Lowlance.
Chameldra speaks,” What do need of me, my commander? What can I do for you?”
Chameldra was a female Kodazaki and the smallest of the eight pillars. Lowlance levitates Dodat over to Chameldra and the pillar grabs the young girl gently with her arms.
Lowlance speaks,” This one is to be trained to be a secret weapon for my cause! See that it gets done! That is my will!”
Chameldra salutes and says,” I will do as you say, my Commander! I will not fail you, Commander Lowlance!”
The sleeping Dodat and the pillar vanishes into thin air.
Commander Lowlance returns to siting quietly on his large throne.
- In Serial17 Chapters
My Hero Academia: Pathway to the Top
One day a boy woke up as a baby in a world that was eerily similar to an anime he'd watched. Finding out it was the world he was thinking of and having little to no memory about his past life, he decided to become the strongest. Just like to point out that I don't own My Hero Academia, it belongs to someone else and all that jazz. Please don't sue me, cheers. Neither do I own the cover photo, if the owner wants it removed, message me. Heavily inspired by another fiction on the site called Ascending Hero by WinterFrost.
8 218 - In Serial12 Chapters
8 193 - In Serial6 Chapters
Tales of the Willful Autonomous Nanobot Generator
Due to over-engineering and poor parenting; a nanobot generator is sent into the wider universe, ready to solve any and all problems...though probably not the way that was intended, or even hoped for. This story is a first time attempt to use a literary device I came up with, where I use 4 randomly selected songs to write short stories. As such there really won't be any cohesive story thread between chapters. If this gets traction, the likelihood for reader polls to influence the next story are high.
8 134 - In Serial27 Chapters
Brujas de la Noche
***Spanish Edition*** Pocos lo saben, pero, debajo de nuestras ciudades, en medio de los bosques y montañas y hasta bajo el océano, hay otro mundo, un mundo lleno de magia, lugares fantásticos y criaturas mitológicas e imaginarias. Por casualidad, me enteré de él, y mi curiosidad me llevó a explorarlo. Hoy, me arrepiento de no haberme controlado, de no haber ignorado ese conocimiento y continuado con mi vida normal. Porque, aunque haya visto cosas increíbles más allá de la imaginación de la mayoría de las personas, conocí también a las Brujas de la Noche y las terribles verdades sobre la condición humana y el lugar de la humanidad en el universo que trajeron con ellas. ¿Cómo volver a una vida normal después de todo lo que vi? No sé si es posible, pero este relato es un intento de paliar los terribles efectos de este conocimiento, un primer paso en dirección a la normalidad. Tal vez compartir todo lo que descubrí, la simple idea de que este conocimiento no es sólo mío, me pueda ayudar.
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Fairy Tail's Demon God
Ryuga Shinsokai, son of the Demon God Ziminiar, has come back to Fairy Tail after a SS-Class quest, but when he comes back, there are some new recruits. What troubles will follow him, and how will he handle it with his extreme power? Who knows, but one thing is for sure, it will be an adventure to remember.
8 128 - In Serial34 Chapters
Vet Tech Meets The Alpha
Jack's life has always been weird. With the stereotypically snobby rich parents that never pay attention to her and gave her a boy's name, to the mysterious butler that shows up on her front porch, to the two wolves that keep coming to her house. Jack is a Vet Tech at the local clinic up in the Montana Mountains. When the Vet is on a call and two abnormally gigantic wolves show up at her clinic, Jack must take the lead and help them before it's too late. With the help of her best friend Micah and her pet baby raccoon named Critter, her life gets better. But of course it gets ruined when her cheating ex-boyfriend wants her back. ------------------------------------------------River is the alpha of the Black Moon Pack up in the mountains. He and his beta were on patrol when they were ambushed by a giant group of rogues. Lucky for them they made it to a running path. When two runners spot the bleeding wolves, they call the local clinic that Jack works at. When River sees Jack for the first time, time freezes. He knows right then and there that Jack is his mate. And he'll do anything to get her. Even if it means showing up in his wolf form in her backyard every night.Ya. So copying this story will not be tolerated. Fair warning yaHighest Ranking: #9 in Werewolf
8 93