《Gifted Eyes》Chapter 24: The Land of the Rising Sun


(Location Change: Pacific Ocean)

(Scene Change: Okinawa)

John's POV

As we landed at Okinawa the island that closes to Japan, however, they are now under attack by ai massive creature coming from the portal. Near the city of Nishio, the citizens are now evacuating in the nearby cities. While the Chosen Civil Defenders are handling the evacuations and keeping the creatures at bay.

John, Vincent along the 100 guildsmen coming of Crusade were riding in Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey.

Guild Crusade: They are the Tank, Fighter, Healer user types. They are located in the Philippines, they have an immense amount of strength, fearless, cunning, and most of all they have the abnormal mentality strength. Even though they were beaten they continue to fight until their last breath, their signature weapons used were ACR, M4A1, Katanas, Spears, different types of Shield. They are the best frontliners in the whole world, their purpose was to defend the weak and defeat the enemy who dared raised their gaze against them, nothing more nothing less. They were ruthless in the battlefield and kind in peacetime, their role was infantry and reconnaissance, their banner was colored linen white with a symbol of a fist with flames beneath the hand sign as revolutionaries and peacemakers.

As they were riding to their transport aircraft, they feel on their feet was vibrating a little bit and then they heard explosions coming from the outside then the metals were clanging on each other.

They heard a loud bomb across in every direction and they are feeling nervous as they knew that they were going to die, because of the bombardment in the air send the men on board shivering.

Vincent remembers John's story about the three roles of the Guilds.

(Flashback: 10 days ago)

As John was telling a story about the rank and the guild's history, everyone was astonished at the current event.

John and Vincent's eyes were flaming in rage knowing that one of them will die on this 'game'.


"Vincent, I forgot to tell you about the three roles of the guild". John said in a solemn tone, Vincent look at him and raised his right eyebrow in confusion.

" There are three roles that exist in the command chain on the Guilds, they were:



and Hunter

Ranger: Their sole purpose was to protect our world from the portals, keeping the monsters at bay while you are in our world.

Marauder: Their sole purpose was to find the natural resources on the De Stenen Wereld, to distribute our world in order to survive, your mission was to find the natural resources in the other world.

Hunters: Their sole purpose was to hunt down the creatures who wanted to kill the humans, annihilated their enemies without any exceptions, who dared to turn their gaze on us".

(Flashback ends, Present Day)

Vincent finally understands the Guild's history and rules as he saw his brother's face he notice this, he asked, " Brother, what is it?". John looked at the ceiling and replied "Time has come, the darkness has now ready to strike anytime, we don't know when, where and how. We will ready on any circumstances we face, this is how Eron taught us, hm?" He grinned remembering their brother/closest friend teaching about warfare and now his voice ringing on their heads.

"The only thing you do was to accept and fight through it, without any doubts or second. We as soldiers ready to take the risk, enemies will do anything to kill you, no rest, no break, only tired and pain will feel in your body, in order to survive you must do anything through the biggest and smallest thing that you can in order to survive. If you saw that chance grab it and never let go". Eron said before he vanished into the darkness.

As the two were remembered Eron's lessons, they lowered their face in, they couldn't see the face completely when you look closely their eyes were blazing in anger and eagerness to annihilate their enemy from Eron's world.


" All stations this is Overlord, our intel said that the enemy who attacked the southern region of Japan, the enemy describe an Orc, dark red with a mixture of greyish skin, Orcs have large heavy jaws from which protrude sharp, tusk-like teeth, heavy brows, a broad and flat snout-like nose, and pointed ears. The number, size, and position of orcish tusks and teeth are particularly variable, 7 ft (213 cm) (male), 6 - 6.5 ft (183 - 198 cm) (female). We also received from our intelligence that they came from the ruins of the city of Angmar". This earns the brothers stunning and shocking news from the top, that Eron's Empire last city has fallen by their enemy, the men on board feel the mana and killer intent so heavily that weighs on their shoulders even the experienced men who survive the carnage, it looks like death standing beside them taking their souls into the other life.

Luckily the person shouted, " Sir John and sir Vincent could you please calm down you scare them". As the brothers heard the man's words they looked around, saw the men and women's faces were horrified by them. John explained " Do not worry, the reason we angry that those 'pigs' destroy the beautiful city of our brother but blood, Eron K. Arisato" the people notice his words have a disgusting tone when he mentions the part of 'pigs', and the man named Eron was still ringing on their minds. After that, they realized that John and Vincent know the Legendary Monster Slayer, The Legendary Swordsman was acquaintance by the brothers? They began to nervous as they felt the immense aura between the two. They saw John and Vincent put their hoods on and stand the officer saw and ordered them to sit down, luckily Lt. Raven stepped in before the officer will send to the 'next life'.

No One's POV

As John and Vincent stand at the ramp the people on board were shocked, they didn't bring the parachute bags. After that, they jumped to greet their "guests."

As they were descending, their hearts were burning with rage and hatred for their enemy who destroyed Eron's beautiful city.

When they reached their dropping point, the impact was so loud, it can hear from all over the land even in the air as well. The Orcs were halted for what they are doing as they heard a noise behind them, they turn around and were shocked for what they have seen before them.

John and Vincent (still their hoods on) that their eyes were flaming blue, an intense aura overwhelmed their presence that earns the Orcs shiver in fear buying time for the Japanese to escape as the Orcs gazed their eyes on the two humans, who dared to raise their blades against them.

The brothers formed a smile across their face, the Orcs were irritated as they saw a cheeky smile across their face John closed his eyes he put his famous stance called "Sha No Kamae, Japanese Sword stance".

As the Orcs suddenly ran towards them trying to deliver the blow, John unsheathed his katana and they heard a metal piercing the flesh.

When John sheathed his katana, then he opened eyes and saw the green blood splattered around the area, the Orcs were terrifying for what they have seen that their comrades were slain by a mere human with a tiny sword in his hand.

All of a sudden an arrow piercing the Orc's forehead and the others was alarmed about what was happening earlier, thus this battle will spark another war that was forgotten a long time ago. That war was called the "Interspecies War".

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