《Gifted Eyes》Chapter 20: Digging up the Past


As John walked towards the sidewalks as he saw many people having fun with their own lives, he was carrying his travel back to go back for where he came from. As he heard a car driving and suddenly stop beside him and the door open then revealed James e said "I've heard that you are going on the vacation?" he smirked. John laughed and replied in mock tone " Here I thought you have retired, I see that you've become a uber driver eh?". James smiled and said, " Cheeky [email protected]#&%∆£, right come on in". he looked back at the road then John entered the car and they continue on their destination. After one hour, they arrived at their destination he got out of the car and he stops as he heard his best friend says " Удачи брат(Good luck, brother). John smiled and said "Ты тоже, брат. оставаться в безопасности(You too, brother. Stay safe). And that he left, as James saw John's retreating form, he chuckles and whispered "Der Dämon war zurück, um euch alle zu töten(The Demon was back, to kill you all)". He closed the window and left.


As Robert was sitting at his table while drinking his beer on the glass, he heard the door open and saw his oldest brother stand before him. They looked at each other's eyes and Robert said " Frank, you're right on time". The man named Frank Zenith McCain Kennedy in short Frank Zenith the oldest brother of their family. He wore a blue polo with yellow stripes, a black jacket, black pants and shoes, white skin, dark faded hair, he wears blue eyeglasses and a gold watch on his left arm. As he saw his older brother facing him he asked " What is is Robert, how's the plan work?" Robert sighed and replied, " It is a success, however, we have a problem". As Frank heard the report he takes out his jacket and put them on the couch and asked "I see, it is a success. But, what is the problem? We already hid our identity clean as [email protected]#$ yet there is a problem?" Robert chuckled and said, "Have you heard our brother?". Frank froze as he heard the name of his 'little brother'. he asked again " What about him?" Robert got up and replied " What about him? He already knocked our doors brother, he knew already our 'identity' and our 'purpose' before I step in". Frank sighed as he massages his temples and said: " I guess we have to pay the price". Robert added " The worst". He sighed and asked, " Do you still remember the declaration of John's word?" As Frank froze again and he remembers John's words, he looked at his brother with guilt. "We already walked into a thin ice Frank, one wrong move or we're dead", as Frank bow his head down, shaking because of guilt that spread across his souls. Robert drinks again his glass of wine then sighed in frustration and sits on his chair.



As John was riding on the airplane with his earphones on, watching the view of the world with chaos and destruction, however, it was beautiful. As the plane arrived in the Philippines, John saw many people talked to each other about the place they wanted to visit after that, they get off to the plane.

*a few minutes late*

As John arrived at the airport and he called on the taxi then he went in and he saw a driver and the driver asked: " Where to sir?" I replied " Bayview Park Hotel Manila". The driver nodded and drove off.

John's POV

As I was riding in the taxi towards the Bayview Park Manila Hotel and saw many people busying with their own lives, my old life on where I was traveling with my little sister finding shelter away from my so-called 'brothers'. I sighed as I recalled my memories about the past, I cannot help but wonder about how they do such a cruel act towards me and my little sister. I looked at the front and saw Vincent my brother whose waiting in me and thought that I am already here. Vincent ran towards the car and opened the door for me he smiled and said " John it's good to see ya, buddy". he and I shake our hands then we do a brotherly hug, after that. We laughed and I pay the taxi driver and the driver drove off, Vincent asked me "What brings you here brother?" I looked at him and said, "Maybe we should go to your house and talked about it". Vincent nodded and we go to his Ford Figo and left.

Hours passed as we reached my old house. As Vincent parked the car and we both get out of the car I looked at my old house in sadness, as we walking my old home. We entered the broken hallway and proceeded to my old favorite rooms since I was a child, Vincent looks at me in empathy because he knew the pain of losing something so close to you. I looked at him saying that " I know, brother". As we finished looking at the broken rooms we were standing the door on the floor that leads in the basement. I opened up the door and Vincent opened up the flashlight then I opened the flashlight as well. We walked down and saw a dusty room full of books in the bookshelves, a table with a lamp, we saw a sledgehammer that rested on the table. I pick it up and walked towards the front wall and tap it to make a mark on where I can slam it. As Vincent watches me wrecking the wall, he leaned on the table and starting to humming.


Frank and Robert were drinking wine at the dining table with regret and fear as they drinking they're respective wines they saw each other's back that John was standing behind them in hatred and anger filled inside their youngest brother's eyes. As they can feel their souls were touched by a devil itself, while they were eating Robert and Vincent suddenly starting to sing


And I fly

Further away

Than I've ever been before

It's safe to say

This sky

Is lonely and grey

But every night I feel your gravity waves

And the world is cold

But it's beautiful

I wish you were here now

I miss your soul

But you lost your light

When the darkness called

But I stand here waiting

As Vincent was watching John breaking the wall using his sledgehammer in full force, as he was watching John's back and suddenly his vision turned into a white background with John standing before him and he saw John's families both biological and adoptive. They suddenly fall into the floor and their blood starting to spread, he saw a dark clouds that stand behind spreading around John as the dark hands reaching him that spreads across his body then dragged into the darkness, without a light, his soul cannot come back as he used to be and no hope come to rescue his eternal darkness.

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

And I fly

Above the enslaved

My soul is burning

Like an earth reclaimed

And I try

A final crusade

This world is changing

But I'm still the same

Robert and Frank remember their past deeds, killing their parents and John's adoptive parents trying to save their wives in the hands of the demons and they were trying to protect John in the harm's way. They recalled the memories when the demons don't exist, the smiles, the laugh, the best and worst memories that happen in their life suddenly gone and they saw John in the blood that scattered throughout his body and he was holding a sword that was bathed in blood, they felt a huge spank or a big rock that crushed into their souls.

And will you be bold

Will you lose control?

I could never desert you

I could never let go

If you fall in line

And the zenith calls

I'm standing waiting

As Frank and Robert recalled their memories as their lovers were trapped by their 'enemy' that was lived in captivity on the other side of the world/De Stenen Wereld. And John remembers his past memories with his mentor training him to get stronger and yet, he was now so close to reaching the goal that he was longing for.

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

It's your magnetic hold

A gravity pull

I can feel you in waves

When your melody comes

It falls from above

I will not be afraid

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

The last to fall

When Robert and Vincent ended their song they closed their eyes and go back to their respective doings. As Vincent opened his eyes and saw John with a big crack wall before him as John dragged a big black case with debris, he blow the debris away and he opened the case. He saw a case full of books, papers, scrolls, and also their favorite gun. John's favorite pistol was PP9 w/ Suppression that Eron Arisato used before the 'Great War' started and after that, he created a copy to keep the original from him and the copy one gave it to John as a reminder of their friendship. On the other hand, Vincent's favorite pistol was a Berreta M9 and he saw an old scratch that he used in the 'Great War'. As they saw each other and nodded they packed up and John called a friend of his to get his private plane to go back home with Vincent.


As Robert opened his eyes and saw Frank putting the guns and place them in the living room as he saw his oldest brother ready to go for 'war' with their little brother he got up from the chair and help him to prepare for everything they need.

*Meanwhile at John's house*

After a few weeks ago since John departed to go back to digging the past with his brother but blood, Vincent was now back and sitting before their friends whose ready to tell a tale about the 'Great War'. As they saw their friends: James, Sora, Borya, Thomas, Bea, Jester, Peter, Gabriel, Richard, Hank, and Kelly. Whose sitting around in every corner of the room as Vincent and John were going to begin their story. As John sighed and Vincent put his left hand on John's right shoulder to support him to tell a story about their past lives. He inhaled and said " Okay guys, I know you are curious about me and Vincent and also the people who are strangers to you, I and Vincent are a long time brothers before the 'Great War'. and we've met a person who we consider a brother to us, he was lived in De Stenen Wereld and he was living an ancient and most powerful and the strongest clan that we ever experienced his clansmen called him Xander it means "Protector of Men" he protected his clansmen in all odds and even throw his life for them and the two of us? we called him

Eron the "Protector". The Arisato Clan's Guardian".

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