《Gifted Eyes》Chapter 15: Warning


As the battle ended, John's plan was victorious they suffered about half of their forces combining the strength of Borya's 1st battalion and 19th Battalion. while they were cleaning the battlefield and Chul-Moo was now in-charge. So John, Sora, Borya, the 19th, and Borya's regiment were on the helicopter ready to leave. As they were riding the helicopter John spectacle the landscape of the world he notices a dark fog that erupted on the north side of their position he took out his binocular from his bag and taking a look for what is going on. As he observed the landscape and the window suddenly pop out in front of him, It says:

Hello John,

If you reading this, there is an enemy that invades the city of Orlando by the devil named Ronwe, he led about 15 legions but someone halted their advancement. The man named Frank Lloyd and his 20th Army were dealing with high casualties he needs some assistance, while the 10th and 90th Armies were on their way to assist Frank's line.


19K Exp.

2 yellow gems

5 Crystal

12,000 coins

After that, the window faded away from John's sight.

As they were riding the helicopter John looked Sora and shouted "SORA!!!! When Sora heard John he got up and stand beside him. John continued " Sora we got a problem," Sora asked why while looking at his watch. "Sora, the City of Orlando was now a battlefield," said John, while he was watching the terrain and the dark cloud was moving towards them yet, he didn't say a word about the dark clouds. "What do you want, this time?" he thought. Sora widened his eyes and asked "Really John? Is the City of Orlando was under attack? John looked at Sora and replied on stern look" Yes you precisely right". Sora gasped and get his radio then said " ALL MEN ON BOARD WE HAVE A BAD NEWS!!!!! the whole men especially the pilot who drives the helicopters. He continues " THE CITY OF ORLAND WAS NOW UNDER ATTACK BY UNKNOWN FOE WE DON'T KNOW WHO IS THE CULPRIT THAT SUDDENLY INVADE OUR WORLD!!!!! The men were so shocked at the grave news. they didn't know what to do, the timing was perfect on Sora to boost their morale by his famous speech " ALRIGHT, LISTEN UP!!!! The men were listening. " WE WILL GO AND RUSH TO THE CITY OF JACKSONVILLE TO SET UP A DEFENSE LINE AND QUICKLY STOP THE ENEMY INVASION ONCE AND FOR ALL!!!! When the men heard the broadcast they shouted and their morale was boosted thanks for Sora's Speech. Borya already informs his report and the news from the Russian Government and Military, John looked at his men and saw his second in command of the 19th Regiment he leaned his head close to his second's ear and whispered " Cpl. Jeff, I need you to inform Lt. Raven about the invasion of Florida and also inform Clement to gather his men (15th Infantry Division) to set a defensive perimeter around Lake City". The man named Jeff nodded and get his radio to execute the plan.


As the wind goes stronger and the heavy breeze touched John's skin, he noticed that and whispered " So, it is time eh?" as the cloud move towards in front of the helicopter where John was riding. The people were panicking expect John whose observing the movement, they were too late, soon they consume by the dark clouds. While they were inside the dark cloud they were holding on everything they can touch because of the sight was now useless on this situation, they didn't know what will happen to them. While the foggy figure and John staring at each other and the figure looked behind John then nodded, John notices for what he was saying and smiles. While the men were holding on, the smoke was cleared and they can see it clearly. Sora coughed as the cloud vanished he looked around on what is happening, any casualties? missing? he didn't know. As he observes his surrounding he ordered his men to count, The last time he checks about 2,400 men especially him, Borya and John. He looked around one more time but John wasn't here, he checks every corner of the helicopters even the pilot's room. He checked everything and no sight of John after that, he saw a simple note on the wall where John standing minutes ago. He takes off his helmet and goes on where John 's spot, he took the note and read.


I am sorry that I will leave this under your care I know that you need to go from your hometown because the Emperor was now killed right? May I request my dear friend. After you reached the base I need you to inform James Lee Washington to gather and train the 10th, 11th, 6th and lastly the 2nd Infantry Regiment because the winds of war have finally drawn near. I know that you notice that, Please my dear friend the 'threat' was on Japan your homeland gathered your people and also your men to prepare the unknown invasion. My dear friend, it is time to revive the 'past' where your people lived and fought in your 'ancient days' that your ancestors bled and die for the sake of your future lives. I must leave now, Good day and see you in Japan.


Your friend,

John McCain Kennedy

After he read, he placed the note on his pocket while holstering his katana and swung horizontally and looked at the skies, he whispered " John the Intelligence eh? you surely know everything when or how it will happen. it suits you well John the Intelligence, that title will be spread across to generations to generations stay safe my friend." After that, he walks to the pilot's room he opened the door then comes in while sheathed his sword on his back and shuts the door.

*Meanwhile into the unknown place*

the world was light there are no objects or shadows only John and he was floating, as he opens his eyes and gawked left to right, up to the ground. He didn't know what to do after he observed his surroundings the misty figure emerged in front of John, as the figure emerging John looked at his hand that was gleaming gold then saw an amount of energy that suffices the area. The pain quickly react to John's head he clutched and gritting his teeth to bear the pain, he put his hands on his head trying to massage it but it didn't work the pain suddenly hurt, even more, he screamed as the pain overwhelmed on his head while the energy enters John's body. After the figure emerged he saw John whose clutching and easing his pain he rose his hand and the energy that enters John. he snaps his hand and the pain soon stops then John opened his eyes to see that the pain was gone, the echoed voice said " John McCain Kennedy, Son of Jade Lopez Kennedy I am pleased to meet you young one". John looked up and saw the misty figure that was talking to him he got up and replied: " I take it you took me while I was riding on the helicopter towards to my world and brought me here is that correct?" The figure chuckled in echoing the tone and answered: " Yes it is, young one for that I am here to deliver you a warning and also to know what 'threats' that you and your homeworld may counter in the darkest days". John shocked after he heard the news, that his world was now in great danger by the 'unknown threats' he gazed and the figure asked: " I saw that you left the note eh?" John widened his eyes and nodded.


After the smoke enters the helicopter and covered the people's sight expect to John whose standing between him and the figure who surrounds him in dark clouds the figure points his figure behind John but, he noticed and nodded. John took the note and write then placed on the wall behind him after that, he looked at the figure and whispered: " Let's do it then?" The figure carried John outside the helicopter.


John remembered that he placed the note behind him while he was riding the helicopter, the figure asked in an echoed tone " John McCain, Kennedy the apprentice of Howard the Wise do you wish to know the warnings?"

Jonh smiled and replied

"Okay, What do you want?"

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